Pre-War Drones are Flying Over Israel for a Purpose!

Islamic drones now appearing over Israel are Multi-Purposed

They Will Be Commonplace During the Tribulation Period War

One of Their Purposes Is to Specifically Locate Battle Targets

Before Islam starts the Last War of the Times of the Gentiles

2 Excerpts After OUR Heading ARE About Drones OVER Israel

Many California Spy Satellites Let Us Observe the Israel Sites

As They Were Built & Camouflaged Across The State of Israel

Now Islam wants to Know The Exact locations of war Targets

October 8, 2012

The drone shot down by IAF Jets was likely a helicopter-style variety unmanned Hizbullah vessel with a primary mission of taking photographs of nuclear and other military facilities. The photographs were probably being electronically sent to Islamic Hizbullah ground sites in southern Lebanon, and then relayed to Iran.

Every nation has a war contingency plan. And, the smaller the country, the more imperative is the requirement for a detailed war contingency evacuation plan. Israel began to formulate, plan, and build her evacuation area in the early fifties. She chose the only reasonable zone, the Negev wilderness. The Negev comprises more than one-third of the total land area of Israel, beginning just north of Beersheba, and extending all the way southward to the Gulf of Aqaba. Why was the Negev the only reasonable area? From the historical prospective, the majority of Israel’s major conquerors have come down from the north.

Even great Nebuchadnezzar, whose great empire began to the east of Israel in Babylonia, first went northwest through southern Syria to eventually attack Israel from the north. Once Israel had signed a peace treaty with Egypt, and then with Jordan, it became evident to her political and military leaders, that they had been correct in selecting the Negev. At present, it appears very unlikely that an attack will be made against Israel from any zone other than the Syria-Lebanon area. Some minister, no one knows who, during the early part of the last century, visited Petra in Jordan, and formed an erroneous opinion, which has become very popular among many teachers of prophecy. Whoever he was, his military training was sadly lacking, for he looked Petra over, and decided it would make a great defensive position for Israel to occupy, that is, if she ever had to flee her homeland. As a graduate of a military academy, and a retiree from the USAF-NSA, I can assure you, Petra is the worst possible place to evacuate the survivors of a successful Arab attack against Israel. I doubt if the one who first advanced this idea actually walked all the way through Petra’s narrow northern entrance and then continued to walk out on the vast open plain to the southwest. Petra may have been a great place to defend in biblical times with the weaponry of those days, but it would be impossible to defend today. Another reason I know Israel will not flee out of her own borders because the Scriptures say clearly she “SHALL BE LEFT THEREIN. “

Revelation 12:6 – And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days. Zechariah 13:8 – And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third SHALL BE LEFT THEREIN.

But there are other compelling reasons why Israel would never flee to Petra. There are no natural water sources in that area, and water collection by its ingenious ancient inhabitants from desert thunderstorms was never able to support a population of more than 20,000. And food production in the soil horizons of this area could never support the evacuation of one-third of Israel’s population. It is also a certainty that the modern day occupants of Jordan would not offer to help Israel escape the Antichrist. But the belief that Israel will flee to Petra has become so popularized by many prominent ministers, it makes it very difficult to dissuade most followers of prophetic events. However, the fact that Israel has spent billions and billions of dollars turning the Negev into the most fortified, best camouflaged, zone on the earth, gives me the assurance that this is the place the woman Israel, who is described as going into the wilderness in the 12th Chapter of Revelation, will soon end up for the last three and one-half years of the tribulation period. Once Israel had signed a peace treaty with Egypt, and then with Jordan, it became evident to her political and military leaders, that they had been correct in selecting the Negev. At present, it appears very unlikely that an attack will be made against Israel from any zone other than the Syria-Lebanon area. Some minister, no one knows who, during the early part of the last century, visited Petra in Jordan, and formed an erroneous opinion, which has become very popular among many teachers of prophecy. Whoever he was, his military training was sadly lacking, for he looked Petra over, and decided it would make a great defensive position for Israel to occupy, that is, if she ever had to flee her homeland. As a graduate of a military academy, and a retiree from the USAF-NSA, I can assure you, Petra is the worst possible place to evacuate the survivors of a successful Arab attack against Israel. I doubt if the one who first advanced this idea actually walked all the way through Petra’s narrow northern entrance and then continued to walk out on the vast open plain to the southwest. Petra may have been a great place to defend in biblical times with the weaponry of those days, but it would be impossible to defend today. Another reason I know Israel will not flee out of her own borders because the Scriptures say clearly she “shall be left therein.” In Revelation 12:6 we find this flight described in graphic detail: “And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.” Prophetic years in scripture are based on a year of 360 days, hence this represents a period of three and one-half years. So Israel will be kept surrounded in the vast Negev wilderness for the last 3 and ½ years of the tribulation period.

Israel has spent multiple billions of dollars preparing the Negev for the possibility of such an evacuation of her population in the in the event of a sudden attack from the north. The Negev has been the central focus of her war contingency plan from the beginning. Her God put this thinking in the minds of her political and military leaders in the late forties, and active preparation of the area began in the early fifties. Today, the Negev is the most cleverly camouflaged zone on the surface of the earth, and unless sky satellites had watched it being prepared, one would not suspect that numerous military installations were implanted in it. Even knowing where certain defense mechanisms were originally placed, it is now extremely difficult to spot them, even driving by them at ground level. Thousands of tourists pass through the Negev and admire the beauty of her terrain from her roads, but her military capabilities are cleverly camouflaged on the surface, hidden beneath her, and concealed inside her mountains.

Active preparation of the Negev began in the early fifties. After the Six Day War of June, 1967, Israel poured her finances and efforts into the creation of a hidden fortress in the Negev wilderness. The Yom Kippur War of 1973 was followed by Israel quadrupling her military forces by 1980, and the bulk of this increase was placed in the vast Sinai. The peace treaty between Israel and Egypt led to the evacuation of this increase in men and equipment from the Sinai into the much smaller Negev. This turned the already heavily fortified Negev into an impenetrable fortress. By 1983 the Sinai IDF and equipment had been withdrawn into the Negev. The IDF packed up about 80 thousand tons of military equipment, same 3800 military vehicles, and 3 airfields, and moved it into the Negev. The Negev is about 20 percent the size of the Sinai. By 1988 about 40 new military camps had been set up in the Negev.

By 1990 the Negev had been topographically transformed, at a fantastic expense, into an area no enemy would dare to attempt to penetrate. When Syria, assisted by troops from Iraq and Iran, secretly and very slowly smuggled in across her southern and western borders, attacks Israel from the north, then Israel will get to use her Negev wilderness for about 3 and ½ years. These three nations, because of the sharing of satellite information received from the Russians about the Negev, know all about the military strength there and, because of this, will stop their southward push into Israel just north of Beersheva. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) will be able to hold the Negev, and the woman Israel will stay there trapped for the last 3 and ½ years of the tribulation period.

Zechariah 13:8 – And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein.

Revelation 12:6 – And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

Begin Excerpt 1 from YNet News

Analysis: Drone carried with it an Iranian message to Israel regarding any future conflict

Alex Fishman

October 7, 2012

Some entity, apparently Iran through Hezbollah or the Revolutionary Guards in Lebanon, tested its technological and operational capabilities and also tested Israel’s air defense capabilities. While Israel’s air defense systems worked, we cannot ignore the fact that the drone, which was apparently Iranian made, was shot down a mere 30 kilometers from the Dimona reactor. This will give Nasrallah and his masters a cause for celebration.

Israel, which threatens Iran and flies regularly over Lebanon to take photos, received a warning on Saturday: We too can fly above you, take photos and reach your most sensitive sites, so don’t mess with us.

Naturally, Israel is withholding information regarding the penetration of the drone into its airspace, because at this very moment professionals in Iran and Lebanon are waiting for every bit of information regarding the drone’s flight and the manner in which it was shot down in order to draw operational lessons: Where are the Israeli air defense’s weak spots? What are the weaknesses of the drone itself?

Meanwhile in Israel, engineers and intelligence officials are reassembling the drone. It is not every day that you get an opportunity to study a product of Iranian technology so thoroughly and see how far they have come.

Those who launched the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) will manipulate the infiltration for their own propaganda purposes, as the drone was shot down only after flying for 20 minutes over populated Israeli areas, an army base and near sensitive facilities such as the Dimona reactor.

Israel is presenting the drone’s interception as a show of force and an achievement. The Air Force claims it could have downed the UAV during any stage of its flight over Israel but preferred to shoot it down over a non-populated area to avoid causalities and damage.

The good news is that the system that is supposed to protect Israel’s skies works. The drone was detected while it was still flying over the Mediterranean Sea, a few minutes before 10 am. Four F-16 fighter jets were scrambled to intercept the drone even before it entered Gaza’s airspace.

The fighter jets’ radars also detected the UAV – a significant technological feat considering the fact that drones travels at a slow speed – and later used a heat-seeking missile to down the drone, which emits less heat than other, larger aircraft.

The fact that the drone was launched on a Saturday morning is not coincidental. Its operators apparently assumed that the level of alertness is lower on Saturday, when all kinds of civilian planes and hang gliders are in the air.

The bad news is that the drone, which apparently departed from Lebanon, flew over the sea for at least three hours, and did not raise enough suspicion in Israel until it approached Gaza’s coastline. This may indicate a technological or protocol problem, or perhaps a lack of alertness. In any case, the incident calls for improvements in all three areas.

The drone’s interception should remind Israel’s citizens of what army intelligence has known all along: The other side is constantly looking for ways to infiltrate the country, for weak points, and it is preparing what Nasrallah referred to as a “surprise weapon” – a weapon that will infiltrate deeper into Israeli territory, a weapon that is meant to rattle the State of Israel’s nerves.

Now Israel will check whether Iran’s drones have more advanced capabilities, such as a space-based satellite navigation system (GPS), which is more accurate, or even a satellite communication system.

Such a drone is capable of carrying intelligence gathering apparatus or weapons systems. It can also serve as a ‘suicide drone’ laden with explosives, which can crash into a target such as a cruise missile.

In the next war drones will come from the north in waves, and Gaza may contribute its part as well, as Hamas is working independently to develop its own UAVs.

For now there are more questions than answers, but there is no doubt that this incident constitutes a major turning point as far as Israel’s security is concerned. The Iranians sent us a message via Lebanon: You will be attacked not only with rockets and missiles, but with explosives-laden unmanned aircraft as well.

Begin Excerpt 2 from YNet News

Warning from above

Analysis: Drone carried with it Iranian message to Israel regarding any future conflict

Alex Fishman

Some entity, apparently Iran through Hezbollah or the Revolutionary Guards in Lebanon, tested its technological and operational capabilities and also tested Israel’s air defense capabilities. While Israel’s air defense systems worked, we cannot ignore the fact that the drone, which was apparently Iranian made, was shot down a mere 30 kilometers from the Dimona reactor. This will give Nasrallah and his masters a cause for celebration.

Israel, which threatens Iran and flies regularly over Lebanon to take photos, received a warning on Saturday: We too can fly above you, take photos and reach your most sensitive sites, so don’t mess with us.

Naturally, Israel is withholding information regarding the penetration of the drone into its airspace, because at this very moment professionals in Iran and Lebanon are waiting for every bit of information regarding the drone’s flight and the manner in which it was shot down in order to draw operational lessons: Where are the Israeli air defense’s weak spots? What are the weaknesses of the drone itself?

Meanwhile in Israel, engineers and intelligence officials are reassembling the drone. It is not every day that you get an opportunity to study a product of Iranian technology so thoroughly and see how far they have come.

Those who launched the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) will manipulate the infiltration for their own propaganda purposes, as the drone was shot down only after flying for 20 minutes over populated Israeli areas, an army base and near sensitive facilities such as the Dimona reactor.

Israel is presenting the drone’s interception as a show of force and an achievement. The Air Force claims it could have downed the UAV during any stage of its flight over Israel but preferred to shoot it down over a non-populated area to avoid causalities and damage.

The good news is that the system that is supposed to protect Israel’s skies works. The drone was detected while it was still flying over the Mediterranean Sea, a few minutes before 10 am. Four F-16 fighter jets were scrambled to intercept the drone even before it entered Gaza’s airspace.

The fighter jets’ radars also detected the UAV – a significant technological feat considering the fact that drones travels at a slow speed – and later used a heat-seeking missile to down the drone, which emits less heat than other, larger aircraft.

The fact that the drone was launched on a Saturday morning is not coincidental. Its operators apparently assumed that the level of alertness is lower on Saturday, when all kinds of civilian planes and hang gliders are in the air.

The bad news is that the drone, which apparently departed from Lebanon, flew over the sea for at least three hours, and did not raise enough suspicion in Israel until it approached Gaza’s coastline. This may indicate a technological or protocol problem, or perhaps a lack of alertness. In any case, the incident calls for improvements in all three areas.

The drone’s interception should remind Israel’s citizens of what army intelligence has known all along: The other side is constantly looking for ways to infiltrate the country, for weak points, and it is preparing what Nasrallah referred to as a “surprise weapon” – a weapon that will infiltrate deeper into Israeli territory, a weapon that is meant to rattle the State of Israel’s nerves.

Now Israel will check whether Iran’s drones have more advanced capabilities, such as a space-based satellite navigation system (GPS), which is more accurate, or even a satellite communication system.

Such a drone is capable of carrying intelligence gathering apparatus or weapons systems. It can also serve as a ‘suicide drone’ laden with explosives, which can crash into a target such as a cruise missile.

In the next war drones will come from the north in waves, and Gaza may contribute its part as well, as Hamas is working independently to develop its own UAVs.

For now there are more questions than answers, but there is no doubt that this incident constitutes a major turning point as far as Israel’s security is concerned. The Iranians sent us a message via Lebanon: You will be attacked not only with rockets and missiles, but with explosives-laden unmanned aircraft as well.

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