Newspaper Comparisons Between Ahmadinejad & Hitler!

Newspaper Comparisons made between Hitler and Ahmadinejad

December 7, 2010

Begin Excerpt from World News

Ahmadinejad – Hitler comparison:: Islamic Hitler

Mon Dec 6, 2010 3:38 AM EST

By III-1865293

The ‘Ahmadinejad Hitler’ comparison has run from Germany’s A. Merkel, to Italy’s pres. to US officials, and beyond.

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The ‘Ahmadinejad Hitler’ comparison has run from Germany’s A. Merkel, to Italy’s pres. to US officials, and beyond.

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You can also search him in books (of course not connected to latest wikileaks revelation):

Der Spiegel: US officials called Ahmadinejad ‘Hitler’ – Israel …Nov 28, 2010 … News: German paper releases info from WikiLeaks ahead of time while Netanyahu assures public Israel has nothing to worry about, …,7340,L-3991029,00.html

John Hagee calls Ahmadinejad the ‘Hitler of the Middle East

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Mar 9, 2010 … Pastor reaffirms unwavering support for the Jewish state and Jewish people during his group’s annual Night to Honor Israel in J’lem.

Around the World, Distress Over IranPublished:

November 28, 2010


Crown Prince bin Zayed, predicting in July 2009 that an Israeli attack could come by year’s end, suggested the danger of appeasing Iran.

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“Ahmadinejad is Hitler,” he declared.

WikiLeaks: Prince Andrew caught in scandal as US contempt for …Nov 29, 2010 … Arab leaders urged the U.S. to attack Iran and end its nuclear weapons programme.

Saudi Arabia ‘frequently exhorted’ Washington to launch an air strike against the regime in Tehran, according to leaked documents.

In a report of a 2008 meeting with U.S. General David Petraeus, the Saudi ambassador to Washington said King Abdullah (pictured above with Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) wanted the White House ‘to cut the head off the snake’ before Iran developed nuclear weapons and threatened its neighbours in the Middle East.

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The secret document revealed that the Saudis demanded ‘severe U.S. and international sanctions on Iran, including a travel ban and further restrictions on bank lending’.

It added that ‘the use of military pressure against Iran should not be ruled out’.

King Abdullah was backed by the King of Bahrain who warned in a cable: ‘The danger of letting it go on is greater than the danger of stopping it.’

And the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammad bin Zayed, told the U.S. that he believed that Iran’s tyrannical President Ahmadinejad was ‘going to take us to war’.The revelations will reverberate around the world and are likely to ratchet up tension in the Middle East. The statements will bolster the case of Israeli and U.S. hawks who believe an attack against Iran will be necessary during the near future. But they will also provoke President Ahmadinejad – referred to in one missive as ‘Hitler’ – to press on with his nuclear programme.

During visit, Berlusconi draws parallel between Ahmadinejad and Hitler

Published 02:17 02.02.10 Latest update 02:17 02.02.10

During visit, Berlusconi draws parallel between Ahmadinejad and Hitler, By Nir Hasson

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi drew a connecting line yesterday between his visit to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem, the Iranian nuclear program, and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s denial of the Holocaust and calls for Israel’s destruction.

“We must watch out,” the visiting premier said. “We’ve already had one such madman in history.”

From Hitler to Ahmadinejad: CEOs You Can Rely On R. A. Cooper Posted: January 29, 2010 11:32 AM adhmadineja_b_432739.html
Peres to Obama: No choice but to compare Iran to Nazis – Haaretz …May 5, 2009 … “If Europe had dealt seriously with Hitler at that time, … and [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad are currently dividing the new Muslim world.” …

Iran as bad as Nazis: Merkel – Times Online Feb 5, 2006 … THE German chancellor, Angela Merkel, compared President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran to Adolf Hitler yesterday as Tehran vowed to resume the …

Another Ahmadinejad-Hitler Parallel

IBD Editorials

Posted 08/04/2010 06:46 PM ET

Iran: President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has much in common with Adolf Hitler — hatred of Jews, warmongering, delusions of divine inspiration. Now add this: His own people have tried to blow him to smithereens.

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After surviving the July 20, 1944, plot on his life at his field headquarters near Rastenburg (now Ketrzyn) in Poland, Hitler said: “I take this as confirmation of my assignment from Providence to continue to pursue my life’s goal as I have done hitherto.” Historians believe that afterwards nearly 5,000 people were executed by the Gestapo.

When the news spread of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad surviving a homemade bomb being tossed at his convoy in Hamedan in western Iran Wednesday, some Iranian opposition groups were acting as if Tehran’s 21st century Gestapo, the Revolutionary Guards, might similarly come after them.

A representative of a faction of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, asked if his group was involved, told London’s Daily Mail: “Absolutely not, absolutely

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not. It has nothing to do with us.”

Indeed, Ahmadinejad recently declared, Fuhrer-like, that “the regime has only one party, which is the velayat” — a term used in many Islamic countries and derived from the Arabic for “to govern.”

That’s not too far removed from “ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer!”

And, like Hitler, Ahmadinejad and Iran’s Supreme Leader, the Ayatollah Khamenei, have put their jackboots where their mouths are, successfully putting down the popular demonstrations last summer after Ahmadinejad’s fraudulent re-election.

Of course, there were many attempts on Hitler’s life, the most interesting being Georg Elser’s planting of a homemade bomb at the Burgerbraukeller in Munich in late 1939, which detonated right on schedule but failed because Hitler chose not to be as long-winded as usual .

A carpenter of modest education, Elser was motivated by the deep resentment he felt over Nazi restrictions on German workers’ freedom to organize themselves.

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Much the same kind of resentment has been on the rise among ordinary Iranians.

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“It’s far too early to say that it’s the first stirring of a significant rebellion against the regime since last summer’s post-election upheaval,” the National Council of Resistance said several weeks ago of strike action organized by store owners in Tehran’ s traditional bazaar.

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“But unlike that upsurge, which involved millions of unhappy pro-reformist voters, this time it’s the bazaar, Iran’s commercial class, that is showing signs of unhappiness.”

The opposition coalition also pointed out that “back in 1978, when the anti-Shah revolution got going, it was the bazaar that provided the muscle.” The group added that “there could emerge an alliance between the bazaar, the clergy, and the reformists” and warned, “it’s clear that something important is happening.”

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