Archive for October, 2005

Full Speed Ahead on Security Barrier and the Negev Preparation!

Monday, October 31st, 2005

Full Speed Ahead on Security Barrier and the Negev Preparation!

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Supplement to Archive Prophecy Updates 224 and 65C

November 1, 2005
I encourage you to look in our Prophecy Update Archives and read Number 224 before reading what immediately follows and the extract from Ha’aretz by Mazel Mualem and Gideon Alon.

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Prophecy Update 224 is titled “The Only Real Key to False Peace in Israel – Force and the Wall!” It is rather lengthy because it

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is a consolidation of many of the Prophecy Updates I have issued on the Security Barrier over the last five years.

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It closes with the following Scripture and paragraph.

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I Thessalonians 5:3,4 – For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. [4] But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that

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ay should overtake you as a thief.

Of one thing I am certain, as I have repeatedly stated, the mindset of “peace and safety” must be real in the minds of the Israelis. And that mindset can only be in place when they actually believe they can control the “peace and safety’ by their own expertise, power, and ingenuity.

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And the only way that can be developed in their mindset is by a completed security wall they feel sure will create a condition of “peace and safety.” Good ole Yassar Arafat could not control Hamas, the al-Aksa Martyr’s Brigades, or the Islamic Jihad, nor can Abbas!

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Only when the Palestinian Authority (Fatah) is behind a Security Barrier, along with all the many other terrorist groups, can Israel have a real mindset the “peace and safety” will be controlled by their checkpoints and great military might. The security barrier is supposed to be completed in 2006.

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I suspect Israel may believe they have “peace and safety” in 2007.”


You might also want to take a look back in our Archives at Prophecy Updates 5 through 12 for a discussion of the role the Negev Wilderness will play in the coming tribulation period. The following extract from an article in Ha’aretz shows the inclination of Israel to put all its eggs, namely two, in one basket to hopefully attain peace – Force and the wall of separation between themselves

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and the Palestinians.


Sharon: Separation Fence to Take Top Priority

By Mazal Mualem and Gideon Alon

Ha’aretz Correspondents and Ha’aretz Service

October 31, 2005

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon told the Knesset Monday afternoon that the construction of the separation fence between Israel and the West Bank will go on without any budgetary or political hindrance.

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Speaking on occasion of the opening of the Knesset’s winter session, Sharon said that as part of its defense efforts, Israel will complete the construction of the separation fence as quickly as it can, providing “maximum security and minimum hindrance of the lives of all the Palestinians.”

“We have no intentions to impede the orderly life of Palestinians so long as the relative calm is maintained,” he added.

The prime minister said “the last few days provided us with reminders of the region’s dangers,” referring to a recent suicide bombing in northern Israel in which five Israelis were killed and threats made by Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadenijad to “wipe Israel off the map.”

Sharon said the 2006 State Budget will reflect the new priorities of the government, which are topped by several burning internal issues.

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he said the government will present a national plan to fight violence and crime “to offer each and every citizen improved personal safety at home and on the street.”

“We will fight crime from within with the same determination we fight terror from without,” he said.

The prime minister said the government will also invest considerable efforts and resources into the fight against poverty, the reform in the education system and the development of the Negev, Galilee and the greater Jerusalem.


The Most Disputed Zone of Contention in Israel

Monday, October 31st, 2005

The Most Disputed Zone of Contention in Israel

October 31, 2005

In the months that lead us into 2007, you will hear an ever increasing rumbling of angry over the division of the old city of Jerusalem by the security wall/barrier, which will separate Palestinian from Israeli. The old city of Jerusalem, and particularly its Temple Mount, is the one spot in Israel where tempers flare more than any other in Israel.

I have been fascinated for more than 50 years with the substrata changes under the Jerusalem of David’s day to the northern expansion of Jerusalem in Christ’s day. You have no idea the joy I would experience if I were allowed to explore under today’s temple mount for as long as I desired.

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Of course, like many others, I enjoy studying the events that occurred on the surface, but my real pleasure is in studying the events and changes that developed beneath Jerusalem during its history. Just before Jesus was crucified, he spoke of a surface event that would occur after his death because they rejected him as their Messiah.

Luke 21:5,6 – And as some spake of the temple, how it was adorned with goodly stones and gifts, he said, [6] As for these things which ye behold, the days will come, in the which there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

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And, sure enough, it happened with Titus, the Roman Prince son of the Emperor Vespasian, overran the city in 70 A.D.

Luke 21:24 – And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

As each of the three Jewish temples were built, a maze of tunnels, cisterns, drainage pipes, natural karst pocket enlargements, a flowing stream for priest’s immersion, a Rom

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an security route, and an escape route, came into existence under what is now currently identified as the Temple Mount. I stopped going to the Holy Land in 2000 when the current Palestinian uprising began.

Between 1952 and 2000, I have lost count of how many trips I actually made to the Holy Land. The Jordanians held it on my first trip, and if you had seen it then you would have been shocked by comparing it to its present c

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ondition. The area in front of the Wailing Wall was a shambles of Arab shacks that smelled like manure, and some Arabs pissed on the wall. The Jews were not even allowed to approach the wall. The unexposed section of the temple wall, which extended north under Wilson’s Arch section, could only be partially seen by traveling under it through a very congested maze of litter, and then entering a tunnel behind a huge blocking door that was almost completely blocked by discarded material. However, it was possible to weave and wade north, through and over the material, far enough to finally reach a large hole in the western wall that branched off the main tunnel eastward under the temple mound. This long south to north tunnel, off which the large entrance branched, is now identified as the Rabbi’s tunnel, and from that point northward it was partially caved in, and blocked with a variety of debris.

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I never went northward beyond that point until the Israelis cleaned out the Rabbi’s tunnel, finally opening it to tours in the late eighties.

I have always been far more interested in what lies under Jerusalem, and it’s Temple Mount, than what is on its surface.

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But after I retired from the NSA, I wanted my wife to see Israel, and I knew that she was not likely to want to see what I was going there to check out. I told the tour guide before we left the U.S. that I did not intend to stay with the group in Jerusalem. He really did not like the idea, but I think he thought he would humor me, believing that I would stay with the group out of fear

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of being lost from the group. To this day I am still not sure he believed me when I told

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me I knew Israel like the back of my hand. So, after I left the group when we reached Jerusalem, my wife gave me one of her famous lectures, and told me I should stay with the group, but I did not.

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So, the first day she toured with the group, and I went under Jerusalem, she informed me that if I did not go with the group the next day, she was walking with me wherever I went, and that was that! So, the next day I took her with me under Jesus’ Jerusalem, up shafts, down shafts, through caves, and to a wide variety of fault structures exposed in the topography of Jerusalem.

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So, by two o’clock, her poor knees were almost locked and she was exhausted.

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I got a safe cab to take her back to the hotel where the group was staying, and she never asked to go with me again until 1986.

The aforementioned great hole, which led eastward off the Rabbi’s tunnel under the Temple Mount, was sealed with cement shortly after Israel took back the old city of Jerusalem from the Jordanians in 1967, but you can clearly see where it was sealed today. The hole led into a maze of tunnels that are woven into a system that extends under about three quarters of the western portion of the temple mount.

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It was easier to bribe pre-1967 Jordanians than post-1967 Israelis to let you do certain things and to go certain places. I was a young man in my twenties on my first trip to the Holy Land, and had no idea how many tunnels crisscrossed under the Temple Mount. They now estimate the number to be between 35 and 40.

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I believe to this day that the Ark of the Covenant is hidden in that maze of tunnels, and is probably directly beneath where it once sat in the Holy of Holies in the temple of Solomon.

I assure you that no tunnel, in that maze of tunnels under the temple mount, goes under the large rock strata from which the Dome of the Rock extends upward. I have been directly under the rock in a single room, carved out of Turonian limestone by one it’s conquerors after 700 A.D. It is about 22 feet X 22 feet, although I did not measure it, but I can assure you that no tunnels lead into it.

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The actual temple of Herod sat north of the Dome of the Rock over a large karst cavity containing a sub-surface watering system.

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The famous Ark of the Covenant rested over the natural foundation of a man-leveled, man-smoothed, Turonian strata, which is now covered by a copula dome. It is identified as the Dome of the Spirits or the Dome of the Tablets, and is very easy to find on the Temple Mount’s northwestern corner.

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The copula lines up perfectly on an east-west axis with Queen Eudoxia’s Golden Gate, which is built over the ancient Susa Gate that was used by Jesus when he rode into Jerusalem as its king. When the Red Heifer offering was made on the Mount of Olives, it was required that it be offered in a position such that the priest offering it could see directly over the Susa Gate into the door of the Temple’s Holy Place.

I will say, to the credit of the Jordanians, that they did clean up the Temple Mount complex between 1958 and 1964, but before that the Wailing Wall, Wilson’s Arch, and the western portions were in pitiful condition. The Islamic structures on the temple platform were kept in fair condition, but the 1958 to 1964 improvements were most dramatic. The Israeli’s, following their capture of the complex in 1967, have made the Wailing Wall, from where the Fortress of Antonia was located to the end of the Wailing Wall, and the southern wall of the mount, into a wonderful touring zone.

Is Hurricane Beta Providence on Providencia?

Saturday, October 29th, 2005

Is Hurricane Beta Providence on Providenci

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October 30, 2005

Hurricane Beta has battered the Caribbean Island of Providencia on Saturday, and set a new record by be ing

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the 13th hurricane in the Atlantic this season.

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it was Providencia? Is this a harbinger of many similar events during a future tribulation period

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These are questions each individual will answer for himsel

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f? Most will say it was merely part of a cycle

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of nature that is a part of evolutionary processes of nature operating in the earth, and that it has nothing to do with an imaginary God or his coming judgments? Are they right

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According to the Bible, the following description of the final tribulation period, whenever it does begin, is quite frightening.

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Is the redemption of the saved drawing near?

Luke 21:25-28 – And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; [26] Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

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[27] And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. [28] And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

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The National Hurricane Center in Miami reported that “damaging winds, torrential rains and high surf had ripped the island,” and that “extensive damage has occurred on the island.”

Beta was the 13th hurricane this year, more than any Atlantic season on record.

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It also broke the record for the number of tropical storms in a single season in records that began to be kept in 1851.

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It was number 23, exceeding the old record of 21 set in 1933. It is not expected to hit the United States.

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Happy Halloween from Iran and the UN!

Friday, October 28th, 2005


October 29, 2005

UN Uproar Over Hearing What Every Member Already Knew!

We live in a diplomatic world of natural deceit. Every nation knows the true feelings, desires, and motives of every other nation, but they play a game of living under a Halloween costume of Mr. Clean, and always say the right thing publicly, which follows the guise of being politically

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and diplomatically correct. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmandinejad slipped out of his Mr.

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Clean costume this week and actually told the truth about the Islamic position toward the United States and Israel. And now all the other nations of the world are expressing the correct political and diplomatic thing to do, namely, to express shock and dismay at discovering something they already knew. And Russia is even trying to say Ahmandinejad really did not mean what he said.

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We have truly reached the point in time for the Redeemer, the Messiah, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, to come and bring truth and justice to this earth.

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The situation of Isaiah 59 was in place for Israel before judgment came on the northern k

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ingdom, and it is in place worldwide today.

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I believe the Redeemer will soon come again to Zion, to Jerusalem, and clean up this worldwide maize of lies and deceit.

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Isaiah 59:4,14-20 – None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity.

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[14] And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. [15] Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the Lord saw it, and it displeased him that

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there was no judgment.

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[16] And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore his arm brought salvation unto him; and his righteousness, it sustained him. [17] For he put on righteousness as a breastplate, and an helmet of salvation upon his head; and he put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and was clad with zeal as a cloke. [18] According to their deeds, accordingly he will repay, fury to his adversaries, recompence to his enemies; to the islands he will repay recompence. [19] So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun.

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[20] And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and un

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to them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the Lord.

The following article by Herb Keinon and the JPost Staff, with the AP, paints a picture of the world’s problem – most do not want to face the reality we live in a make believe world where everyone lies outwardly, but they, and the ones to whom they lie, are all aware of it, and the make believe world of deceit feeds on its own lies. I do not believe the tribulation period is in the far distant future.

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I believe verse 18 well describes it.

Isaiah 59:18 – According to their deeds, accordingly he will repay, fury to his adversaries, recompence to his enemies; to the islands he will repay recompence.


Ahmadinejad Rejects Criticism, Justifies Anti-Israel Comments

By Herb Keinon and JPost Staff, THE JERUSALEM POST

October 27, 2005

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmandinejad on Friday rejected widespread condemnation of his remarks Wednesday calling to “wipe Israel off the map”.

According to Ahmandinejad, the comments were both justified and correct, Israel Radio reported. “They reflect the words of the Iranian people,” he said.

The hard-line leader added, “Israel and the United States believe that the entire world must abide by their rules although they are the ones that are responsible for destroying Palestinian families.”

The Iranian embassy in Moscow, however, tried Friday to soften the impact of Ahmadinejad’s remarks.

“Mr. Ahmadinejad did not have any intention to speak in sharp terms and engage in a conflict,” the Iranian embassy in Moscow said in a statement following a wave of international criticism.

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It added that Ahmadinejad “underlined the key position of Iran, based on the necessity to hold free elections on the occupied territories.”

Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Dan Gillerman, meanwhile, began trying to build a coalition Thursday in favor of expelling Iran from the UN, as governments around the globe condemned Iran for Ahmadinejad’s comments.

UN mathematics indicate that no such coalition could possibly prevail, but Israel is understood to be pursuing the effort nonetheless – both out of a sense of obligation and in the faint hope that the almost impossible might somehow happen.

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon told visiting Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Thursday that any country that calls for the destruction of another cannot be a member of the United Nations.

“Such a country, in possession of nuclear weapons, is a danger not only to Israel and the Middle East but to Europe as well,” Sharon added.

Gillerman verbally relayed a similar message to the members of the UN Security Council on Wednesday, after Ahmadinejad’s remarks were reported, and put it into writing on Thursday. Israel is also consulting with various countries to determine how to pursue the matter further.

Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom, currently on a visit to France, called UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Thursday to protest Ahmadinejad’s remarks. Shalom said the remarks “removed the mask” from Iran and revealed its true intentions. He called on Annan to use his authority to unequivocally condemn the comments.

Annan’s office issued a statement Thursday saying that the UN Secretary-General read Ahmadinejad’s comments “with dismay.”

According to the statement, Annan wanted to remind all UN states that “Israel is a long-standing member of the United Nations with the same rights and obligations as every other member,” and that “under the United Nations Charter, all members have undertaken to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.”

The statement also said that Annan, who intended to visit Iran during the next few weeks “to discuss other issues” will now “place the Middle East peace process, and the right of all states in the area to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force, at the top of his agenda for that visit.”

Even as the world protested Ahmadinejad’s remarks, and some countries such as France, Britain, Russia, Spain, Holland and Germany summoned Iranian diplomats to protest, no one immediately took up Israel’s call to expel Iran from the world body.

Indeed the US, while strongly denouncing the comments, declined to support the call for expulsion.
With AP


Russia Looking Forward to a Bigger Slice of Ten Toes Oil Pie!

Thursday, October 27th, 2005

Russia Looking Forward to a Bigger Slice of Ten Toes Oil Pie!

October 28, 2005

The economic breakup of the Soviet Union has left Russia in a terrible financial state.

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The Soviet Union was constantly involved in diplomatic, economic, and military aid to the Arab states throughout

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Now, their help to Iran reaps Russia a great

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the financial wealth accumulated from oil revenues by Iran. Russia and China will not be among the nations that launch the initial Jihad against Israel, which begins the last three and one-half years of the tribulation period. However, when the final call, for all nations to come and assist the Islamic Antichrist, comes at the end of the tribulation period, both Russia and China will be among the nations that come down to get a much bigger piec

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e of the oil pie.

Revelation 16:16 – And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

However, what they will receive for their helping the Islamic Antichrist will be a super sized piece of God’s wrath pie.

Revelation 16:17-21 – And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple

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of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.

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[18] And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an

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earthquake, and so great. [19] And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.

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[20] And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.

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[21] And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.

The two extracts from the Jerusalem Post, which follow, are an example of the way Russia is helping Iran diplomatically and militarily, and in turn, receiving part of the Iranian pie now, while waiting for a bigger slice in the future.

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Iran Launches Satellite from Russian Territory Staff, THE JERUSALEM POST

October 27, 2005

Iran launched a satellite into space from a site in Russia, and obtained Russian assistance for the launch, including the launch facilities.

In an official announcement, Iran said that the Russian-manufactured satellite, Sina 1, was intended for research and communications. The 20-kilogram technological satellite is a relatively small one, Israel Radio reported.

The Iranians have announced that they will launch two satellites. The second satellite, manufactured by Italy, will carry photographic equipment and is intended to be a spy satellite. Its development encountered technical difficulties.

There are only seven countries in the world, with Israel among them, which can manufacture their own satellites. Approximately 80 other countries, including Iran, have purchased satellites from the seven members of the “Space Club.”



Russia Says Iran not a Nuclear Threat


With contributions by Greer Fay Cashman

Octber 27, 2005

Significant Israeli-Russian differences over Iran, Hamas and Hizbullah emerged during talks Wednesday between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom.

Lavrov arrived Tuesday for two days of talks in Israel and the Palestinian Authority. After meeting Shalom he traveled to Ramallah for talks with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. He is scheduled to meet Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on Thursday.

One diplomatic official in Jerusalem said the Israeli-Russian discrepancies over Iran’s threat had to do with the question of when Iran would be considered a clear and present danger. While Israel believed to this point would be reached when Iran obtained all the know-how needed to develop a nuclear bomb, Russia believed that Teheran would only be a clear and present danger when it was well on the way to building the bomb, the official said.

While Israel and the US are interested in seeing the Iranian question taken to the UN Security Council for possible sanctions as soon as possible, Lavrov made it clear that Moscow was in no great hurry.

The differences on Hamas and Hizbullah did not come out in the open at the press conference, but were present during the meeting.

According to diplomatic officials, when Shalom said the international community must keep Hamas from gaining legitimacy, Lavrov compared Hamas with Hizbullah, which Russia believes has a legitimate political wing.

When Lavrov said Russia’s ambassador to Lebanon met with a Hizbullah leader in the summer, Shalom asked how Russia would feel if Israel’s ambassador to Russia would meet with a representative of Chechnyan terrorists.

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Lavrov did not reply.

Russia, according to Israeli officials, believes that organizations like Hamas and Hizbullah can eventually be brought “into the fold” and convinced to give up their terrorists ways.

Another area of disagreement between Russia and Israel had to do with the UN report on Syrian involvement in the February assassination

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of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri.

Shalom, at the press conference, said Israel believes “strong action must be taken by international community to ensure that Syria’s interference in Lebanon and support of terror against Israel is brought to an end. Russia’s position on this will be crucial.”

Although Israel has taken a low profile on this matter, it is believed to be in favor of sanctions against Syria if it did not cooperate fully with the UN investigation.

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However, Mikhail Kamynin, a Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman accompanying Lavrov, was quoted by Inter-Fax as saying that “a resolution of the Security Council on the investigation of the murder of Lebanese ex-prime minister Rafik Hariri should be just.

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It should confirm the impartial character of the investigation done.

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Russia opposes sanctions against Syria. We shall do our best for preventing attempts to impose sanctions on Syria.”