American Role in the Final Middle East War

American Role in the Final Middle East War

November 16, 2009

For some 35 years I have taught the final war of

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the age of the Gentiles will not be thermonuclear. God will do the horrendous geological and atmospheric slaughter of most of the world’s six billion residents.

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God will utilize the Earth’s geological and atmospheric structure which he created,

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and the elements of His created universe, to fulfill His own prophecies by His own power.

Isaiah 29:6 – Thou shalt be visited of the Lord of hosts with thunder, and with earthquake, and great noise, with storm and tempest, and the flame of devouring fire.

If your flesh just absolutely must be concerned about the coming massive death on this earth as one of its unbelievers, then shiver from your head to your toes on the warnings of God concerning horrors on this earth for man’s rebellion against the Godhead. Man needs to be concerned about his eternal soul, not his temporary flesh covering.

The role of the United States will be to umbrella Israelis with a deterrent array of very effective anti-nuclear missiles which could be launched from land or sea. America will not commit ground troops to fight in Israel. Nor will Russia and China commit ground troops in Israel until near the end of the Tribulation Period at its final great battle of Armageddon.

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Like it or not, believe it or not, the future Tribulation period shall be a knock down, drag out, non-nuclear conventional war between Islam and Israel, with the rest of the nations watching them slug it out. It is possible nuclear weapons might be used near the very end of the Tribulation Period, but I really doubt that even this will be the case.

To demonstrate to t he international community his compassion,

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he will let British, American, and French planes air evacuate out Israelis from Tel Aviv to Haifa into the Negev Wilderness.

American, Russian, French, and British fleets will set off shore as a warning to both sides not to use nuclear weapons, and it will be a very precarious situation for some 1335 days following the initial attack until the Second Advent of Christ. I believe the great earthquake of Revelation 6:12 will destroy a lot of Antichrist’s troops just fore Jerusalem falls. A truce will be brokered at that time between Israel and Islam by the United Nations. The truce will last until the 7th Trumpet Sounds.

Revelation 6:12 – And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

Revelation 12:5,6 – And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.

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[6] And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

Revelation 12:14 – And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into

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the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.

Revelation 12:17 – And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Begin Excerpts from the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs/Daily Alert

November 12, 2009

Begin Excerpt 1 from Turkish Today’s Zaman

The Meaning of the U.S.-Israel Juniper Cobra Military Exercise

Fikret Ertan

(Today’s Zaman-Turkey)

It is widely assumed by military circles that in the event of air strikes by either the U.S. or Israel or both against Iran to destroy its nuclear facilities, Iran will respond by firing its medium-range ballistic missiles.

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In fact, over the years many Iranian officials have threatened to do just that.

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The U.S. and Israel have been preparing against this eventuality. They have just completed a two-week anti-missile exercise called Juniper Cobra.

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Israeli public radio called the exercise preparations for a face-off with Iran.

While U.S. officials were extremely careful not to mention Iran with regard to the exercise, no Israeli military official has shied away from mentioning that scenarios involving Iran form a substantial portion of the exercise.

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The exercise was the third and largest joint exercise ever held by the two countries, with 17 U.S. ships and 1,000 U.S. personnel, matched by the same number of Israeli personnel.

They tested all the components of the joint anti-missile systems, namely the U.S.’s THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense), which incorporates Patriot-3 missiles, ship-based Aegis interceptors, X-band radars, and the Israeli Arrow anti-missile system.

According to one expert, with the X-band system at work and connected to the U.S. system, a missile intercept would take place over Iran or a neighboring state and not over Israel, which would give Israel a significant strategic advantage over potential Iranian missiles.

Begin Excerpt 2 from Middle East Media Review (MEMRI)

Egyptian Cleric: “The Muslims Will Kill the Jews – Be Patient” (MEMRI)

Egyptian cleric Amin Al-Ansari told Al-Rahma TV on Oct.

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12: “God has filled people’s hearts with loathing for these [Jews]….The Prophet Muhammad said that when Judgment Day draws near, the final war between the Muslims and the Jews will take place.

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The Prophet said that the Muslims would kill the Jews….Be patient.”

On Jan. 27, Amin Al-Ansari appeared on Al-Rahma TV to show footage of torture and killing of Jews in Nazi concentration camps, stating, “This is what we hope will happen, but, Allah willing, at the hand of the Muslims.”

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