Archive for February, 2007


Thursday, February 8th, 2007

The BM25 Missile

February 8, 2007

In the Spring of 2006 Iran acquired 18 North Korean BM25 Missiles. The North Koreans provided launchers for the missiles, which can hit targets in Europe. The BM25 was produced in two models – one with a range of 1525 miles and another with a range of 2135 miles.

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Iran is now planning to use one of BM25 missiles to launch a spy satellite in orbit, as reported in the DEBKAfile Report, which follows.

It will be interesting to see if Iran is successful in their first attempted spy satellite launching with the BM25 missile and, if so, how long they can keep it in orbit.

Begin DEBKAfile Report

Iran’s Space Venture Will Enhance its Nuclear Military Resources

January 28, 2007, 1:26 PM (GMT+02:00)

Iran is closer than ever before to the launch of a spy satellite by a BM25 ballistic missile, 18 of which were purchased from North Korea, notwithstanding Pyongyang’s denials of aid to Iran’s nuclear program. Allaeddin Boroujerdi, chairman of the Iranian parliament’s national security and foreign policy commission, said last week that Iran had finished building a reconnaissance satellite and converted a ballistic missile into a space launcher. If this claim is correct, then Iran has a launcher able to put 300 kg into earth orbit – and by the same definition, an ICBM that could drop more than 300 kg anywhere in the world, including Washington DC.

While the new Shehab 3ER can strike any part of the Middle East as far west as Turkey, according to the former head of the Israel Missile Defense Organization, Uzi Rubin, the BM25s with a range of up to 4,000 km can reach targets in Europe. Little is known about this missile. However, its conversion to a space launcher would produce an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) able to drop

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a payload weighing 300 km, the estimated weight of a reconnaissance satellite, anywhere in the world.

DEBKAfile’s military sources report that Iran has just finished upgrading its Shehab series, adapting them to solid fuel.

Although most military and intelligence experts doubt the Iranian satellite would survive in orbit for more than a few months before burning out, Tehran’s technological feats cannot be overstated. Its initial goal appears to be deterrence at a time that the United States is massing heavy naval, air and amphibious might opposite Iranian shores. However, the Islamic Republic’s progress in missile development is as much or more cause for concern than the announcement Jan. 27 by a senior Majlis lawmaker that Tehran has begun installing 3,000 nuclear centrifuges ahead of schedule at the Natanz underground facility.

Our intelligence sources reveal this group of centrifuges is being activated in stages, an added 200-300 every ten days. So far, between 1,000 and 1,200 are believed to be operational and all 3,000 are expected to be working by the end of April.

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The Islamic Republic’s nuclear-missile infrastructure rests further on the reported purchase of a dozen Kh 55 nuclear-capable cruise missiles on the Ukraine’s nuclear black market some time ago. They were apparently sold stripped of the components making them functional, including their original 200-kiloton warheads, but may have come with manuals.


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Some experts in the West and Russia believe Iranian missile engineers were able to dismantle and replicate some of the Kh 55 systems and implant them in their home-assembled missiles.

Whereas Israel has only a single awkwardly-angled route for inserting its Ofek satellites into orbit, the Mediterranean, Iran can use two routes – northward above the Caspian Sea or southward over the Indian Ocean to avoid the risk of any of its stages falling on Russian or Saudi soil in a failed launch.

Washington has been impelled by Tehran’s rapid progress in missile technology and uranium enrichment to make haste and get elements of its anti-ballistic missile system quickly based in Poland and the Czech Republic, ready to intercept any prospective Iranian missiles heading towards Europe.

Moscow objects strongly to US missiles being based in the two former Warsaw Pact countries.

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Russian defense minister Sergei Ivanov argued this week that Iran does not and will not possess missiles posing this threat. The American missiles, he charged, are pointed at Moscow rather than Tehran.

The fundamental conflict of interests on Iran between Russia and the United States stands out a mile.

Moscow, up in arms to protect its stake in Iran’s nuclear program, has refused to take Tehran’s belligerent stance as seriously as Washington and consistently soft-pedals international punitive action against its violations, such as uranium enrichment.

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The United States, for its part, is perturbed enough by the Iran’s developing missile and nuclear capabilities to resort to defensive tactics to protect itself and its allies in Europe and the Middle East.

As for Israel, the launch of an Iranian spy satellite would not be the worst-case scenario; if successful, the damage it posed would depend on the optical quality of its camera lenses.

The real trouble is inherent in the ICBM-cum-launcher.

A three stage-missile in Iranian hands, powered by solid fuel with a long-range capability presents a major military challenge to Israel and the IDF. Israel would defend itself with its anti-missile missile Arrow system, as well as surface missiles, which can reach Iranian targets and offer a deterrent to counterbalance its missiles. But the size and capabilities of the missiles in which Iran is investing underscore Israel’s inadequacies.

Furthermore, Iran has the great advantage of an area which dwarfs Israel and the strength

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of numbers and resources. The Islamic Republic today is far from matching its description by Israeli ministers Shimon Peres and Rafi Eytan as weak, fragmented and potentially short-lived.

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If Israel so decides, its missiles can indeed home in on focal strategic points in Iran and cause substantial damage. But they are not up to disabling the Islamic Republic or radically upsetting its strategic equilibrium. The Arrow defensive system could knock out of the sky one or more of the new Shehab 3ER missiles; it cannot handle the complexities of a multiple Shehab warhead fired to deflect Arrow intercep

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tors from meeting a heavyweight incoming BM25 ICBM.

The only effective resource Israel has at this point is the power of a pre-emptive strike against Iran’s range of sophisticated missiles, a goal no less important than its nuclear installations.

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Like Peres and Eytan, Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert was talking through his hat last week when he denied any “direct Iranian nuclear threat to Israel” He was offering cold comfort at best, blinding himself to the realities, at worst.

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Prepare War, Wake Up the Mighty Men!

Wednesday, February 7th, 2007

Prepare War, Wake Up the Mighty Men!

February 7, 2007

Syria, Iran, Hizbullah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the al-Aksa Martyrs Brigades, Fatah, al-Qaeda, and every other terrorist nation or group in the Middle East, along with those who are moderates, are arming themselves to the teeth.

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Does this pattern seem to fit the following prophecy of Joel?

Joel 3:9-14 – Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up: [10] Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong. [11] Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen, and gather yourselves together round about: thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O Lord.

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[12] Let the heathen be wakened, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there will I sit to judge all the heathen round about. [13] Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down; for the press is full, the fats overflow; for their wickedness is great. [14] Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.

Begin Fox News Article

Israeli Official: Foreign Sources Arming Hizbullah, Hamas at Alarming Rate

Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs Daily Alert

James Rosen

February 7, 2007

Hizbullah is presently receiving a “constant stream of armaments” from Syria, Iran and other foreign sources, senior Israeli officials said Tuesday.

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“They are getting all kinds of rockets, advanced anti-tank missiles, command-and-control systems, training, finance,” an Israeli official said. The official said Hizbullah maintains an “operational” presence along the Lebanese-Israeli border. Enabling Hizbullah’s rearmament is the “open border” Lebanon shares with Syria, and the lack of “real teeth for enforcement” in UN Security Council Resolution 1718, which established a ceasefire in the Israeli-Hizbullah war last August.

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At the same time, and in a similar way, foreign sources are providing Hamas with anti-tank missiles, high-trajectory rockets, rocket-propelled grenades and their launchers, explosive devices and automatic rifles.

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The armament of the Hamas commanders is “intensive” and “incessant,” and intended for use against both their Fatah rivals and the Israelis. The official said the IDF has had “no operational activity whatsoever” in Gaza for the last three months, but that in

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the same time Hamas has launched more than 100 Kassam rockets at Israeli civilian targets.

The official was skeptical about Western plans to shore up the Fatah security forces loyal to Mahmoud Abbas. “Every meeting we have on this subject always ends in the conclusion, ‘Bolster Abbas,’ as if that will solve all the problems.

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He was in power two years ago [before Hamas came to power], wasn’t he? What did he do then?” The official said the Israelis provided Abbas with weapons and some have wound up in the hands of Hamas. (FOX News)

End Fox News Report

The joy of my life is that I know how all this is going to end from the same Scripture that tells me it is on our doorstep, as Joel’s prophecy continues to inform us.

Joel 3:14-21 – Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision. [15] The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining. [16] The Lord also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the Lord will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel. [17] So shall ye know that I am the Lord your God dwelling in Zion,

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my holy mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy, and there shall no strangers pass through her any more. [18] And it shall come to pass in that day, that the mountains shall drop down new wine, and the hills shall flow with milk, and all the rivers of Judah shall flow with waters, and a fountain shall

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come forth of the house of the Lord, and shall water the valley of Shittim. [19] Egypt shall be a desolation, and Edom shall be a desolate wilderness, for the violence against the children of Judah, because they have shed innocent blood in their land. [20] But Judah shall dwell for ever, and Jerusalem from generation to generation.

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[21] For I will cleanse their blood that I have not cleansed: for the Lord dwelleth in Zion.

The time of Jacob’s trouble is waiting in the wings of destiny as three and one-half years of great tribulation, after which Israel will return from the Negev Wilderness, delivered by the hand of God.

Zechariah 13:8 – And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein.

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Revelation 12:6 – And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

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Jeremiah 30:7 – Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble; but he shall be saved out of it.

Zechariah 13:9 – And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God.

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The Next Battle Must Come!

Wednesday, February 7th, 2007


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February 6, 2007

It really doesn’t matter when we withdraw our forces from Iraq or if Iran develops a nuclear weapon. I suppose it would matter if the Bible was not the inspired Word of the Living God, and it was possible for all of mankind to take world affairs into their own hands, and somehow, against all odds, bring a true peace to the Middle East. But it is not, and THE NEXT BATTLE MUST COME, because mankind’s destiny is not in his own hands, but in the hands of his Creator.

Hebrews 9:27,28 – And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: [28] So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

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Hebrews 2:6-9 – But one in a certain place testified, saying, What is man, that thou art mindful of him? or the son of man, that thou visitest him? [7] Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands: [8] Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him.

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[9] But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.

Hebrews 2:3 – How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him;

Hebrews 10:30,31 – For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord.

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And again, The Lord shall judge his people. [31] It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Revelation 16:16 – And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

Joel 3:9-16 – Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up: [10] Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong. [11] Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen, and gather yourselves together round about: thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O Lord. [12] Let the heathen be wakened, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there will I sit to judge all the heathen round about. [13] Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down; for the press is full, the fats overflow; for their wickedness is great. [14] Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision. [15] The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining. [16] The Lord also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the Lord will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel.

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Zechariah 13:8,9 – And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. [9] And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God.

Even now, Iran, Syria, Hizbollah, Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, the al-Aksa Martyr’s Brigades, al Qaeda, and all the other terrorist groups are in the process of preparing for THE NEXT BATTLE. All the ingredients prophesied so long ago are now slipping neatly into place.

Ezekiel 38:9 – Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the l

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and, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee.

Ezekiel 38:17 – Thus saith the Lord God; Art thou he of whom I have spoken in old time by my servants the prophets of Israel, which prophesied in those days many years that I would bring thee against them?

It will begin and culminate in a a great final battle some three and one-half years after it begins.

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Most people in their right minds won’t even make a guess as to when the initial attack will occur, but I lost my mind years ago, and my guesstimate is that it will occur at some point in time between 2008 and 2012.

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Hamas digging Tunnels for Next Battle

YNet News Report

February 6, 2007

Movement takes advantage of PA infighting to reorganize, lay new infrastructure and collect improved weapons for next battle with IDF. Palestinian unity government bad news for Israel, whose hands are tied
Ron Ben-Yishai

While Gaza gun battles continue with full-force, Hamas has quickly been setting up its new military infrastructure for a serious confrontation with the Israel Defense Forces.

Israel has been following the construction with concern, but its hands are tied, if the IDF were to act against Hamas’ infrastructure, it would be interpreted throughout the world as Israeli intervention on behalf of Fatah.

Hamas and its Iranian supporters have been taking advantage of this fact and have been sending members of Hamas’ “operational force” to the streets to enforce Hamas’ power.

A few thousand of these men have been fighting Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ security forces.

In the meantime, Hamas’s military wing, the Izz ad-Din el-Qasam Brigades, and Hamas’ Murabitun militia have been laying down new military infrastructures.

The work is being done in an organized, systematic manner on three levels: Digging combat tunnels, improving rocket performance and quantity, and collecting weapons, mainly antitank and antiaircraft missiles through smuggling.

The most complicated part of the reorganization is the combat tunnels, which are very similar to Hizbullah’s “nature reserves” in southern Lebanon .

Unlike the latter however, which were mainly under-ground local bunkers that allowed Hizbullah fighters to launch Katyusha rockets and take cover from Israel Air Force bombings, the Gaza tunnel network will allow Hamas and Islamic Jihad fighters to carry out the combat from within.

The Gaza tunnels will allow mobility under ground to the expected points of battle with IDF forces entering the Strip, the fighters will be able to surface quickly, launch missiles or rockets and disappear only to surprise the IDF forces at another spot.

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The tunnels are also meant to serve another purpose, namely

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to plant explosive devices at IDF entrance points, in order to detonate them and stop IDF forces from entering.

The tunnels uncovered by Palestinian security forces near the Erez crossing two weeks ago were meant for this purpose.

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Fatah members rushed to announce that these tunnels were dug in order to assassinate President Abas and other Fatah officials, but it is more likely that these tunnels were meant for underground fighting between Hamas and the IDF.

The tunnels are also meant to be used for infiltrating Israeli territory. The composition of the earth in the Strip makes digging easy, and allows for relatively stable tunnels. These tunnels give Hamas a real strategic advantage.

Hamas is also focusing its attention on rockets, through information received from Hizbullah and Iran.

The IDF and Shin Bet believe that it won’t be long until Hamas gets its hands on the ability to launch rockets and hit as far as Kiryat Gat and north of Ashkelon.

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At the same time, efforts are being made to increase the size of the rockets from 5-7 kilograms (roughly 10-15 pounds) of explosives in today’s Qassams to dozens of kilograms in Hamas-made Katyushas within up to a year.

Hamas has also been trying to obtain and produce more stable explosives. At the moment, a Qassam rocket becomes dormant just after a few days, since the home-made explosives break down chemically.

Therefore, Hamas has been working on new explosives that would prolong the shelf life of the new rockets. This would allow Hamas to store a greater number of rockets that could operate at a greater range against towns in the south and center of Israel when fighting begins.

The third field is the smuggling of large quantities of antitank and antiaircraft missiles through the Philadelphi route and the sea in order to use them against the IDF’s armored tanks and vehicles.

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In the meantime, the infighting in Gaza is making it difficult for Israel to obtain quality intelligence in order to act against the evolving infrastructure.

This fact became apparent last week when a suicide bomber from the Islamic Jihad blew himself up in Eilat and did not hide his intentions from his family or environment, but Shin Bet was still unable to locate him in time to foil the attack due to intelligence difficulties.

President Abbas is set to meet with Hamas politburo chief Khaled Mashaal in Saudi Arabia on Tuesday in order to reach an agreement

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on a democratic formula upon which a unity government could be established.

A long-term calm however, would still not solve Israel’s dilemma, and would contrarily worsen it.

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A Palestinian unity government would lead to the removal of international pressure on the Hamas government and the organization which would be presented by an ‘honorable’ Abbas would continue to strengthen politically and build its military infrastructure during the calm.

It is also likely that international pressure would be placed on Israel to negotiate with Abbas under the claim that he represents the unity government.

Israel has no choice but to carefully walk between the drops, to push political pressures, to improve life quality in the West Bank as much as possible in order to strengthen Abbas’ position and wait until it is time to perform the needed military route canal in Gaza – to destroy Hamas’ military infrastructure and finally solve the smuggling problem along the Philadelphi route.

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A Clever Ruse by Arab Leaders to Stop their Civil War!

Tuesday, February 6th, 2007

A Clever Ruse by Arab Leaders to Stop their Civil War!

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February 6, 2007

The last time I was in Casablanca, Morocco, it

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was still French Morocco and trouble was brewing for an Arab uprising to gain independence. As I read the Jerusalem Post article, which follows, I remembered the now famous quote from the old movie “Casablanca,” when “Sam,” the pianist, was told by “Rick” to “Play it Again, Sam.” The Arab leaders are now attempting to “Play it Again, Yesser” on the Temple Mount.

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Ir onically, another Arab uprising, an intifada, is threatened in Israel, supposedly because of some Jewish work

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on the Temple Mount. It is all a ploy, a ruse, to get Hamas and Fatah to stop fighting each other, and to fight Israel. It is a replay of the old Yesser Arafat real life movie of 2000, when he united the Palestinian factions in an intifada because the Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon stepped on the Temple Mount. So, at the present time the Arab leaders are crying out, “Play it Again, Hamas, Iran, and Syria” – Let’s make up and fight Israel instead of each other.

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Hamas, Syria, and Iran are desperate to stop this Civil War between Hamas and Fatah, and will use any issue available to turn the ire of the two combatants against Israel, rather than against each other.

Begin Jerusalem Post Article

Islamic heads call for violence over work by Temple Mount


February 6, 2007

In a new showdown, Islamic leaders on Tuesday called for a new wave of violence against Israel over a contested Israeli archeological excavation near the Temple Mount.

The threats came as Israeli archeologists pressed ahead with a three-week-old salvage excavation in the archeological garden outside the Temple Mount ahead of the planned construction of a new bridge

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to the Mughrabi Gate.

“The danger in Jerusalem has increased.

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It is high time for the intifada of the Islamic people,” the fiery leader of the Islamic Movement in Israel Raed Salah told reporters near the holy site on Tuesday.

“The continued Israeli aggression on Al Aksa Mosque and Jerusalem require all Palestinians to unite and remember that our battle is with the occupation,” said Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas.

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The bridge, which is being built under the auspices of Israel’s Antiquities Authority, will replace the temporary bridge which has been constructed on the section of the Western Wall allocated for women’s prayer after the original stone ramp leading up to the Mughrabi Gate was removed, having been deemed unsafe by city engineers.

Israeli officials repeatedly emphasized Tuesday that the work underway at the site was outside the confines of the Temple Mount, and posed no danger to the mosque at the site.

“The construction of the bridge, located in its entirety outside the Temple Mount, has no impact on the Mount itself and certainly poses no danger to it,” Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s office said.

“There is nothing on earth that can cause damage to the walls of the Temple Mount, and certainly not to any structures inside,” said Dr. Gideon Avni, the director of excavations and surveys at the Israeli Antiquities Authority.

He noted however that there was no cooperation with Islamic officials at the site over the issue.

According to decades-old regulation in place at the Temple Mount, Israel maintains overall security control at the site, while the Wakf, or Islamic Trust, is charged with day- to-day administration of the ancient compound.

By law, Israel is required to carry out a ‘salvage excavation’ before any construction goes ahead in the country. More than half a dozen such excavations are underway in the Old City of Jerusalem at present.

The decision over “when and how” to carry out the work near the Temple Mount has been going on for two years now, the Antiquities Authority archeologist said.

Jerusalem Police chief Ilan Franco said Tuesday that the work would take eight months to complete.

He added that 2000 police were deployed in and around the Old City on Tuesday to maintain law and order.

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“It is clear to anyone who stands here that all the work is taking place outside the compound of the Temple Mount,” Franco said in a briefing at the Western Wall plaza, where dozens of journalists had gathered to watch the work.

In low-level skirmishes, dozens of Arab teens pelted police with stones in various locations throughout east Jerusalem.

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11 suspects were arrested by police for taking part in the violence, Jerusalem Police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said.

Earlier Tuesday, police had barred non-Muslims from entering the Temple Mount and restricted Muslim entry to the holy site to men over the age of 45 in a largely successful effort to ward off violence at the compound for the day.

The new bridge, which has received a green light from both the city’s planning committee and the blessing of the rabbi of the Western Wall, is slated to tower above the archaeological garden adjacent to the Western Wall, and will be supported by as many as eight pylons in the archeological garden.

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The garden, located outside the southwestern corner of the Temple Mount, has been deemed one of the most significant archeological parks in Israel and the world.

The original stone ramp, which was built after the Six Day War in 1967, and served as the point of entry for non-Muslim visitors entering the Temple Mount, was badly damaged during an earthquake that rattled that region three years ago and by inclement wintry weather.

After being deemed unsafe by city engineers, the strategically-placed ramp was removed and a new temporary bridge was built next to it, which has cut off the allocated space for women’ s prayer at the We

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stern Wall by more than one-third.

The Antiquities Authority was at pains Tuesday to explain why it decided not to support the existing ramp as some Israeli archeologists had proposed, or to use the existing route in building the new bridge.

The Temple Mount, which is Judaism’s holiest and Islam’s third holiest site, has been the scene of violence in the past, which later spilled out across the country.

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Israel’s opening of the Western Wall tunnels in 1996 was followed by a wave of Palestinian violence that killed 80 people, while Ariel Sharon’s 2000 visit to the Temple Mount as opposition leader was followed by the latest round of Palestinian violence that has continued for over six years.

Israeli efforts to downplay the dig near the bitterly contested holy site — known as the tinderbox of the Middle East — fell on deaf ears in the Arab public, with Arab media playing up the heated rhetoric of Islamic officials blasting the work.

MK Talab El-Sana (United Arab List) warned on Tuesday that the excavations are likely to ignite a third intifada, which will include protests and conflict throughout the Arab and Muslim world.

“The Israeli government is again provoking the Muslim world and the Palestinian people, and is not hesitating to ignite the region on behalf of irresponsible decisions,” El-Sana said.

The latest controversy comes as an ancient wooden pulpit destroyed four decades ago by a deranged Australian tourist hoping to hasten the coming of the Messiah was restored in the El Aksa Mosque, and as Jordan presses ahead with plans to build a fifth minaret at the site.

Last decade, Wakf officials built the largest mosque in Israel in an underground architectural support of the Temple Mount known as the Solomon’s Stables.

The construction of the mosque, which was carried out without any archeological supervision, was later called an “unprecedented archeological crime” by Israel’s top archeological body.

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End Jerusalem Post Article

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Is a Moderation Movement coming in Iran?

Tuesday, February 6th, 2007

Is a Moderation Movement coming in Iran

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February 6, 2007

There are Reasons to Believe a Moderating Trend will grow in Iranian International Diplomacy!

Iran’s cash outflow from her oil revenues, to support numerous Jihad terrorist movements across the Middle East, has made havoc within her own internal economy.

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While she has been building up the economies of Russia, China, and North Korea by the massive high tech weaponry purchases for herself, Hizbollah, Syria, and Hamas, she has drained her own economy’s ability to meet the material needs of her own people.

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I assure you that any moderation of Iran’s goal of an Islamic Caliphate stretching from Morocco across Iran to Malaysia, does not mean its goal is abandoned, only temporarily delayed.

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It is firmly rooted as a fanatical religious spiritual goal, which will not be abandoned until Jesus returns. It has existed in the world for a very long time, and will be fully visible when the “Wicked” one reveals himself as God.

II Thessalonians 2:8-12 –And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: [9] Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, [10] And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not

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the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

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[11] And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: [12] That they all might be damned who

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believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Begin Article from IMRA (Independent Media and Review Analysis)

Ahmadinejad faces loss of power as pressure on Iran builds


February 4, 2007

There are signs that the Iranian ruling clerics are ready to rein in President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

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Supporters of Ahmadinejad lost two keyelections over the past six weeks, including efforts to control the Assembly of Experts, which would vote for the next supreme leader to replace the dying Ali Khamenei.

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The clerics have quietly backed the revival of former President Hashemi Rafsanjani to become Iran’s next supreme leader. Rafsanjani might not be as popular with the youth as Ahmadinejad, but

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the former pistachio merchant isnot reckless either. And these days Iran, despite its military swagger, is heading straight down.

Even with its huge oil reserves, Iran is facing economic collapse. Food prices have soared, in some cases 13-fold.

Unemployment has reached at least 22 percent with 5.2 million Iranians without jobs.

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Nine million people live below the poverty level.

The economic decline has led to unrest in the streets, which worries the regime. Allies of Ahmadinejad are beginning to move toward Rafsanjani and quietly blame him for the country’ s growing i

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Newspapers that had hailed the president have now become leading critics.

There are indications that even the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, Ahmadinejad’s base of power, is nervous. In an unusual interview on Iranian televisi

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on, former IRGC commander Maj. Gen. Mohsen Rezai, now working for Rafsanjani, openly warned of a U.S. military strike.

End Article from IMRA

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