Wildest Jackasses Taking Over Gaza Strip!


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September 22, 2005


Rest assured that the boldness of Hamas leaders and followers coming out into the open, is much to Israel’s joy, and that a complete file of all of the new members is being complied.

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Israel has had one primary goal in mind for some three years – Finish the security barrier and get the terrorists behind it!

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Unless the Hamas gets bold enough to raise levels of terror attacks to an unacceptable level, the Israelis will let them jump, scream, shoot in the air, lift their tails in the air, make all kinds of threats, and even launch a few Kassams.

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But if they, or any of the new terror organizations that slipped in last week across the Sinai border, were to pull off a major act of terror against Israelis, then Katie, bar the door. And, even though the Palestinian Authority’s Fatah would surely scream bloody murder, in reality it might please them to get rid of some of their rival Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror competitors.

The extract which follows, from a report by Ariel O’Sullivan, Jerusalem Post, puts forth a vivid account of the current confusion in the Gaza Strip.

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Shin Bet Chief: PA is Crumbling, Fatah in Disarray


September 21, 2005

The Palestinian Authority is crumbling, it’s leader Mahmoud Abbas is too weak to enforce law and order, his Fatah party is in disarray and Hamas is taking control of the Gaza Strip, Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin said on Wednesday during a rare on-the-record briefing with military reporters.

“The Palestinian Authority is barely functional,” Diskin said at his headquarters in Ramat Aviv.

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“(Abbas) has no apparatus that control Fatah.

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a message of doom and gloom for the prospects of a positive times ahead, Diskin said the Palestinians were making enormous efforts to acquire rockets and other weapons in the West Bank, smuggled in from the Sinai.

He also said the Shin Bet believes Islamic extremists who follow an al-Qaida ideology were still targeting the Sinai resorts and that Israelis should stay out of there.

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“There is a strong infrastructure of World Islamic Jihad there, stronger than even the Egyptians themselves were aware of,” Diskin said.
Diskin said that Hamas and other groups took advantage of the euphoric chaos after the IDF abandoned the Philadelphi corridor to smuggle in huge amounts of weapons and arms as well as return fugitives wanted for organizing terrorist attacks.

In one incident, a Hamas convoy of 15 jeeps crossed

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one day and returned laden with arms and explosives. According to Shin Bet data, 3,000 rifles, 1.5 million bullets, 150-200 rocket propelled grenades and hundreds of kilograms of explosives have been smuggled in so far.

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But he said the Israeli Security Agency could not confirm reports that shoulder-fired Strella or Stinger missiles or advanced anti-tank rockets were also smuggled into the Gaza Strip.

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