Archive for November, 2009

Obama Now Faces Five Choices in Afghanistan!

Monday, November 23rd, 2009

U.S. Cannot WIN A Lasting Permanent Victory!

Obama NOW Faces Five Choices in Afghanistan:

(A) Send enough troops to win temporary Victory

(B) Send enough to let Taliban control Countryside

(C) Bring troops home while they can safely pull Out

(D) Do whatever he must do to please a Far left Base

(E) Blame It All On Bush, Conservatives, and Capitalism

Eventually, I believe our President Obama will choose (E)

Since it will pacify his Liberal Base until he can carry out (D)

Thereby satisfying the Liberal Left by eventually ordering (C)

Besides, always pick (C) if you don’ t know

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November 23, 2009

Begin Excerpt 1 from THE JERUSALEM POST

British FM: Without NATO troops, Afghanistan would go back to square one

November 21, 2009 Staff , THE JERUSALEM POST

Afghanistan would go “back to square one” if NATO forces were to withdraw at this point in time, British Foreign Minister David Miliband told the Guardian on Friday.

According to the report, Miliband said following a visit to Kabul for the inauguration of Afghan President Hamid Karzai that without international support, the rebuilding of the country would be sabotaged at the hands of insurgents.

“The costs of staying are real, but they are less than the costs of leaving,” he was quoted as saying.

Begins Excerpt 2 from THE JERUSALEM POST

‘Afghan debacle rules out US-Iran war’

November 18, 2009


The US is too bogged down in Afghanistan to engage Iran militarily over its nuclear program, an ex-CIA South Asia expert and current adviser to US President Barack Obama said in Tel Aviv on Tuesday.

Bruce Riedel, a senior Brookings Institute and Saban Center fellow for political transitions in the Middle East and South Asia, addressed scholars and journalists at Tel Aviv University’s Institute for National Security Studies.

He warned that the US was fighting a losing battle against Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan, and that Washington would soon have to make difficult choices on beefing up troop levels there.

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“Israelis need to understand that there’s going to be a huge drain on resources, attention and capital, and that will have implications,” Riedel told The Jerusalem Post before his talk.

He acknowledged that those implications would primarily affect the Iran question.

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During his address, Riedel referred to the US’s commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan, and said, “We’ ve got two wars.

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You’ve got to be bold to say, let’s start a war against a third party, particularly when the third party can hit you in the first two fronts.”

The US has learned that it “can’t fight two medium-sized wars simultaneously,” he said.

Riedel retired from the CIA in November 2006 after 30 years of service. In 2007, he was asked by then-senator Barack Obama to be an expert volunteer adviser on counterterrorism.

“In June this year, the president called,” Riedel said. Obama asked him to assemble a strategic review of US policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

“The president has inherited a disastrous war that is being lost,” Riedel said. ” Pakistan, next-door to Afghanistan, is being destabilized.

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Pakistan is the fastest growing nuclear arms state in the world, and has more terrorists per square kilometer than any other country,” he continued.

Riedel said the scenario that kept him up at night was the potential for a jihadi sweep to power in Pakistan via a violent coup.

“That is the nightmare outcome,” he warned. Such a development would certainly destabilize the entire world, Riedel said, and would have severe implications for Israel, too.

“Pakistan would be a patron state sponsor of terrorism.

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Hamas would find a lucrative Sunni sponsor,” he added, noting that a jihadi Pakistan would be a more attractive patron to Hamas than its current sponsor, the Shi’ite Islamic Republic of Iran.

“We’re losing… It’s getting worse in Afghanistan,” Riedel said.

The US could either remain in its current position, which would, in effect, mean that the Taliban would control the Afghan countryside and NATO forces would control the cities, or a decision can be made to withdraw, Riedel added.

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“President Obama has ruled that [a withdrawal] out. I think correctly,” Riedel said. But the option of a troop surge was not simple either, he noted.

“Every soldier sent to Afghanistan costs the US a million dollars a year. Thirty thousand soldiers cost $30 billion. Extremely large resources are involved,” he said. “America is broke.”

Riedel’s Afghanistan review ended with the conclusion that recent recommendations by US Gen.

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Stanley McCrystal, to send tens of thousands of more troops to Afghanistan, should be tried.

“Within 18 to 24 months, we will know whether Obama inherited a dead patient on an operating table,” Riedel said. “The question of sending more troops will define Obama’s first term in office.”

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Sunday, November 22nd, 2009

To Dream The FAR Left Dialog Dream,

In The Middle East Is A Novice’s Scheme,

Which In Time Will Unravel Along Its Seams,

Leaving left wing without a paddle in a Stream,

A lot more Turbulent that what it Currently Seems!

November 22, 2009

Begin Excerpt from THE JERUSALEM POST

Barack Obama’s vision impossible

November 17, 2009


There is no place outside the US (where, in view of the likelihood of Senate approval of health reform, the situation is a bit different) where people are not disappointed in President Barack Obama. This is not an entirely justified disappointment: Anyone with eyes, particularly here in the Middle East, should have known that his commitments and style could not produce the results he promised. True, the man has vision, charisma and natural leadership qualities, but the trees he has climbed are too high.

If Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, for example, truly believed that Obam a w

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ould succeed in completely ceasing settlement construction and then bring about the dismantling of the settlements and an Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 lines, he provided Israelis and Arabs yet further proof that he is not a statesman.

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And the Israelis quaking with fear, especially after Obama’s Cairo speech, lest he abandon Israel on the altar of reconciliation with the Muslim world, did not understand the strategic and psychological constraints that would prevent him, even if he wanted to (and he doesn’t), from sacrificing Israel.

IN MOST of the foreign policy arenas where Obama is unsuccessful in implementing his plans (except Iran), the main reason is that it’s impossible to do so, unless he changes the rules of the game completely, particularly regarding the deployment of military forces several times larger than those currently in the region. Yet this contradicts both his ideology and his mandate. Besides, Congress would never approve, nor would the other powers, led by China and Russia.

In the Middle East, outside of Iran, there is no need for the American army. Diplomatic pressure will do, though even here Obama is beginning to realize that his vision enjoys no real support – aside from the rhetoric of a few so-called leaders – among the Israeli and Palestinian publics he is trying to serve. The vision, ostensibly so noble, has collided with reality.

Obama’s vision, first formulated by the Israeli left years ago, is two states for two peoples.

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Had the president of the United States done his homework and not relied on an ideology without foundations or bowed to the pressures of his closest aides (themselves influenced by far-left Israelis trying to weaken their government through their access to the White House and other centers of power), he would have discovered that his vision is a nonstarter.

Those in the Arab world with the real influence and power – not just Hamas – oppose it forthrightly. Even the Israelis who pay lip service to the two-state vision, like Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in his Bar-Ilan speech, in fact reject it.

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Indeed, even the moderate Zionist left that used to believe in this solution now has its reservations – not because it opposes giving up territory, but because it has lost faith in the sincerity of the Palestinian offer to make peace with a Jewish state on the basis of two states for two peoples.

Accordingly, some of the proposals voiced in the media – and, lo and behold, taken seriously by the White House and State Department – to “deal head-to-head” with this or that leader (read Netanyahu) are not serious, even childish. Like Obama himself, Netanyahu, even if pressed to the wall, cannot bend beyond his own capacity for political survival.

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Hence he withstood the pressure of an impossible American diktat to freeze all settlement construction, including in Jerusalem.

With Abbas the situation is far worse. First, Obama’s rhetoric thwarted
him: It raised his expectations to the sky and led him to make commitments, such as not meeting with Netanyahu until a freeze is in place, that he cannot keep if he wants to see any movement at all.

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In any case, his own status among his public is at best symbolic: Even without binding himself with rhetoric, he can’t really make significant commitments in the name of Palestinians. When he has committed, for example regarding an end to terrorism, his opponents have proven with Kassam rockets and suicide bombers that the president of Palestine has no authority.

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So what should Obama do? If he applies pressure, it will only generate more terrorism by Hamas and other Palestinian opposition groups, and this is the opposite of what he wants to achieve. Nor is toppling Netanyahu an option. That won’t bring the Israeli left to power, but even if it did, there is today no leader there who can unite the public around a withdrawal to the 1967 lines and the dismantling of settlements – the American “vision.”

In a way, Netanyahu is the only leader who can move, within limits, in coordination with the Americans and hope to survive. The “only the Likud can” slogan is spot on when it comes to making territorial concessions, as Menachem Begin did in Sinai and Ariel Sharon in Gaza.

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A left-wing government could not have done it; the right would have flooded the streets with tens of thousands of demonstra tors

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to prevent the dismantling of settlements.

SO IS there a way out

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? Not for the moment. In the longer run, if there emerges a Palestinian leadership capable of committing all factions to its decisions and if the decision is to go for a two-state solution, I believe the Israeli public will offer its support, subject to the following minimal conditions.

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First, the Palestinians forgo the right of return. Second, the settlements remain in place. And third, Palestinians do not receive land inside Israel as “swaps” for the “settlement blocs.”

After the trauma of the Katif bloc in which “only” some 10,000 settlers were removed, I doubt any Israeli government could remove all or even most of the settlers in Judea and Samaria in accordance with the Palestinians’ (and Americans’) minimal demand. Both the Palestinians and the Obama administration must recognize that the talk of “time is in the Arabs’ favor” is in fact wrong. When Yasser Arafat signed the Oslo Accords, there were around 150,000 Jewish settlers. Today, despite the (incomplete) settlement construction freeze, nearly 300,000 Jews live in the territories.

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They are determined soon to reach half a million – and they will.

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Thus it is Palestinian time that is running out.

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The writer heads the Institute for Zionist Strategy in Jerusalem and writes a weekly political column

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in Haaretz. He founded the Council of Jewish Settlements in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip and headed it for 15 years. This article originally appeared in and is reprinted with permission.

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Saturday, November 21st, 2009

Welcome To A Real World, Prince Charming,

Dynamic campaign speeches, guile, Promises,

Personal Charm, a wide Smile, Youthful Candor,

An engaging demeanor, your cries for US Change,

And a Novice’s Ideological Fa ith

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in Diplomatic Dialog,

Shall not Impress or Change the leaders of this Earth!

November 22, 2009

Obama’s Iran sanctions strategy is routed by Chinese, Russian rebuffs

DEBKAfile Special Report

November 18, 2009, 6:09 PM (GMT+02:00)

Chinese president Hu Jintao said clearly after meeting US

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president Barack Obama in Beijing Tuesday, Nov. 17, that their governments disagree on tougher sanctions for Iran – or any other issue relating to the Islamic republic. DEBKAfile’s sources report that this rebuff has led Washington’s efforts to round up big power endorsement of harsh penalties for Iran’s continued intransigence on its nuclear program, such as an embargo on refined petrol products and gasoline, have come to a dead end. The efficacy of unilateral American sanctions, the only non-military option still left to Washington, is questionable.

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Secretary of state Hillary Clinton made a last-ditch bid Wednesday, Nov. 18, to scale China’s negative wall, before the US president left for South Korea.

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She tried to talk the Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Dai Bingguo into at least issuing a Beijing statement on Iran. He refused outright.

The Chinese rejection followed a rebuff from Moscow in the form of a comment by Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov that it was premature to say that diplomatic efforts for defusing tensions over Iran’s nuclear program had failed. He said it was too soon

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to talk about stepping up sanctions on Iran, if at all, so contradicting the supportive message Obama received from Russian President Dmitry Medvedev when they met in Singapore last week and agreed that time was running out for Iran to respond to international efforts to meet it halfway.

Tuesday, before Beijing and Moscow knocked sanctions on the head, Israeli PM Binyamin Netanyahu said optimistically that the Iranian nuclear issue should be left for the world

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powers and international community to deal with. In a few short hours, that option had melted away.

In the last 24 hours, Israelis have been too busy discussing the expansion of the Gilo neighborhood

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of Jerusalem to notice that their former and current governments, headed respectively by Ehud Olmert and Binyamin Netanyahu, have just suffered one of their biggest foreign policy defeats. They are now confronted with a most unwelcome dilemma.

Begin Excerpt from MIDDLE EAST ONLINE

November 19, 2009

Little behind Obama’s tough Mideast talk

Analysts: Obama has no real power over Israel despite his hard tone against Tel Aviv.

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WASHINGTON – The Obama administration is hardening its tone against Israel, but analysts warned Wednesday the tough talk was mere bluster hiding the lack of a viable plan to revive the Middle East peace process.

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“You’ve had three ‘no’s’ to an American president in his first year,” said Aaron David Miller, who has served as advisor on Middle East peacemaking to previous US administrations

President Barack Obama is now “faced with the default position, which is words,” said Miller from the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

” And the louder they shout, the more there is a paradox.

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The tougher the words are, the weaker we look.”

Ten months into office, Obama has hit a brick wall as his high-profile push to restart negotiations falls flat, damaging his broader aim to improve ties with the Arab and Muslim world.

After coming into office vowing to make the push for an elusive peace a top priority, the administration appears weaker than ever in the Middle East.

Israel’s hardline Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly defied US calls to totally halt illegal Jewish settlements.

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After Tel Aviv on Tuesday approved the building of hundreds of new homes in Palestinian East Jerusalem, Obama said such moves make it harder for Israel to make peace with its neighbors and ensure its own security.

“I think it embitters the Palestinians in a way that could end up being very dangerous,” the president warned on Fox News Wednesday.

Haim Malka, of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), said that “the administration’s change of tone is intended to send a strong message that settlement building hurts efforts to restart negotiations.”

But it is “unclear whether the tougher language and approach will actually help restart substantive negotiations or merely heighten Israeli misgivings about negotiations with a weak and divided Palestinian leadership,” he said.

Shibley Telhami, a Middle East analyst at the University of Maryland, said Obama had no choice but to make a strong statement on the project in Gilo, Palestinian East Jerusalem.

“The administration has been counseling privately against this project, and obviously it is seen as a direct challenge,” Telhami said.

On Tuesday White House and State Department officials both voiced dismay at the construction plans and warn the move could stymie hopes of breathing fresh life into the deadlocked peaace talks.

Amjad Atallah, an analyst with the New America Foundation, said the latest US remarks show “the administration has decided to draw a rhetorical line in the sand” but without making Israel pay the consequences.

“You can expect the Israelis to continue poking their finger in America’s eye — until they are made to stop,” Atallah said.

In a sign of just how far apart the two sides are, Palestinian officials have said they intend to ask the UN Security Council to recognize Palestinian statehood in a unilateral move discouraged by the US.

All Jewish settlements are illegal under international law because they are built on Arab land (mainly Palestinian), illegally occupied by Israel since 1967.

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Around 200,000 illegal Jewish settlers are estimated to have moved into the dozen or so Israeli settlements in Palestinian East Jerusalem.

There are about 300,000 more illegal Jewish settlers currently living in settlements the Palestinian West Bank.

The settlers adhere to radical ideologies and are extremely violent to almost-defenceless Palestinians.

Israel occupied Palestinian East Jerusalem in 1967.

Under international law, neither East nor West Jerusalem is considered Israel’s capital. Tel Aviv is recognised as Israel’s capital, pending a negotiated settlement with the Palestinians.

East Jerusalem is considered by the international community to be illegally occupied by Israel, in contravention of several binding UN Security Council Resolutions.

In these resolutions, the United Nations Security Council has also called for no measures to be taken to change the status of Jerusalem until a final settlement is reached between the sides.

Declaring Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is an attempt to change this status, and is thus a violation of these Security Council resolutions.

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Saturday, November 21st, 2009

The Baby!

THE Stork!

The Famine!

It’s Scheduled,

It has to Happen,

And must Continue,

Until Jesus 2nd Advent!

The Stork, Babies, Famine,

Earthquakes and Pestilences,

THEN ARRIVE The Fearful Sights

AND GREAT SIGNS followed by His

2nd Advent to touch down on Earth,

Bringing ALL WITH HIM who missed His

Seven Vials of Wrath After the 7th Trump

Catching out of the saved on God’s Planet!


This is the judgment of the saved in heaven after the saved are caught out on the sounding of the last trump, the seventh trump.

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While this is happening in heaven the Lord is destroying those whose immorality destroyed the earth.

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Revelation 11:15,18 – And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever

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and ever. [18] And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

This is the worst part of the tribulation period which occurs during the pouring out of seven vials of wrath following the sounding of the seventh trumpet.

Luke 21:25-27 – And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; [26] Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. [27] And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.

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November 21, 2009


Luke 21:11 – And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and FAMINES, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

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Matthew 24:8 – All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Revelation 6:5,6 – And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. [6] And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

Begin Excerpt from CNN News

U.N.: One billion worldwide face starvation

November 15, 2009 7:04 a.m. EST

(CNN) — The United Nations launched an online appeal for individual donations to fight hunger as donor nations tackle an economic crisis and, for the first time in history, more than 1 billion face starvation worldwide.

The World Food Programme’s “Billion for a Billion” campaign aims to reach 1 billion individuals.


The 1 billion number is about 100 million more than last year, the World Food Programme said.

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To meet the needs, the agency said it has to raise U.S. $6.7 billion. Donations to date stand at U.S. $2.9 billion.

“Citizen action has abolished slavery, given women the right to vote, and helped to ban the use of land mines across much of our planet,” Sheeran said. ” … Why shouldn’t we draw on that inspiration and try to harness the power of individual action to feed the world’s hungriest people?”

End Excerpt from CNN News


A woman’s birth pains begin with a single pain and then continue to increase in frequency and intensity until the child is born. These three phenomena, earthquakes, famine, and pestilence had never, in historical records, followed this pattern until Old Jerusalem and the Temple Mount were taken from the Jordanians in 1967. Since that time all three have developed such a pattern. In the two previous prophecy updates we covered earthquakes and pestilence. But what about famine, is it also following the same pattern? Absolutely! The population explosion that has suddenly burst on the scene should come as no surprise to mankind.

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The world’s population has roughly, in somewhat similar manner, followed the principle of daily doubling pennies.

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Suppose that someone proposed to give you five billion dollars if you would double a penny he gave you for forty days.

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Would you take the deal? A single penny on the first day would produce two cents on the second day, four cents on the third day, eight cents on the fourth day, sixteen cents on the fifth day, thirty-two cents on the sixth day, sixty-four cents on the seventh day, and only $1.28 on the eighth day. So, based on what you’ve read so far, it seems like a pretty good deal. But on day forty you would have to fork over move than five billion dollars. This principle is now being added into the famine equation.

The world’s famine outbreaks in the developing countries have been occurring closer and closer together in time since World War II, and this trend, like a woman’s birth pangs, will definitely accelerate until Jesus comes. Why? A few thousand years ago eight men and women descended in an ark “upon the mountains of Ararat,” and then began to multiply. At first, like the penny, the increase was slow and insignificant numerically. When Jesus was born, the world population had only reached about 200 million. When Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492, it had only reached 400 million. But, like the multiplying multiples of the penny, it began to accelerate about the time of the Civil War, and exploded after the Great Depression of the thirties. In 1989 the world population reached five billion and, the same year, eleven million of the earth’s residents died of starvation. The world population passed six billion in October of 1999, and is predicted to reach ten billion in 2030.

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There is no way under heaven that the developing countries across the Bible Lands of Asia and Africa, where most of this increase is forecast to occur, can fail

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to have an ever increasing, massive famine.

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Some say the population will only reach 8.5 billion in 2030. But even if this is true, how can the additional 3.5 billion be fed if 11 million died of starvation in 1989 with a population of only five billion.


Luke 21:11 – And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and FAMINES and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

In the past the major culprits that have always been responsible for famines were war and drought. However, as I indicated in my first book in the seventies, the world population explosion was beginning to be an ever increasing factor and, in time, would be the major culprit.

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Please take a look in our Prophecy Archives at Update Number 20. The ever increasing population factor is now in full gear.

According to the World Food Program (WFP), hunger is the number one cause of death in the world today.

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The WFP announced recently it had fed 130 million people in 2005, and that this was the largest number of beneficiaries since the agency was formed 42 years ago.

According to a February 2, 2006 article in the Guardian Unlimited, the United Nations figures show “Sub-Saharan Africa is in the grip of an extraordinary hunger crisis, with more than 40-million people needing emergency food aid across 36 countries.” It has risen to that figure in Sub-Saharan from 21-million in 1995.

Some say don’t worry, agricultural technology will solve the famine problem.

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No way! The latest U.N. study found ten percent of the world’s soil profile badly damaged. The three-year study accessed soil conditions on a global scale, and involved more than 250 soil scientists. It marked the first time since World War II that soil profiles had been assessed on a global scale. As reported by Larry B. Stammer in the Los Angeles Times, the study found that “about two-thirds of all seriously eroded land is in Asia and Africa, home to most of the world’s poor.” The article, using the report as its basis, stated: “Despite the much acclaimed green revolution of the past several decades, which produced unprecedented gains in food production through the introduction of fertilizers and hybrid grains, the per-capita food production has declined in about eighty developing countries in the past decade.”

The report, “Vital Signs 1993: The Trends That Are Shaping Our Future,” as reported by David Brisco in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette of July 18, 1993, stated: “This new report shows the first clear sign that population is outpacing the food available for humans. The trend is mostly because of record world population growth, but also reflects a slowdown in decades of increasing food supplies. The main sources of food – farms, ranches, and oceans – all appear to be approaching, or may have reached, their maximum per-capita output, according to Vital Signs 1993.” The simple truth is this, the world’s maximum food production, in the 21st century, has not been able to keep up with the stork, and the ever increasing population will cause it to fall farther and farther behind. Earthquakes, pestilence, and famine will continue to increase the pain of God’s creation while it awaits the manifestation of his sons at the appearance of his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.

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Some World Leaders and Politicians are like the Cretians!

Friday, November 20th, 2009

Some Middle East rulers are like Paul’s Cretians!

OBAMA, Ahmadinejad, AND ASSAD Administrations,

Have a VERY obvious characteristic in their Governing,

Having no transparency in their Governmental Programs!

Maybe IAEA should inspect Democratic closed Door Sessions

To find particles of concealed motives for ramming Opaque Bills

Down Throats of Americans Who are Being FOOLED by Politicians,

Who certainly have built up records demonstrating Cretian Behavior

Like Political Parties LED BY the Ahmadinejad & Assad Administrations!

November 21, 2009

Titus 1:12 – One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.

Slow bellies. That is, “lazy gluttons

Here Paul is quoting from a Cretian poet and reputed prophet by the name of Epeminides who lived about six hundred years before Christ. Paul confirmed that this deplorable reputation was still valid in his day among the Cretians.

The highly-educated Paul, in inspired New Testament scripture, quoted three times from the works of Greek poets. These quotations are:

In Acts 17:28, Paul said and Luke wrote, “For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.” This is a quotation of a passage from Aratus’ Phaenomena 9.

In Titus 1:12,13, Paul quotes a saying from the 6th century BC Cretan poet Epeminides, found in his De Oraculis, and follows it by saying, “This witness is true…

In I Corinthians 15:33, Paul quotes from Menander’s Thais.

Begin Excerpt 1 from THE JERUSALEM POST

Preserving Cretan Jewry

November 19, 2009


On June 8, 1944 the Greek tanker Tanias, commandeered by the Germans, was torpedoed by the British submarine HMS Vivid 53 km.

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west of Heraklion, capital of the Greek island of Crete. Aboard were several hundred Greek and Italian prisoners of war, and all of the 265 Jews of Crete, many of them children.

They had been taken by trucks, concentrated by the Nazis into a camp in Heraklion, herded onto the ship and were being sent off to Piraeus on the Greek mainland in transit to the death camps of Poland. There they were destined to meet their end by gassing, hard labor and starvation. The prisoners of war were to be forwarded to work in labor camps for the Nazi war effort, and would also most likely meet their deaths there.

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As a result of the torpedoing, all the passengers and crew sank to a watery grave.

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Admiralty records state that it was wartime policy to attack all enemy ships coming out of the harbors of Crete, which were being used to transport German troops back to the mainland, and the Royal Navy had several submarines on standby to monitor the ports.

Today, out of a total population of more than half a million, the Jews of Crete number just seven men and three women, and there is no official monument to those who perished in 1944. Of the eight or so synagogues that stood on the island before World War II, none remained after the German occupation of 1941 to 1944. All, except for one, were vandalized, taken over by squatters and eventually demolished.

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Hania, the provincial capital of western Crete, had boasted two synagogues of which one, Beth Shalom, was destroyed by German bombing in the initial attack on Crete in 1941.

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The other, Etz Haim, withstood the war but in a ru

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ined state. It stood in the old Jewish quarter, called Ovraiki, around the original harbor, later extended by the Venetians, who called the area “Zudeccha” or Jewish ghetto.

Begin Excerpt 2 from DEBKAfile

IAEA wants to inspect three secret Syrian nuclear sites

DEBKAfile Special Report

November 16, 2009, 10:53 PM (GMT+02:00)

The new IAEA report on Iran’s formerly secret uranium enrichment site at Fordo near Qom also includes a section on Syria and a demand to inspect suspicious sites there too. The inspectors clearly suspect Both Tehran and Damascus of concealing from the UN nuclear watchdog secret facilities related to nuclear weapons production. Monday, Nov. 16, the seven-page IAEA inspectors’ report on their October visit to Fordo stated clearly that Tehran’s belated declaration of its uranium enrichment site suggested that more secret sites remained to be discovered in Iran.

With regard to Syria, IAEA inspectors are to visit Damascus on Tuesday, Nov. 17, for clarifications of the conflicting explanations Syria has offered for uranium traces. They will also insist on making return visits to three military sites which Damascus has so far refused, following information received by the agency of clandestine “nuclear activity” there. DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources reveal that Israel hit one of three at the same time as its air force bombed the unfinished plutonium plant at Dair Alzour in 2007, although this was never admitted by Israel or Syria.

The nuclear watchdog wants a close survey of this site because it is certain the ground would yield up important clues to Syria covert nuclear weapons program. Permission has been denied for a visit there as well as a request to visit to the Euphrates River’s west bank opposite the bombed plant.

The Assad regime has claimed the uranium particles discovered near Damascus could have come from domestically produced “yellow cake” or imports of commercial uranyl nitrate undeclared to the IAEA.

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The Syrians also said they could have come from reference materials or from a transport container.

The report pointed out that the uranium traces found did not fit these explanations; nor could they be traced to Syria’s declared inventory.

Begin Excerpt 3 from THE JERUSALEM POST

‘IAEA demands immediate visit to Syrian nuclear facilities’

November 16, 2009 Staff , THE JERUSALEM POST

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has demanded an urgent and immediate visit to suspected nuclear sites in Syria, Channel 10 cited foreign media reports on Monday night.

According to the report, IAEA inspectors discovered enriched uranium in three sites besides Dir Azur, where IAF jets destroyed an alleged reactor in September 2007.

These findings have led that UN nuclear watchdog to suspect that Syria has uranium stockpiles.

The main cause for suspicion was the discovery of nuclear material traces near a small research nuclear reactor outside Damascus, the TV channel reported.

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When the evidence was presented to the Syrians, they failed to provide convincing explanations, senior IAEA officials were quoted as saying.

Agency inspectors who visited the Dir Azur site after the 2007 bombing found highly processed plutonium, so the uranium traces may indicate Syria’s nuclear program was more advanced than was previously assessed.

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It was not yet clear whether authorities in Damascus would allow the inspectors into the alleged nuclear sites.

Begin Excerpt 4 from AP and THE JERUSALEM POST

IAEA: Iran may be hiding more facilities

November 16, 2009


After a new uranium enrichment site at Qom in Iran was revealed several weeks ago, the International Atomic Research Agency raised concern about possible further secret nuclear sites, Reuters reported quoting an IAEA report obtained by the news agency on Monday.

According to the report, Iran told the IAEA it had begun building the site at Qom in 2007 – but the IAEA, the United Nations’ global nuclear proliferation watchdog, had evidence the project had begun in 2002, paused in 2004 and resumed in 2006.

The report said Iran had provided full access for IAEA inspectors on their first visit to the Qom site three weeks ago, but had yet to provide full, credible answers to verify that the plant was only for civilian purposes.

The IAEA’s report states “The agency has indicated (to Iran) that its declaration of the new facility reduces the level of confidence in the absence of other nuclear facilities under construction and gives rise to questions about whether there were any other nuclear facilities not declared to the agency. Moreover, Iran’s delay in submitting such information to the agency does not contribute to the building of confidence.”

The report also says Iranian technicians have moved highly sophisticated technical equipment into the Qom site in preparation for starting it up in 2011.

The report offered no estimate of the new plant’s capabilities but a senior international official familiar with the agency’s work in Iran said that it appeared designed to produce about a ton of enriched uranium a year.

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That would be enough for a nuclear warhead but too little to fuel the nearly finished plant at the southern port of Bushehr and other civilian reactors Iran is planning to bring on line in the coming years.

The IAEA also noted that Iran’s enrichment at the Natanz site – revealed by dissidents in 2002 and under agency monitoring – was stagnating, with output remaining at mid-2009 levels.

The report did not offer a reason. But the official suggested that nuclear experts previously working at Natanz could now be preoccupied with putting the finishing touches on the newly discovered site, called Fordo.

As early as three years ago, Iranian officials had announced that immediate plans for the Natanz site were to install about 8,000 enriching centrifuges, and Monday’s report suggested that Tehran had reached that goal

The 7-page report – the latest IAEA summary of what it knows about Iran – said that as of Nov.

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2, about 8,600 centrifuges had been set up but only about 4,000 were enriching – or 600 less than in September.

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Still, the official said output had been steady since June with about 100 kilograms – 220 pounds – of enriched uranium being produced a month.

The report said that Natanz had churned out close to 4,000 kilograms of low-enriched, or nuclear fuel-grade uranium by Nov. 2 – close to the amount considered by experts that would be needed for two nuclear weapons.

But the report’s main focus was Fordo, the name of highly fortified underground space near Qom.

Iran said it fulfilled its legal obligations when it revealed the plant’s construction, although IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei has said Teheran was “outside the law” and should have informed his agency when the decision to construct was made.

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Nations suspicious of Teheran’s nuclear program believe the the Islamic Republic decided to inform the IAEA only after it became convinced that the plant’s existence had been noted by foreign intelligence services – and was about to be revealed by Western leaders.

A senior Western official recently told The Associated Press that Fordo appeared too small to house a civilian nuclear program but large enough to serve for military activities.

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Monday’s report – prepared for a meeting next week of the IAEA’s 35-nation board – did not address the issue of size or function, beyond saying that the Fordo facility would house about 3,000 centrifuges, which the senior international official said could turn out about just over a ton of enriched uranium annually.

Moscow on Monday dashed Iranian hopes that the Russian-built nuclear reactor at Bushehr will be switched on this year.

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Officials in Russia and Iran had previously announced plans to switch it on in 2009, giving Iran its first operating nuclear power plant decades after construction started.

“We expect serious results by the end of the year, but the launch itself will not happen,” Russia’s state-run RIA Novosti news agency quoted Russian Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko as saying. ITAR-Tass and Interfax had similar reports.

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Iran’s president warned the West not to pressure Teheran over its nuclear program, saying this only makes the country more determined to gain power by advancing its nuclear technology.

The comment by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appeared to be a veiled threat that Iran would try to intensify its efforts to enrich uranium if nuclear negotiations with the international community fail.

“Cooperation with Iran in the nuclear field is in the interests of Westerners.

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Their opposition will make Iran more powerful and advanced,” Ahmadinejad said in a statement posted late Sunday on the presidential Web site.

US President Barack Obama turned up the pressure Sunday by saying Iran is running out of time to agree a UN-brokered plan to ship its low-enriched enriched uranium out of the country to enrich it to a higher level. The West had hoped this plan would dramatically reduce its stockpile of enriched uranium and thwart any attempts to build nuclear weapons.

Instead of responding to the UN proposal, Iran made a series of counterproposals.

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It said instead it wanted to buy nuclear fuel from abroad and also suggested UN inspectors could supervise uranium enrichment in the country.

Teheran has also said it only wants to send part of its stockpile in several shipments abroad.

The UN offer drafted October requires Tehran to ship around 70 percent of its stockpile of low-enriched uranium to Russia in one batch by the end of the year for further enrichment.

Iran is currently enriching uranium to less than five percent, which is sufficient to produce fuel for its future nuclear power plant, but not for arms making. Enriching uranium to even higher levels can produce weapons-grade materials.

According to the UN plan, after further enrichment in Russia, France would convert the uranium into fuel rods that would be returned to Iran for use in a reactor in Tehran that produces medical isotopes. Fuel rods cannot be further enriched into weapons-grade material.

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