LOOK OUT WEST BANK – Here Come the Wild Men!


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September 19, 2005


Jewish settlements draw terrorist activities like a magnet draws iron. Now that Jewish settlements have been removed from the Gaza Strip, it is the turn of the West Bank to become the central focus of terrorist activities.

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From Jenin in the far north to Hebron in the south, you may expect to see more terrorist attacks until the security barrier is finished around the West Bank.

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Rest assured that the Palestinians will conceive numerous plans designed to get their weapons arsenal in the Gaza Strip transferred into the West Bank before its security barrier is completed.

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The Archive Prophecy Update 70C, June 3, 2002, gives an overview of the Jewish settlement problem in the West B

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June 3, 2002




The Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip have been a national project that began shortly after the war of 1967, in which Israel took the West Bank from the Jordanians and the Gaza Strip from the Egyptians. It has existed as an officially recognized government program for more than 30 years.

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Its confiscations of land and settlement construction have been real and pursued without letup under every Prime Minister that has held the office since 1967.

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But since 1993, when you ask a government official about a new settlement suddenly springing up in a new place, he or she will quickly tell you it is not “new,” but rather “old” because it is based on an “old” decision made before 1993, which was the year of

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the Oslo Peace Accords.

In the past several months the Israelis have set up some 36 to 40 “new” settlements based on “old” decisions. The Washington Post reports that the West Bank landscape is “dotted with more water towers, more electrical generators and more moveable homes inhabited by small clusters of armed Jewish settlers under Israeli army guard.” According to the Washington Post the formal number of designated settlements in the West Bank has stayed at about 120 since the 1993 Oslo Agreement. So the Israeli government officials say: “See, we are not increasing the number of our settlements,” and on paper that is true. But they do not tell you the 120 have been spreading horizontally like army ants, and that the Israeli population has increased by more than 70,000 in the West Bank since 1993. Please bear in mind that I am pro-Israel and believe they have every right to do what they are doing. I am simply telling you what is going on in order to show one of the factors involved that leaves Israel no option other than to put a “forced” peace on the Palestinians to protect its settlement citizens, as well as all its citizenry.

A Washington Post article of May 31st stated the following: “Such settlement activity is one of the roots of Palestinian frustration with the peace talks that followed the Oslo Accords, Palestinian analysts say. The creation of settlements required the confiscation of private and communal land and a permanent stationing of Israeli troops to protect settlers from hostile Palestinians, which in turn led to checkpoints and more friction with the Palestinians.

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Bypass roads built to segregate Israeli and Palestinian travelers also have meant more confiscations and further division of territory set aside for Palestinian rule under the Oslo Agreements. This has helped turn Palestinian controlled areas into an archipelago of unconnected islands.
Since conquering the West Bank, Israel has claimed large tracts for settlements and state land preserves. About 200,000 Israelis live among 2,000,000 Palestinians in the West Bank, in addition to 175,000 who live on the West Bank territory annexed to the Jerusalem municipality after 1967. In the Gaza Strip, a sandy coastal area, 1,000,000 Palestinians are squeezed on about 60 percent of the land, while 3,000 Jewish pioneers have settled on the rest in heavily guarded communities.

Sharon has vowed never to withdraw from any of the West Bank or Gaza Strip settlements, whether close to the Israeli border or deep inside the territories. He has spent the better part of his political career pushing their construction, citing the Jew’s biblical roots in what is now called the West Bank.” I believe his launching of Operation Defensive Shield will finally result in a containment buffer zone very similar to what I drew up and presented diagrammatically in Special Prophecy Update Number 65C. This will allow Israel to keep about 70 percent of her existing settlements outside the buffer zone.

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And the effectiveness of the buffer zone from internal terrorist attacks will allow all
Israel outside the zone to say they have a time of “peace and safety.”

Brian Whitaker in Jerusalem, writing for The Guardian, on May 15th wrote: “Israel has secretly grabbed 42 percent of Palestinian land in the West Bank for illegal settlement activity, according to a new report.

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Although the many built-up Jewish settlements cover only 1.7 percent of the West Bank, the Israeli authorities have used a variety of ruses since they occupied the territory in 1967 to assign vast areas of extra land to the settlers. Full details of the seizures have been made public for the first time by the Israeli human rights organization, B’Tselem. In theory the documentary evidence has always been open for public inspection, but B’Tselem fought a year-long legal battle to get it released. B’Tselem found that municipal boundaries allocated to the settlements extend far beyond the built-up areas and account for 6.8 percent of the West Bank. BUT LAND ASSIGNED TO SETTLERS’ REGIONAL COUNCILS ADDS A FURTHER 35.1 PERCENT.

In truth, a genuine lasting peace cannot come in the Middle East until Christ returns.

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The only type of peace that can occur at the present time is the “forced” false peace now being installed by Operation Defensive Shield, which will eventually lead to an external Jihad by many Arab nations from the north assisted by an internal breakout Jihad on the part of the Palestinians living inside the buffer zone.

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Archive Prophecy Update 70C has given you the background for the struggle that is going to go on the rest of this year and through 2006. It will determine who gets how much of what, and what the security barrier will separate.

Archive Prophecy Update 70C should help you to better understand the following article from Ha’aretz by Amos Harel, concerning the immediate activity that is beginning in the West Bank.


Military Arena Now Moves to the West Bank

By Amos Harel

September 13, 2005

Israel’s principal arena of conflict with the Palestinians is expected to move into the West Bank, following the Israel Defense Forces withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.

The IDF will have to solidify its new position vis-a-vis the Strip and adopt a revised defensive posture, but the prevailing opinion among defense establishment officials is that, initially, at least, there will be relatively few clashes around the Strip.

According to defense establishment sources, the Palestinian Authority will want to demonstrate its control over an area entirely in its hands, while Hamas will focus on its power struggle against Fatah.

In the West Bank, on the other hand, responsibility for security remains in Israeli hands, aside from in Jericho, and the Palestinians will seek to prove that the struggle will continue where settlements remain. Fighting terror, security coordination with the PA and securing the separation fence and seam line are the challenges now facing the IDF and Shin Bet security service following the pullout from the Gaza Strip and northern West Bank.

Over the past five years of conflict, the northern section of the West Bank has been the main area from which suicide bombers have been sent into Israel. Over the past two years, however, there have been internal changes in this area. During this time, no suicide bombers have come out of the Jenin area, where the separation fence was completed first, while Tul Karm – once a Tanzim and Hamas stronghold – has now become the heart of the Islamic Jihad terror network.

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Jihad men, from villages around the town, have been responsible for the two deadly attacks this year, at the Stage club in Tel Aviv and the Sharon mall in Netanya.


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