End Time Middle East Peace & Safety Mindset is Now Forming!

Mindset of Peace and Safety Forms!

An Endless Talk ing of Peace with Syria

Will create a m

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indset of Peace and Safety

In the emotional status of the Sate of Israel,

As well as in the minds of the world Population!

Talk of peace with Syria will be off again, on Again

Between Israel, Syria, and PA until the sudden Travail

Surprisingly comes on Israel and the World in vicious War,

Just as is indicated in Paul’s prediction in I Thessalonians 5:3,4

Initial stages of endless diplomatic dialog is now being Established!

Please Do Read All Three of the Excerpts which follow our Blog Heading!

November 14, 2009


I Thessalonians 5:3,4 – For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. [4] But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

They will still be talking of peace in the Middle East when a vicious Islamic Jihad is initially launched against Israel. It is the hope of peace and safety that represents the mindset of Israel, not three and one half years of actual peace. It was a gradual shift from the thee “He’s” in Daniel 9:27 being Christ after 1740 to being the one identified as the Antichrist, which led to the teaching of three and one half years of peace after a peace treaty was signed with the Antichrist. The teaching was created when the ‘First of the Week” position became popular after 1788. I hope you will consider the Series in our Archive Blogs, which you may read and copy from our Web Site.


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Begin Excerpt from India’s ZEEBEE via World News

Israel hints at Syria opening after Sarkozy meet

Thursday, November 12m 2009, 10:15 IST

Paris: Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met French President Nicolas Sarkozy for talks on the crisis in the Middle East peace process and appeared to open the door to talks with Syria.

Neither leader spoke to reporters after their two-hour meeting in the Elysee Palace, and Netanyahu set off for the airport immediately afterwards. The pair had addressed the media after both their previous Paris meetings.

A short statement from Sarkozy’s office said that the talks had included only the leaders and one senior advisor each.

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They discussed “international issues and notably ways to restart the Middle East peace process.”

But, while the mood surrounding the meeting was downbeat, afterwards an Israeli official did hold open the chance of progress in one of the overlapping negotiating tracks that make up the stalled regional peace plan.

“Mr Sarkozy raised the issue of the Syrian track,” the senior aide said.

“The Prime Minister said he is willing to meet with the Syrian President at any time and anywhere to move on the peace negotiations on the basis of no pre-conditions,” he added.

Earlier, in Damascus, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad told a meeting of Arab politicians that Syria would not “put forward conditions on making peace” but warned it had “rights that we will not renounce,” according to the SANA news agency.

Assad is due in Paris on Friday for talks with Sarkozy.

Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria in the 1967 Middle East war and unilaterally annexed it in 1981. Damascus has repeatedly demanded the strategic plateau’ s return a

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s a non-negotiable condition for peace.

Telephone talks arranged by Turkish mediators between the arch foes were broken off last year during Israel’s offensive in Gaza, closing a promising diplomatic channel towards a broader Middle East settlement.

Last week, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said in Paris that he was ready to resume his role as mediator of three-way telephone conversations between Israeli and Syrian leaders at any time.

There was no sign, however, that the Paris meeting had made much progress on the issue of peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

On the eve of the visit, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said a “real political difference” separates Sarkozy and Netanyahu on the issue of Israel’s continued building of settlements on Palestinian land.

“We think that a freeze on settlements, that’s to say no more colonisation while talks are ongoing, would be absolutely indispensable,” Kouchner told France Inter radio. “We need talks and the peace process to restart.”

French fears for the peace process have been exacerbated by Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas’ threat to resign in protest at Israel’s refusal to stop building on Palestinian land in Jerusalem and the West Bank.

“The return to negotiations depends on Israel adhering to the terms of reference of peace and that means halting all settlements,” Abbas told Palestinian supporters on Wednesday in Ramallah. Abbas is seen by many as the only Palestinian leader with

the power and credibility to lead meaningful negotiations, and his departure could even trigger the collapse of the Palestinian Authority.

Sarkozy called Abbas on Tuesday to urge him to reconsider a decision not to seek re-election next year, and was expected to pressure Netanyahu during his meeting Wednesday to halt settlement building.

The Israeli leader arrived in Paris late Tuesday after flying in from Washington, where he had held similarly tense discussions with US President Barack Obama, who has also called for a construction freeze.

Netanyahu insists he has limited settlement activity and has called for immediate peace talks with the Palestinians, but his Washington trip ended without the usual friendly joint appearance with the US leader.

The lack of a press conference was widely interpreted as a snub by Obama.

peaking in Jerusalem, Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak on Wednesday said the meeting had helped pave the way for the possible restarting of Israeli-Palestinian talks.

“This meeting was good, important and constructive. It lifted a number of obstacles and created a decisive base for the resumption of negotiations that will allow us to reach an agreement with our neighbours, the Palestinians,” he said.

Bureau Report

Begin Excerpt from Al Jazeera via World News

France meets Syria over peace plan

November 13, 2009

Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian president, is holding talks with Nicolas Sarkozy, his French counterpart, that could bring about a revival in Middle East peace talks.

The meeting on Friday in Paris comes a week after Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, met the French leader.

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Alan Fisher, Al Jazeera’s correspondent in Paris, said Sarkozy is expected to hand al-Assad a letter from Netanyahu, in which he says the Israelis are ready to begin talks with the Syrians, with no pre-conditions.

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“There appears to be the beginning of momentum in this process between Syria and Israel,” he said.

Conditions for peace

Hostility between Israel and Syria is one of the problems underlying efforts to seek a broader Middle East peace settlement.

Syria has repeatedly demanded the return of the strategic Golan Heights, which Israeli captured in the 1967 war and unilaterally annexed in 1981, as a non-negotiable condition for peace.

Meanwhile Israel accuses Syria of backing armed groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas.

This week al-Assad told a meeting of Arab politicians that Syria would not “put forward conditions on making peace” but warned it had “rights that we will not renounce,” the SANA news agency reported.

Earlier on Friday, al-Assad hailed a “climate of trust” with France, welcoming a “resumption of good relations” between the two countries.

Our correspondent said it comes after Sarkozy reached out to the Syrians a year ago.

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“Remember they had a dreadful relationship when Jacques Chirac was president. Sarkozy said he was going to sort that out,” Fisher reported.

EU ‘partnership’

But the Syrian leader said his country had not “yet reached a revival of trust between Syria and the United States,” and called on Barack Obama, the US president, to do more for the stalled Middle East peace process.

“What president Obama said about peace was a good thing. We agree with him on the principles, but… what is the plan of action? The [peace process] sponsor must come up with a plan of action,” al-Assad told Le Figaro.

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“The weak point – it’s the American sponsor.”
The Syrian president also repeated his position that Damascus must review a partnership agreement with the European Union, which had been due to be signed in October, calling on the bloc to have “more political independence”.

“The Europeans have turned completely towards the United States, to Syria’s detriment. A partner must be a friend and we haven’t noticed that from Europe these last years,” he said.

Damascus and the EU first drew up the draft partnership pact in 2004, but it was never signed by European countries, amid concerns by some nations of human rights abuses in Syria.

Begin Excerpt from Khaleej Times via World News

Obstacles Facing Syria-Israel Talks

14 November 2009

Israel may soon resume talks with Syria, without pre-conditions. The possibility of resumption of peace talks between the two states, does not seem far fetched.

Israeli officials have confirmed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has relayed a willingness to resume talks with Syria to French President Nicolas Sarkozy. It will presum ably be

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a key topic for discussions between Sarkozy and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad who is currently in Paris. Tel Aviv has, however, refuted a significant second message, relating to Israel’s willingness to withdraw from the Golan Heights, as reported by al-Arabia channel. Netanyahu’s overture to Israel is not one-sided. Assad had also expressed a desire to hold fresh talks with the Israeli government.

How Israel and Syria achieve this under the dark shadow of Golan Heights is the hard question.

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Captured in 1967 and later annexed by Israel in 1981, Golan Heights remains the biggest contention between Tel Aviv and Damascus. Especially since Israel’s position on retreating its boundaries to the pre-1967 state and containment of settlements—illegal in every sense of the word and a complete violation of international law—is well known. Housing about 18,000 illegal Israeli settlers, the return of the Golan Heights to Damascus will not be easy for Israel, even if it decides to abandon its obdurate position by some miracle. Besides Golan, Israel’s other major contention with Syria is its alleged support for the anti-Israel political groups in Lebanon and Gaza—Hezbollah and Hamas. For Syria to give up the right to its territories under Israeli occupation would 
be tantamount to political suicide and a weakening of its position, not only regionally, but also internationally.

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Expecting Syria to succumb to this in the larger interest of peace is inane. Even though Assad had ruled out any pre-conditions, he maintained that Syrian rights need to be restored. According to him, one way to achieve these was through dialogue. Turkish sponsored indirect talks between the two states last year broke down with Israel launching the 22-day Gaza offensive, a war 
internationally condemned. Previously held talks in 2000 had also failed on the issue of the Golan Heights.

If talks are to resume, it may well be done under the auspices of France and not Turkey this time. Israel is apparently displeased with Turkey for daring to raise a voice against Israeli atrocities in Gaza.

While dialogue is always welcome, it needs sincerity and commitment from both sides. Is Israel willing to extend an open hand with a clean heart? If so, then it should review its position first on the settlements issue and commit towards a peaceful solution with the Palestinians. The barometer for Israel’s sincerity towards achieving regional peace—especially if it seeks the coveted acceptance and normalisation of relations with its neighbouring states and the Arab world— will ultimately be how it deals with Palestinians.

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