Islamic Message for the Offspring of Apes and Pigs!

God can use fear of one another to hold groups Together!

A Schoolyard Bully has a Gang Who follow Him Out of Fear!

Fear is the miry moisture that holds iron and clay Together!

Moderate Muslin Nations are Afraid Of Islamic Jihad Nations!

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The Islamic Jihad Nations are Iron and the Moderate Ones Clay!

An Islamic Jihad Message Demonstrates WHY there must be War!

A Message for every Jew on the face of the Earth tells why its True,

THE MESSAGE: Islamic Message for the OFFSPRING of Apes and Pigs!

Oh Offspring of Apes and Pigs, The Day of VENGEANCE is Nearing, Your

Turn Has Come at Last,

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You Most Accursed CREATURES Created by Allah!

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December 5, 2009

Daniel 2:41-44 – And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters’ clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. [42] And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. [43] And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. [44] And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

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Revelation 17:12,13 –And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. [13] These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

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Revelation 17:17 – For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.

Revelation 19:19-21 – And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. [20] And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. [21] And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.

There must be war, the final war of the Age of the Gentiles, because of unbelievable hatred of the Jews by those radical devoted ones who follow Jihad extremism. This hatred will continue to produce war, not peace, until the 2nd Advent of Messiah.

Begin Excerpt from MEMRI

Middle East Media Review Institute (MEMRI)

Islamic Message for the Offspring of Apes and Pigs

November 29, 2009 No.

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Egyptian Cleric Hazem Shuman’s Message ‘For Every Jew on the Face of the Earth… Oh Offspring of Apes and Pigs, The Day of Vengeance Is Nearing’

Following are excerpts from an address by Egyptian cleric Hazem Shuman, which aired on Al-Rahma TV on October 31, 2009.

“Your Turn Has Come At Last, You Offspring of Apes and Pigs, You Most Accursed Creatures Created by Allah”

Hazem Shuman: “Tonight’s lecture is one of the most important lectures of this series. Tonight, we will talk about the Battle of Khaybar, about the Prophet Muhammad’s greatest battle [with the Jews], in which the Prophet eradicated the Jewish presence in Al-Madina.

“On June 5, 1967, when the Jews occupied Palestine and Jerusalem and were celebrating their victory, Moshe Dayan cried: ‘This is our revenge for Khaybar.’ How come Khaybar remained seared in their hearts for 1,400 years? After 1,400 years, their hearts are still burning because of Khaybar. The first thing that the Prophet Muhammad did after his victory in the Hudaybiyya Treaty, after he stabilized the Muslim state, and neutralized the Quraysh front, the first mission of the Prophet Muhammad, his first campaign, was against the Jews of Khaybar.

“Your turn has come at last, you offspring of apes and pigs,

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you most accursed creatures created by Allah, you people who have harmed the Prophet again and again.

“Only 20 days after the Hudaybiyya Treaty, the Prophet Muhammad decided to take the army of Islam to Khaybar. Why the Jews of all people? It has been proven that the Jews are like a cancer – if they are not removed from the body of the nation, they will kill the entire nation. Unless the Jews were dealt with, they would have brought the Persians and the Byzantines to the Arabian Peninsula. the Jews are dangerous to the whole world. They threatened the stability of the Arabian Peninsula.”


“Jews Are Always the Same… [In] Sabra and Shatila… Sharon Chopped Off the Limbs of Children and Used Them to Make a Necklace”

“Jews are always the same. We are still tormented by the sights of their massacres of the Muslims, when they went into Sabra and Shatila. Sharon chopped off the limbs of children, and used them to make a necklace, so that he could boast that he dismembered the bodies of Muslim children. When the Jews entered Sabra and Shatila, a Jewish soldier took a pregnant woman and emptied a submachine gun into her neck. When she was dead, he cut open her belly, took out her nine-month-old fetus, and slaughtered it in front of the Muslims.

“They took 30 Muslim men and women, including a newlywed couple, and shot them all in Sabra and Shatila.

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They chased a six-year-old boy, whose mother was hugging him and calling for help. They stabbed him with knives and killed him in his mother’s lap. In the end, she went mad, because of what had happened. They shot dead an entire family, except for a baby, who screamed at the sight of the bloodbath. The moment they saw he was crying, they shot him with a machine-gun as well. At Sabra and Shatila, they raped a Muslim woman, and then killed her children in front of her. They tore off women’s ears, by pulling their earrings.”


The Jews of Khaybar in the 7th Year of the Hijra Are a Replica of the State of Israel in 2009

“The Jews of Khaybar in the 7th year of the hijra are a replica of the state of Israel in 2009, in terms of the terrifying economy that sucked the blood of the Arabs, the military armaments and superiority over the entire region, the settlements that form the state, the fortifications, like the separation fence that they are building today.

“When the army of the Muslims arrived, the Jews removed their women and children from the fortifications at the front, and left only their fighters at the front… The army of the Prophet Muhammad was very poor. The Muslims had nothing to eat. The first time they ate was after the conquest of Khaybar.

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“One of the Prophet Muhammad’s companions had a debt to a Jew.

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The Jew told him he had to pay his debt before he left, but the Muslim did not have even five dirham, so he sold his clothes so he could pay his debt and leave. The Prophet’s companions sold their clothes in order to fight the Jews, and take revenge upon them.”


“Finally, [in the battle of Khaybar], Allah gave the Muslims strength, and they launched a martyrdom-seeking attack on the fortifications. All their lives long, they were martyrdom-seekers and heroes, who sacrificed their blood for Islam. They stormed the fortress and took the Jews captive, for the first time. All the other Jews fled.

“When the Muslims entered the fortress, they were astounded. What is this? Never in their lives had they seen so much food – enough to last years. They were astounded by the weapon

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s too. There was a weapon called a tank. It was a house made of tin, like today’s tanks. Soldiers sat in it and drove it towards the fortifications. When arrows were shot at them, they had no effect. There were catapults, which shot bombs of fire, which penetrated the walls and smashed the fortifications. Why did the Jews amass all these weapons? They were planning to use them against the Muslims. They were preparing for the day when they would fight the Muslims – otherwise, why would they have amassed all those weapons? The [Muslims] also found large quantities of wine, which they poured out on the floor.


“The [Muslim fighters] reached the final fortification, the final battle. All the Jews, including women and children, were here.

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The walls were enormous. The number of arrows fired from its towers was indescribable. Its gates were well fortified, and no one could escape from there.

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This was the first time that the Prophet Muhammad used catapults. The [Muslims] shot catapults at the walls until there were gaping holes in them. All the Muslim army charged into the final fortress, with hatred burning in their hearts for the Jews, with a strong desire to take revenge upon the offspring of apes and pigs.

“All the Muslims – men and women – charged with a strong desire to annihilate the Jews. They entered the fortress, and a terrible battle took place, a violent battle in the last fortress, until all the Jewish soldiers were arrested and all the Jewish women captured. Khaybar trembled with the sound of the cries of ‘Allah Akbar,’ and the entire Arabian Peninsula shook with the victorious cries of ‘Allah Akbar.’

“1,400 soldiers defeated 10,000 Jews. The Jews were defeated, and the reputation of the invincible army was shattered. After a month-long siege and terrible fighting, the Jews were defeated.

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The Arabian Peninsula shook with the cries of ‘Allah Akbar,’ and the Jews collapsed.

“Soon the cries of ‘Allah Akbar’ will be sounded at the gates of Jerusalem, and at the gates of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Soon, cries of ‘Allah Akbar’ will be heard on the day of vengeance against the Jews.

“The Jews were defeated. The Prophet Muhammad and everybody were very surprised that only 96 Jews were killed, along with 16 Muslims. Ninety-six people? The Prophet could have massacred the Jews, down to the last one. Why did the Prophet Muhammad let them be? Because the Prophet Muhammad does not fight for the sake of war or bloodshed. He fights for the sake of peace. this proves to what extent he is the prophet of peace.”


“I have a message for every Jew on the face of the earth. The army of Muhammad will return. Oh offspring of apes and pigs, the day of vengeance is nearing. Oh most accursed creatures created by Allah, those who swore before the Prophet Muhammad to die are returning. Wait for us and you will see, you most accursed creatures.”


“Oh Nation of Muhammad, Do Not Be Afraid to Wage War Against The Jews; If You Do Not Fight for the Sake of Palestine, Allah Will Fight You”

“Oh nation of Muhammad, do not be afraid to wage war against the Jews. If you do not fight for the sake of Palestine, Allah will fight you. Decide what you fear more – a war with the Jews, or a war with Allah.

“Can you fight God

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? If you abandon Palestine, you will be fighting God.”

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