Rate of American Troop Withdrawal from Middle East!

American troop withdrawal from the Middle East

Obama will pull U.S.A troops out of Afghanistan

As fast as he can without Losing Face to Foes!

But if the withdrawal is as chaotic as Vietnam

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December 16, 2010


I expect a rapid deployment of American troops from Afghanistan to start just prior to the next vote for the office of President.

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Begin Excerpt from UK Guardian via World News

Review cements troop withdrawal, challenges

AP foreign, Tuesday, December 14, 2010

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama’s Afghanistan war review will conclude the United States has made enough security gains to begin withdrawing troops in July, but the findings will also emphasize lasting troubles, from Afghanistan’s ability to serve its people to Pakistani havens for extremists.

In a detailed preview of statements Obama will make Thursday, White House

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press secretary Robert Gibbs said the yearlong review of Obama’s war plan will, essentially, offer no surprise.

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The president plans to stick with his pledge to start drawing home

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troops next summer after ordering one year ago that 30,000 more troops be sent to Afghanistan to blunt the Taliban’s momentum. The goal of coalition forces is to shift control to Afghan security forces by the end

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of 2014.

A summary of the classified war report is expected to be released Thursday, when Obama will speak about the effort from the White House.


AP National Security Writer Anne Gearan contributed to this report from Iraq.


Begin Excerpt from the New York Times via World News

Afghan Report Sees July Troop Pullouts Despite Perils


Published: December 16, 2010

WASHINGTON— A review of President Obama’s strategy for the war in Afghanistan concludes that American forces can begin withdrawing on schedule in July, despite finding uneven signs of progress in the year since the president announced the deployment of an additional 30,000 troops, according to a summary made public Thursday.

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But just how many soldiers will actually come home next July remains an open question; military officials have indicated that they want only a limited number, and even White House officials take pains to say that the withdrawal will be “conditions-based.”

By 2014, the overview said, the Afghanistan army will be expected to assume the lead all across the country, and the bulk of American troops will have come home.

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Just as it did not single out the Pakistani government for criticism, the overview does not overtly criticize the government of President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan, reflecting the administration’s decision earlier this year that its previous tactic of overt public pressure on Mr. Karzai had appeared to backfire.

Now, even though administration officials privately say that corruption in the Afghan government has continued to flourish,

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the overview of the report appears to skirt the issue.

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“Emphasis must continue to be placed on the development of Afghan-led security and governance within areas that have been a focus of military operations,” the summary said.

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In the year since Mr.

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Obama announced the troop increase, he has lost four members of his Afghanistan and Pakistan team: General Stanley McChrystal, the American commander in Afghanistan who was fired in June because of remarks he made to Rolling Stone magazine; Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff, who left to run for mayor of Chicago; General James Jones, the National Security Advisor, who left his post in November, and Richard Holbrooke, Mr.

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Obama’s special representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan, who died Monday after suffering a rupture in his aorta.

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