Israeli Military Intelligence for 2007 – High Probability of Two Fronted War!
December 5, 2006
In the last six months the Israel Military Intelligence has begun to issue their own predictions as to when their next major conflict with their Islamic enemies will occur.
I have issued several blogs on their guesses since their last battle with Hizbollah. What follows is their best estimate of such an attack.
I hope their latest estimate is on target,
although I do believe the best time frame for such an attack to be between 2008 and 2012.
Israel conquered the old city of Jerusalem in 1967 to recover her ancient Temple Mount. Since the last century, I have believed the most likely time for the old city to be retaken by the forces of Antichrist to be between 2003 and 2012, as I stated in our Archive Prophecy Update Number Seven in February of 2001 – “I feel confident the attack will not occur before 2003, but I do believe it will occur before 2012.” I simply added 40 years to 1967 to obtain 2007 as the year of destiny, and went four years before and after it to make a guesstimate of the time frame in which the attack would likely occur. If the Israeli Military Intelligence Analysis, given in the Jerusalem Post article by Yaakov Katz
turns out to be correct, 2007 will indeed be Israel’s year of destiny. As I indicated in my guesstimate of 2001, the attack did not occur prior to 2003 and, based on events since 2003, the time frame guesstimate from 2008 to 2012 for a Jihad from the north is on target.
The reason I chose such a wide guesstimate in the first place is a very simple one, which I explained quite graphically in the following quote from Archive Prophecy Update Number 238A, August 28, 2005, titled “Armageddon – Not in the Distant Future – Part One.” The events from 2003 to 2005 had convinced me by the summer of 2005 that the time period from 2007 to 2012 was the best guesstimate, and that 2007 might be the year of destiny. In Prophecy Update Number 238A I made the following statement:
“It is impossible at this time to predict the precise year of the final battle of Armageddon, which is the last battle in a period of time that lasts 1260 days. However, the Scriptures do indicate that we can know the time when it looms as an event that lets us know it is “at our doors.” I cannot tell you the times, the seasons, the year, or the day the 1260 days will begin, but I assure you that it is not an event of the far distant future. I have long believed the 1260 days are likely to begin in 2007, and I may well be wrong, but I am certain that it is not something that is a long way off in the future.”
I have no intention of extending the time frame of 2012. I will go down with the ship and sink or swim with that time frame.
I do not believe I will have to adjust it again. If I am still alive and it has not occurred by 2012, I will simply say, “that was a lousy guesstimate, and state it will be “soon” until I die or it occurs.
If you would like to understand why I originally chose 2007 as the year of destiny, and went four years prior and after it as a guesstimate, you may read my Scripture exposition on the subject in Archive Prophecy Update Number 206B.
Please read the following article by Yaakov Katz. It is an excellent assessment of the Middle East confrontational situation from an Israeli intelligence perspective. It’s first paragraph is a bold statement.
Begin Jerusalem Post Article
Analysis: 2007 – The Year of War
December 4, 2006
2007 will be the year of war, both in Lebanon and in the Gaza Strip, and possibly even against Syria. It could happen this spring or perhaps in the summer.
According to Military Intelligence’s (MI) assessment for the coming year, there is a high probability that Israel will find itself fighting at least two wars on two fronts, one against the Hamas army being created in the Gaza Strip and the other against Hizbullah, working hard to regain its strength after the war this past summer.
Despite a cease-fire on the Gaza front, Hamas has spent the last week smuggling weapons into the Strip through the tunnels running from Sinai.
Hizbullah, despite Security Council Resolution 1701 and UNIFIL’s presence in southern Lebanon, has received shipments of antitank missiles, short-range rockets and long-range missiles from Syria since the war ended.
The Syrian military is on high alert and has the IDF concerned that without political “engagement,” war could erupt there.
According to MI’s assessment, if Israel offered Syria a renewal of dialogue, President Bashar Assad would accept. However, if Israel does not make any diplomatic overtures toward Syria, in line with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s declared policy, the chance of war will only increase.
While the defense establishment is genuinely concerned with the ongoing Hizbullah protest in Beirut and the effect it will have on the fragile situation in the North, MI is not surprised by Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah’s attempt to topple Prime Minister Fuad Saniora’s US-backed government.
The massive demonstration in Lebanon is more than just a standard anti-government gathering. It is a clash of cultures – one led by Saniora interested in an independent and westernized Lebanon and the other led by Nasrallah and powered by Iran, interested in a radical and religious regime, or as MI sees it, an extension of Iran and the axis of evil.
Syria is also contributing to the tension and, according to MI, is the leading suspect in the assassination two weeks ago of Lebanese Industry Minister Pierre Gemayel. The Saniora government’s decision to establish an international tribunal to try those responsible for the assassination of Rafik Hariri in 2005 was a major blow
for Assad and the ongoing protest in Beirut is partially his way of payback.
The IDF does not anticipate long life for the cease-fire in Gaza, obtained November 25 in a phone call between Olmert and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. In addition to the daily Kassam rocket attacks since the cease-fire went into effect, the Palestinians have continued smuggling weapons into the Strip from Egypt.
Hamas’s “army” in Gaza already numbers several thousand troops, believed to be armed with advanced antitank missiles, Grad-type Katyusha rockets as well as anti-aircraft projectiles, possibly Soviet-made SA-7 shoulder-fired missiles.
The assumption in the IDF is that the cease-fire will not last long, maybe another couple of weeks at the most. The major problem is that unlike the cease-fire in 2005 before Israel’ s unilateral di
sengagement from the Gaza Strip, this time the Palestinians do not have any incentives to enforce or uphold the truce.
It is also important to differentiate between the Strip and the West Bank. While Hamas is building an army, Gaza is self-contained, cut off from the rest of Israel.
The West Bank is different. With the security fence incomplete, a decision to remove roadblocks and permit free passage for Palestinians could enable terrorists to enter Israeli cities.
The only way to prevent terror there is to maintain an IDF presence in the West Bank.
But not everyone in the defense establishment agrees that the way to prevent terror in the West Bank is by retaining a stifling military presence.
Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories Maj.-Gen. Yosef Mishlav has been recommending the removal of roadblocks and free passage between West Bank cities for some months now, claiming the move would stimulate positive economic developments within the PA. If Israel fails to do so, Mishlav has warned, war could also erupt in the West Bank.
End Jerusalem Post Article
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