The Headlines Tell The Story Of AN INEVITABLE WAR!
The Only Prophetically Remaining Question Is WHE
The Major Factor in WHEN is WHEN US Troops Leave!
July 25, 2010
Only God knows PRECISELY ‘WHEN’ the forces of Islam will attack Israel!
The best secular estimate based on ‘WHEN’ involves ‘WHEN’ our troops are withdrawn from Iraq and Afghanistan.
Iran and Syria have no desire for a full blown war with Israel with large numbers of American troops in countries along their borders. Iran and Syria know full well that once they have withdrawn, they will not return to fight another ground war in the Middle East.
The Western Powers, Russia, and Ch ina will watch and monitor the war between Islamic forces and Israel
in the Middle East to keep it a non-nuclear contest, but will not become directly involved in the war on the ground until the final great battle of Armageddon, which will be ended by the Second Advent of Messiah.
Begin Seven Article Headline Excerpts from DEBKAfile during the Past Week
Headline 1
Obama Brandishes Military Option
His tough U-turn on a nuclear Iran discards acceptance of a weapons threshold.
Headline 2
US, Iran Poised for Naval Clash
Obama sees no real option against Iran but enforcing sanctions.
Headline 3
Iran’s Tit for Tat against US
Optional reprisals range from nuclear to terrorist or strike in Iraq.
Headline 4
US-Iranian combat looms in Iraq
Headline 5
Israel’s southern borders undefended
Headline 6
Iran may be fast nearing a nuclear test
Headline 7
Israeli generals win US high-tech ballistic missile tracking system
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