Things are headed Down the Predicted Prophetic Path!

Things are heading Down the Predicted Prophetic Path!

August 19, 2005

The Lebanese Army is moving south through the DMZ to the Israeli border, w ith

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no intent of ever disarming Hizbollah. The United States government is trying to prop up a Lebanese leader that is pro-Syrian. And Iran has opened its treasure chest to Hizbollah so they may pay compensation to those Lebanese whose properties were destroyed by the little devil Israel using big devil American bombs.

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I suspect by the time 2008 rolls in we won’t just have Hizbollah hating us, it will be the vast majority of the Lebanese population as well.

For years I have listened to politicians saying, “We should strengthen the moderate elements in the Islamic countries that hate us, and let them defeat the radical elements.” Did the moderates overthrow

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r? How many countries can you name in history producing wars that were taken over by moderates that were able to stop the wars? It is always the extremists that start the wars, and the moderates and liberals join ranks with them to fight in a war as being loyal to their religion and /or country.

Make no mistake about it – the radical Islamic extremists are going to start the coming last horrific war on this planet. And make no mistake about it – the moderate and liberal Muslims will fight alongside

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them for the cause of Allah. To a radical, moderate, or liberal Muslim, we are all a bunch of unbelievers, infidels, and killing us in a battle they perceive to be against their God Allah and his Prophet Muhammad, will add to their reward in the Islamic heaven.

Begin Excerpt from Jerusalem Post

Lebanese Patrol reaches Israeli Border

Yaakov Katz and Associated Press, THE JERUSALEM POST

August 17, 2006

The Lebanese army reached the Israeli border for the first time Friday since a cease-fire went into effect on Monday morning.

On Thursday, thousands of Lebanese troops moved into southern Lebanon, backed up by tanks and other armored vehicles, amid warnings by high-ranking IDF officers that Israel will resume its offensive against Hizbullah if Lebanon does not succeed in preventing it from rearming.

“We will not let Hizbullah return to its original strength,” one officer told The Jerusalem Post. “And if that means taking action and resuming our military offensive, then we will.”

The deployment of the Lebanese army – a key provision of

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the UN-brokered cease-fire plan that ended fighting between Israel and Hizbullah – marked a first step toward extending government control in a region Beirut has largely avoided for four decades. However, if the Lebanese army did not do the job it was tasked with, Israel would do it instead, the officer said.

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Armed Hizbullah guerrillas have already begun reappearing in villages along the northern border from which Israel withdrew.

“We expect Lebanon to uphold its side of the agreement,” the officer said. “We hope that we won’t have to go back into Lebanon, but if the need arises we will not hesitate to do so.”

Lebanese troops took up positions in some 30 villages, including Bint Jbail, the scene of some of the heaviest fighting during the war, which ended Monday morning with a cease-fire.

The Lebanese deployment was based on an agreement between Israel and UNIFIL, which also plans to complete the deployment of its new international force by the end of next week.

All of the IDF’s reservists have left Lebanon. Infantry brigades backed up by the Armored Corps are holding a line along the security zone Israel maintained during its 18-year presence in Lebanon, which ended in 2000.

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Three Lebanese brigades were to deploy in southern Lebanon where they would be joined by 15,000 new UN observers.

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Israel, the officer said, was upholding the cease-fire even at the cost of having to restrain troops in Lebanon from striking at Hizbullah targets. “We want to give the cease-fire and the Lebanese army a chance to take control of what is going on inside southern Lebanon,” he said.

Meanwhile, senior IDF officers dismissed claims by Defense Minister Amir Peretz that the IDF had not accurately evaluated the threat Hizbullah posed.

“The IDF was not surprised by the incessant rocket attacks, since we knew for years what Hizbullah was capable of,” an officer in Northern Command said. “We knew about the threat, and we warned the diplomatic echelon about it.”

Beirut’s international airport reopened to commercial traffic for the first time since July 13, when it was attacked by the IAF. A Middle East Airlines passenger jet touched down from Amman, ending a 36-day Israeli blockade, and a Royal Jordanian flight followed soon after.

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The IDF said it was coordinating the arrivals, but said it was a one-time affair and warned that it did not constitute an end to the air blockade.

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End Excerpt from Jerusalem Post

Begin DEBKAfile Article

DEBKAfile Exclusive: Bush administration acts fast to bring France aboard the Lebanon multinational force, gives Israel tacit go-ahead for air strikes against arms trucks from Syria

August 16, 2006, 11:53 PM (GMT+02:00)

Washington took two quiet steps to prop up the Siniora government and retrieve the vanishing multinational force ordered by Resolution 1701.

The first was the promise of an air surveillance wing for UNIFIL to keep a watch over South Lebanon and the border crossings into Syria.

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This has brought France around to consenting to send troops to the expanded international force. UNIFIL was also promised intelligence data gathered by US satellites on military movements in Lebanon. Some 1,700 French troops will be deployed in the first stage. This promise led French defense minister Michele Alliot-Marie to announce Wednesday night that France is willing to lead a new UN presence in Lebanon at least until February, so long as it has a clear mandate, real means and strong powers.

The second step taken by the Bush administration was a quiet go-ahead given by US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice to Israel’s Dep. PM Shimon Peres for the Israeli air force to destroy trucks suspected of carrying rockets and other arms from Syria into Lebanon.

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Siniora agreed to turn a blind eye to this continuing Israeli air activity over Lebanon as he has for Hizballah’s continued armed presence south of the Litani River. The first elements of the Lebanese army’s 2nd 3rd and 12th Battalions crossed the Qasmiyeh Bridge over the Litani into South Lebanon before midnight Wednesday, August 16.

France has given itself six months to test how the web of undercover accords and understandings between the US and Israel and the Lebanese government and Hizballah are holding up.

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Only then will Paris decide whether to extend the mandate of its contingent in Lebanon or even boost it.

End DEBKAfile Report

Begin Jerusalem Post Article

Hizbullah hands out Compensation

Associated Press, THE JERUSALEM POST

August 18, 2006

At a school in south Beirut’s Bourj el-Barajneh neighborhood, Hizbullah on Friday started handing out one hundred dollar bills to residents who lost their homes in the Israel-Hizbullah conflict – US$12,000 to each claimant.

Applicants who had signed up for the aid earlier in the week showed up at the school, showed identification papers and only had to sign a receipt. Hizbullah workers handed residents stacks of bills from a suitcase.

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Hizbullah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, in a television speech on Monday shortly after the cease-fire with Israel took hold, pledged to help rebuild Lebanon and said the organization would provide money for civilians who had lost their homes to pay rent and buy furniture.

Nasrallah did not say where the money would come from, but Iran historically has been the group’s primary source of finance and weapons. The Iranians were widely believed to have opened their treasury for the rebuilding program.

Nasrallah, and the government’s Higher Relief Council which deals with catastrophic events, said 15,000 housing units were hit during the war.

Hundreds of residents of the southern suburbs, known as Dahiyeh, turned out at makeshift registration centers on Wednesday and Thursday to sign up for the aid.

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As of Thursday afternoon, they began collecting. Hizbullah members called people by phone to come and collect their money.

At the Shahed school, pictures of Nasrallah and those of Iranian leaders, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, adorned the walls of one classroom along with one poster of a Star of David broken in half. The words “Congratulations on the victory” were printed on Khamenei’s picture.

A Hizbullah official said a total of 900 people had been compensated so far, adding that he expected thousands to come forth in the next few days.

There were some complaints from those whose homes

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were demolished that the money is not sufficient.

Of the US$12,000, some US$4,000 was to pay for rent one year to those whose apartments were completely devastated, and US$8,000 was for furniture.

That money may not be enough for those who own apartments, but for those who lived in rent-controlled apartment, it could be fair compensation.

In one instance, a couple of beneficiaries showed up to return some of the money after one official had mistakenly handed over US$120,000 in cash to an applicant, instead of the US$12,000. Those who had taken the big payment were asked to return it when the error was discovered.

End Jerusalem Post Article

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