Movement of Iranian Backed Terror Groups into Israel
Dardanelle MBC
August 30, 2005
The following exclusive from the DEBKAfile may be the first shift of out of country terror units into Israel from their headquarters in Damascus and from Hizballah in southern Lebanan.
I suspect in the end this will prove to be a very dumb move on their part. It will be much easier and cause much less international furor to hit them with IAF air strikes
in the Gaza Strip
than it has been to hit them in Syria and Lebanon.
Once Israel has most of their settlement population on their safe side of the security wall, the new influx of outsider terrorists that have gotten into the Gaza Strip
and West Bank are in for some horrific air strikes.
DEBKAfile Article Begins
DEBKAfile Exclusive: First outside Palestinian terrorist group to land in Gaza – Ahmed Jibril’s PFLP-GC – has been sniping at Israeli patrols and positions in the last 48 hours.
August 29, 2005
The PFLP-General Command bases in Beirut and Damascus are controlled by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards unit in Lebanon.
In Damascus last week, Palestinian prime minister Ahmed Quraia promised Jibril access for his gang to the Gaza Strip after the Israeli pullout. On orders from his Tehran masters and the Hizballah, the terror master jumped the gun.
According to our intelligence sources, Jibril was
told to give Egyptian intelligence chief Omar Suleiman, currently shuttling between the Gaza Strip, Ramallah and Jerusalem an object lesson, namely, it will be beyond the power of the Egyptian force due to take up position on the Gaza-Egyptian border to keep outside Palestinian forces from entering the Gaza Strip
of prevent them launching attacks on the Israeli military and civilians.
Israeli military officials are reluctant to take these attacks seriously so soon after the successful evacuation of civilians from the Gaza Strip.
But according to DEBKAfile’s sources, hardline Jibril will use this advantage to intensify his strikes and move on to attacks on the West Bank too. He is due to be followed by entire Palestinian terrorist commands just waiting to move over to Gaza as soon as Israeli troops leave and Egyptian border police take over the gateway to
the Gaza Strip.
DEBKAfile Report Ends