The Insanity of Thinking Peace Could Actually be Maintained!

The Insanity of even Imagin ing

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Peace could be Maintained

With A Palestinian State Bordering On A Jewish State,

Without Radical Islam Jihadists Launching Missiles

Across the border is absolute sheer Madness!

Jihad Will Go On Until The Second Advent!

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December 14, 2010

December 14, 2010

Begin Excerpt from MEMRI

Middle East Media Review Institute

Arab racism VS Israeli worries

Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:43 AM EST

While anti-Israel bigots, Arabs, Muslims have for so long tried to cast Israelis’ legitimate concern over a growing racist Arab threat that seeks its annihilation – in a bad light, the recent phenomenon is that radical leftists inside Israel cast at times these worries and sub-sequenced defensive actions also with such bombastic -unfair- definitions, though their aim is political, the damage is simply horrific, nevertheless.

Now, why don’t we talk about the real racism in the area, outside or even inside Israel, the Arab racism of course, that which since (at least the 1920s) tried to commit genocide on the Jewish population and together with Islamic bigotry, these two fascisms motivated the expulsion of 1,000,000 Jews and the anti-Israel campaign.

The latter campaign has never been discontinued.

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[Racism by Israeli Arabs include: creating – via intimidation and violence- an “off limits to Jews and “pure” Arab (areas) zone;

Arabs’ targeting of innocent Jews simply for being Jews is a massive rationalization for support of attackers in the Arab public.]

Recent Examples of Clips of Al-Awlaki and His Supporters

On November 8, 2010, Al-Awlaki appeared in a video instructing the mujahideen to fight the West. He added that there is no need for a special fatwa or for consultation to fight and kill Americans – since “killing Satan does not require any fatwa.”

The 23-minute video was posted on the Shumukh Al-Islam jihadi web forum, and Al-Awlaki spoke in Arabic throughout. The title of Al-Awlaki’s speech, “To Make [The Truth] Clear to the People and Never To Conceal It,” was taken from a Koranic verse in which Allah spoke to Muslim scholars and told them how to act.

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The video was re-posted almost immediately on multiple YouTube pages.

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Al-Awlaki Supports “The Blessed Operation” of Fort Hood

An August 14, 2010, the YouTube page of “TheSecretNews” posted an interview with Al-Awlaki by the Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) media foundation Al-Malahim, in which Al-Awlaki called on American Muslim soldiers to engage in acts of jihad and terrorism.

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In it, Al-Awlaki said: “Yes, Nidal Hasan was a student of mine, and I am honored by this.

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I am honored of the fact that the likes of Nidal Hasan are from my students. What he did was a heroic act, a wonderful operation…

I support what he did, and

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I call upon anyone who claims to be a Muslim serving in the US army to follow in the footsteps of Nidal Hasan. Good deeds erase bad ones.

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In addition, I call upon all Muslims to follow in his footsteps and wage Jihad by speech or by action. Nidal Hasan set a wonderful example…” Since August, this video has been posted on dozens of other YouTube pages.

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In addition, some YouTube users have created videos on this topic in compliance with Al-Awlaki’s call.

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