The Key Element of the Iraqi Civil War!

The Key Element of Iraqi Civil War!

February 11, 2007

Does America really want to know what “The Key Element of the Iraqi Civil War” has always been?” It has never been the number of troops we send there!

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It has never been the quality of troops we send there! It has never been our determination to persist and win there! The basic Key Element of the Iraqi Civil War has always been the composition of the ethnic religious hatred among the groups the British, with the help of the Old League of Nations, cooped up inside the 1932 borders when Iraq gained their independence. It was like putting tigers, leopards, and lions together inside a fenced area, and them telling them to get along.

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Only one kind of Arab leader could ever have stayed in power for a long period – a cruel, heartless, vicious, dog who could rule over the Kurds, Sunnis, Shiites, and numerous other minor ethnic groups in a reign of sheer fear of immediate execution for the slightest offence or whim of the dictator – Such was Saddam.

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We cannot build a lasting democratic government in Iraq before the Second Advent.

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It has never been within the realm of human capability. We established an impossible goal for this country, one which was impossible from the beginning. I was 100 percent in favor of the invasion, 100 percent in favor of liberation from the tyrant Saddam, 100 percent in favor of getting out quickly, and 100 percent opposed to the impossible dream of staying to attempt to build a stable democratic government.

I have held the same position on the invasion of Iraq from its planning stages right up until today. Please read my position, which I outlined in full detail, almost three years ago, when the war was still popular with the majority of the American people.

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It follows the U.S. intelligence report from DEBKAfile as Archive Prophecy Update 170B.

Begin U.S. Intelligence Report

A new US intelligence report cites civil war for the first time as key element of Iraq conflict

February 2, 2007, 7:05 PM (GMT+02:00)

A declassified section of the 90-page report submitted to President George W. Bush and Congress describes the Iraq situation as “perilous” with US troops having very little control over it. Iranian activities lead to increased violence while not a major cause of it. Even al Qaeda is not called a major factor. The war is described as driven primarily by Iraqi versus Iraqi, Sunni versus Shiite – and therefore a civil war.

Unless efforts to reverse these conditions show measurable progress during the next 12 to 18 months, “we assess that the overall security of the situation will continue to deteriorate.”

The report, part of which is due to be released later Friday, Feb. 2, says “US forces levels, resources and operations remain an essential element in Iraq” and a quick US withdrawal would have dangerous consequences, such as an increase in violence, a split in the Iraqi army on sectarian lines and the fall of the al Anbar province to al Qaeda.

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Outgoing director of national intelligence John Negroponte briefed Bush on the report Thursday.

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An administration official said the underlying intelligence was used by Bush in developing his new Iraq strategy.

Strong criticism of the conduct of the war was voiced by Republican Senator John McCain Thursday at the confirmation hearing for General George Casey as designated head of the US army. “I question seriously the judgment that was employed in the execution of your responsibilities in Iraq,” said the senator.

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“And we have paid a very, very heavy price in American blood and treasure for what is now agreed to by literally everyone as a failed policy.”

End U.S. Intelligence Report

Begin Archive Special Prophecy Update 170B


May 5, 2004

A Democratic Government Cannot Stand in Iraq!

I was 100 percent in favor of invading Iraq and ending the reign of Saddam the Butcher, and 100 percent in the corner of those who wanted to see the Baath Party out of power, but I have consistently been 100 percent in favor of NOT trying to establish a democratic type of government like ours because such a government would only stand for a few months, and the cost of American lives would not be worth the price. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO ESTABLISH A DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT IN IRAQ THAT WILL LAST – IT WOULD ONLY LAST AS LONG AS A LARGE AMERICAN ARMY WAS IN PLACE TO ENFORCE IT, AND AMERICANS WILL CONTINUE TO DIE IN HIT-AND-RUN-ATACKS WHILE THEY REMAIN TO MAINTAIN SUCH A GOVERNMENT.

I could have gotten out of fighting in Vietnam, but I chose to go. I did not go because I believed we could win the war and establish a non-corrupt regime in the southern half of the country. I went because I believed it was essential to stopping the spread of communism to other countries in the Far East. The support the Soviet Union poured into Vietnam and Afghanistan broke the financial back of the communist monster, which led to the breakup of the Soviet Union, and its demise as one of two great world powers. I believe it was absolutely essential that we go into Afghanistan.


Its unbelievable mountainous terrain and deep sheltered valleys made it the perfect terrain for a Taliban government to be the breadbasket of terror led by Osama bin Laden. And we simply could not eliminate the numerous terror camp training facilities and headquarters with missiles and air strikes, no matter how sophisticated the state of our technical expertise was at that time. And, for that reason, I am still in favor for troops to be maintained there in order to prevent a reoccurrence of the same scenario. Iraq is a flat land compared to Afghanistan, and, once we had deposed Saddam and crushed his regime, I knew we had the advantage of destroying any threat that arose against our interests in the region with missiles and air strikes following our withdrawal. I am 100 percent in favor of the worldwide war on terrorism, but 100 percent in opposition to attempting to form a democratic form of government in Iraq like ours in this generation. Sure, I wish it were possible, it is an idealistic, noble daydream, but we are fighting Islamic windmills with toothpicks, and the price in blood we are paying for it cannot be justified by a final result that will be marked by failure to see it fulfilled.

The real problem in Iraq began in 1932, the year I was born. Iraq was also born that year as the first of the League of Nations mandate states. So, after 1932, Iraq was formally independent. There was still, of course, a large measure of British influence and power there, but it was certainly independent earlier than any of the other Arab states. The British were largely responsible for the impossible attempt to merge together four major contentious groups into one state, the Shiite, the Sunni, the Kurds, and the Assyrians. It would have been far better to have four countries with separate borders than to attempt to put four wildcats into a sack and call the sack a state. And there are many other smaller groups of ethnic wildcats that also were placed in the sack.

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It was inevitable that a government would eventually come into existence that would be held together by absolute force of a dictator. It is most unfortunate that the dictator who finally grabbed power was Saddam. Most dictators are happy to rule their own country with an iron hand, but Saddam had illusions of grandeur to be the great Islamic messiah who would even exceed the greatness of Saladin the Kurd and, in the end, be ruler over all of the Arab world. The only real solution to the problem, generated in 1932, is to establish governmental borders that separate the four major ethnic groups, and let each group internally fight it out as to the kind of government they want. After the dust has settled you may only have two or three states continuing to fight each other for dominance, but they will be fighting each other rather than the United States and Israel.

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The continuous argument I have heard echo across the world’s political scenario from before Operation Desert Storm through Operation Iraqi Freedom is this – DO NOT DISTURB THE STABILITY OF THE REGION! And everyone seems to agree on how important it is to NOT disturb it! I totally disagree! I was hoping we would go in, get rid of Saddam, his henchmen, and his Baath Party, then pull out as quickly as possible, and let all hell break loose between the Sunnis, Shiites, Kurds, and many other ethnic groups that make up Iraq. They would not be able to concentrate on how much they hate us and Israel, because they would be too busy hating each other. Then, after the smoke and killing ended in a truce, Iraq would probably be splintered into three separate countries, Kurdistan dominated by Turkey, Sunnistan dominated by Syria, and Shiitestan as a part of Iran. As far as I am concerned, the more instability, political turmoil, and confusion we see among all of the nations of Islam, the better off the United States (the big Satan as we are called) and Israel (the little Satan) will be in the world’s fickle climate. If I thought there was any possibility of actually installing a democratic type of government in Iraq, then I would say it would be worth the price we are paying in American blood to do so, but it is a futile pipedream, no matter how noble it may seem to those who favor it. I have been a supporter of both father and son Bush in their presidencies. I do continue to admire them both, and will vote for the son in November. However, I do not agree with the idea of attempting to establish a democracy in the midst of Islam because it is impossible – admirable, but beyond the scope of possibility in this generation. We need to get out and let them slug it out among themselves. In any case, whatever happens, Iraq will be one of the tens associated with Daniel 2 & 7, and Revelation 13 and 17. The Lamb King of the soon coming Kingdom foretold in Revelation 17:14 is the King of the Kingdom found in Daniel 2:44 and 7:27, and he is the only one who can bring lasting peace and stability to the Middle East under a theocracy. The Old Roman Empire had a large sou thern flank that, at one time, included all of what we know as

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the Islamic nations stretching from Morocco to Iran, which number more than the ten required to choose from as being the toes or horns in Daniel and Revelation.

Daniel 2:42,44 – And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong,

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and partly broken. [44] And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

Daniel 7:24-27 – And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. [25] And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. [26] But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end.

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[27] And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

Revelation 13:1 – And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

Revelation 17:12-14 – And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. [13] These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

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[14] These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.

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