Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood establishes Gaza Command Post
For its future military strategic operations in Egypt and its Sinai
Followed by the conquest of the entire Saudi Arabian Peninsula
As a part of Eventual Formation of Antichrist’s Islamic Caliphate!
July 25, 2013
Daniel 11:41-45 – He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon. [42] He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape. [43] But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps. [44] But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many. [45] And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.
The last Three Egyptian Military Officers Nasser, then Sadat, then Mubarak, drove, and kept the Muslim Brotherhood underground where they thrived, spread from country to country, and increased in number. They came into existence in 1928. I was born in 1932. I first made contact with some of them in 1952 and 1953 on the northern fringe of the Sahara in Tripoli. Libya The three most dangerous terrorist groups in the Middle East are the Salafists, the Muslim Brotherhood, and al-Qaeda.
According to Mohammed M. Hafez, contemporary jihadi Salafism is characterized by “five features” –
1——Immense emphasis on the concept of tawhid (unity of God);
2——God’s sovereignty (hakimiyyat Allah) which defines right and wrong, good and evil, and which supersedes human reasoning is applicable in all places on earth and at all times, and makes unnecessary and unIslamic other ideologies such as liberalism or humanism;
3——The rejection of all innovation (Bid‘ah) to Islam;
4——The permissibility and necessity of takfir (the declaring of a Muslim to be outside the creed, so that they may face execution.);
5——And on the centrality of jihad against infidel regimes
According to Michael Horowitz, Salafi Jihad is an ideology that identifies the “alleged source of the Muslims’ conundrum” in the “persistent attacks and humiliation of Muslims on the part of an anti-Islamic alliance of what it terms ‘Crusaders,’ ‘Zionists,’ and ‘apostates.’”
Begin Excerpt from DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
Six Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood high-ups flee to Gaza, set up command post for uprising
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
July 22, 2013, 6:40 PM (IDT)
A group of six Muslim Brotherhood officials escaped from Egypt after their president was overthrown in a military coup July 3 and smuggled themselves into the Gaza Strip to lead an uprising against the military in Cairo, DEBKAfiles exclusive intelligence sources disclose. Headed by Mahmud Izzat Ibrahim, a senior deputy of the Supreme Guide, the group has established a command post at the Gaza Beach Hotel, to organize operations against Egyptian military and security targets, in conjunction with Hamas and armed Al Qaeda-linked Salafist Bedouin in Sinai.
The ousted Islamist leaders hope their revolt will quickly spread out from Sinai to Egypt proper and topple the provisional rulers in Cairo.
Mahmoud Izzat, a doctor of medicine, known as the Muslim Brotherhood’s “iron man,” ranks fourth after Supreme Guide Muhammed Badie in the Muslim Brotherhood hierarchy. He was a key figure in handing down the policy decisions of the Guidance Office, of which he has been a member since 1981, to the movement’s Freedom and Justice Party in government and parliament.
Married to a former supreme guide’s daughter, he was imprisoned in 1995 as leader of an illegal organization, and jailed again in January 2008 for participating in Cairo demonstrations against an Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip.
DEBKAfle: The MB leadership picked Mahmoud Izzat as the man best able to command the movement’s mutiny against its successors in Cairo.
Our sources reveal that the group escaped from Egypt using the Hamas networks which operated underground in Egypt during the Mubarak presidency. In February 2011, when Mubarak was on his way out, those networks came out of hiding to engineer the mass jailbreak of Brotherhood leaders, including Morsi himself.
To bypass Egyptian military and police roadblocks on Sinai roads, Hamas provided Izzat and his fellow Brethren with smugglers’ boats that ply the Mediterranean sea route between Alexandria and Gaza.
Saturday, July 20, the Egyptian army imposed a total blockade on sea craft traffic along the Mediterranean coasts of Gaza and Sinai and clamped down heavily on other means of access to the Gaza Strip. Army engineers are destroying the hundreds of smuggling tunnels linking Sinai and the Palestinian enclave, which were an integral part of Gaza’s economy under Hamas rule.
Last week, Egyptian Apache gun ships flew overhead to warn the Palestinian rulers that their movements was under surveillance.
DEBKAfile’s.military sources report that, in view of the Gaza Strip’s key role in abetting the uprising, the Egyptian army may decide to kick off its counter-terror operation in Sinai by dropping elite forces in Gaza by air or sea for commandeering the Beach Hotel and detaining the six Muslim Brotherhood leaders. They would be brought to Cairo and tried on charges of instigating revolt.
Egypt’s military rulers don’t credit Hamas protests denying they collaborated with the Brotherhood’s actions in defiance of the military. They point to the new terrorist network in Sinai, which calls itself, “Communicators with the Mahdi,” as consisting almost entirely of Palestinian members of Hamas and Jihadi Islami from Gaza. This network is held responsible for the sharp escalation in attacks on Egyptian security forces since the Brotherhood leaders set up shop at the Beach Hotel.
There is no doubt that the Brotherhood revolt leaders in Gaza are coordinating their actions with the Egyptian al Qaeda leader Ramzi Mowafi and the armed Salafist legion he commands in Sinai.
In Cairo, too the army has placed restrictions on Syrian Brotherhood members who entered Egypt recently among the tens of thousands of refugees fleeing the civil war against Bashar Assad. Whereas Presiden Morsi allowed them to move freely around the country, since Saturday, July 20, they need a license to travel anywhere – or even leave the country.
The use of the Gaza Strip as the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’s center of operation outside its borders raises questions about the role of Hamas and the Gaza Strip itself with regard to the resumed peace talks due to begin in Washington next week under US sponsorship.
Hamas quickly rejected the US Secretary of State John Kerry’s initiative announced last Friday and denounced Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas as having no mandate to represent the Palestinian people in any negotiations for its future.
This attitude and the presence of a senior Muslim Brotherhood delegation in the Gaza Strip would render any accord Abbas reached with Israel partial and only applicable to the West Bank.
Begin Excerpts from Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs/Daily Alerts
Excerpt 1 – YNet News
IDF: Syria Becoming a Center of Global Jihad
Yoav Zitun
YNet News
“Syria is drawing thousands of global jihad activists and radical Muslims from the region and the world who are basing themselves in the country, not only to overthrow Assad, but also to promote the vision of an Islamic state,” IDF Military Intelligence chief Maj.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi said Tuesday. “Right before our eyes a center of global jihad is developing on a scale that may affect not only Syria and the borders of the State of Israel, but also Jordan and Sinai.” (Ynet News)
Excerpt 2 – Jerusalem Post
Ya’alon: Egypt Poised for Sinai Counter-Terrorism Operation
Yaakov Lappin
Egypt is poised to launch a large counter-terrorism operation against radical Islamic cells in Sinai, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon said Tuesday. “I hope that the Egyptian security forces overcome the challenge of extremist Islam in Sinai. They have beefed up their forces and are preparing for an assault operation….We see more effective activities by the Egyptian army and security bodies in recent months, particularly in recent weeks following the regime change that occurred.” (Jerusalem Post)
Excerpt 3 – New York Times
Egypt’s Three Revolutions
Thomas L. Friedman
It is difficult to exaggerate how much the economy and law and order had deteriorated under President Morsi. So many Egyptians were feeling insecure that there was a run on police dogs! The right thing for President Obama to be doing now is not only to ignore calls for cutting off economic aid to Egypt – on grounds that the last revolution amounted to a military coup. We should be trying to get everyone in the world to help this new Egyptian government succeed.
This is no time for America to be punishing Egyptians or demanding quick elections. Our job is to help the new government maximize the number of good economic decisions it makes, while steadily pressuring it to become more inclusive and making it possible for multiple political parties to form. If that happens, Egypt will have a proper foundation to hold democratic elections again. If it doesn’t happen, no number of elections will save it. (New York Times)
Excerpt 4 – Washington Post
Syria’s Ripple Effect
Anthony H. Cordesman
What started as a civil conflict in Syria more than two years ago now threatens to fuel a major conflict between Sunnis and Shiites throughout the Muslim world. The conflict is dividing Lebanon and giving Hizbullah and other extremists a larger foothold there. It is also creating problems in Jordan and Turkey, pushing Iraq toward civil war and making Iraq’s Shiite leadership more dependent on Iran.
If Assad succeeds in crushing the opposition or otherwise maintains control over most of Syria, Iran will have a massive new degree of influence over Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. Minorities will be steadily driven into exile. This would present serious risks for Israel, weaken Jordan and Turkey and, most important, give Iran far more influence in the Persian Gulf, an area home to 48% of the world’s proven oil reserves. The writer holds the Arleigh A. Burke chair in strategy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. (Washington Post)
Israel and the Dismissal of Morsi
Hicham Mourad
Israeli officials interceded with the U.S. to convince Washington not to cut military and economic aid to Egypt in the wake of the ouster of President Morsi by the army. Tel Aviv fears that such a revision of assistance, mainly military, would undermine Egypt’s commitment to the peace treaty with Israel. Israel had already called on the U.S. to continue assistance to Egypt after the fall of Mubarak in February 2011 for the same reason.
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