Iran will Instruct the Hezbollah to draw Israel into Lebanon,

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But this is not the time that Hezbollah with be instructed to do So,

However, I do believe Hezbollah will do so a point in time 2010 & 2015!

When Hezbollah finally leads the King of the South to charge into Lebanon,

Then a Counterattack by the King of the North will drive Israel

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Israel is the King of the South, Syria is the King of the North, the woman is Israel!

December 8, 2009

Daniel 11:40 – And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.

Revelation 12:6 – And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

Begin Excerpt from Lebanese Daily Star via World News

Netanyahu: Hizbullah is Lebanon’s ‘real army’

By Patrick Galey

Daily Star Staff

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

BEIRUT: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned the Lebanese government on Monday it will be held accountable for any aggression from Hizbullah after allowing the resistance to retain its weapons.

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He also launched a scathing attack on UN Security Council Resolution 1701, claiming it had “collapsed” and was playing no role in preventing Hizbullah stockpiling huge arsenals of rockets.

“Hizbullah is today the real Lebanese army and it has replaced Lebanon’s army as the dominant force by arming and organizing itself as a full-fledged military,” Netanyahu told parliament’s foreign affairs and defense committee.

“The Lebanese government and Hizbullah are becoming entwined and they will bear the responsibility for any attack against Israel,” a senior official who attended the meeting quoted Netanyahu as saying.

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Lebanon’s cabinet statement faces a vote of confidence this week and article six – concerning Hizbullah’s right to bear arms – is one of its most controversial issues.

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The ongoing debate surrounding Hizbullah’s arms is set to be discussed during the National Dialogue sessions, Prime Minister Saad Hariri said on Sunday.

Netanyahu’s comments are the latest in a string of threats fired from Tel Aviv warning the Lebanese government that Israel will not tolerate Hizbullah’s integration into Beirut’s political sphere.

Israel claims that Hizbullah has tightened its grip on southern security affairs since 2006 and maintains that the group continues to increase its weapons stockpile, receiving arms across Lebanon’s porous border with Syria.

Retired Army General Elias Hanna said the timing of Netanyahu’s outburst was designed to scrutinize the Lebanese Cabinet when its policy statement was under review.

“[Netanyahu] is trying to bypass Hizbullah and put some pressure on the government,” he said.

Hanna also disputed Netanyahu’s claim that the resistance represented

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the best military force in Lebanon.

“From a technical point of view, the Lebanese Army is deployed in the presence of Hizbullah in the south,” he said. “But Hizbullah is not the best army in Lebanon, nor is it the best military player in Lebanon.”

Hizbullah, however, remained the most effective armed contingent for repelling Israeli aggression, he added.

“The way Hizbullah fought against Israel is the best way to fight against Israel,” he said. “The Lebanese Army never had experience of 34 days standing against the strongest army in the Middle East.”

Netanyahu also criticized the continuing mandate of Resolution 1701, claiming it was having little or no affect on Hizbullah’s ability to launch military action.
“Resolution 1701 does not withstand the test of reality.

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Resolution 1701 has collapsed,” he said.

Resolution 1701 – drafted to end Israel’s devastating July-August 2006 war on Lebanon and recently extended until August 2010 – forbids the presence of arms within Lebanon outside of state control.

“Resolution 1701, as an international agreement aimed at preventing Hizbullah’s rearmament, has totally failed. The number of rockets Hizbullah possesses today is much larger” than before the July-August war of 2006, Netanyahu added.

Andrea Tenenti, United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) deputy spokesman, told The Daily Star that as of Monday evening no official record of Netanyahu’s comments had been received.

UNIFIL does not comment on media reports and Tenenti said that all sides still supported Resolution 1701.

“We haven’t got anything official, so Israel’s commitment to [Resolution 1701] stands as before,” he said. “We have full commitment from all parties for the full implementation of Resolution 1701.”

Also on Monday, UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Michel Williams met with Hariri in Beirut’s Grand Serail. The pair discussed the implementation of Resolution 1701 and the current situation in south Lebanon.

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Responding to questioning on the issue of the northern part of the occupied village of Ghajar, Williams said he was yet to hear of concrete developments. “[Ghajar] is being discussed continually with the Israelis,” he said. “It is very clear in Resolution 1701 that Israel should withdraw from the northern part of Ghajar. The discussions are continuing and I hope soon that they will move to a conclusion.” – with AFP

Begin Excerpt 2 from YNet News

Letter to Clinton: Iran trying to distract world

December 4, 2009

Members of US House of Representatives send letter to Secretary of State warning Islamic Republic may try to distract world from its nuclear program by instructing Hezbollah to launch conflict with Israel

WASHINGTON – Iran may try to distract the international community from its nuclear program by heating things up at Israel’s northern border via Hezbollah – dozens of members of the US House of Representatives wrote in a letter addressed to US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton on Friday.

The letter was sent ahead of Lebanese President Michel Suleiman’s upcoming visit to the White House, scheduled for December 14, and following the coalition agreement in the Lebanese government allowing Hezbollah to hold on to its arms.

Meanwhile, Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri on Friday announced that he plans to hold his first visit to Syria since the death of his father Rafiq Hariri in 2005.

According to the letter, as talks with Iran have reached a dead end, the homes members fear the Iranian regime may try to divert the world’s attention from its nuclear program by ordering Hezbollah, its agent in south Lebanon, to open a regional conflict.

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The letter went on to say that in light of the increasing number of incidents in southern Lebanon and the capture of an Iranian arms ship headed for Lebanon, they House of Representatives members are highly concerned by the potential for Iranian-sponsored escalation along the Israel-Lebanon border.

The letter was singed by Reps. Mark Kirk and Steve Israel. The two are members of the House of Representative’s Committee on Appropriations and their appeal has special significance due to the financial aid the United States grants Lebanon and the fact that Hezbollah, which is on the American terrorist list,

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has become a part of the Lebanese government.

According to the letter’s signatories, despite UN Resolution 1701, Hezbollah has managed to re-arm and increase its strength since the Second Lebanon War, and it now hold power within the Lebanese government as well.

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The signatories note that the US government has allocated $200 million in aid to UNIFIL forces in 2010, and an additional $100 million in military aid to the Lebanese government.

Following the granting of financial aid in such great dimensions, the letter read, the American taxpayer has the right to see results.

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The United States is compelled to us its resources to take action against possible escalation along the Israel-Lebanon border, it said.

In light of the clear violations of UN Security Council resolutions, the signatories asked what actions the administration is taking to ensure the UN addresses these violations.

It continued to say the US must seek

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to support stronger multilateral efforts to disarm Hezbollah and clear southern Lebanon of Iranian weapons.

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