Sleep On Obama’s Pacified Mighty America – His National Security Team will Hold Together because “Sleeper” Cells in America will not be Stirred Up until Obama Leaves Office!

June 7th, 2014

Sleep On Mighty America as “Sleepers” penetrate Obama National Security System.

Terrorist Cells “Sleepers” are now organizing in The Non-Majority Muslim Nations

Cells will remain “Sleepers” as Islamists unite to take over the Old World countries

But after Lame Duck Obama leaves officethey’ll begin terror acts in Non-Islam Nations.

We will not put American Boots on the Ground to Stop Islamic Old World Conquest.

The Antichrist Caliph Shall Build A Caliphate Larger Than The huge Umayyad Caliphate.

The Great Umayyad Caliphate WAS Larger Than European OR Middle East Empires!

June 7, 2014

Begin Excerpt from DEBKAfile

Thousands of al Qaeda terrorists are on the loose in US and Europe – under the radar of Western intelligence

DEBKAfile Daily Weekly

June 3, 2014, 9:21 PM (IDT)

When French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said, ”We’ve never faced a challenge on this scale,” he was referring to around 11,000 Islamist terrorists on a constant commute between the Middle East, North America and Europe primed for lethal action. Never has the West seen the likes of a terrorist army on this scale – even when Osama bin Laden was recruiting – as the coming DEBKA Weekly, out on Friday, shows with facts and figures. And never has Western intelligence had less control of a peripatetic mass of homegrown malefactors.

Begin Excerpt from Wikipedia on the Umayyad Caliphate

The Umayyad Caliphate was the second of the four major Islamic caliphates established after the death of Muhammad. The caliphate was centered on the Umayyad dynasty hailing from Mecca. The Umayyad family had first come to power under the third Caliph, Uthman ibn Affan (r. 644–656), but the Umayyad regime was founded by Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan, long-time governor of Syria, after the end of the First Muslim Civil War in 661 CE/41 AH. Syria remained the Umayyads’ main power base thereafter, and Damascus was their capital. The Umayyads continued the Muslim conquests, incorporating the Caucasus, Transoxiana, Sindh, the Maghreb and the Iberian Peninsula (Al-Andalus) into the Muslim world. At its greatest extent, the Umayyad Caliphate covered 5.17 million square miles (13,400,000 km2), making it the largest empire the world had yet seen, and the fifth largest ever to exist.

At the time, the Umayyad taxation and administrative practice were perceived as unjust by some Muslims. While the non-Muslim population had autonomy, their judicial matters were dealt with in accordance with their own laws and by their own religious heads or their appointees. They paid a poll tax for policing to the central state.[ Muhammad had stated explicitly during his lifetime that each religious minority should be allowed to practice its own religion and govern itself, and the policy had on the whole continued The welfare state for both the Muslim and the non-Muslim poor started by Omar had also continued. Muawiya’s wife Maysum (Yazid’s mother) was also a Christian. The relations between the Muslims and the Christians in the state were good. The Umayyads were involved in frequent battles with the Christian Byzantines without being concerned with protecting their rear in Syria, which had remained largely Christian like many other parts of the empire. Prominent positions were held by Christians, some of whom belonged to families that had served in Byzantine governments. The employment of Christians was part of a broader policy of religious tolerance that was necessitated by the presence of large Christian populations in the conquered provinces, especially in Syria. This policy also boosted his popularity and solidified Syria as his power base.

The rivalries between the Arab tribes had caused unrest in the provinces outside Syria, most notably in the Second Muslim Civil War of 680–692 CE and the Berber Revolt of 740–743 CE. During the Second Civil War, leadership of the Umayyad clan shifted from the Sufyanid branch of the family to the Marwanid branch. As the constant campaigning exhausted the resources and manpower of the state, the Umayyads, weakened by the Third Muslim Civil War of 744–747 CE, were finally toppled by the Abbasid Revolution in 750 CE/132 AH. A branch of the family fled across North Africa to Al-Andalus, where they established the Caliphate of Córdoba, which lasted until 1031 before falling due to the Fitna of al-Ándalus.

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A Cry for a Spiritual Leader to Unite Islamists will be Answered by the Future Arrival of the False Prophet!

June 6th, 2014

A Cry For A Spiritual Leader To Unite Muslims!
The Cry will be answered by the False Prophet
Islam will Accept Him as Jesus the Son of Mary
But Christians will see him as the False Prophet
He will fulfill a prophecy of Revelation 13:11-18

June 6, 2014

An Exposition of Revelation 13:11-18

Revelation 13:11 – And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

He is symbolized a lamb in Revelation, as was Jesus in whom all the fullness of the Godhead dwelt bodily, and the Words of God flowed out of him. But the Antichrist has the fullness of Satan the Dragon in him, and speaks out of his physical body as Satan. He is the Islamic version of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Virgin Mary, a counterfeit Jesus who 1.5 billion Muslims will accept in the wink of an eye, and many Catholics will not be too far behind them.

Verses 12-18 will be continued after the following Excerpt from Wikipedia

Begin Excerpt from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jesus in Islam (Īsā) is a messenger of God who had been sent to guide the Children of Israel (banī isrā’īl) with a new scripture, the Injīl (gospel). The Qur’an, believed by Muslims to be God’s final revelation, states that Jesus was born to Mary (Maryam) as the result of virginal conception, a miraculous event which occurred by the decree of God (Allah). To aid him in his quest, Jesus was given the ability to perform miracles, all by the permission of God. According to Islamic texts, Jesus was neither killed nor crucified, but rather he was raised alive up to heaven.
Islamic traditions narrate that he will return to earth near the day of judgment to restore justice and defeat al-Masih ad-Dajjāl (lit. “the false messiah”, also known as the Antichrist). Like all prophets in Islam, Jesus is considered to have been a Muslim, as he preached for people to adopt the straight path in submission to God’s will. Islam rejects that Jesus was God incarnate or the son of God, stating that he was an ordinary man who, like other prophets, had been divinely chosen to spread God’s message. Islamic texts forbid the association of partners with God (shirk), emphasizing the notion of God’s divine oneness (tawhīd). Numerous titles are given to Jesus in the Qur’an, such as al-Masih (“the messiah; the anointed one” i.e. by means of blessings), although it does not correspond with the meaning accrued in Christian belief. Jesus is seen in Islam as a precursor to Muhammad, and is believed by Muslims to have foretold the latter’s coming.
Muslims believe that Jesus will return at a time close to the end of the world.
According to Islamic tradition, Jesus’ descent will be in the midst of wars fought by the Mahdi (lit. “the rightly guided one”), who is known in Islamic eschatology as redeemer or Messiah of Islam. Mahdi will fight against the Antichrist (al-Masīh ad-Dajjāl, “false messiah”) his followers and, during this war, the Islamic Jesus shall descend at the point of a white arcade in Damascus, dressed in yellow robes – his head anointed. He will then join the Mahdi in his war against the Dajjal. Jesus, considered in Islam as a Muslim, will abide by Islamic teachings.
Eventually, Jesus will slay the Dajjal, and then everyone from the people of the book (ahl al-kitāb, referring to Jews and Christians) will believe in him. Thus, there will be one community, that of Islam.
After death of the Mahdi, Jesus will assume leadership. It’s a time associated in Islamic narrative with universal peace and justice. Islamic texts also allude to the appearance of Ya’juj and Ma’juj (known also as Gog and Magog), ancient tribes which will disperse and cause destruction on earth. God, in response to Jesus’ prayers, will kill them by sending a type of worm in the napes of their necks. Jesus’ rule is said to be around forty years, after which he will die. Muslims will then perform the funeral prayer for him and then bury him in the city of Medina in a grave left vacant beside Muhammad, Abu Bakr, and Umar (companions of Muhammad and the first and second Muslim caliphs respectively).
Jesus is described by various means in the Qur’an. The most common reference to Jesus occurs in the form of “Ibn Maryam” (son of Mary), sometimes preceded with another title. Jesus is also recognised as a prophet (nabī) and messenger (rasūl) of God. The terms wadjih (“worthy of esteem in this world and the next”), mubārak (“blessed”, or “a source of benefit for others”), `abd-Allāh (servant of God) are all used in the Qur’an in reference to Jesus.
Another title frequently mentioned is al-Masih, which translates to “the Messiah.” This does not correspond to the Christian concept of Messiah, as Islam regards all prophets, including Jesus, to be mortal and without any share in divinity. Muslim exegetes explain the use of the word masīh in the Qur’an as referring to Jesus’ status as the one anointed by means of blessings and honors; or as the one who helped cure the sick, by anointing the eyes of the blind, for example. Qur’anic verses also employ the term “kalimatullah” (meaning the “word of God”) as a descriptor of Jesus, which is interpreted as a reference to the creating word of God, uttered at the moment of Jesus’ conception; or as recognition of Jesus’ status as a messenger of God, speaking on God’s behalf.
Islamic texts regard Jesus as a righteous messenger of God, and reject him as being God or the begotten Son of God. This belief, according to Islam, is tantamount to shirk, or the association of partners with God; and thereby a rejection of God’s divine oneness (tawhid). The Christian doctrine of the Trinity is similarly rejected in Islam. Such notions of the divinity of Jesus, Muslims state, resulted from human interpolations of God’s revelation. Islam views Jesus as an ordinary human being who preached that salvation came through submission to God’s will and worshiping God alone. Thus, Jesus is considered in Islam to have been a Muslim, as with all prophets in Islam.
Muslims believe that Jesus was a precursor to Muhammad, and that he announced the latter’s coming. They base this on a verse of the Qur’an wherein Jesus speaks of a messenger to appear after him named Ahmad. Islam associates Ahmad with Muhammad, both words deriving from a root which refers to praiseworthiness. Muslims also assert that evidence of Jesus’ pronouncement is present in the New Testament, citing the mention of the Paraclete whose coming is foretold in the Gospel of John. Muslim commentators claim that the original Greek word used was periklutos, meaning famed, illustrious, or praiseworthy – rendered in Arabic as Ahmad; and that this was substituted by Christians with parakletos.

End Excerpt from Wikipedia

Continue Exposition of Revelation 13:11-18

Revelation 13:12-18 – And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. [13] And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, [14] And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. [15] And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. [16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

If he has all those killed in his kingdom who will not worship the beast, it will cause all who remain in his dominion, if they want to buy or sell to do one of three things: (1) exhibit his mark, (2) be named as one of his, or (3) be numbered as one who follows him.

Food shortages in his vast African, Middle East, and Southeast Caliphate Kingdom will be in full sway by the arrival of the mark of the beast on the scene following the seals and trumpets.

Revelation 6:6-8 –And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. [7] And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. [8] And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them OVER THE FOURTH PART OF THE EARTH, TO KILL with SWORD, and with HUNGER, and with DEATH, and with the BEASTS OF THE EARTH.

Revelation 9:14-19 – Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. [15] And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men[16]And the number of the army of the horsemen was two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them. [17] And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone. [18] By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths. [19] For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt.

Begin Excerpt from MEMRI
Middle East Media Research Institute
June 3, 2014
Special Dispatch No. 5757
Jordanian Columnist: Muslims Need A Spiritual Leader Like The Pope To Unite Them
C. Jacobs, MEMRI Research Fellow

In an article he published on the occasion of Pope Fracis’s visit to Jordan on May 24-25, 2014, and in light of the respect commanded by the Pope across the Christian world, Jordanian columnist Hussein Al-Ruwashdeh wondered why the Muslims did not have a similar spiritual source of authority, and why they did not have influential and accepted figures worthy of emulation, capable of raising Muslim prestige worldwide. Below are translated excerpts from the article

“Do the Muslims have a leadership that represents them, or a source of authority that speaks on their behalf? This question is not new, and all the calls ever made for rapprochement or unity among Muslims have sought a practical and clear answer to this question. Although the Muslims, as opposed to others, agree on one [holy] book and one Prophet, and agree on [their religious] principles – though they disagree on a few clauses and details – this does not help them create a source of authority that will gain world recognition and respect, influence [global] events, and charge [the world to recognize] the rights of its followers.

“True, we have religious jurisprudents and scholars, councils [of senior clerics] and religious institutions, but the term ‘source of authority,’ be it an institution or a religious leadership… means agreeing on a source of spiritual authority that transcends schools, methods and ideological approaches. [It must be a source of authority that] religious scholars, intellectuals and statesmen can take part in, and that will rise above disagreements and political disputes and devote itself to uniting the Muslims, stimulating them and defending their interests, without expropriating their freedoms or imposing its religious ruling upon them, and without becoming a theocracy, as happened with others.[2] The first mission [of this source of authority] will be to spread a culture of unity. It will address the most important issues [on the agenda], and its goal will be to formulate a unified concept and place the [Muslim] nation on an equal footing in its relations with others.

“Can I say that Muslims require a pope or a spiritual leader who enjoys honor and respect across the globe? Can I wonder about the absence of a contemporary Islamic role-model? Two things impel me to [say] this: first, the warm welcome extended to the Pope by most Christians, by the West in general, and by the entire world. The Pope has a magic power that no other figure possesses, and although the church has been marginalized for over 200 years, the man still wields power, at least moral [power]. His opinion is heard and his statements in defense of the Christian community and its religion are respected – something that Muslims cannot claim.

“The second thing [that impels me to speak out] is the bitterness I feel when I see that the Muslims have become orphans… and when I read of Mother Theresa, [Mahatma] Gandhi, [Nelson] Mandela and other contemporary figures, and recall that we [once] had so many figures who represented Islam’s humane, just, strong and tolerant nature, but today they seem to be absent. I feel bitter in the knowledge that Islam is immensely humane, to the point that the Koranic discourse juxtaposes the concept of man and the concept of Allah, perceiving man as [Allah’s] deputy and the bearer of His trust who is in charge of building His world, based on the perception that everything in the universe must labor [in man’s] service.

“The two things are interrelated, for a nation incapable of creating humane discourse, defending its global presence and spreading its revival and culture will surely fail to set up a source of authority to unite it, a leadership to speak in its name and an idea that will distinguish it from others and strongly motivate it to join the world and claim its rightful status in it…

“Please do not interpret my words as a call for Islamic ‘papacy.’ No one in Islam has the right to claim sanctity or [claim to be] Allah’s representative. But seeing the honor and global solidarity that the Catholic Pope enjoys wherever he goes, as expressed in all the media, leads me to speculate bitterly on the absence of such a religious human role-model in our world, which has over 1.5 billion Muslims…

“It is unfortunate that we Muslims, of all schools, agree on the need for a ‘Messiah’ or redeemer to open the gate to the next world, but do not attach importance to agreeing on such a Messiah here and now and summoning him to rebuild this world, which is saturated with destruction and dishonor that cause us suffering. Why do we not hasten to set up [such a figure], if one is needed, while others – despite all the disputes and disagreements among them – face the world with the help of such a moral authority, [i.e. the Pope,] whose state [i.e., the Vatican] is smaller than a single neighborhood in one of our small cities?…

“The Muslims are in dire need of an esteemed moral leadership… at a time when others scrutinize every possible word [the Muslims say, looking for an excuse] to include them on the terror list, and while the only thing left for the Islamic world to do is call for tolerance and justice, and persuade others that we are equal and that our religion is not based on the sword and does not believe in violence and blood.”

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The Sword of Islam and Its Laws Hang Over All Europe!

June 5th, 2014

The Sword of Islam & its Laws Hang over All Europe

Europe is Blind As a Bat to Eventual Islamic Conquest

10 Islamic Horns of Daniel will begin final Mid-East War

But all Old World Nations will supply Armageddon Troops

Israel, Led by Jesus at His 2nd Advent, Will Defeat Them!

June 5, 2014


Zechariah 13:7,8 – Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the Lord of hosts: smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered: and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones. [8] And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein.

Revelation12:6 – And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.


Daniel 7:24,25 – And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. [25] And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.


Revelation 11:15,18 – And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. [18] And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.


Revelation 16:16-21 – And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. [17] And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. [18] And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. [19] And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. [20] And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. [21] And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.

Begin Excerpt from YNet News

Europe living in denial
Despite warning signs about Islamist invasion on one hand and radical rightist reaction on other, European establishment still refuses to accept reality.

Shaul Rosenfeld

June 4, 2014

“Multiculturalism has utterly failed,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel ruled in October 2010. It was just a year and a half after David Cameron harshly criticized the liberal immigration policy of then-British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, stating: “We let in some crazies, and didn’t wake up soon enough.”

But a brief moment after concluding her remarks about multiculturalism, Merkel went to the trouble of softening the message and paying the required lip service, explaining that “Islam has become part of Germany.” Cameron was forced to go on the defensive and express remorse when his comments were published almost two years after they were made

The other critical voices in the continent against the ongoing immigration were hushed and deemed inciting, racist and as having a far right touch. In the European “open sky” policy, there appeared to be no multiple signs that the continent was coming to its senses and putting an end to the absorption of immigrants.

So when the official Europe and the European establishment is still insisting on not waking up from its dogmatic sleep, and when the wake-up call Cameron so hoped for is failing to arrive, it’s only natural for it to wake up several years later, frantic over the results of the European Parliament elections, in which the far right and neo-Nazis made unprecedented gains, and even clarified that taking over the government in key countries will become a feasible mission if Europe sticks to its policy.

Journalists in Europe, who did everything in their power in the past decade to conceal the failed integration of the “new immigrants” from Islamic countries, the soaring crime rates, the violence, the imams’ inciting words, the oppression of women and the acts of rape in immigration centers in the continent’s cities, and who made sure to lash out at anyone who dared question that immigration – are now shocked at the election results and running huge, hysterical headlines such as “Earthquake,” “Catastrophe,” “Europe is going back several decades” and “The continent is returning to the dark ages.”

Intellectuals in the continent, who in the past few years inflamed the media denial of the Islamic immigration problem and blasted anyone who spoke ill of its “blessed” contribution, have been riled up since the elections.

Academics and cultural figures – who haven’t ceased to joyfully lament the sinking nationalism in the continent in recent years – are now forced to view the lively and kicking nationalism on Europe’s streets like in eastern Ukraine.

Politicians from the continent’s central stream, who buried their heads in the sand and turned it into a profession and turned political correctness into a binding decree, are staring yearningly at figures like Udo Voigt from the German National Democratic Party (NPD), which claims that “Europe is a continent for white people,” take their seat at the European Parliament.

Citizens refusing to swallow liberal pill

This is the mess that the continent’s leaders, its superficial journalists and other honorable people created for the continent’s subjects. A mess which more and more Europeans can no longer deal with, realizing that when the sword of Islam hangs over their continent’s ancient cultural and demographic identity, voting for far right elements, and even for neo-Nazis, is not an indecent option.

This is also the “immigrants’ stew” which local rights organizations and leftist groups have tried and are still trying to spoil here too – whether by objecting to the erection of a fence on the border with Sinai and torpedoing the effective “hot return” of infiltrators to Sinai, or by their stubborn attempt to prevent their removal from Israel through propaganda, financial aid and appeals to the High Court of Justice and foreign elements.

It should be noted that not every Muslim in the continent properly observes the commands of the Islam, Sharia and jihad, but when the options they face are either Europe and its culture or Muhammad’s religion and its derivatives – the majority of the sons of Islam favor the values of their family home over those of the new European home.

This was understood by an increasing number of Europeans who made their way to the voting stations last week, with the pictures of the Madrid attacks and the murder of Theo van Gogh in Amsterdam in 2004 still fresh in their minds, as well as the London attacks in 2005, the riots in response to the publication of the Muhammad cartoons in Denmark that year (which led to the killing of more than 1,000 people around the world) and the slaughter of a British soldier in the middle of London by Michael Adebolajo and his friend in 2013.

And yet, despite the variety of warning signs piling up in the continent, about the invasion of Islamists on the one hand and the radical rightist to neo-Nazi reaction on the other, it seems that the European establishment, with its academic, media and cultural extensions, has yet to internalize the trouble and continues to click its tongue, refuse to accept responsibility and deny reality and the approaching calamity.
For some reason, a growing number of Europe’s veteran citizens are refusing to swallow this liberal pill, to its producers’ great sorrow.

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A Tiny Beginning of Uniting Sects of the Islamist Jihad has Arrived!

June 4th, 2014

A Tiny Beginning of Uniting Sects of the Islamist Jihad for War is Here

Islam has Finally Learned it will take 10 United Horns to defeat Israelis

June 4, 2014

Iyad Madani is not the Antichrist or the False Prophet of Revelation, but his actions for uniting the sects of Islam is a tiny beginning in a process that will eventually produce the appearance of Antichrist in Greater Syria.

The above Heading will be continued after May 20, 2011 Blog 3


May 20, 2011

God’s prophecies He has fulfilled in the past are assurance to each new generation He will perform those yet to be fulfilled.

Isaiah 41:18-23 – I will open rivers in high places, and fountains in the midst of the valleys: I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water. [19] I will plant in the wilderness the cedar, the shittah tree, and the myrtle, and the oil tree; I will set in the desert the fir tree, and the pine, and the box tree together: [20] That they may see, and know, and consider, and understand together, that the hand of the Lord hath done this, and the Holy One of Israel hath created it. [21] Produce your cause, saith the Lord; bring forth your strong reasons, saith the King of Jacob. [22] Let them bring them forth, and shew us what shall happen: let them shew the former things, what they be, that we may consider them, and know the latter end of them; or declare us things for to come. [23] Shew the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods: yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be dismayed, and behold it together.


DANIEL 11:35 – And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.

Verse 35 says the time of the end is yet for a time appointed, and verse 36 begins to describe the principle figure who will institute it, the last king of the north who we identify as the Antichrist, NOT Antiochus Epiphanes

Daniel’s Prophecies of the Persian kings, Alexander, his four generals who split his kingdom into four divisions, the times of the kings of the north and south through the end of the reign of king of the north Antiochus Epiphanes, and the Maccabees, were fulfilled to the letter, as will the last king of Chapter 11, who is still future, and is Antichrist ruling over the same general area as the Persian Kings and Alexander.


DANIEL 11:36 – And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.


DANIEL 11:37 – Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

The God of the early patriarchal descendants of Ishmael never heard of Allah until Muhammad showed up.

The antichrist will be a descendent of Abraham, but he will have no regard for the God of Abraham through Jacob, the man Israel. He will rise out of the Islamic faith through Ishmael, but in the end will claim to be the god of gods, perhaps even Allah incarnate, thereby magnifying himself above all gods, since Islam considers him the only supreme God.

The phrase I wish primarily to address is “nor the DESIRE of women.” The word DESIRE is “chemdah,” which simply means “delight.” It’s Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance Number is 2532, and though it has several derivatives, I could only find four where the exact 2532 variation was used for forms of DESIRE. They are as follows, and do NOT seem to indicate a preference for being associated with homosexual desire.

DANIEL 11:37 – Neither shall he REGARD the God of his fathers, nor the DESIRE (2532) of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

Haggai 2:6,7 – For thus saith the Lord of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; [7] And I will shake all nations, and the DESIRE (2532) of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the Lord of hosts.

Many equate the object of the DESIRE expressed in the verse to be the desired Messiah, but there are other interpretations of verse seven. However, none of the interpretations associated with it indicated A DESIRE manifesting fleshly lust, but rather a quite acceptable desire. They all indicate a REGARD for the DESIRE of nations that shall come.

I Samuel 9:17-20 – And when Samuel saw Saul, the Lord said unto him, Behold the man whom I spake to thee of! this same shall reign over my people. [18] Then Saul drew near to Samuel in the gate, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, where the seer’s house is. [19] And Samuel answered Saul, and said, I am the seer: go up before me unto the high place; for ye shall eat with me to day, and to morrow I will let thee go, and will tell thee all that is in thine heart. [20] And as for thine asses that were lost three days ago, set not thy mind on them; for they are found. And on whom is all the DESIRE (2532) of Israel? Is it not on thee, and on all thy father’s house?

This DESIRE would certainly not be an undesirable type of fleshly lust, but rather a good one. It implies that the REGARD of Israel was placed on Saul.

II Chronicles 21:5,20 – Jehoram was thirty and two years old when he began to reign, and he reigned eight years in Jerusalem. [20] Thirty and two years old was he when he began to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem eight years, and departed without being DESIRED. Howbeit they buried him in the city of David, but not in the sepulchres of the kings.

Here, the word DESIRED is used in an unfavorable sense, in that the king fell short of having the people’s REGARD.

In Haggai 2:6 & 7, I Samuel 9:17-20, and II Chronicles 21:5 & 20, the connotation of the word DESIRE implies REGARD, either used in a positive or negative sense.

DANIEL 11:37 – Neither shall he REGARD the God of his fathers, nor the DESIRE of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

I believe the DESIRE referred to in this verse is used in the negative sense, meaning the antichrist will have NO REGARD for the DESIRE of women, which is certainly the case for Islamic fundamentalism. He will have no REGARD for what women DESIRE, only what males DESIRE. Islamic women are at times treated as mere producers of children, kept in male bondage with very few human rights. I believe the antichrist will be the ultimate male chauvinist, and will consider women as one click above livestock. He is the Assyrian of Micah 5:5 who will be defeated by THIS MAN referring back to Micah 5:4, who is the same HE in Micah 5:6 that will deliver Israel from him at Armageddon.

Micah 5:4-6 – And HE shall stand and feed in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God; and they shall abide: for now shall HE be great unto the ends of the earth. [5] And THIS MAN shall be the peace, when the Assyrian shall come into our land: and when he shall tread in our palaces, then shall we raise against him seven shepherds, and eight principal men. [6] And they shall waste the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod in the entrances thereof: thus shall HE deliver us from the Assyrian, when he cometh into our land, and when he treadeth within our borders. (See Archive Prophecy Updates 66 and 67)

During the Protestant Reformation, due to bitterness against the teachings of the Catholic Church, from whose teachings the Protestants had departed, it was quite common among the various groups to believe and teach that a pope of Rome would be the antichrist. So it was only natural that some among them would use I Timothy 4:3 in conjunction with Daniel 11:37 to link the two Scriptures together, and make the antichrist one who was celibate and, as such, was guilty of issuing the proclamation to his priests “forbidding to marry.” But I do not think the two Scriptures can legitimately be linked to prove this point. The personage of Daniel 9:27 is not “forbidding to marry” – He has no regard for the desire of the women after they are married – He has no understanding of the role of a woman in God’s plan for marriage.

I Timothy 4:3 – Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

DANIEL 11:37 – Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

He will not regard the desires of the God of Abraham, who was the God of his fathers until Mohammed spread the word that the God of Islam was to be Allah.

He will have no regard or understanding of the role of a woman’s rights in the plan of the true God’s desire in his established role of the woman in marriage.

“Nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all” relates back to Daniel 11:36, and certainly fits Antichrist’s description in II Thessalonians 2:4.

I Thessalonians 2:4 – Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.


Continue Current June 4, 2014 Excerpt from YNet News

New Islamic Cooperation leader stresses need for peace between Muslims

Iyad Madani: Muslim world requires, ‘co-existence, mutual understanding; ‘Sectarian religious killing has no victor and if it contiues we will all be losers’.

Associated Press

JIDDAH – The newly appointed head of the world’s largest bloc of Islamic countries says he is seeking greater co-existence between Sunni and Shiite Muslims at a time when multiple conflicts have inflamed sectarian hatreds as his organization grapples with the challenge of presenting a unified Muslim voice.

In the Arab world, sectarian tensions between the two main branches of Islam have increased the past decade. In Syria, jihadist fighters from around the world are fighting alongside the country’s Sunni majority against President Bashar Assad’s Alawite, Shiite-backed minority. Meanwhile, Sunni-Shiite bloodletting in Iraq shows no sign of abating with hardliners on either side.

In both conflicts, rival regional heavyweights – Sunni-led Saudi Arabia and Shiite-led Iran – support opposing sides.

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The secretary-general of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Iyad Madani, said, “a new (regional) paradigm” is needed, one that “leads to a situation of co-existence, mutual understanding and common interests.”

Madani spoke to The Associated Press in his first interview since officially taking office in January as the head of the organization, which groups 57 member nations from four continents

“Sectarian violence is among the most important challenges the Muslim world faces,” said Madani, who is the first Saudi national to head the organization. He said emphasis on the shared Islamic identity among ordinary Muslims can bring about the new paradigm.

“Sectarian religious killing has no victor and if it continues we will all be losers,” he said, speaking at the OIC’s headquarters in Saudi Arabia.

Madani said the organization works with religious scholars, governments and international organizations to counter sectarian ideologies and work against extremist organizations.

The organization is also concerned with the protection of Muslim minorities around the world. The OIC sent high-level delegations to Myanmar, where ultra-nationalist movements led by Buddhist monks have forced more than 140,000 Muslim Rohingya from their homes. They have also sent OIC-led teams to the Central African Republic, where Christian militias have displaced entire Muslim towns and villages.

Among the OIC’s key tasks, the 68-year-old Madani said, is supporting the Palestinians and the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex in Jerusalem, which is considered Islam’s third holiest site.

“We encourage all Muslims from all over the world to go to East Jerusalem and pray in Al-Aqsa and confirm that this mosque is a part of their faith,” said Madani, who was recently in the West Bank holding meetings with Palestinian officials.

The idea for the creation of the international Islamic organization, which seeks to represent the worldwide Muslim community, came after a 1969 arson attack that severely destroyed part of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Madani criticized Israeli policies that he said are erasing East Jerusalem’s Palestinian and multi-religious identity. Israel captured East Jerusalem in the 1967 Mideast war – along with the West Bank and Gaza Strip – and annexed the sector as part of its capital, though its annexation has generally not been recognized internationally. The Palestinians claim East Jerusalem as the capital of a future state.

Madani called Israel’s occupation of East Jerusalem an “ugly form of apartheid” – an accusation Israel rejects. He said countries like the US have an important role to play in brokering peace, but cautioned about the influence in Washington of active pro-Israeli lobbying groups.

Muslims believe that the Prophet Muhammad made a miraculous ascension to heaven from the site of the now iconic gold-topped Dome of the Rock in the Al-Aqsa compound. The compound is one of the most sensitive sites in the conflict between Israel and its Arab neighbors. Jews revere the site as the Temple Mount and pray below the mosques at the Western Wall.

Madani’s primary role is to seek consensus among the OIC’s members, whose heads of state hold summit meetings every three years.

“To be part of something bigger than yourself offers… personal satisfaction and the reward of being involved in a higher mission,” he said of the job.

Madani, who began as a journalist in Saudi Arabia, previously served as the kingdom’s information minister and as the minister overseeing the annual hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, which put him into direct contact with Muslims around the world.

Madani was born in Mecca and raised in Islam’s second holiest city of Medina. He graduated from Arizona State University with a degree in production management in 1969, when there were few universities in the kingdom.

He described the US as “a great country” and said he was influenced by the emergence of the New Left, when students and professors protested against the war in Vietnam and pushed for civil rights

“It was an optimistic world. I think we all felt we could genuinely rewrite the script to change the world,” he said.

Begin Excerpt from Wikipedia Iyad bin Amin Madani

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nationally: Saudi Arabian
Political Party: Independent
Born: Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Alma Mater: Arizona State University

Iyad bin Amin Madani (born April 1946) is a Saudi public figure who served in different cabinet posts. He is the secretary general of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. He is the first Saudi official to hold his position.[1]
Early life and education
Madani was born in Mecca in April 1946.[1][2] He holds a bachelor’s degree in production administration, which he obtained from Arizona State University in 1969.[1][3]
Madani began his career as general director in a Saudi Airlines’ administrative office in 1970.[2][3] Then he joined media and he was editor-in-chief of Saudi Gazette until 1999, being the first editor of the daily.[4] At the same time he served as general director of the Okaz Organization for Press and Publication until his resignation in April l993.[2]
He was appointed to the shoura council as a member.[5] He served there until 1999 when he was appointed hajj minister.[5] He was in office as Hajj minister from 1999 to February 2005.[6][7] Next, he was appointed minister of culture and information in February 2005, replacing Fouad bin Abdulsalam Al Farsi, who in turn became Hajj minister.[8] On 1 August 2005, Madani as information minister announced the death of King Fahd on state television.[9] Madani was elected as the head of the Islamic International News Agency (IINA) and the Organization of Islamic Broadcasting in 2007.[10] He was in office until 2009 and was replaced by Abdulaziz Al Khoja in the post.[11] During his tenure, Madani drew criticisms from Saudi clerics due to his tolerance towards the publications that were questioning the strong effects of the religious establishment in Saudi Arabia.[12][13]
Then Madani was appointed chairman of the board of directors of Knowledge Economic City in Madinah on 10 March 2012, replacing Sami Mohsen Baroum.[6][14] He also served as vice president of King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Foundation for housing development.[14]
In November 2012, Saudi Arabia nominated Madani to the post of secretary general of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) at the 39th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC member states in Djibouti.[15] On 2 February 2013, Arab News reported that Madani would replace Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu as secretary-general of the OIC.[16] His appointment was officially announced after the 12th Summit of the OIC in Cairo on 8 February 2013.[4] Madani’s term as secretary general of OIC was effective in January 2014.[17]
Madani was awarded by the Malaysian government the prize, the Darjah Kebesaran Panglima Setia Mahkota (Knight of the Most Distinguished Order of Crown), in March 2009 due to his efforts in reinforcing solidarity of Muslim Ummah and his significant contributions in supporting the Saudi-Malaysian ties.[
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God made Man in the Image He knew He would One Day take upon Himself as a Sinless Man in order to Redeem Those who would Receive His Only Begotten Son as Their Savior – Part 1

June 3rd, 2014

June 3, 2014
Genesis 1:26A – And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
God made Adam in the earth becoming image and blood flowing likeness God knew He would one one day take on Himself to redeem fallen man.
[Let US make man in OUR (earth becoming) image, after OUR (blood flowing) likeness:]
One God has, is, and shall fulfill the three offices of the Godhead, namely the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
The fullness of the Godhead indwelled bodily his only begotten Son in the flesh!
Colossians 2:9,10 – For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. [10] And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:
God’s normal glowing brightness is much greater than the sun he created, but three of his disciples were allowed to see a faint glimpse of it on the Mountain of transfiguration.
Matthew 16:26 to 17:2 – For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? [27] For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works. [28] Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom. [1] And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart, [2] And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light.
I John 3:2 – Beloved, NOW are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; FOR WE SHALL SEE HIM AS HE IS.
John 6:44-47 – No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. [45] It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me. [46] NOT THAT ANY MAN SEEN THE FATHER, save he which is of God, he hath seen the Father. [47] Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.
John 10:27-31 – My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: [28] And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. [29] My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. [30] I and my Father are one. [31] Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.
When God’s Millennial Temple is completed after his 2nd Advent, he will enter it as the One God in the Person of the Shekinah Glory.
Ezekiel 43:1-5 – Afterward he brought me to the gate, even the gate that looketh toward the east: [2] And, behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east: and his voice was like a noise of many waters: and the earth shined with his glory. [3] And it was according to the appearance of the vision which I saw, even according to the vision that I saw when I came to destroy the city: and the visions were like the vision that I saw by the river Chebar; and I fell upon my face. [4] And the glory of the Lord came into the house by the way of the gate whose prospect is toward the east. [5] So the spirit took me up, and brought me into the inner court; and, behold, the glory of the Lord filled the house.
Revelation 22:3-5 – And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: [4] AND THEY SHALL SEE HIS FACE; and his name shall be in their foreheads. [5] And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.