Archive for June, 2024

Will There Be A Storm And Then Calm?

Friday, June 28th, 2024

The forty days following Jesus’ resurrection culminated in His ascension into the presence of the Father.  Prior to His ascension, from Acts 1:1-11, He was asked by some, if not all, of the first called-out assembly a question concerning ‘time’ (6).  While we may not ask the same specific question, we undoubtedly ask similar questions concerning the events of ‘the last days’ with a specific focus on ‘time’. 

In an article from The Jerusalem Post dated June 27, 2024, ( Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Iran is “on the march to conquer the Middle East”

In the article, Netanyahu refers to the seven front war Israel is currently fighting.  With respect to ‘time’ and the numerous prophecies concerning ‘the last days’ the consideration of Iran exercising dominance in the Middle East may, or may not, generate questions concerning the possible fulfillment of specific prophecies. 

First, will Iran exercise dominant influence throughout the countries of the Middle East?  Will the individual countries fall to the Iranians or simply, as exemplified in Lebanon and Syria, allow the existence and exercise of specific terrorist groups who are sponsored and supported by Iran?  Additionally, if such an influence is exercised will it lead to the fulfillment of the prophecy concerning Israel’s being attacked from the north – Ezekiel 38?  One of the criteria which the king of the north, “Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal” (Ezek. 38:1) will identify is that the “people of Israel are dwelling securely” (Ezek. 38:14, CSB).  So, the challenge is to try to understand ‘time’ as it relates to both current and prophetic events. 

Second, will the escalation of events that appear to be leading to a war with Hezbollah in Lebanon be a part of the prophecy of the storm from the north?  Will the aftermath of the multi-front war in which Israel is engaged lead to a time of ‘peace’ or security?  When peace, which will be temporary at best, is produced – possibly by force – how will it be achieved?  Will there be a great storm in the Middle East followed by a time of temporary peace that is achieved by the popular interpretation of Daniel 9:25-27

Now that I have asked these questions, let me go back to the importance of ‘time’.  When Jesus ascended, Acts 1:7, He told those of the first called-out assembly, “It is not for you to know times or seasons …” (ESV) which does not contradict His previous, numerous, instructions to be prepared and watching.  At the same time His words bring us face to face with the importance of the work into which we are called:  the teaching and practice of “the gospel of God” (Rom. 1:1).  As we try to identify and determine the ‘time’ ahead of us, let us be vigilant and dedicated to redeeming the present ‘time’ to share the Gospel – especially to those who are clueless about ‘time’.