Archive for July, 2009

Obama, Not Israel, Needs To Pause!

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

Obama, not Israel, needs to Pause,

For Some VERY Serious Self-Reflection,

As a young inexperienced intellectual Pet,

Of academics rather than of historic Reason,

But I suppose the Jews shouldn’t be Surprised,

By a non-combatant with a name of Barack Obama,

Separated by Barack’s genuine ARABIC name Hussein!

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The Torah is referred to in Excerpt 2 from the Jerusalem Post so I am including the description of it in the three paragraphs which follow. The Rabbi refers to Torah as the document giving the Jews the right to settle anywhere they want in Israel, which indeed it does.

The following Excerpts are from Wikipedia:

The term “Torah,” (“learning” or “instruction,” sometimes translated as ” Law”

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), refers either to the Five Books of Moses (or Pentateuch) or to the entirety of Judaism’s founding legal and ethical religious texts.

The Torah is the most holy of the sacred writings in Judaism. It is the first of three sections in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible), the founding religious document of Judaism, and is divided into five books, whose English names are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy,.

Outside of its central significance in Judaism, the Torah is accepted by Christianity as part of the Bible, comprising the first five books of the Old Testament.

Begin Excerpt 1 from the Jerusalem Post

A pause for serious self-reflection

July 19, 2009


When US President Barack Obama met with 15 representatives of American Jewish organizations on July 13, Haaretz reported that he told them that he wanted to help Israel achieve peace but that if they were to benefit from his well-intentioned counsel, Israelis must “engage in serious self-reflection.” The breathtaking condescension toward the Jewish state that this remark betrays, as well as the implicit dismissal of the last 16 years of Middle East history, says a lot about Obama and the direction in which American foreign policy is heading.

The fact that Israel has already gone through several periods of serious self-reflection and made costly sacrifices in terms not only of territory but in blood has no significance for the president. Here a just a few items that the president seems to think don’t matter in assessing the situation: The failure of a generation of peacemaking including the Oslo Accords and the successor agreements associated with that process, the 2000 Camp David summit, the second intifada, the withdrawal from Gaza, the subsequent use of that territory as a terror base and the failed attempt just last year to get the Palestinian Authority to take yes for an answer on statehood for its people.

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All have apparently been swept down the White House memory hole. In the age of Obama, like a fundamentalist religion that dates all events as being either before or after a divine revelation, that which occurred prior to his election is meaningless by definition.

Rather than play down his penchant for quarreling with Israel, Obama is proud of it. Indeed, he asserts that such conduct is actually a virtue, since his hammering of Israel is merely “honest talk” that should be interpreted as the highest form of friendship.

Obama’s obsession with picking a fight

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about growth in Jewish settlements in the territories is a classic misdirection play. The US had already agreed that calls for settlement freezes couldn’t apply to those communities that it had acknowledged Israel would keep in any peace agreement, let alone in Jerusalem. But Obama has repudiated that pledge partly out of his determination that he must invalidate everything his predecessor did, and partly because settlements are a useful cudgel with which beat Binyamin Netanyahu and the rest of the government Israelis elected only a few months after Obama’s own victory.

EVEN MORE important, the entire premise upon which his demand for Israeli reflection is based is false. So long as both the supposedly more moderate Palestinian Authority and the extremist Hamas movement that governs Gaza have no interest in peace on even the most generous terms that Jerusalem can offer – a detail upon which the PA’s leaders have been quite explicit – Obama’s pressure ploy is pointless.

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Though Obama speaks to Jewish groups of equal pressure on the Arabs, everything that the administration has done and said in its short time in office makes it clear that the president’s sole target is the government in Jerusalem, not the terror

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ists running Gaza or the corrupt Fatah functionaries in Ramallah.

Taken together with his appeasement of the Arab and Muslim world as reflected in his Cairo speech and a feckless policy of engagement on Iran that continues to extend legitimacy to a regime that has already forfeited its credibility with its own people, one would think that Obama would be in trouble with his Jewish supporters. Though there have been rumblings from some Jewish leaders that expressed worries about Obama’s attitude to Israel, the passive response to the downgrading of the alliance with Israel cannot be denied.

There are those who believe that the continued support for Obama can be traced to a lack of enthusiasm on the part of most American Jews for Israel’s current government and settlements, though others go so far as to say that it also shows a general lack of interest in, let alone support for Israel, among liberal Jews.

It is true that unlike the Israeli Left which has been completely marginalized by the Palestinians’ rejection of peace, the Jewish Left in the US is currently riding high. The spectacle of the small J Street lobby – a group that exposed its extreme nature last December when it opposed Israeli military efforts to stop missile attacks on its southern towns from Gaza – strutting into the White House alongside representatives of large mainstream groups illustrates the new political reality of Washington in 2009.

But the overwhelming majority of American Jews who voted for Obama last year did not back him because they anticipated that he would pick pointless fights with Israel to advance a peace process that Palestinians scorn.

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Most did so because they are partisan Democrats and sh

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are his views on domestic issues.

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But there is no way that he would have won as much as three-quarters of the Jewish vote had not most believed him when he claimed he was a supporter of Israel. Contrary to the boasts of the left and the fears of the right, most Jewish Democrats still care deeply about Israel.

IN RESPONSE to writers like myself who have called for Democrats to speak truth to power and hold Obama accountable for his policies, some of those who vouched for Obama during last year’s campaign have said that the president’s offenses are not yet egregious enough to warrant a rebuke. Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz, a man whose long and honorable record of support for Israel is beyond question, attempted to defend Obama’s positions in a recent op-ed in The Wall Street Journal and then later in responses to critiques of it. He continues to believe that having a popular liberal Democratic president who claims to be a supporter of Israel is good for the Jews even if some of his policies are open to question. But Dershowitz’s half-hearted apologias betray a worry that perhaps he was fooled by the president’s campaign promises.

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Jewish Democrats don’t have to jump to the Republicans. If, as Dershowitz avows, pro-Israel Democrats have influence on the administration, then let them use it before things get even worse. It is worth recalling that in 2002, when statements by secretary of state Colin Powell made it appear as if a Republican administration was taking a similarly “evenhanded” approach to Israel’s attempts to defend itself against a Palestinian campaign of suicide attacks, conservative evangelicals were not slow to act. This group, as integral to George W. Bush’s coalition as Jews are to Obama’s, deluged the White House with calls for strong support for Israel and got results.

Had a Republican done and said the same things that Obama has in the last six months who can doubt that he and other Democrats would be demanding that Jewish Republicans repudiate their party’s leader? The question remains what will be the tipping point for Jewish Democrats at which it will be impossible for them to go on pretending that they did not elect the most hostile president to Israel since the first George Bush? If the current trend continues without a strong negative reaction from Jewish Democrats who raised money for Obama and voted for him, then we are entitled to ask why they are either silent or rationalizing a policy that they know is wrong.

The writer is executive editor of Commentary magazine and a contributor to its blog Contentions at:

Begin Excerpt 2 from the Jerusalem Post

‘US settlement policy contravenes Torah’

July 20, 2009


In his first public declaration on Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria, Chief Sephardi Rabbi Shlomo Amar called this week on American Jews to explain to the Obama administration the religious obligation of every Jew to live in every part of the Land of Israel.

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In a letter addressed to American rabbinical organizations and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations that was obtained by The Jerusalem Post, Amar wrote that “the Torah commands the Jewish people to live in Israel. And we hear that the US is putting pressure on the Israeli government to prevent Jews from living or building their homes in large parts of the Land of Israel.

“This is being done at a time when every person is allowed to live wherever he wishes to live in every area of the world, while here in Israel [Americans] want to create a [Palestinian] state in which it will be prohibited for Jews to live.

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And even expanding existing settlements is prohibited.

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“We ask you to take advantage of your strength and power to influence the authorities in the US, that they should examine the issue with truly democratic criteria and to take into consideration the Torah and the Halacha that obligate Jews to settle everywhere.”

Amar wrote that he was not speaking from a political or diplomatic point of view, rather solely from a religious point of view.

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The idea to write the letter to American Jews was initiated by Rabbi Sholom Gold, founding rabbi of Zichron Yosef Synagogue in Jerusalem’ s Har Nof neighborhood.

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Gold spoke on Shabbat before Amar and other rabbis who had gathered at Kfar Giladi for a rabbinical conference sponsored by the Ariel Institute.

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Gold spoke of how it was unjust to turn areas of the Land of Israel Judenrein – a Nazi term for “cleansed of Jews.”

Gold’s speech aroused a strong wave of agreement among the rabbis, including Amar, who resolved to draft a letter after Shabbat.

“The American pressure is extremely disconcerting,” said Gold, in a telephone interview. “The point of the letter is to use the influence of rabbis and leaders in the US to ease the terrible pressure being put on Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East. It is unfair and unwise.”

Oded Weiner, director-general of the Chief Rabbinate, who signed the letter along with Gold and other rabbis, sent it the Presidents’ Conference, the Orthodox Union, Young Israel and other Jewish organizations in the US.

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Chief Rabbi of Haifa She’ar Yashuv Cohen said that preventing Jews from settling in the Land of Israel went against a long, illustrious history of famous rabbis settling here.

“Jews should be allowed to exercise their religious right to settle wherever they want in Israel,” Cohen said in an interview on Radio Kol Chai.

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Current Spread of Shiites into Egypt will Help!

Monday, July 20th, 2009

Current spread of Shiites into Egypt will Help

The Soon COMING Antichrist to Conquer it Quickly,

Immediately after pushing the Israelis into the Negev!

July 20, 2009

Terrorist groups grew in Egypt after the signing of a peace treaty with Israel, which eventually led to the assassination of its last President. The recent uncovering by Egyptians of a major Hizbullah terror cell organization operating in Egypt, actually linking up with native terror cells, has created great concern for the President of Egypt.

Having an internal terror organization operation inside the country, when Islamic forces dominated by Shiites come south through Israel and then attack Egypt, will make it much easier for the Antichrist to conquer Egypt.

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Begin Archive Afternoon Blog of January 28, 2008.

Daniel 11:41,42 – He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon. [42] He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape.

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We begin this blog with Israel having already lost some 2/3 of its population while being driven into the Negev wilderness by 10 Arab nations led by the antichrist.

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Once he has driven Israel into the Negev and secured the northern periphery of it to stop a breakout from it, he will leave Israel trapped in it and proceed to his most important military objective, the Suez Canal.

Zechariah 13:8 – And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein.

Revelation 12:6 – And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

There is no more important zone in the entire Middle East from a military, political, and economic standpoint than the narrow strip of water known as the Suez Canal. World shipping passes through it from the south into the Mediterranean Sea on its way to European ports, and to the ports of the northern Atlantic. It carries southward through its banks the shipping commerce that services the ports of the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal, the Andaman Sea, the Gulf of Siam, the South China Sea, and the vast Pacific Ocean.

The sudden lightning Jihad strike from the north will catch

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the western world by complete surprise.

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The short period of false peace in the Middle East, following a period of no peace since 70 A.D. for the Jewish nation, will lull Israel and those nations that are friendly to her into a false sense of security. Furthermore, I am convinced that the lengthy chain of worldwide earthquake activity will begin at this time with the occurrence of the first earthquake in the book of Revelation, found in 6:12, and that the worldwide activity will continue until the last earthquake of Revelation, found in conjunction with Armageddon in 16:16-18.

Revelation 6:12 – And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

Revelation 16:16-19 – And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. [17] And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.

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[18] And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.

This surge of worldwide earthquake activity, acting with the element of surprise, and pushing an already weak economy over the edge, will cause the western world and Europe to be more concerned with their own national interest of survival, than in the survival of Israel. Besides, I assure you that, immediately upon the antichrist’s conquest of the Suez Canal, the plans will already have been laid to instantly announce that the status quo of the Suez Canal operations will remain unchanged, and that all nations will

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have free access through it.

I have always believed that the 10 toes of Daniel’s statue and the 10 horns of his fourth beast are

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the same as the 10 horns found in Chapters 13 and 17 of Revelation. There is no question in my mind that in the last days of this age the 10 horns were to arise out of the southern flank of the area dominated by the fourth beast of Daniel, which represented the Roman Empire of John’s time. The great Roman Empire, at its maximum expansion, extended into parts of all the nations that I believe will be involved in the support of the antichrist when he drives Israel into the Negev, and then takes over the Suez Canal. I believe those 10 nations will be Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Turkey, and Sudan, and that the Palestinians will attack Israel in coordination with them from within the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Begin Excerpt from MEMRI

Middle East Media Review Institute (MEMRI)

July 16, 2009

Inquiry and Analysis No. 535

Conflict Over Spread of Shi’a in Egypt Resurges

By: E. Glass *


Following the exposure of the Hizbullah cell in Egypt in April 2009, and the reports that one of its goals had been to spread the Shi’a in the country, tensions between the regime and the Shi’ites in Egypt have increased, and the public debate on Shi’ization in the country has reemerged.

Shi’ization has been a concern in Egypt for some time. About a year ago, the regime launched an information campaign aimed at limiting the power of the Shi’a in Egypt. One of the measures taken was educational activity among the public and the security forces, warning against the Shi’ite ideology and the danger of its taking root in Egyptian society. The Egyptian regime’s main concern is the Shi’ization in Sixth of October Province, not far from Cairo, which, after absorbing many refugees from Iraq, has become a stronghold of Shi’a in Egypt.

This report reviews the Egyptian regime’s actions against Shi’ization in the country – especially measures taken in the wake of the Hizbullah cell affair – as well as reactions in the Egyptian press and the response of Egypt’s Shi’ites to these developments.

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Measures Taken by the Regime Against the Spread of the Shi’a

In July 2008, the Interior Ministry asked several university lecturers and religious scholars to speak to security officers on “the Shi’ite ideology and its plans to infiltrate Sunni countries.” Dr. ‘Abd Al-Mun’im Al-Bari, a lecturer on Islamic culture at Al-Da’wa College and chairman of the Al-Azhar Scholars Front told the Egyptian daily Al-Masri Al-Yawm that he had been invited to address the officers in light of the situation in Sixth of October, where thousands of Shi’ites had settled and were “attempting to infiltrate Sunni Egyptian society.” More recently, Egyptian Interior Minister Habib Al-‘Adli decided to establish the Council to Combat the Shi’ite Ideology and Stream in Egypt.

A few days after the Hizbullah cell was exposed in Egypt, the daily Al-Misriyoun reported that Egyptian Religious Endowments Minister Dr. Hamdi Zaqzouq had tasked one of his deputies with preparing a program “for confronting the Shi’ite stream in Egypt.” According to the report, the ministry plans to launch an information campaign, especially in the Sinai, and hold meetings at youth centers and sports clubs around the country “to warn the youth against the ideology of Hizbullah and the Shi’ite school of thought.” Also, mosque imams and preachers have been instructed to focus in their sermons on the danger posed by the Shi’a to the security and stability of Egypt.

Al-Azhar has likewise joined the anti-Shi’ization campaign. Al-Misriyoun recently reported that, in light of the growing trend of Shi’ization in the country, Al-Azhar Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Sayyed Al-Tantawi has instructed the Al-Azhar Academy of Islamic Research to train imams and preachers to fight “the Shi’ite philosophy and the lies that the Shi’ites spread about the Koran and the Sunna.”

Dr. Nasser Farid Wasil, former Egyptian mufti (1996-2002), said recently that there are considerable differences between the Sunna and Shi’a, and warned against what he called the Shi’ites’ plans to spread their creed in the societies in which they live.

Sixth of OctoberProvince – A Stronghold of Shi’a in Egypt

The Shi’ization of Sixth of October is one of the main issues that concern the Egyptian regime and the Egyptian media, both government and oppositionist. Sixth of October was only recently designated an independent province, when it was separated from Al-Giza province in April 2008. Its capital, Sixth of October City, is 32 km from Cairo, and has a large population of Iraqi exiles, many of them Shi’ites. Also residing there are many students, from different countries, who attend the city’s private universities.

The Shi’ites in Egypt, especially in Sixth of October, are demanding to build Shi’ite mosques, in accordance with the freedom of religion guaranteed in the Egyptian constitution.

According to a recent report, a member of the Sixth of October local council urged the council to deal with the spread of the Shi’a in the province, calling it a danger to the province’s security. However, Province Governor Fathi Sa’d rejected this claim, stating that the Shi’ites in Sixth of October pose no danger, and that despite the large Iraqi population in the province, the Sunnis are still the majority there.

A few days after the Hizbullah cell was exposed, www.islamemo, known for its anti-Shi’ite orientation, published new details about Shi’ite activity in the country, which have not been published elsewhere in the Egyptian press. According to the website, a group of Shi’ite students from Iraq and the Gulf recently broadcast a Shi’ite-style call to prayer from a mosque in Sixth of October, which led to a clash with some of the neighborhood residents, and later to the arrest of the students on charges of “forming a clandestine organization for spreading the Shi’a.” The investigation revealed that the students had formed this organization in the private universities in Sixth of October, and had collected funds for building a Shi’ite mosque. According to a source in the security forces, the students have acknowledged that they are Shi’ite and that they maintain contacts with Iraqis in the Cairo and Al-Giza provinces. The source stated further that the authorities were investigating whether the student organization had ties with the recently exposed Hizbullah cell.

The broadcasting of the Shi’ite call to prayer from the Sixth of October mosque evoked varied reactions in Egypt. Many saw it as a deliberate provocation exacerbating the conflict between the Shi’ites and the authorities at a sensitive time, i.e. following the exposure of the Hizbullah cell, when the Shi’ites could have been expected to keep a low profile. Others regarded the arrest of the students as an act of anti-Shi’ite persecution by the regime, in response to the Hizbullah cell affair.

The website www.islamemo also reported on the arrest in Egypt of four Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) operatives, who had entered the country with fake passports identifying them as Shi’ite Iraqis. According to the website, the four acknowledged that they had come to Egypt to carry out “intelligence operations” and to support the Iraqi Shi’ites in the country. This affair was covered more extensively by the Lebanese daily Al-Mustaqbal, which reported that the four Iranians belonged to the IRGC Al-Qods Brigade, and had formed an Iranian intelligence network in Egypt. According to the report, the four stated that Al-Qods Brigade commander Qasem Suleimani had instructed them to spread the Shi’a in Egypt, to campaign for Iran, and to form ties with Bedouin tribes in the Sinai.

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The head of the Iranian network, an officer called Mohammad ‘Alam Al-Din, who had entered Egypt in the summer of 2006 with a fake Iraqi passport under the name ‘Ali Zuhdi, rented an apartment in Sixth of October and blended into the Iraqi population there.

As noted above, the issue of Shi’ization in Sixth of October has been preoccupying the Egyptian regime, public, and media for some time. In September 2008, another incident caused an uproar among many Sunni Egyptians: During the month of Ramadhan, Shi’ite booklets were distributed in the city, which, according to reports, contained curses and invective against Egypt and the Egyptians.

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Against this backdrop, MP ‘Muhammad ‘Ali Ibrahim, editor of the daily Al-Gumhouriyya, published an article harshly condemning the spread of the Shi’a in Egypt, and particularly in Sixth of October. He called for expelling the Shi’ite Iraqis from Egypt, lest Egypt suffer the same fate as Iraq or Lebanon: “…On several occasions, I have warned about the growing number of Iraqis in the city of Sixth of October.

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I was told, on these occasions, that they were Sunnis who had escaped the horrors of the American occupation [in Iraq].

“Unfortunately, over time, we have discovered to which sect [they really belong], as well as their true political objective. [Therefore, I say] either expel them or send them back to their homeland, for we do not want to hear about suicide [bombings] in Egyptian cities. Those who [pray] in the mosques of Sixth of October are praying for Hassan Nasrallah and his ‘pure’ money. Should we wait for something worse?!” Egyptian Columnist Warns about the Emergence of a Shi’ite Province Near Cairo

Following the exposure of the Hizbullah cell and the events in Sixth of October, columnist Farag Isma’il wrote an article in Al-Misriyoun warning against the spread of the Shi’a and wondered about Egypt’s open immigration policy:

“Against the backdrop of the unstable political situation, the Hizbullah cell emerged and deployed itself in strategic areas, in complete disregard of our sovereignty over our borders. Nobody [in Egypt] paid any attention to the Egyptian-Iranian lobby that was assisting the Persian infiltration of the largest Arab country. This lobby controls the [Egyptian] media, has influence in parliament, and heads some of the opposition parties.

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“Even worse [than our disregard of this lobby] is our disregard of the Shi’ite province that has unnaturally come into being west of Cairo. This province, called Sixth of October, was born several months ago by being separated from the Al-Giza province. The Iraqis who settled there have established commercial enterprises and coffee shops, and it has become an operations base for IRGC operatives who lurk there, disguised as Iraqis!…

“I was not surprised to hear a Shi’ite-style call for prayer issuing from one of the mosques in Sixth of October, though the residents of the area were surprised to hear a call for prayer at an unusual time and in an unfamiliar style. Two years ago, I spoke to the imam of one of the mosques in the city, and was surprised to hear from him that he was a Shi’ite and had been appointed [imam] by the Religious Endowments Ministry. However, [I soon realized that] he was hiding his Shi’ite identity from the ministry, and [was working to] spread the Shi’a in his sermons and lessons. When I asked him, ‘Doesn’t anyone notice?’ he replied, ‘I believe that the Egyptians are inclined towards the Shi’a, even though they are Sunnis’…

“The Iraqi immigrants [in Egypt], some of whom have proven to be Iranians, had the gall to ask the Endowments Ministry for a permit to build Shi’ite mosques in which to perform their rituals. They claimed that this was their right under international law and the human rights charters, and that Egypt has a Shi’ite [population] of over 100,000…

“Why does Egypt open its doors to this Shi’ite Iraqi immigration, without conducting diligent [background] checks, as is done in most countries of the world, including those that zealously guard human rights? Would the U.S., France, Britain, or Germany open their borders and easily grant visas to [immigrants] who threaten their demographic and religious balance as well as their security?

“We have reached the point where a Shi’ite call to prayer is openly broadcast [in an Egyptian city] by those insolent immigrants, those students from Iraq and the Gulf. This is an escalation more dangerous than Hassan Nasrallah’s [statement] acknowledging that he dispatched a Hizbullah cell into Egypt.

“There is a difference between granting religious freedom and undermining the very foundations of our religious stability, or permitting the Lebanonization or Iraqization of Egypt. We must not be ashamed to use any means that can prevent us from sinking into this quagmire. We have reached the point where news agencies report that most of the Muslims in Egypt are Sunni! [Only] a few years ago, we were a wholly Sunni society, and now the number [of Sunnis] is dropping. We are absorbing more and more Iraqi immigrants – even though they no longer have a need to emigrate [from their country] – and we keep silent as a Shi’ite province emerges not far from Cairo. Considering the unstable political situation, the future may be even worse.” Responses by Shi’ites in Egypt

Shi’ites in Egypt expressed outrage at the accusations against them. They denied any connection to the Hizbullah cell, and said that the regime was using this affair as another excuse to persecute and oppress them. Shortly after the affair broke, the Higher Council for the Protection of Ahl Al-Bayt in Egypt posted on its website an interview with council chairman Muhammad Al-Darini in which he stated that the Egyptian authorities were prosecuting the Shi’ites and “looking for a new [excuse] to frighten [people] and incite them against the Shi’a.” He also called the Hizbullah cell affair “part of the folklore [invented by] the Egyptian security apparatuses.”

In an interview with Al-Quds Al-Arabi, Al-Darini said that some of the senior members

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of the Higher Council for the Protection of Ahl Al-Bayt are now under surveillance by the security apparatuses. He added that the Egyptian regime was trying its best to tie the council leadership to the Hizbullah cell, and that the council’s headquarters, in central Cairo, were the target of constant harassment by the authorities.

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An organization called World Shi’ite Union also came to the defense of the Shi’ites in Egypt. In a communiqué titled “The Terror [Employed by] the Egyptian Government against the Shi’a,” it stated: “The World Shi’ite Union holds the Egyptian government directly responsible for the crimes of terrorizing the Shi’ites in Egypt and outside it, desecrating their honor, and harming their property, and [it] now intends to bring this issue before the United Nations. We have already brought the situation of the Shi’a in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan to the attention of the International Human Rights Council, in a clear and open manner… and soon we intend to ask that top Egyptian officials be tried by an international [court] for war crimes and crimes against humanity.” Regarding the Hizbullah cell affair, the communiqué stated that the Egyptian government had launched a new terror campaign against the Shi’a with the aim of “defeating the ideology of Ahl Al-Bayt.”

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Sunday, July 19th, 2009



Then Builds A- Bomb TEST SITE,

Maybe They’ve ADOPTED U.S. Plan,

Spend, spend, on worthless Programs

To provide jobs for those who build Sites,

We know we can trust Admadinejad’s Word,

Stating Iran

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has no plan to develop the A-Bomb,

So he must be using Obama’s plan to provide Jobs,

In pouring Iran’s oil monies into desert gopher Holes!

After all, shouldn’t we believe in Obama to provide Jobs!

July 19, 2009


Begin Excerpt from DEBKAfile Special Report

Iran puts finishing touches on a desert A-test site east of Tehran

DEBKAfile Special Report

July 18, 2009, 11:18 AM (GMT+02:00)

DEBKAfile’s military sources reveal that Iran is in the last stages of construction of a nuclear test site in the Kavir Lut desert between Tehran and its eastern border with Afghanistan.

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The work is managed by the Iranian experts invited to attend North Korea’ s nuclear te

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st this year. (DEBKAfile reported June 27 that Iran has opened the way for a nuclear test.)

Two of the diplomats attached to the UN nuclear watchdog agency in Vienna confirmed

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to the Associated Press Saturday July 18 that Iran now has

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the means to test a weapon within six months.

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One said more specifically: “Iran has the capacity, if not the intention, to set off a test explosion in six months.”

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the two diplomats emphasized there were no indications of plans for a nuclear test and in their opinion Iran is unlikely to risk heightened confrontation with the West and chances of an Israeli attack with such a course.

For the last six months, DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources have all stressed that this supposition is wishful thinking having confirmed that Iran is squarely on the fast track for an N-test.

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Once preparations are complete, its leaders will not hesitate to conduct one, following the North Korean model.

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And indeed the two diplomats in Vienna admitted the Iranians were blocking UN nuclear agency attempts to upgrade monitoring resources.

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As recently as July 9, DEBKAfile’s military sources reported: “The US, Europe – and even the Binyamin Netanyahu government – appear to have adopted the same strategy for North Korea and Iran.

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It is a combination of harsh oral rebukes coupled with a refusal to address North Korea’s violations and Iran’ s race for a nuclear bomb in any practical way, even though

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A blind eye is equally turned to the close collaboration between Pyongyang and Tehran on their missile and nuclear development programs.

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The two rogue states are also clearly in tune on their nuclear diplomacy and timetables.
According to DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources, North Korea shared the results of its latest missile launches with Iran, exactly as it did after its nuclear and ballistic tests. But neither Washington nor Jerusalem has raised a hand. Both nuclear transgressors are getting away with the gross, ongoing proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and making a mockery of international law and UN resolutions.”

Therefore, the diplomat’s estimate Saturday that the Iranians will not risk confrontation with

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the West or chance an Israeli attack is completely unfounded, as are the theories that the Iranian leadership is in too shaky a position at home to go forward with a nuclear test.

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As soon as the test site is ready, supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will not be deterred from taking the nuclear plunge by the unrest at home, any more than grave illness has stopped Kim Jong-II flouting international prohibitions.

Still, the US and Europe will not fall out of their chairs because they have given the ayatollahs all the time they needed to attain a nuclear weapon.

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As it was in the Days of Jeremiah the Prophet!

Saturday, July 18th, 2009

As It Was IN THE DAYS Of Jeremiah The Prophet,

So is it also today in THE MORAL standards of Israel,

Particularly In THE CONDUCT Of Governmental Officials,

But to fail to acknowledge that U.S. politicians are Worse,

Would indicate a justifiable prejudice on my part for Gentiles!

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We don’t have Temple Priests, Jewish Prophets or Kings in our Society,

But we have Jewish & Gentile Rulers, Religious Men, and Immoral People,

Such that the words of Jeremiah, Psalms, & Paul seem to fit as well Today!

July 18, 2009


Jeremiah 5:25-31 – Your iniquities have turned away these things, and your sins have withholden good things from you. [26] For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men. [27] As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit: therefore they are become great, and waxen rich. [28] They are waxen fat, they shine: yea, they overpass the deeds of the wicked: they judge not the cause, the cause of the fatherless, yet they prosper; and the right of the needy do they not judge. [29] Shall I not visit for these things

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? saith the Lord: shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this? [30] A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land; [31] THE PROPHETS PROPHESY FALSELY, AND THE PRIESTS BEAR RULE BY THEIR MEANS; AND MY PEOPLE LOVE TO HAVE IT SO: AND WHAT WILL YE DO IN THE END THEREOF?


I Timothy 4:1,2 – Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; [2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

II Timothy 3:1-4 – This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. [2] For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, [3] Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, [4] Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;


Psalm 2:1-12 – Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? [2] The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, [3] Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

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[4] He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

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[5] Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. [6] Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. [7] I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. [8] Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts

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[9] Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel. [10] Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. [11] Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. [12] Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are ALL THEY THAT PUT THEIR TRUST IN HIM?

Luke 21:25-28 – And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; [26] Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. [27] And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.

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[28] And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.


Ephesians 1:12-14 – That WE should be to the praise of his glory, WHO FIRST TRUSTED in Christ. [13] In whom YE ALSO TRUSTED, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, [14] Which is the earnest of our inheritance UNTIL THE REDEMPTION of the PURCHASED possession, unto the praise of his glory.

Ephesians 4:30-32 – [30] And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, WHEREBY YE ARE SEALED UNTO THE DAY OF REDEMPTION. [31] Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: [32] And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.

Begin Excerpt from Jerusalem Post

Tradition Today: Prophetic truth

July 16, 2009


What caused the destruction of the first Temple in 586 BCE and of the Second Temple in 70 CE?

A historian will give you a clear answer: the folly of try ing to stand up aga

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inst the greatest powers in the world at that time – first the Babylonians and then the Romans. But the prophets and the sages, who are more interested in theology than in history, might give you a different answer, one that is encapsulated in the phrase in our prayers “because of our sins we were exiled from our land.”

True, Jeremiah, the prophet who lived before, during and after the first exile, warned against becoming entangled in the rivalry between the great powers, Egypt and Babylonia, and later counseled submission to Babylon, thus earning himself the title of traitor. But basically he saw the event as the punishment brought by God for sinning against Him.

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Jeremiah’s attitude was largely based on the teachings of the Book of Deuteronomy, where Moses warns the people that “I know that, when I am dead, you will act wickedly and turn away from the path that I enjoined upon you, and that in time to come misfortune will befall you for having done evil in the sight of the Lord and vexed Him by your deeds” (Deuteronomy 31:29). This is spelled out in great detail in Parashat Ha’azinu (32:1-43) in which it is also said that the enemies who destroy Judah, even though they are permitted to do this because of her sins, will themselves be destroyed when God avenges “the blood of His servants” (32:43).

What were the sins that Jeremiah castigated? Forgetting God and going after idolatry is obviously the first one, as he says: “Yet My people have forgotten Me – days without number” (Jeremiah 2:32). But together with this is the fact that they have forgotten the ways that

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God has commanded them to live, the ethical and moral precepts that are the very essence of God’s commands. That is, as Deuteronomy put it, they have “done evil.”

Jeremiah poignantly describes his search through the streets of Jerusalem for a man “who acts justly, who seeks integrity” (5:1) but there is none.

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He especially castigates the wealthy who “set up a trap to catch men… their houses are full of guile… they will not judge the case of the orphan, nor give a hearing to the pleas of the needy” (5:26-28). Indeed he describes a society that does not deserve to exist, a society that is the very antithesis of the program set out in the Torah when it describes the “holy nation” that the people of Israel are to become.

In Chapter 7, surely one of the greatest in the books of the prophets and one of the finest speeches in world literature, Jeremiah stands at the gate of the Temple where the people have gathered in hypocritical worship, trusting that the presence of the Temple in their midst will guarantee

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their safety, and tells them that sacrifices are no substitute for righteousness.

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“Will you steal and murder and commit adultery and swear falsely and sacrifice to Baal…? Do you consider this house, which bears My name, to be a den of thieves?” (9-11).

It is not incidental that Jeremiah refers back here to the Ten Commandments, the very basis of the covenant between God and Israel. He specifically enumerates five that they have violated – 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, only one of which (2) refers to idolatry. The rest are concerned with relations between human beings. Indeed it is instructive to note that the majority of the rules of the Decalogue relate to ethical conduct. The first three have to do with belief in the one God. The fourth – Shabbat – is a combination of showing belief in God as the creator and granting a day of rest to all humans and animals. The next six all concern human relations.

How then are we to understand the prophetic attitude toward the destruction of Judea? To Jeremiah and to the sages who followed his lead, the people deserved to dwell in the land only so long as they followed God’s ways. And the ways that they emphasized were the concern for the poor and the upholding of human rights, the creation of a civil society in which people could live in peace.

I am reminded of the rabbinic statement, “Would that they would follow My ways even if they abandon Me” (Y. Hagiga 1:6). Even belief in God takes second place to ethical living. In our parlance, this would mean that a nation that does not uphold human decency, a society in which there is no law but the law of force and might, weakens its moral fabric to the extent that it cannot continue to exist. This is what happened to the Roman Empire, to the Axis powers and to the Soviet Union. Unfortunately there are today other governments that still exist but that should not. Perhaps they too will eventually fall under the burden of moral corruption.

In the meantime, even as we consider the tragedies of the past, it should be our concern to see to it that the Third Temple – the modern State of Israel, its government and we, its citizens – exemplify the ways of God and do not turn aside from the j ust and rightful path that the Torah has set out for

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The writer is the head of the Rabbinical Court of the Masorti Movement and the author of several books, the most recent being Entering Torah.

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Strike on Iranian Nuclear Sites by Israelis!

Friday, July 17th, 2009


Is it a GREAT BLUFF OR Will it Become Reality?

The US And Israel Seem To Be Posturing For It,

But IS IT A Posturing Bluff Forcing Iran To Dialog,

Or the Last Diplomacy before the Israelis Pounce?

The black hat powers understand Force not Dialog!

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If this posturing does not back Iran off its nuke Plan,

We need to Secretly give Israelis a Green Light to Hit!

WILL We – Will they do it anyway? I simply don’t Know!

But I DO Know that a worldwide atomic war won’t Occur,

Because God is going to fulfill his prophecies by his Power

Not By The Power Of Man’s Scientific Discoveries in Atomics!

Like it or not – Believe it or not – God uses his own Creation,

The elements of the heavens and earth to fulfill his Revelation!

July 17, 2009

Quite frankly, Russia, China, and North Korea would secretly love to see Israel hit the Iranian nuclear sites. Why? Who do you think would once again be able to make billions in helping oil rich Iran rebuild them? These three nuclear nations are anxious to dump off some of their antiquated nuclear technology on Iran. Do you really think these three evil powers are stupid enough to launch their nukes against Israel and start World War III, to give Israel and the US international justification to

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Europe and most of the Arab nations would also secretly love to see Israel destroy the Iranian nuclear facilities. Why? It would remove the great fear they have of Iran being in control of the Middle East by the threat of having a nuclear weapon capability. Most of the Middle East nations are scared to death of the radical Shiite movement attempting to take over the Middle East.

I retired from the USAF Branch of the National Security Agency at Fort George G. Meade as a Synoptic Analyst.

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I have not seen anything happen in the Middle East that has changed my mind about what I wrote in Archive Prophecy Update 129C in 2003.

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Atomic War in Israel – Yes or No?

July 23, 2003

One of the main reasons I wrote three books on prophecy in the late seventies and early eighties was to establish a case advocated by teachers of the pre-World War II era. It was, simply stated, that man would not destroy the earth with his weaponry, but rather that God would destroy the earth by the use of this own power.

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I am certain that the horrifying changes in the topography of Israel, as well as the terrifying destruction of the antichrist’s forces at Armageddon, are by the awesome power of God, not atomic, chemical, or biological weapons of man. The lifting of the land from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem, the breaking up of Jerusalem into three sections, the splitting of the Mount of Olives, and the consuming of the flesh, tongues, and eyes of the antichrist’s men are natural phenomena unleashed by God, not by man. All the Scriptures dealing with these phenomena unleashed by God are covered in the Birth Pang Archives.

There are many advocates of a great atomic, chemical, and biological war in Israel when the antichrist attacks 1260 days before Armageddon. It might happen at the time of Armageddon, but the initial attack will start what amounts to a non-nuclear, non-chemical, and non-biological war. So why am I so confident and outspoken about this being the case?

Israel has more than 200 extremely well concealed missile sites in the Negev between Beersheba and the Gulf of Aqabah.

Israel has more than 300 nuclear, chemical, and biological warheads to mount on Jericho missiles – Some can be mounted on portable carriers, while others are fixed.

The Jericho is a very accurate missile, and can hit a target in any Islamic country from Morocco to Pakistan and

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from Turkey to Yemen.

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Israel has an excellent anti-missile defense to protect its array of silos, warheads, and missiles – It is able to pick up an incoming enemy missile launched from Syria before it reaches it maximum altitude.

So why do I believe this array of WMD will not be unleashed by Israel when it is attacked

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? Because the Israeli War Contingency Plan of Israel directs that WMD will never be launched against a foreign nation unless they are first launched against Israel.

So how do I know the Islamic countries will not launch WMD in their initial attack? All of them are well aware of what is listed in (1) through (5)! The Soviet Union, which it existed, sh ared Isr

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aeli intelligence information with Syria, which it collected over a long period of time from its hundreds of spy satellites it launched from pads between Moscow and the White Sea, and on the eastern side of the Aral Sea.

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Syria, in turn, has shared it with most of the other Islamic countries around Israel. Only a leader possessed of rank insanity would ever launch WMD first against Israel, which is why I was so relieved when Saddam Hussein was taken out of the way.

Many believe the United States will quickly rush to the aid of Israel, and, as the world’s greatest power, will immediately deliver her from any kind of attack she can’t handle. There are two problems with this idea:

The United States believes Israel can defeat any Islamic attack on its own without any help from us.

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After all, Israel has easily done so in three previous wars.

This will be a lightning Jihad, and better coordinated than any of the previous wars, and this time Israel will have a Palestinian state attacking it from within, while the other Islamic nations come in from outside its borders. It will probably last less than a couple of weeks, and Jerusalem is likely to fall within four days. By the time we decide they must have our help it will be too late because they will have occupied most of the land from Dan to Beersheba.

By this time it would take months, as it did in Operation Desert Storm and Operation Freedom Iraq, to get sufficient American troops on the ground to do any good.

What was the character of the past three wars? They were all very short in duration, and they all ended abruptly in a truce. That will be the case in this war. The United States knows that the Negev is the place where Israel will flee. When we believe they are safely in the Negev, we will be more than willing to accept a truce to give us time to think about what to do, and Israel will remain trapped in the Negev for some three and one-half years.

End 2003 Archive Prophecy Update

Begin Excerpt 1 from Jerusalem Post

‘Iran greatest global security threat’

July 17, 2009 Staff , THE JERUSALEM POST

US Defense Secretary Robert Gates believes that Iran’s nuclear program is the greatest current threat to global security.

“Iran is the one that concerns me the most because there don’t seem to be good options (or a scenario) where one can have any optimism that good options will be found,” Gates told the Economic Club of Chicago.

He bewailed the international community’s inability to affect Iran’s apparent determination to seek a nuclear weapon.

“All of the outcomes are negative,” he continued. “If they achieve one, the possibility of a nuclear arms race in the Middle East is very, very real.

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“If something is done to prevent them from getting one, the consequences of that are completely unpredictable and frankly, very bad.”

Gates lamented that he hadn’t been able to persuade other nations, particularly Russia, that the Iranian nuclear issue did not simply just threaten the United States, AFP reported.

“Iran’s going to have the capability to deliver nuclear weapons to the people in their region a lot sooner than they’re going to have the capability to deliver them to us,” he added.

Begin Excerpt 2 from Jerusalem Post

Ahmadinejad appoints new nuclear chief

July 17, 2009


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has appointed a new head for the Islamic republic’s nuclear program, following the abrupt resignation of its veteran chief, the official IRNA news agency reported Friday.

Ali Akbar Salehi, Iran’s former envoy to the International Atomic Energy Agency, replaces Gholam Reza Aghazadeh as the new vice president and the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, IRNA said.

Although officials gave no reason for Aghazadeh’s resignation, he has long been close to reformist opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi, who claims to be the victor in June 12 presidential elections and has called Ahmadinejad’s government illegitimate.

The replacement is unlikely to bring any change in the nuclear policy or impact the standoff between Iran and the West over the country’s nuclear program since head of the nuclear program is not directly involved in negotiations, and ultimately all decisions on policy lie with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Salehi most high profile moment came in 2003 when 18 years of Iran’s clandestine nuclear activities were exposed, putting Iran’s nuclear issue at the top of the IAEA Board of Governors agenda.

In December 2003, Salehi signed an additional protocol to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty under former reformist president Mohammad Khatami that enabled IAEA inspectors to search Iranian nuclear facilities without notice and without restriction.

Ahmadinejad later stopped the intrusive inspections in protest of the Iran’s referral to the UN Security Council that subsequently imposed sanctions against the country for refusing to halt its controversial uranium enrichment program.

Salehi holds a doctorate in nuclear physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States. He was also associate professor and chancellor of Sharif University of Technology in Teheran.

His predecessor Aghazadeh is widely respected in Iran as a father of the nation’s nuclear program.

In his 12 years on the job, Aghazadeh pushed steadily ahead with

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the nuclear program, which the West fears is aimed at developing a weapon. Iran denies that charge.

In the past year, he announced several advances in manufacturing centrifuges, a key component of the enrichment program.

According to the UN nuclear watchdog, Iran has nearly 5,000 centrifuges currently enriching uranium for use as a nuclear fuel and another 2,000 others ready to begin.

Aghazadeh has made no public comment on the June 12 election turmoil, in which Mousavi supporters staged massive street demonstrations before the government crushed them in a heavy crackdown, but he is known close associate of Mousavi ever since the opposition leader was the prime minister in the 1980s.

The outgoing nuclear chief is also close to Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, a powerful cleric and former president who is a bitter rival of the president.

Aghazadeh was among a group of pro-Rafsanjani officials who formed a political party, Kargozaran, in the early 1990s.

There have also been hints of behind-the-scenes differences between Aghazadeh and Ahmadinejad’s energy minister over the planned opening of Iran’s first nuclear plan at Bushehr, whose opening has repeatedly been delayed.

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