Archive for April, 2010

Volcanoes Play a Major Tribulation Period Role!

Sunday, April 18th, 2010

Volcanoes Play A MAJOR ROLE In the Tribulation,

I have attempted for 35 years to warn of their Role,

All flying will cease before the seventh trumpet Sounds!

Volcanoes have already blown a hole in the Ozone Layer,

Volcanoes in the Southern Hemisphere Extend to South Pole,

There’s only one active volcano north of the Great Arctic Circle,

Great Arctic Latitudinal Circle begins just to the north of Iceland

That’s a major reason there’s no Ozone Hole over the North Pole!

April 16, 2010


June 22, 2005

And the Great Hoax Played On!

The May 9, 2005 issue of U.S. News and World Report, on page 18, carried an article titled “The Ozone Hole Gets Burned – Again.” An extract from the article began: “Bad news from the ozone. European researchers reported last week that the Northern Hemisphere’s sunscreen is at it thinnest since measurement began 40 years ago – in spite of a ban on chemicals that destroy the ultraviolet light-blocking molecule in the upper atmosphere.” And the article closed with the statement: “It may be an additional 50 years before we can count on a healthy ozone layer.”

This article was certainly no surprise to me, because the theory that the ozone layer is being depleted by the chlorofluorocarbons released on the earth’s surface may well be the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the world’s man-in-the-street. This is something I have believed since 1975, and have propagated in my lecture series since I began doing them in 1978. The following is a repeat of Special Prophecy Update Number 166A, and you will find the same material in Archive Birth Pang 14A.


The Great Hoax – Man Is Destroying the Ozone Layer!

Revelation 16:2 – And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

Since 1975 I have been convinced that manmade chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s) were not responsible for the destruction of the Ozone layer that shields man from ultraviolet radiation. My cries in books and videos fell on deaf hears for the most part, but now a leading French scientist has, with equal vigor, stated the same thing, and identified volcanoes as the culprit, just as I did in the seventies.

You will find it clearly outlined in a book, “Birth Pangs from the Bottomless Pit,” which I wrote in the late seventies. The basic material concerning the phenomena of ozone destruction and the events associated with other skin eruptions, before and during the tribulation period, are outlined in two Birth Pangs, 14 and 14A, which I put in my book in the seventies, and on our Web Site pages when we put up January 2001.

What follows is an extract from Birth Pang 14A in our Birth Pangs Archives, which you may find on our Menu. BEGIN EXTRACT: “God has created a thick layer of ozone in the earth’s vast stratosphere. If this layer was not there, man would be scorched with ultraviolet radiation, and annihilated from the earth within a few years. Many scientists still cling to the idea that chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s) are breaking down the stratospheric ozone layer. However, the real culprits are the increasing frequencies of volcanic eruptions. Ozone is a form of oxygen that protects man from the sin’s deadly ultraviolet radiation. If this radiation could slip through the ozone layer it would lead to rapid worldwide outbreaks of fast growing skin cancer. A U.S. Geological Survey scientist, Dr.

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David A. Johnston, missing and presumed dead since the first eruption of Mount Saint Helens, was quoted by Warren E. Leary, and Associated Press science writer as follows:

“Analysis of trapped gas pockets in volcanic and other material indicates molten magmas may contain 20 to 40 times more chlorine than earlier estimates upon which volcanic atmospheric impact had been estimated. This means that the amount of chlorine emitted into the atmosphere could equal more than 100% of the 1975 world production in fluorocarbon chemicals. Johnson said in his report that volcanic explosions powerful enough to penetrate the stra

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tosphere have been occurring about once a year in recent times. These eruptions shoot hydrogen chloride high enough to reach the ozone layer.”

As a scientist, certified to teach chemistry and physics, I was so certain the ozone layer was being depleted by gases blown vertically into it by volcanoes, that I began to teach and write about it in books published in the late seventies and early eighties.

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I was so firmly convinced of it that I predicted the ozone hole would continue to grow, even after worldwide elimination of chlorofluorocarbon production by man had occurred. In the early eighties they predicted the ozone hole would decline in size by 1985. When it did not, they said it was due to residual effects. But we were assured it would decrease by 1990.

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When it did not, they said the residual effects were greater than they had thought, but we would see a small decline by 1995. When it did not decline they kept on riding the same old dead horse, and predicted a thinning by 2000. It is still continuing to grow, and now they say it may not decline until 2020. The ozone hole growth since 1979 is as follows: from very small in 1977 to 500,000 cubic kilometers in 1980, to 10,500,000 in 1986, to 22,000,000 in 1992, to 23,500,000 in 1994, to 27,0000,000 in 1999, and to 28,300,000 cubic kilometers in 2000.

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And still there is no ozone hole over the North Pole, yet 74% of all ozone destroying particles are released in the Northern Hemisphere! But isn’t it strange that most of the world’s volcanoes are located in the Southern Hemisphere, with many of them south of 60 degrees latitude, while only a handful of volcanoes exist north of 60 degrees latitude in the Northern Hemisphere.

Please allow me to elaborate why man-made CFC gases are not the culprits responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer over the South Pole:

1. 74% of all man-made CFC’s are released in the Northern hemisphere. The Long-term vertical circulation patterns of the earth in the Northern Hemisphere demand that the first ozone hole should have appeared over the North Pole – it did not!

2. The CFC gases are heavier than the atmosphere into which they are supposed to be rising, hence

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they cannot rise to the level of the ozone layer of their own volition.

3. CFC’s are washed out of the atmosphere by the precipitation cycle of the troposphere before they could reach the ozone layer.

4. CFC gases, without the direct help of volcanic activity, don’t penetrate the restricting worldwide temperature inversion, which begins well below the ozone layer at the tropopause.

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Now, please allow me to exposit why I am confident that volcanic eruptions are responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer over the South Pole:

(1) The rate increase in major eruptions since 1950 is four times greater than at any time in recorded history.

(2) Most vertical eruptions are occurring in the Southern Hemisphere, thereby causing the ozone hole to appear first over the South Pole, rather than the North Pole.

(3) Volcanic eruptions forcefully blow different kinds of ozone depleting gases through the tropopause inversion into the ozone layer, bypassing much of the earth’s circulation and hydrological patterns.

(4) There is an active volcano pouring its depleting gases upward into the center of the ozone hole from time to time – Mount Erebus, which is near the South Pole.

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(5) The growth of the ozone hole has been steadily toward the north over the southern tip of South America, where a thick concentration of active volcanoes exists today.

During the latter part of the Tribulation, thousands of volcanic eruptions, like those in Figure 10, will occur along the dashed lines of Figure 3 (See both these Figures in our Birth Pang Archives). These eruptions will send staggering amounts of hydrogen chloride, nitric oxides, and other ozone depleting gases into the ozone layer. The resultant breaking down of the ozone layer will allow ultraviolet radiation to pour through onto the inhabitants of the earth. These occupants of the final days of Satan’s kingdoms on this planet will be scorched with the great heat of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. Yet they still will not repent toward the God of these plagues that physically destroy them. They will understand the processes that are causing it, but they will not acknowledge that God is doing it.

Most Christian writers of today spend a lot of effort in trying to work the entire modern day arsenal of man into the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. Most make the last day skin plagues attributable to atomic radiation. May I assure you that the ultraviolet and cosmic radiation, which would pour down on the earth’s surface if the ozone layer weakened and the magnetic poles reversed, would be thousands of times deadlier than atomic radiation.” END EXTRACT.

If you are atheistic or agnostic in your beliefs concerning the prophetic predictions in the Bible, then at least consider the scientific argument I have presented since the late seventies, which you read above in the extract from our web site

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article, which we put up in 2001.

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You may find the article concerning the views of the French scientist on ozone depletion by clicking on the following:

Volcanic activity from the lone volcano located near

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the South Pole, and those on the southern top of South America, has declined slightly during the period from 2000 to 2003, and the consequence has been that the ozone hole showed only a slight increase in its 2003 maximum size when compared with its 2000 maximum. The new record size of 28,400,000 cubic kilometers occurred on September 20, 2003. When the volcanic activity begins to increase in frequency and intensity in the future, rest assured the ozone hole will enlarge. The ozone hole has large seasonal variations in its size each year, and there is a tendency, for those who say manmade CFC’s originally created it, to quote the smallest seasonal size.

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The normal seasonal maximum appears from mid-September to early October. If there was a natural way to transport these manmade CFC’s above the tropopause level into the ozone layer, then they would definitely deplete it, but, as I have shown in my argument since the late seventies, there is no way that it has, can, or will happen.

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There is only one way that sufficient CFC’s can be inducted into the ozone layer to deplete it – volcanic eruptions, which have sufficient vertical thrust to literally blast the CFC’s, and other ozone depleting gases, through the tropopause temperature inversions into the stratospheric ozone layer. The depletion of ozone, which has created the expanding hole in it over the South Pole, was not generated by manmade CFC’s.


Begin 2006 Update on Size of Ozone Hole

“From September 21 to 30, [2006], the average area of the ozone hole was the largest ever observed, at 10.6 million square miles,” said Paul Newman, atmospheric scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. Newman was joined by other scientists from NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in reporting that the ozone hole over the polar region of the Southern Hemisphere broke records for both area and depth in 2006. A little over a week after the ozone hole sustained its new record high for average area, satellites and balloon-based instruments recorded the lowest concentrations of ozone ever observed over Antarctica, making the ozone hole the deepest it had ever beenBegin

Begin 2009 Update on Size of Ozone Hole

Begin Excerpt from the UK Guardian

September 3, 2009

The size of the hole in the ozone layer

Ozone layer is vital for the continuation of much of life on earthIt’s been over 20 years since the Montreal protocol was brought into force.

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The treaty, which aimed to control substances which lead to the depletion of levels of ozone in the earth’s stratosphere, has been hailed as a great success.

The ozone layer is vital for the continuation of much of life on earth – its protective effect stops harmful UV-C radiation from reaching the surface. Whilst some of our efforts may have had unintended consequences , the struggle still remains to ensure that the existing hole does not continue to grow.

The data below shows that since the Montreal protocol came into force, the size of the ozone hole has increased in size by 36%. The hole was around the size of Cuba in 1979 (130,000 sq km) and has grown to the size of North America today (25 million sq km).

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are largely to blame. Once they reach the upper atmosphere the sun’s rays breaks them down, releasing highly reactive chlorine atoms.

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Chlorine breaks down ozone and disturbs the natural cycle which prevents harmful rays from reaching the earth’s surface.

It is hoped that the ozone layer will be able to recover in as little as 50 years due to the decrease in use of CFCs.

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Saturday, April 17th, 2010


April 18, 2010

The Iceland volcano will eventually die down and everything will return to normal, but the great earthquake in Revelation 6:12 will occur at some point in time before 2015, and it will be a part of the beginning of the world’s tectonic plates to shift for a three and one half year period after the earthquake. During this period hundreds of volcanic eruptions will break out in conjunction with the plates shifting.

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The smoke clouds from eruptions will form a thick worldwide overcast from the base of the tropopause into the stratosphere by the time the seventh trumpet sounds. I have taught this for 35 years. I could be wrong about the timing of it, but I am certain it will occur.



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To know that more than 95% of all earthquakes are associated with movement of the world’s tectonic plates, as outlined in BIRTH PANG NUMBER 1, can help us to better understand Revelation 6:12A & 14B, along with Revelation 16:18B & 20.

Revelation 6:12A – “And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal,

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and, lo, there was a great earthquake;” and 6:14B – “And every island and mountain were moved out of their places.” Revelation 16:18B – “And there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great,” and 16:20 – “And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.”

There are several interesting correlations between God’s tectonic plates, his mountains and islands he formed on them, the earthquakes they produce, the latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates of the islands and mountains that ride on them as they float on subterranean lakes of magma, and scriptures referring to islands and mountains in Revelation. Mountains and islands are mentioned TOGETHER only twice in the entire Book of Revelation, once in 6:14 and again in 16:20. The correlations are as follows: (1) The first earthquake in Revelation occurs on the opening of the sixth seal. (2) The last earthquake in Revelation occurs on the pouring out of the seventh vial of God’s wrath. (3) All the terrifying earthquakes, fire, and brimstone of the tribulation period occurs between the sixth seal and the seventh vial. That is not by chance, accident, or coincidence! (4) All the mountains and islands begin to change their latitudinal and longitudinal positions on the opening of the sixth seal (the first earthquake), then continue to move in association with earthquakes from the seventh seal through all seven trumpets, and up to the seventh vial of wrath (the last earthquake). All the islands and mountains reach their final geographical positions on the pouring out of the seventh vial of wrath.

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God will suddenly accelerate worldwide tectonic plate movement on the opening of the sixth seal. This will produce the fantastic holocaust described by John in Revelation from the first earthquake in Revelation 6:12 to the final earthquake in Revelation 16:18. The fleeing islands in Revelation 16:20 does not mean all the islands of the earth sank below sea level. It means literally what it says.

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A fleeing man is a moving man.

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It means the islands moved. Also, verse 20 does not mean all the mountains on the earth were leveled. It simply means they were not found in the same precise geographical location after the great shaking, which occurred between Revelation 6:12 and 16:20.

The first unleashing of a pattern of worldwide earthquakes begins in the Jordan River Valley, and eventually causes two things to occur: a noticeable movement of the tectonic plates on a worldwide basis, which produces horizontal movement and geographical relocation of all mountains and islands in microseconds.

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Just how can every island and mountain on the earth’s crust be moved to new locations? The answer is found in the realization that every mountain and island is firmly attached to the earth’s crust, anchored to a fixed set of latitudinal and longitudinal geographical location coordinates, which are measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds. Every mountain on this earth has a central peak set of geographical coordinates, and every island has a central focus set of location components. There is only one way that every island and mountain can be moved to a new location. The microseconds of the geographical coordinates must be changed. That is precisely what will happen when God begins to noticeably shift these massive tectonic pieces of the earth’s crust during the last three and on-half years of the tribulation period.

It is worth noting what is also produced along the tectonic plate borders in conjunction with the earthquakes. Over 90% of all volcanic eruptions occur along the peripheries of the tectonic plates to produce fire, brimstone, and smoke.

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This certainly helps to explain the latter portion of Revelation 6:12 – “And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood.” The great earthquake, which starts the initial worldwide movement of the plates, is also accompanied by widespread volcanic eruptions, whose smoke causes the sun to be darkened, and the moon to take on a blood-red color. As the eruptions continue up to the pouring of the last vial, this ever accumulating volcanic smoke in the stra

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tosphere will eventually cause the view of the heavenly bodies to depart from human eyes. The sun, moon, and stars will slowly disappear from view like the writing on a Hebrew scroll slowly disappears when it is gradually rolled together, as indicated in Revelation 6:14 – “And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.”


Begin Excerpt from Chicago International Travel Examiner via World News

Iceland volcano eruption update: More countries restrict flights

April 16, 11:59 AM

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Chicago International Travel Examiner

The Czech Republic and Slovakia have closed the airspace over their nations and Hungary, Switzerland, and Romania will soon follow suit as volcanic ash from a volcano in Iceland continues to spread across Europe.

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Hungary’s airports will close at 7 p.m. local time (noon, CDT). Switzerland is closing its airspace at midnight local time (5 p.m. CDT) and Romania at 3 a.m. local time Saturday (7 p.m. Friday CDT).

Some airports in Austria began closing at 11 a.m. CDT.

Complete commercial air travel bans remained in place in Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Nearly all airports in Germany, Poland, and the United Kingdom also were closed, as were major airports in the north of France, including Paris’ Charles de Gaulle and Orly.

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Many airports in Sweden also remained closed.

“We can actually smell the sulphur in the air here now from the volcano cloud,” Tim Farish told the BBC from Oslo, Norway.

Friday afternoon, Eurocontrol, the agency with overall responsibility for air traffic control in Europe, reported that the Stuttgart and Munich airports still were open.

“Forecasts suggest that the cloud of volcanic ash is continuing to move east and south-east and that the impact will continue for at least the next 24 hours,” a Eurocontrol statement said.

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In the UK, the National Air Traffic Service (NATS) extended flight restrictions over England and Wales until 7 a.m. BST (1 a.m. CDT) Saturday, although it indicated some flights might be allowed on a case-by-case basis.

“We are looking for opportunities when the ash cloud moves sufficient for us to enable some flights to operate under individual coordination with ATC [air traffic control],” NATS said. “Some aircraft were able to operate at Manchester this morning, although restrictions are now reapplied to Manchester.”

The agency also hinted that some flights might be allowed into Newcastle overnight.

“In general, the situation is dynamic and subject to change,” the NATS statement noted.

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“We continue to work closely with airports, airlines, and the rest of Europe to understand and mitigate the implications of the volcanic eruption.”

The Eyjafjallajokull glacier volcano in Iceland continued to erupt Friday, although scientists reported it was producing less ash.

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United Airlines canceled all of its Friday flights from O’Hare to Europe, including a flight for Munich. American Airlines Friday canceled flights from O’Hare to London, Manchester, and Brussels. British Airways Flight 294 from O’Hare to London was canceled, but Flight 296, scheduled to leave for the UK capital at 8:10 p.m. was still listed as on-time.

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KLM Flight 612 from Chicago to Amsterdam, scheduled to depart at 4:20 p.m., also was still listed as on-time by the O’Hare flight search engine, as was an LOT Polish Airlines flight from Chicago to Warsaw, although the Warsaw airport was closed Friday.

Poland’s Krakow airport also closed Friday, leading to concerns that foreign dignitaries would not be able to arrive for the state funeral Sunday of Polish President Lech Kaczynski. President Obama is among the heads of state scheduled to attend.

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Update (3 p.m. CDT): The Munich airport closed Friday evening. British Airways has canceled all Saturday flights into and out of London. Ryanair has canceled all flights to northern Europe until midday Monday. Alitalia was canceling flights to Rome, although the O’Hare flight search engine was showing Alitalia Flight 629 from O’Hare to Rome still on time for a 3:35 p.m. departure. Airports in northern France, including those serving Paris, were expected to remain closed into Saturday. American and United had canceled their overnight flights to Paris Friday, but Air France Flight 667, scheduled to depart O’Hare at 5:10 p.m., was still listed as on-time.

Passengers with flights scheduled to Europe from Chicago should check the status of their flight with their carrier before leaving for the airport.

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Obama Is Setting Up Israel for a Jihad Bruising!

Saturday, April 17th, 2010

TOWARD a Jihad Bruising ISRAEL is Cruising!

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a is Setting Israel Up for a Jihad Bruising!

Jews Security and Defensible Borders Left in Lurch!

This IS NOW TIME For Biblical Truth To Make a Search!

April 17, 2010

American-Jewish leaders accuse Obama of abandoning Israeli security

Begin Excerpt from Chicago Sun Times via World News

Obama’s on the path to appeasement


April 16, 2010

For a president who says he’s determined to isolate the aggressive, nuclear-seeking, terrorist-supporting Iran, Barack Obama is doing a remarkable job of isolating tiny, democratic, Western-oriented Israel.

I don’t doubt Obama’s sincerity on Iran or his repeated assertions of maintaining America’s strong support of Israel. But his treatment of our ally strikes at the heart of the uneasiness many of us feel about Obama’s foreign policy. Assuaging the Muslim world and proving to our adversaries that he’s not George W. Bush seem to be the guiding light from Washington,

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Appeasement is a strong word, some would say too harsh a word to use about Obama’s policies given his continued conduct of the wars

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Still, it’s worth noting that a central aim of both wars seems to be just to get out. Exiting these conflicts of course is the right goal, it’s how you do it that matters — whether our friends and foes see the manner of our leaving consistent with America as a reliable and strong ally and a powerful adversary to be respected.

His treatment of Israel raises this very issue. That’s not to say that the United States has to agree with everything that Israel does. But Ronald S. Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, summed up the problem in a letter to Obama on Thursday: “Why does the thrust of this administration’s Middle East rhetoric seem to blame Israel for the lack of movement on peace talks? After all, it is the Palestinians, not Israel, who refuse to negotiate.”

Indeed, the history of the region is one of decades of Arab intransigence and hostility.

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Israel accepted the U.N.-decreed 1947 partition of the holy land, and the Arab world declared war. Only the strength and audacity of Israeli arms saved the Jewish state in the 1967 existential war that left it in control of the West Bank and, until 2005, the Gaza Strip.

In a bold, some say foolish, bid for peace in the Oslo process, Israel welcomed archenemy Yasser Arafat into the disputed territories and let him arm his “security” forces. When Arafat’s true colors were revealed in 2000 with his rejection of President Bill Clinton’s diplomacy yielding the most generous peace plan, Israel paid the price in a terrorist war of suicide bombings and shootings that killed a thousand civilians and left thousands more maimed.

Uprooting settlers and pulling out of Gaza in 2005 only resulted in a Hamas terrorist statelet, rocket attacks and new fighting.

This history no doubt has left many Israelis wary of the peace process.

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But I’ve said it before and I’ll say again, this conflict will end when the Arab world wants it to end. Obama’s policies fail to recognize that simple truth.

Think how his actions look to Israel’s enemies. Obama makes a settlement freeze a condition for peace talks, something the Palestinians had previously not done.

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Now they do. He bows to the king of Saudi Arabia but refuses to be seen with the prime minister of Israel on Benjamin Netanyahu’s last trip to Washington. Now some wonder whether Obama is promoting government change in Israel rather than regime change in Iran. He decided to return a U.S. ambassador to Syria even as Damascus dictator Bashar al-Assad hosted what can only be described as a terrorist summit with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hezbollah chieftain Hassan Nasrallah. Now we learn that Syria has provided Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon with Scud missiles able to reach Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

This week, Obama said the conflict costs America “significantly in terms of both blood and treasure,” seemingly insinuating that U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq are endangered by it. That’s a fundamental misreading of the war with Islamist fanatics. Theirs is a revolt against modernity and the West, of which Israel

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is a symbol, not a cause. Getting that wrong takes the world down a dangerous path. Lauder got it exactly right: “History is clear . . . appeasement does not work.

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Begin Excerpt 1 from DEBKAfile Special Report

American-Jewish leaders accuse Obama of abandoning Israeli security

DEBKAfile Special Report

April 14, 2010, 10:47 PM (GMT+02:00)

The latest American Jewish leader to address a letter of deep concern over the public US feud with Israel is Ronald Lauder, President of

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the World Jewish Congress. He voices the concern of Jews around the world not only about the nuclear ambitions of an Iranian regime with genocidal intentions toward Israel, but the deterioration of US-Israeli relations and the Jewish state’ s deliberate i

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The WJC president asks why this administration seems to blame Israel for the lack of movement on peace talks when it is the Palestinians, not Israel, who refuse to negotiate.

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Settlements were not the key issue when peace talks broke down before and they are not the key issue now.

Lauder then asks if it is true that America is no longer committed to a final status agreement that provides Israel with defensible borders. He goes on to ask if friction with Israel is part of the Administration’s desire to improve relations with the Muslim world and warns that appeasement does not work.

Israel is not only America’s closest ally in the Middle East, Lauder stresses. It is the one most committed to this administration’s declared aim of ensuring Iran does not get nuclear weapons. This is the single biggest threat that confronts the world today.

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Former New York Mayor Ed Koch condemned the Obama administration’s attitude toward Israel in the strongest terms: “I weep today because my president, Barack Obama, in a few weeks has changed the relationship between the US and Israel from that of closest of allies to one in which there is an absence of trust.” He goes on to say: “…our closest ally… has been demeaned and slandered, held responsible …for our problems in Afghanistan and Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East.”

Ed Koch says he suspects the plan is “to so weaken the resolve of the of the Jewish state and its leaders so that it will be much easier to impose on Israel an American plan to resolve the Israel-Palestinian conflict, leaving Israel’s needs for security and defensible borders in the lurch.”

He is most bothered by what he calls “the shameful silence and lack of action by community leaders – Jew and Christian” and asks: Where are the Jews who marched in defense of fellow American citizens in 1963 and heard Martin Luther King’s memorable speech. “We have stood up for everyone else. When will we stand up for our brothers and sisters in the Jewish state of Israel?” Ed Koch asks.

Begin Excerpt 2 from DEBKAfile Special Report

Obama: Mid East conflict costs US “blood and treasure”

DEBKAfile Special Report

April 15, 2010, 9:53 AM (GMT+02:00)

The radical shift in US Middle East policies, marked by tough demands of Israel, was confirmed and highlighted by President Obama Barak Tuesday, April 14, in his comment that conflicts like the one in the Middle East ended up “costing significantly in terms of both blood and treasure.” Reporting this, the New York Times noted that he echoed

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the recent suggestion by Gen. David Petraeus, OC Central Command, that American lives in Iraq and Afghanistan were imperiled by lack of progress in the Middle East implying Israel’s policies on the Palestinians were responsible. (Petraeus later phoned Israel’s chief of staff to say his remarks were misunderstood and taken out of context.)

DEBKAfile’s US sources see in the US president’s remark his rejoinder to the alarmed accusations coming from prominent American-Jewish leaders that the US president has turned his back on Israel’s security, although he has repeatedly claimed it was the bedrock of his Middle East policy. Furthermore, AIPAC, the pro-Israeli lobbying group publicized a letter to US secretary of State Hillary Clinton signed by 76 senators and 33 House members urging the administration to defuse tensions with Israel and voicing support for its security.

The World Jewish Congress president Ronald Lauder was to publish an open letter to President Obama in the Washington Post and Wall Street Journal which asks: “Why does the thrust of this administration’s Middle East rhetoric seem to blame Israel for the lack of movement on peace talks when it is the Palestinians who refuse to negotiate?”

Former New York Mayor Ed Koch said he suspects the plan is “to so weaken the resolve of the of the Jewish state and its leaders so that it will be much easier to impose on Israel an American plan to resolve the Israel-Palestinian conflict, leaving Israel’s needs for security and defensible borders in the lurch.”

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Friday, April 16th, 2010


April 17, 2010


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Extracted From Book Written In The Late Seventies

Daniel 12:4 – But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

God advises us through Daniel that a particular circumstance will occur “at the time of the end,” specifically that “many shall run to and fro,” and, as a result, man’s “knowledge shall be increased.” Man, in his running to and fro, both across the earth and in space, did, in the twentieth century, accrue more knowledge about the earth than he grasped in the thousands of years from Adam’s creation until the beginning of that century. The data from hundreds of satellite eyes in space, used in spectrographic color analysis of the earth’s crust, has been allied with seismological data by a worldwide linkage of computer technology to allow man to discover an endless array of facts about the external and internal structure of the earth. Within the last thirty years man has more than doubled his factual knowledge of the exterior and interior of the earth, yet he has barely scratched the thin outer veneer of the unlimited

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knowledge of God, as prophesied by Daniel. This “time of the end” knowledge has begun to unseal many of the prophecies, and to open the “shut up” words of latter day events.

Today, when you look at the tectonic plate structure, found in countless numbers of books, you see thousands of miles of lines between tectonic plates, which represent cracks in the earth that weave their way erratically down through the earth, eventually making contact with great underground lakes of red-hot melted rock called magma. These geological faults are not the figment of scientific imagination. They are no longer based on theory or hypothesis. They have, within the past hundred years, advanced from hypothesis to theory to fact. They are tremendous cracks in the crust of the earth that have the full potential to fulfill many of the terrifying events in the book of Revelation.

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Because these deep geological faults interconnect, they have separated the outer surface of the earth into vast chunks of crust called tectonic plates. These plates are usually named for the geographical area that lies atop

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them, and they are responsible for the earthquake and volcanic activity in these areas. Just as a ship floats on water, so do these vast pieces of the earth’s crust float on deep oceans of hot liquid rock. They float in slightly different to opposite directions at differing speeds. Movement is perhaps only a few centimeters every year in some zones, but can be several per year in some places, and, at times, can suddenly move several feet in a local area. They move to produce over ninety-five percent of the world’s earthquake activity, as well as more than ninety percent of the world’s volcanic activity. Seismic topography, along with horizontal surface and vertical satellite laser beam measurements, has now proven without question that the plates exist and move to produce most of the world’s earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

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As the plates of the earth press against one another horizontal and vertical tectonic pressures often freeze vast zones together. As the plates strain against one another in titanic combat something finally snaps, and they break free in a local area. This abrupt loosing produces the massive vibrations we identify as an earthquake.

The Lord indicated “and great earthquakes shall be in divers places” in the last days.

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Man, in his running “to and fro,” has now gained the increase in knowledge to understand how earthquakes and volcanoes are produced by God’s creation. The same Christ, who uttered “and great earthquakes shall be in divers places,” already knew what man was to discover more than 1900 years later.

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The prophecy, “and knowledge shall be increased,” was fulfilled in the last century. The Holy Spirit, who inspired these words of Daniel and all the other prophets, will use his prior creation, the earth, to fulfill these prophecies of earthquake, fire, and brimstone, and he will do it by his own power. The horrifying scenes of destruction and chaos presented by John in the book of Revelation, and by the Old Testament writers are largely descriptive of a tremendous geological upheaval of the crust of the earth by the power of its Creator.

Begin Excerpt from THE INDEPENDENT via World News

China mourns as death toll tops 1,100


Saturday, 17 April 2010

Tibetan monks prayed yesterday over hundreds of bodies at a makeshift mortuary next to their monastery after powerful earthquakes destroyed the remote mountain town of Jiegu in western China and left at least 1,144 people dead.

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More than 11,000 people were injured, and more than 400 remained missing yesterday as rescuers neared the end of the 72-hour period viewed as best for finding people alive. They continued to dig for survivors in the rubble, often by hand.

The official toll was likely to climb further. Gerlai Tenzing, a red-robed monk from the Jiegu Monastery, estimated that about 1,000 bodies had been brought to a hillside clearing in the shadow of the monastery. He said a precise count was difficult because bodies continued to trickle in and some had already been taken away by family members.

Hundreds of the bodies were being prepared for a mass cremation this morning.

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Genqiu, a 22-year-old monk, said it was impossible to perform traditional sky burials for all.

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Tibetan sky burials involve chopping a body into pieces and leaving it on a platform to be devoured by vultures. “The vultures can’t eat them all,” said Genqiu, who like many Tibetans goes by one name.

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A 13-year-old Tibetan girl was pulled from the toppled two-s

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torey Minzu Hotel yesterday after a sniffer dog alerted rescuers to her location.

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The girl, identified as Changli Maomu, was freed after a crane lifted a large concrete block out of the rubble. Her condition was good and she

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was taken to a medical station for treatment.

Relief workers have estimated that 70 per cent to 90 per cent of the town’s wood-and-mud houses collapsed when the earthquakes hit Yushu county, in the western province of Qinghai, on Wednesday morning. The strongest of the quakes was measured at magnitude 6.9 by the US Geological Survey and 7.1 by China’s earthquake administration.

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A Very Tiny Preview of Future Tribulation Events

Friday, April 16th, 2010

A Very Tiny Preview of FUTURE TRIBULATION Attractions

Is now being observed across Europe which will Disappear

With The Passage Of Time Man Thinks Will Continue Forever!

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I’ve spent 36 years trying to warn of prophetic volcanic Clouds

Drawing closer each year as described by BIBLE prophets of God!

There is NO Doubt in my mind God intends to use HIS Own Creation

To fulfill many prophecies written by His biblical prophets He Inspired!

Luke 21:11,25 – And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. [25] And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

April 16, 2010

The current volcanic activity in Iceland will eventually die down, and everything will return to normal. However, at some point in time prior to 2015 I am convinced God will suddenly unleash a judgment on mankind like it has never known before. Is it possible I could be wrong? Absolutely, as far as the timing is concerned! But could I be wrong about God using the tectonic plates and the rest of his creation to fulfill his horrifying tribulation period? No Way, Jose! Whatever you intend to do about the salvation of your soul, you are approaching the end of the Gentile Age, and, if you do know Christ as your Savior whatever you intend to do in serving God, you had better get busy.

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Luke 12:8,9 – Also I say unto you, Whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God: [9] But he that denieth me before men shall be denied before the angels of God.

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Luke 12:35-38 – Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning; [36] And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately. [37] Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them. [38] And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants.

Revelation 22:12-14 – And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. [13] I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. [14] Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.




Revelation 9:1,2 – And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. [2] And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and

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the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.

I am a literal interpreter. That does not mean that I take all the inspired writings to be absolutely literal.

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I am very aware that certain parts of God’s Word are inspired poetically, figuratively and symbolically, but, unless it yields ridiculous results, I am always more inclined to accept a literal interpretation over a figurative or symbolic explanation.

In verse one there are some points that can be made literally concerning the symbols, things, places and events described.

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First of all, the star is identified by the personal pronoun “him” as a masculine spiritual being that comes from Heaven.

Secondly, this masculine spiritual being comes to a physical place – the planet Earth. Now, putting these two factors together, we have a being sent from Heaven to the physical earth. This means he is standing on the surface of what you see in figure 3. He is standing on top of these massive tectonic plates that float on top of an underground ocean of liquid rock.

Thirdly, this heavenly visitor has been given a key which represents the authority to unlock something. He has been send to unlock what he stands upon – the earth’s crust. The earth is the “bottomless pit.” There are hundreds of geometric figures that have bottoms, but the earth is an oblate spheroid and, as such, has no bottom. If it were possible to dig through the earth you could never reach bottom, for you would simply come out on the opposite side from which you started. The earth has no bottom.

Fourthly, I call your attention to the Koine Greek words translated “bottomless pit,” those being phreatos tes abussou, or literally, SHAFT OF THE ABYSS. This is a perfect scientific description of these great geological faults shown in figure 9. They are a great interconnecting shaft system that extends down through the crust into the abyss. It is this locked system that the heavenly being is sent to unlock. He unlocks the locked plate structure with the power of God symbolized by the key.

Fifthly, please note that the interior of the bottomless pit is likened to a “great furnace.” Many scientific texts of today use this term to describe the interior of the earth,

And, lastly, please notice the results of the unlocking of the tectonic plates in verse two – a great smoke that rises up to darken the sun and the atmosphere. This is precisely what would occur if these huge tectonic plates were unlocked. Volcanic smoke would pour upward into the earth’s atmosphere along all areas indicated by the dashed lines on figure 3. This smoke would most assuredly d

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arken the sun, on a worldwide basis, as it collected, and advected, around the earth under a great temperature inversion which exists just above the tropopause.

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Begin Excerpt from THE INDEPENDENT via World News

Volcanic ash paralyses the skies over Europe

Thousands of passengers are stranded as Icelandic eruption closes airports across the Continent

By Martin Hickman

Friday, 16 April 2010

Nats, the National Air Traffic Service, said British airspace would be closed until 1pm today – at the earliest. Last night a Nats spokesman said a handful of flights from Northern Ireland and the Western Isles may be permitted to and from Glasgow, Edinburgh and Prestwick, along with North Atlantic flights to Scotland and Belfast, “subject to individual co-ordination”. But there were concerns the lockdown elsewhere would last much longer – Eurocontrol, the European flights agency, warned that the ash could last 48 hours, affecting flights well into the weekend.

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The UK, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Belgium closed their air space, while France, the Netherlands and Finland partially shut airports. The disruption moved south with the cloud.

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Bill McGuire, professor at the Hazard Research Centre at University College London, said: “Volcanoes are very unpredictable … I would expect this shutdown to last a couple of days. But if the eruption continues, and continues to produce ash, we could see disruption over six months or so.”

Nats said the shutdown was the first time in “living memory” that the entire UK airspace had been closed; even after the September 11 attacks in 2001 most UK airspace remained open.

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Flights will be disrupted for days as airlines battle to clear the backlog of passengers and ensure planes are in the right place to run a normal service.

Under EU travel laws, passengers will be entitled to receive refunds or fresh flights but not compensation. People who have not yet checked in may not be able to claim for delays to holidays, while many other policy-holders may miss out due to small print ruling out payouts arising from “acts of God”.

Airline staff at Stansted told customers it could be closed until Sunday. “People just don’t know what to do,” said Andy Evans, a stranded passenger. “There are hundreds of people in the queues at the sales desks.”

A spokesman at Heathrow said 840 out of 1,250 flights were affected, disrupting more than 100,000 of the 180,000 passengers due to travel yesterday. The delays affected 80,000 passengers at Gatwick, 76,000 at Manchester and 35,000 at Stansted.

Some UK airport terminal buildings were deserted.

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Stansted spokesman Mark Davison said: “Most people have left the airport or made other arrangements. It’s not like when you have fog and people are waiting for the next flight in the morning. It’s a total shutdown. It’s eerily quiet.”

John Strickland, director of JLS consulting, which specialises in air transport, said: “We are looking at a day’s business at least wiped out for the airlines. Even if things are meteorologically fine … the airlines’ aircraft and crew will be out of position so they have no choice but to cancel further flights.”

The problem

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began on Wednesday when a volcano below the Eyjafjallajoekull glacier in Iceland hurled a plume of ash 6km to 11km (4 to 7 miles) into the atmosphere. Scientists said the ash did not pose a health threat because it is at such high altitude. However it contains tiny particles of glass and pulverised rock which can damage engines and airframes and ultimately cause a crash.

In 1982 a British Airways jumbo jet lost power in all its engines when it flew into an ash cloud over Indonesia, gliding towards the ground before it was able to restart its engines, prompting the aviation industry to rethink the way it prepared for ash clouds.

The eruption was growing more intense, warned volcanologist Armann Hoskuldsson, of the University of Iceland. To the east of the volcano, thousands of hectares of land were covered by a thick layer of ash, while a cloud was blotting out the sun in some areas along the southern coast of Iceland.

BA Flight 9: A near disaster

In June 1982, Captain Eric Moody was commanding a British Airways Boeing 747 flying from London to Auckland with 263 passengers on board when it encountered an ash plume from the erupting Mount Galunggung in Indonesia. Within minutes, all four engines on BA Flight 9 had failed. Captain Moody’s announcement has entered airline folklore. “Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking,” he said. “We have a small problem. All four engines have stopped. We are doing our damnedest to get it under control. I trust you are not in too much distress.” The plane managed to glide out of the ash plume and three engines restarted. The ash cloud had not shown up on the weather radar – designed to detect the moisture in clouds – because it was too dry. It clogged the engines, which restarted when enough of the molten ash broke off after solidifying.

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