Archive for July, 2010

Undisclosed, Non-Transparent Afghanistan Goal!

Monday, July 5th, 2010

An Undisclosed, Non-Transparent Goal In Afghanistan,

Barack’s only goal in Afghanistan is a Future Quick Exit,

Obama’s goal is an Afghanistan agreement with Taliban,

One Saving enough Face to Claim a U.S. Negotiated Win!

But Obama has Set A July 2011 Withdrawal Beginning!

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And Taliban will again take control of the Government!

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As I Served My Tour in Vietnam It BECAME VERY Obvious

Our Motive Was Changing From Winning To Negotiating!

I believe this is now our goal in the land of Afghanistan

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Official announcement is: “We are here to win the War”

The Truth is: We’re here to win a war by Negotiations!

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July 5, 2010

Begin Excerpt 1 from Middle East Online News via ConsortiumNews

The Afghan ‘No Exit’ War

In Afghanistan, as in Vietnam, proper skepticism of an outright U.S. military victory abounds, leading to an escalation aimed at gaining military advantage for ultimate negotiations with the Taliban, says Ivan Eland.

July 1, 2010

In contrast to World War II and Desert Storm — which had clear goals, even though those of the latter were limited — the war in Afghanistan resembles the Spanish-American War and the Vietnam War.

In the former, the goal changed from defeating the Spanish in a conventional war to subduing Philippine guerrillas in order to imperially conquer the archipelago. In the latter, contrary to popular belief, Lyndon Johnson’s goal was never to win, but to alter the conditions on the battlefield to compel the enemy to negotiate.

In the Spanish-American War, America was able to take out

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the adversarial regime relatively easy. The hard part came in getting rid of the guerrillas, who were sure they were promised by the McKinley administration that if they helped the Americans get rid of the Spanish, the Philippines would win its independence.

The latter didn’t happen, and it took several years of brutal American counterinsurgency tactics and torture to subdue the local Thomas Jefferson wannabes.

Similarly, in Afghanistan, taking down the Taliban only required 700 U.S. Special Forces and CIA personnel calling in American air strikes to support the ground fighters of the Afghan anti-Taliban Northern Alliance. The hard part has been battling a resurgent Taliban, which uses guerrilla tactics.

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In Afghanistan, as in Vietnam, proper skepticism of an outright U.S. military victory abounds, leading to an escalation aimed at gaining military advantage for ultimate negotiations with the Taliban.

Yet President Obama has given the escalation only 18 months in which to reach this goal, as well as the equally unrealistic objectives of crippling al-Qaeda and training Afghan security forces to operate on their own.

To get the U.S. military to buy into the 18-month period prior to commencement of withdrawal, Obama had to consent to the escalation of an extra 30,000 troops.

The 18-month timetable to begin withdrawal was the standard naïve liberal dogma that this would jolt the Afghan government into becoming a clean, democratic governing force that could effectively battle the Taliban.

Instead, Afghan President Hamid Karzai has made clear he doesn’t think the United States can win, is trying to cut deals with the Taliban and their patrons in the Pakistani military (also ostensibly an American ally), and has even threatened to join the Taliban if the United States keeps killing Afghan civilians.

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Almost as bad, the troop surge to win military advantage for negotiations with the Taliban has been a bust. Marja has not been tamed, and the offensive in Kandahar has been significantly delayed.

But the very premise that the zealous Taliban would negotiate instead of waiting for the Americans, historically with a limited attention span, to leave resembles the same flawed assumptions the United States made about the North Vietnamese during the war in Southeast Asia.

Like the North Vietnamese, the Afghan Taliban want their country back from the foreign occupier and have a longer time horizon than the Americans.

Furthermore, Afghans have been accustomed to continuous war for more than 30 years, hate foreigners, and know that their history indicates that would-be foreign rulers can be out-waited — as they have many times before.

These factors illustrate that U.S. neoconservatives are equally naïve to believe that without the 18-month deadline, the U.S. has a prayer of success in historically unforgiving Afghanistan — however that vague term is defined.

Eighteen months is not long enough to ramp up a comprehensive counterinsurgency strategy that could win “hearts and minds,” but the aforementioned underlying realities make it unlikely that even an 18-year counterinsurgency strategy would work (the U.S. government has already spent nine years without getting it right).

Finally, the Taliban may be violent and ruthless, but in the eyes of the Pashtun people, the dominant group in Afghanistan, they are the only hope for Pashtuns.

Even though Hamid Karzai is a Pashtun, he is regarded among them as a puppet of the United States and rival Uzbek and Tajik groups. Thus is explained the curious support of many Afghans for the brutal Taliban.

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This major factor is often ignored in overly optimistic forecasts of the potential for U.S. pacification of Afghanistan.

The only solution is to cut the U.S. losses and leave Afghanistan for good.

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The good news is that removal of U.S. occupation forces from a Muslim land might actually reduce blowback anti-U.S. terrorism around the world.

Ivan Eland is Director of the Center on Peace & Liberty at The Independent Institute. Dr. Eland has spent 15 years working for Congress on national security issues, including stints as an investigator for the House Foreign Affairs Committee and Principal Defense Analyst at the Congressional Budget Office. His books include The Empire Has No Clothes: US Foreign Policy Exposed, and Putting “Defense” Back into US Defense Policy.

Begin Excerpt 2 from Yahoo! News via AFP and Fox News

McCain slams US withdrawal date from Afghanistan



Sun Jul 4, 1:50 pm ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) – US Senator John McCain Sunday slammed the July 2011 target for beginning to pull US troops out of Afghanistan, saying setting a firm date for withdrawal would raise questions about US commitment there.

“I’m concerned about the perception of our friends and our enemies as well as the people in Afghanistan, as to the depth of our commitment,” McCain told ABC news in an interview from Kabul.

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The Republican lawmaker and former prisoner of war said the policy of announcing a planned draw down date was a “bad idea,” and that the United States should only leave Afghan istan when the country

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is stable enough to maintain a strong government.

“I’m all for dates of withdrawal, but that’ s after the

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strategy succeeds, not before.

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That’s a dramatic difference,” he said.

Afghanistan’s ambassador to the United States, Said Jawad, agreed on CNN. He said any deadline must be “based on the reality on the ground,” to send a clear message that “NATO and Afghans are there to finish the job.”

“If we had a fully functioning system in Afghanistan, there would be no need for the rest of the world to be there.

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It will take some time,” he said. “The threat of terrorism is still imminent.”

McCain warned that the Taliban would fill any vacuum left by departing US troops.

“I know enough about warfare,” he said. “I know enough about what strategy and tactics are about.”

“If you tell the enemy that you’re leaving on a date certain, unequivocally, then that enemy will wait until you leave,” he said.

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Sunday, July 4th, 2010

God Tabernacles with Man – Number 1

July 5, 2010

God’s only begotten Son, Christ Jesus, came at his First Advent to tabernacle in the midst of men.

John 1:14 – And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

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The word translated as “dwelt” is “skenoo” – “to dwell in tents, to tabernacle.”

Soon he will return at his Second Advent to end the battle of Armageddon.

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He will tabernacle in the midst of mankind in Jerusalem. He gave three of his disciples a preview of his Second Advent appearance on the Mount of Transfiguration while he was with them during his First Advent.

Matthew 16:27 to 17:3 – For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.

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[28] Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.

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[1] And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart, [2] And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light. [3] And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him.

There is coming a day, which I believe is not too far in the future, when God will again tabernacle with Israel! Isaiah presents a picture of it during the millennial reign of the returned Messiah.

Isaiah 4:6 – And there shall be a tabernacle for a shadow in the daytime from the heat, and for a place of refuge, and for a covert from storm and from rain.

But before Messiah comes, Israel must pass through the period of 1260 prophetic days outlined by Daniel, John, and Zechariah.

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It is during this period Israel will be overrun by the ten nation kingdoms of antichrist, driven into the great Negev wilderness south of Beersheba, and remain confined in that area until Messiah returns. The “woman” of Revelation 12:6 is the “third” of Zechariah 13:8, and among the “third” are “the saints of the Most High” in Daniel 7:25, which represent 144,000 Israelis in Revelation 7:4 that are the seed of the woman Israel in Revelation 12:17. About one-third of Israel (Almost 2 Million) will make it into the Negev.

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Among them will be the seed of the woman Israel, whose seed was Jesus, the Messiah, and they (the 144,000) will testify of Jesus as the Messiah, and keep his commandments.

Zechariah 13:8 – And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein

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shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein.

The one-third part remnant will be “Left therein” the borders of Israel when the battle occurs. The present borders of Israel contain the vast Negev Wilderness from Beersheba to the Gulf of Aqaba.

Revelation 12:6 – And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God,

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that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

Daniel 7:24,25 – And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings

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that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.

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[25] And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

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(time = 1 year, times = 2 years, and the dividing of time = ½ year).

Revelation 7:4 – And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.

Revelation 12:17 – And the dragon was wroth with

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the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

The woman = 1/3 Israel = Almost 2 million survivors.

The woman’s seed is Jesus, and the 144,000 are His spiritual seed living among the woman, to whom they witness that Jesus is the soon coming Messiah.

At the end of the 1260 days of Israel’s confinement in the Negev, Messiah will return, defeat the antichrist and his armies, and destroy him,

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his armies, and false prophet.

Revelation 19:11-13, 19-21 – And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. [12] His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. [13] And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. [19] And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. [20] And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. [21] And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.

It is at this time that the Devil and all his angels are cast into the bottomless pit, and separated from mankind for a thousand years while the Lord of Hosts, the Messiah, reigns in Jerusalem.

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Revelation 20:1-3 – And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. [2] And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, [3] And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

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Isaiah 24:21-23- And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall punish

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the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth. [22] And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited.

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[23] Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the Lord of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously.


Sunday, July 4th, 2010







July 4, 2010

At the time of the end, during the tribulation period, the king of the north (Syria) will push the king of the south (Israel) out of the glorious land (Israel from Dan to Beersheba). The king of the north will flow over many countries, overthrowing and conquering them, as their kings and presidents flee before Antichrist.

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Saudi Arabia is one of the countries whose rulers will flee the country when Egypt is conquered.

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Daniel 11:36 – And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that

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that is determined shall be done.

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Daniel 11:40,43 – And AT THE TIME OF THE END shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; AND HE SHALL ENTER INTO T

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out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.

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[42] He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape. [43] But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.

Begin Excerpt from YNet News

‘Saudi king says Israel, Iran don’t deserve to exist’

Le Figaro says King Abdullah told French defense minister days after Gaza flotilla raid, ‘Two states in region do not deserve to exist: Israel and Iran’. Kingdom denies report

YNet News

Published 07/03/2010, 08:44/ Israel News

Saudi Arabia on Friday denied a report in French daily Le Figaro, according to which Kind Abdullah told the French Defense minister that “two states in the region do not deserve to exist: Israel and Iran”.

A Saudi official told the government-controlled Saudi Press, “This is untrue altogether”, and expressed bewilderment at the French paper’s willingness to make such charges without verifying the details.

The official added that Saudi Arabia’s position was “clear”.

According to the Le Figaro report, King Abdullah made the comment during a June 5 meeting with French Defense Minister Herve Morin, just days after Israel’s deadly takeover of a Gaza-bound flotilla.

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The report emphasized that “military and diplomatic elements” confirmed that king did in fact make the comment.

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Last month Saudi Arabia denied a report in the London Times that Riyadh was planning to allow Israel to use its airspace in order to strike Iran’ s nuclear facilitie

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King Abdullah met this week with US President Obama in an attempt to present a united front on Iran’s nuclear program and the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

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At the end of their meeting, the two declared the “importance of moving forward in a swift and bold way in securing a Palestinian homeland.”

However, after the meeting, Lebanese paper An-Nahar reported that despite the warm statements made by Obama and King Abdullah in the White House, a difference of opinion between the two emerged on a number of different issues, including the sanctions against Iran’s nuclear program, the situation in Iraq, and the peace process.

American sources told the newspaper that Saudi Arabia “is not convinced that economic sanctions on Iran will succeed and is interested in knowing what alternatives the president’s administration has.”

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Saturday, July 3rd, 2010


July 4, 2010

DEUTERONOMY 32:26 – I said, I would scatter them into corners, I would make the remembrance of them to cease from among men:

In the last Song of Moses Blog, I covered the scattering, and terrible suffering, that the people of Israel have suffered across the corners of this

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earth, since they rejected the Messiah their God had sent them for their deliverance. It indeed happened exactly as Messiah told them it would. About half of the world’ s Jewi

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Luke 21:24 – And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

And, indeed, except for the unconditional covenant God made with Abraham, the grandfather of the man Israel, he might have caused them all to be destroyed, and then forgotten by mankind.

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Since God did not desire for the enemies of Israel to have reason to doubt his existence and power as the only

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God, he has spared Israel, and will return them to their l

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and to be his people, and he will be their delivering God as Messiah at Armageddon.

DEUTERONOMY 32:26-30 – Were it not that I feared the wrath of the enemy, lest their adversaries should behave themselves strangely, and lest they should say, Our hand is high, and the Lord hath not done all this.

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[28] For they are a nation void of counsel, neither is there any understanding in them.[29] O that they were wise, that

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they understood this, that they would consider their latter end! [30] How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, except their Rock had sold them, and the Lord had shut them up?

God makes the point that the only reason the nations of the world were allowed to do what they have done to Israel, for some 1940 years, was simply because he allowed them to do so.

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Just as David defeated Goliath because God, the Rock of Israel, was with him, and thousands fled before him because the Rock put fear in their hearts, it should be apparent to

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Israel and to the Gentile nations that what has happened to Israel was the permissive will of God. Had God been with them, as their Rock, it would never have happened. Messiah is the living Cornerstone, the

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He was formed in the womb of the Virgin Mary, not by the might and power of the flesh, or by the will of man, but by the Spirit of the living God, who brought Messiah the Headstone forth from Mary through Zerubbabel and Heli, the father of Mary.

Zechariah 4:6-10 – Then he answered and spake unto me saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts. [7] Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it. [8] Moreover the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, [9] The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it; and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto you. [10] For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the Lord, which run to and fro through the whole earth.

Zechariah 3:8,9 – Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, thou, and thy fellows that sit before thee: for they are men wondered at: for, behold, I will bring forth my servant the BRANCH. [9] For behold the stone that I have laid before Joshua; upon one stone shall be seven eyes: behold, I will engrave the graving there of, saith the Lord

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of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day.

In Messiah is all the fullness of the Godhead bodily in the completeness of God’s Spirit. Messiah is the stone with the seven eyes of God his Father. He is the stone cut out of God, the great mountain of all mountains, and governor of all governors over all governments.

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He will return to crush the ten toed, latter day, kingdoms of antichrist, and rule forever as the offspring of David.

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Daniel 2:45 – Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and

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the interpretation thereof sure.

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Daniel 7:13,14 – I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. [14] And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.

Daniel 2:44 – And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

Zechariah 14:9 – And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one.


Saturday, July 3rd, 2010

Chance for a brief respite from Iran!

Sanctions Finally get Iran’s Attention,

Which could lead to Iran settling Down

To Produce a BRIEF Period of Middle East

Peacefulness to occur before Islam Attacks.

July 3, 2010

Russia and China finally realized Iran with nuclear weapons is a danger to them as well as the rest of the non-Islamic world and the Islamic Sunni nations have known it historically for a very long time. So we are finally seeing stronger sanctions being placed on Iran with the approval of US, UN, EU, Russian, Chinese, the West in general, and some of the Sunni nations.

As a consequence of stronger sanctions, thousands of US troops on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan, Internal rebellion, and no nuclear bomb as yet, Iran is likely to go back to a cat and mouse diplomatic dialogue game. I suspect this will lead to much more gentle actions in their vocal expressions, and it is quiet possible Iran will encourage Hizbullah and Hamas to cool it for a while in

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their saber rattling activity.

I do not expect a major Middle East war this year, but am convinced one will occur prior to 2015. Each passing year will increase the probability of it beginning for the next five years.

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When US ground troops are pulled out of the Middle East, war will not be far away.

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I Thessalonians 5:3,4 – For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. [4] But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

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Begin Excerpt from YNet News

Ayatollahs left all alone

Iran shocked to see American, European chokehold on Tehran’s Economy

Guy Bechor

July 2, 2010

The stunned Iran cannot believe it’s happening: The worst nightmare for the Ayatollah regime is taking shape right before its eyes, in the form of a complete chokehold on Iran’s economy within a few months. Iran’s soft underbelly is in the sights – oil and gas.

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The arrogant Ahmadinejad thought this day shall never come, yet the “higher power” that guides him, in his view, apparently no longer works.

The US and Europe have decided to suffocate Iran’s economy, no less. This is no longer about playing games here and there or about lukewarm sanctions against Iranian companies here and there. This time, the target is the whole Iranian economy. For Israel and most Arab states, there could be no greater success: The state behind everything that destabilized the Middle East is being threatened with collapse.

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At the end of June, the US Congress and Senate approved by a large majority a law banning global companies engaged in ties with Iran’s oil and gas industry from coming into the US.

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This is a comprehensive and strict law that will dry up Iran as it dried

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up Cuba. Once the law goes into effect, anyone in the most sensitive industry for the Iranians who goes into Iran will not be allowed to go into the US. (While Iran exports oil, it must import refined oil for cars and planes, and therefore its dependence on the world is high.)

This law’s effect is already being felt, and energy giants that sell fuel for Iranian cars and planes immediately announced that they’re terminating their ties with the rogue, crumbling state.

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For example, the French Total immediately put an end to its Iran business.

Yet there’s more, and that’s what hurts Iran the most: The European Union has also imposed a chokehold on Iran’s economy. The decision was taken in June by all EU heads of state: As of early July, new investments by European companies and states in Iran’s energy, oil, and gas industry will be banned.

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This is an absolute, comprehensive, and far-reaching boycott. Technical assistance and the transfer of goods and services to Iran’s oil and gas industry will also be disallowed. Every violation of this decision will be illegal.

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We must keep in mind that the EU is Iran’s number one economic partner. About 80% of Iran’s revenues come from oil and gas, and therefore this is its soft underbelly.

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And why are foreign investments critical? Because Iran’s wells are growing old, and there is a constant need to renovate them, yet there is no money for it unless it comes as a foreign investment – which is now banned. Should these renovations not take place constantly, Iran will stop pumping oil and the economy will deteriorate quickly.

The arrogant and unresponsive Iranians are now infuriated with the whole world: The US and EU (the EU will be “gravely punished,” Tehran says, calling the Germans “Israel’s slaves”), the Russians who abandoned them (according to Iran, Russia is a crumbling super-power. Everyone is crumbling, except for Tehran, of course,) and the Chinese who betrayed them.

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The Iranian regime is left isolated in the world, and below it is an Iranian society that wishes to end the Ayatollah dictatorship, which is merely 30-years-old.

Precisely at this time, the world must not go easy on the Iranians.

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The offer made to Iran on the nuclear front last year, and rejected by Tehran, should not be offered yet again. The time has come to put an end to the Persian bazaar. This pressure may topple the Ayatollah regime, as officials in Tehran know, and therefore the world should not make do with anything that is less than a complete halt of the nuclear race.

In any case, a collapsing Iranian economy means less terror in the region, less radicalism and provocation, and less aid to Hezbollah and Hamas; indeed, the Middle East’s stability will only gain from this.

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