Hamas Will Be Politically Weakened If They Kill the Jewish Soldier!

Hamas Will Be Politically Weakened If They Kill Jewish Soldier!

June 3, 2004


There are two Jerusalem Post Articles in this Blog, one that I prepared to release last month containing a statement by Dennis Ross, but then decided to hold if the terrorists decided to kill the Israeli soldier, and the second, which I copied this morning, in which the terrorists infer that they might do so if Israel does not release Palestinian prisoners. I am in full agreement with the article by Dennis Ross.

If the terrorists were to murder their prisoner, it would make them very unpopular with more of the international community of nations, and thereby cut off even more of their international welfare funds, which are mostly used to buy weapons to kill more Israelis.

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Will they murder their prisoner

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? If they should decide to do so, it will be one of the biggest mistakes they ever made.

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I really don’t know what they will do, because trying to figure out the minds of religious fanatical thugs, is akin to guessing which way a worm will turn when it comes to a “T” in a tunnel, or, as Yogi Berri is quoted as saying, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”

Begin Jerusalem Post Article of July 3, 2006

Statement Demands Prisoner release by 6:00 a.m. Tuesday

Gil Hoffman and Herb Keinon and AP, THE JERUSALEM POST

July 3, 2006

“We will not conduct any negotiations on the release of prisoners,” Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said

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Monday, officially rejecting an ultimatum released Monday morning by the kidnappers of IDF Cpl. Gilad Shalit that set a 6:00 a.m. Tuesday deadline for the release of Palestinian prisoners.

“Israel will not give in to extortion by the Palestinian Authority and the Hamas government, which are led by murderous terrorist organizations … The PA bears full responsibility for the welfare of Gilad Shalit and for returning him safe and sound to Israel,” Olmert continued.

Defense Minister Amir Peretz said Monday that Israel held Syria responsible for the fate of Shalit.

“We suggest that (Syrian President Bashar) Assad, who is trying to close his eyes, open his eyes because he is responsible,” said Peretz at a Labor faction meeting in the Knesset adding, “we will know how to strike those who are involved.”

On Sunday, a Jerusalem Post poll showed that all nine members of Olmert’s diplomatic-security cabinet opposed releasing Palestinian prisoners as part of a deal that could bring about Shalit’s release.

Meanwhile, IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Dan Halutz said during a visit to Shalit’s family that he supported Israel’s position not to give in

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to extortion.

A statement faxed to news agencies by the three terrorist organizations that coordinated the kidnapping said that if Israel did not meet the deadline, it would have to “pay the full future consequences,” but did not specify the nature of the consequences.

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“We give the Zionist enemy until 6:00 tomorrow morning, Tuesday, July 4,” the fax said. “If the enemy does not respond to our humanitarian demands mentioned in previous leaflets on the conditions for dealing with the issue of the missing solder…we will consider the current file of the solider to be closed … and then the enemy must bear all the consequences of the future results.”

“The enemy proves time after time that it is trapped by personal considerations and by military illusions tainted by Palestinian blood, and fails to take into account all the human factors – even their own soldiers’,” the message continued. “The enemy has not learned lessons from its missing soldiers, and continues to pursue every sliver of information, while having lost dozens of opportunities in the past.”

Shalit’s captors initially demanded the release of about 500 women and children prisoners held in Israeli jails. They later raised their demands to include an additional 1,000 prisoners.

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Israel is currently holding about 9,000 Palestinians.

The fax was posted on the official Hamas military wing Web site, and featured the same letterhead and font as three earlier statements the factions released.

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Begin Jerusalem Post Article of June 29, 2006

Dennis Ross: Don’t Negotiate for Shalit’s Release


June 29, 2006

Former US envoy to the Middle East Dennis Ross said on Thursday that Israel mustn’t negotiate for the release of Cpl. Gilad Shalit, who was kidnapped on Sunday and whose release was the main objective behind the recent IDF incursion into the Gaza Strip.

He asserted that negotiations would only bring about more kidnappings.

Ross told Israel Radio that the Palestinians must understand that their leaders in Damascus are only making them suffer, while the leaders sit safely in Syria. The former envoy called upon the US to apply pressure on Hamas leader in Damascus Khaled Mashaal.

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