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November 15, 2009


For many years I have claimed the most likely candidates to make up the ten toes and ten horns of Daniel 2 & 7, as well as Revelation 12:13 & 17, would end up being Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Lebanon, Sudan, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria.

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The Antichrist, in my op

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inion, was to arise out of Syria. I did not include Egypt because of Daniel 11:43, Jordan because of Daniel 11:41, and Saudi Arabia because it does the best fence straddling in the Middle East. I still hold to that grouping of ten nations, out of which will rise the Islamic Antichrist.

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The great ancient Roman Empire, at its maximum extent, extended into parts of all these countries, either by force or treaty. I have always believed the nations referred to as the ten horns or toes would indeed come out of a revived Roman Empire, but out of its southern flank, not the northern flank that stretched across Europe. The next great Empire to form across the southern flank of the old Roman Empire was the Islamic Empire started by the Prophet Muhammad, and it is now being brought back to life in the Middle East. The seventh head on John’s Beast was the Islamic Empire that died by the sword of the Mongolian Empire, but is now coming back to life as the eighth head which, like the seventh head, is the revived Islamic Empire, the Beast of the East.

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Revelation 17:11 – And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition (destruction).

Some wanted to know why I did not include Jordan as one of the Arab nations that would attack Israel, because it was not specifically mentioned as being attacked by the Antichrist, as was the case with Egypt in Daniel 11:43. Jordan did not exist by that name at the time Daniel wrote, but Egypt did and, since the Bible was written for all ages, the Lord named the ancient countries that made up what we call Jordan today. The following quote comes from Archive Prophecy Update 46, which we issued in 2001.

Begin Quote

“[Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran will move rapidly southward through the ‘glorious land’ of Israel like a fast moving thunderstorm, bypassing the land where the people of Moab, Ammon, and Edom were settled when Daniel wrote his prophecies in about 600 B.C. The descendants of Edom (Jacob’s brother), and Ammon and Moab (the sons of Lot), as found on every published map for this time period, were settled immediately to the southeast, east, and northeast of the Dead Sea, precisely in the country we know as Jordan today.

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Hence, we can know that the antichrist will bypass Jordan as he moves south through Israel. Why would he bypass Jordan? She has no strategic, political, or economic advantage to offer him, but the Suez Canal and Egypt do, so he will head southwest toward that area after having driven the woman Israel into the Negev Wilderness south of Beersheba.]”

End Quote

I was challenged on Turkey when I first made the list because they were part of NATO, but I did not believe they would be accepted in the EU, and would swing back to Islam rather then secular pursuits. I was also challenged on Sudan from the beginning, but I knew the Sudan, after it became the northern part of a new nation formed out of ancient Ethiopia, would became an extremist Islamic government. And, when the U.S. and its allies took over Iraq in Operation Iraqi Freedom, I was advised Iraq would not be one of the eleven toes and 10 horns, but I knew the composition of the Iraq population, and knew that the U.S. plan to build a stable democracy in Iraq was doomed to failure. Within a short time after the pullout of the Allied Coalition from Iraq, the new Government will be almost as opposed to the U.S. as Iran and Syria.

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The following article from the Jerusalem Post is just another indicator Turkey will slip away from its western ties to become one of the nations that eventually comes against Israel as a part of the Islamic coalition.

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It is headed for crunch time in the Middle East and each of the nations of Islam is going to be forced to make decisions as to which side it would be more advantageous to appease, their brothers in Abraham around them or the western devils afar. I believe they will choose to appease the iron toed brothers around them and their two buddies to the north and the east, namely, Russia and China.

The hourglass has been turned, and the sands of time are running into its bottom, we are not far away from the last particles of sand to trickle from its top to end the fullness of this present Gentile age. I realize that my guesstimate of the initial attack against Israel by ten Arab nations occurring at some point in time between 2010 and 2015, which will begin the last three and one-half years of the fullness of the Gentiles, may not be correct. No man can be sure as to when the last grain of sand will drop, but I am sure it is getting close.

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Romans 11:25 – For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.

Zechariah 13:9 – And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God.

Begin 2006 Jerusalem Post Article from our Blog Archive

Turkey Won’t Allow US to Use its Bases


April 30, 2006

Turkey does not intend to allow the United States to launch an attack against Iran from the Inchirlik military base, Turkish news agencies reported Sunday.

Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul told the Dubai-based al-Bayan that he doubted the US would ultimately choose to take military action, as “Iran has its own strategic advantages.”

Gul said that facilitating an attack against a neighboring country was “not an option,” despite the US offer to build Turkey a nuclear reactor as a counterbalance to Iran’ s expanding nuclear facilitie

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Turkey has long sought to develop nuclear power to make up for a limited supply of domestic energy and to reduce dependence on energy supplies from Iran and Russia and has chosen the coastal city of Sinop as the site of the country’s first nuclear power plant.

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However, only Saturday, thousands rallied in Sinop to protest the planned nuclear facility.

Calls for Turkey to develop alternative energy sources were widespread during the past winter, when unexplained cuts in the supply of natural gas from Iran forced many companies to lower or entirely stop production.

Turkey first announced plans to build a reactor in 1996, but the project has repeatedly been put on hold due to financial problems.

Turkey’s refusal to comply with the US request was another indication of the growing tension between the two nations, which, according to Gul, have not “seen a single day of positive stability since the Islamic party was elected to power [in 2002].”

End Jerusalem Post Article

Begin Current Excerpt from DEBKAfile

Erdogan promises Iran Turkish intelligence aid against Israel

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

November 10, 2009, 10:33 AM (GMT+02:00)

In the secret part of their talks in Tehran on Oct. 28, DEBKAfile’s military sources reveal that Turkish prime minister Tayyep Recep Erdogan and Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad struck military cooperation deals which promised Iran Turkish military intelligence and air force assistance against a possible Israeli attack on its nuclear sites.

Their understandings have bound Turkish to pass intelligence data to Tehran on potential Israeli preparations for a strike and on US military movements in the Middle East

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for providing backup. Our sources report that the details finalized in meetings between the Turkish and Iranian military specialists in Istanbul Monday, Nov. 9, were due to be sealed by presidents Abdullah Gul and Ahmadinejad Tuesday. The Iranian president is to be in Turkey as guest of the Islamic Conference.

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The Turkish prime minister has not only buried his country’s longstanding military and intelligence ties with Israel but climbed aboard the adversarial axis confronting the Jewish state. Turkey has agreed to round out the forward surveillance outposts encircling Israel’s borders: Hamas from the southwest in Gaza, Syria in the east, Lebanon in the north and now Turkey from the northwest.

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Tehran is banking on this encirclement for early warning of an approaching Israeli strike and any supportive American movements.

According to Western intelligence sources in Ankara, heads of the Turkish army objected to their government’s strategic turn to Iran and the cutoff of its ties with Israel. However its pro-Islamic leaders, which have gradually eased the army out of policymaking, have forced them to accept operational ties with the military of an anti-Western Middle Eastern nation as being in the nation’s best interests.

Erdogan’s most compelling argument is that President Barack Obama’s secret proposal for Iran to deposit 400 kilos of its enriched Iran in Turkey for safekeeping in charge of International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors, had elevated Turkey to an enhanced role as a broker between the US and Iran, sanctioned by Agency director Mohamed ElBaradei. If Turkey, a member of NATO, was able to gain the Iranian regime’s trust, the Turkish prime minister maintained, it was only thanks to the military understandings he reached in Tehran.

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DEBKAfile’s military sources report that word of the Turkish-Iranian military collaboration deal landed with shocking effect in Washington and Jerusalem.

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They had not forewarned by their intelligence services that Erdogan was willing to go as far as this to ally Turkey with the Islamic regime.

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