A G az
a Conflict prior to 2008 is Possible!
February 25, 2007
I agree with the Israeli defense assessment of no war with Syria this year. I do not believe it will occur until after 2007.
However, it does seem likely the festering sore known as the Gaza Strip is likely to erupt like a blister before the year is out.
The Hamas is anxious to invoke a third intifada that can be used to produce a long-term hudna (truce) in Israel, which would allow them time to strengthen their military ability to wage a full fledged Jihad against Israel when they break it.
Jerusalem Newswire
IDF 2007 assessment: War in Gaza, not Syria
By Ryan Jones
February 23, 2007
Israeli defense officials agree that Syria, with the backing of Iran, is apparently preparing for war with the Jewish state, but do not believe that conflict will erupt this year.
That according to a security assessment for the year 2007 prepared by the IDF, Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) and the Mossad for the government.
The Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, however, is a different story.
The terrorist arms build-up in Gaza, coupled with ongoing attacks from the area that are certain to one day result in a mass-casualty incident is a recipe for war.
Gaza-based terrorists are firing rockets into southern Israel on almost a daily basis.
Many have come dangerously close to hitting strategic facilities in the coastal city of Ashkelon that if struck, could result in the deaths of hundreds or thousands of Israelis.
If that happens, and it almost has on several occassions, Israel would feel compelled to enter Gaza in force.
When the Israelis get there, they will find a Hamas-led force armed with advanced weapons thanks to months of successful smuggling via the Egyptian Sinai and employing Hizb’allah tactics put to good use against the IDF last summer.
That spells a prolonged and deadly fight against the “Palestinians” that is likely to end with an enormous increase in international pressure for Israel to make concessions in order to calm the situation.
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