Israel and Islamic Forces Preparing for Eventual Final War!

Israel and Islamic Forces Preparing for Eventual Final War

December 3, 2009

For believers it has long been clear from the writings of the Old and New Testament prophets that a horrific war would begin in the Middle East to close out the Age of the Gentiles, terminating at Armageddon.

The major concern for generation following generation has been WHEN!

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the prophesied players are finally in place, and the cry for peace and safety has never been more audible in Israel than now.

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My guesstimate of WHEN the final Middle East war shall BEGIN, is based on the ever increasing indications that what the players are presently doing gives definite indications what the prophets said MUST occur is about to happen. The time frame of 2010 to 2015, which I chose several years ago, is still in alignment with the parameters I chose at that time. I admit it is a guess, but I am confident the final war of this age will occur at some point in time between 2010 and 2015. The most likely time for its beginning in the time frame would be from 2013 to 2015.

The following Excerpts from several sources make it clear that war MUST come in the Middle East, and that IT IS NOTa far distant event.

Begin Excerpt from Israel Today Headline News

December 1, 2009

By Israel Today Staff

Hizballah: Only war will work against israel

Hot on the heels of the Palestinians saying they cannot negotiate peace with Israel, despite recent Israeli concessions, Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah on Monday declared that the only way to get anything from Israel is through war.

Nasrallah also repeated claims that Israel continues to threaten Lebanon military for no reason, thus necessitating Hizballah’s ongoing military build-up. Nasrallah said Hizballah will be significantly upgrading its ability to wage war in the coming months. The group is funded and supplied by Iran.

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UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which brought an end to the 2006 Second Lebanon War, mandates 10,000 UN peacekeepers on the ground in Lebanon to prevent Hizballah from rearming. But the force has done little to carry out its mandate since deploying three years ago.


“[This means that if the Israel air force first targeted Iran, Syria and Hizballah would be free to provide Iran with active support by sending their missiles and rockets flying into Israel from its northern borders before their bases can be seriously impaired in an Israeli counter-attack.

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This gap in Israel’s defenses leaves large parts of Israel open to attack – and not just the northern region which was blasted by Hizballah in 2006. Iran has provided its Lebanese proxy with upgraded rockets for reaching further south to Israel’ s central urban heartland of Greater Tel Aviv.

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Begin Excerpt from THE JERUSALEM POST
‘Details of Iran arms seizure revealed’

December 3, 2009 staff and ap , THE JERUSALEM POST

The nature of the Iranian cargo seized in July, a Bahamas-flagged cargo vessel called the ANL Australia, has raised fears that Iran is ramping up efforts to arm itself and anti-Israel militias in the Middle East the Washington Post reported Thursday. Israeli officials have warned that they may use force to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

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The seizure was carried out in accordance with tough new UN Security Council sanctions meant to derail North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, but which also ban the North’s sale of any conventional arms.

“We can confirm that the UAE detained a North Korean vessel containing illicit cargo,” a Western diplomat told the AP.

The freighter seized in this port enclave was one of five ships caught this year carrying large, secret caches of weapons apparently intended for the Hizbullah, Hamas, and a wing of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps that supports terrorist activity in Iraq, according to US and UN officials and intelligence analysts.

In three cases, the contraband included North Korean- or Chinese-made components for rockets such as the 122mm Grad, which has a range of up to 25 miles and which Hamas and Hizbullah have fired into Israel.

Among the weapons components discovered aboard the ANL Australia were 2,030 detonators for 122mm rockets, as well as electric circuitry and a large quantity of solid-fuel propellant, according to an account that UAE and UN Security Council officials gave the Washington Post.

Last month, an Israeli raid on a ship in the eastern Mediterranean, The Arctic Sea was allegedly hijacked in the Baltic Sea in late July after leaving a Finnish port. Russian navy vessels intercepted the ship weeks later off Cape Verde, thousands of kilometers from the Algerian port where it was purportedly supposed to deliver a load of timber.

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A US intelligence official familiar with the UAE episode acknowledged that US spies “played a key role” in tracking the shipment, but he declined to elaborate.

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The surge in smuggling is a direct challenge to the Security Council, which is convening a special panel this month to review Iranian violations of UN resolutions banning such weapons shipments.

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UN and US officials say sanctions adopted by the world body against Iran appear to be having little effect, and Iranian leaders continue to defend their right to aid groups they call “fighters in the path of God.”

Former UN nuclear inspector David Albright told the Washington Post that because of international sanctions, Iran and North Korea have been forced to buy and sell military-related technology through clandestine means. Albright is president of the Institute for Science and International Security, a nonprofit research group in Washington.

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Using such schemes, and employing a network of front companies, Iran has managed to obtain key technology and equipment for advanced missiles as well as a sophisticated nuclear program.

“These networks have spread like the Internet, and as they get bigger, they get even harder to destroy,” Albright told the Washington Post. “They use fronts to obtain all kinds of technology from major suppliers, including Europe, Russia, China and the United States.”

Begin Excerpt 1 from DEBKAfile Special Analysis

Iran hits back for IAEA censure by launching proxy military action against US, UK

DEBKAfile Special Analysis

November 29, 2009, 7:08 PM (GMT+02:00)

Reduced Iranian cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency is the least of the troubles Tehran has in store for the West. The Iranians are incandescent over the nuclear watchdog’s rebuke Friday, Nov. 27 for its cover-up of the uranium enrichment plant at Fordo and demand to halt its construction.

Its latest gesture of defiance was the approval late Sunday, Nov. 29 of 10 new uranium enrichment installations, with construction on five starting immediately.

DEBKAfile’s counter-terror sources report that earlier Sunday, Tehran moved toward a military confrontation with the United and Britain when its parliament earmarked $20 million to support “progressive currents which resist US and UK illegal activities.” The motion also ordered an investigation of alleged “US and British plots against the Islamic Republic.”

Our Iranian and counter-terror sources report that Tehran is acting to broaden its support of terrorist movements by bringing additional armed Islamist and insurgent groups into its support cycle as a means of forcing Washington and London to ease the pressure on its uranium enrichment projects and nuclear bomb program. Tehran classifies the groups combating the West in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Central Asia as “progressive.” The West may therefore be faced with newly-empowered armed groups in those places including possibly Taliban and al Qaeda allies.

The US and UK are specifically targeted by the new measure, which is separate from Iran’s sponsorship of Hizballah and the Palestinian Hamas and Islamic Jihad Islam and their armed confrontation against Israel.

Until now, Washington acted on the assumption that Iran would resort to military action only in reprisal for an attack on its nuclear installations. The main argument against an Israeli strike centered on it exposing US interests to the danger of Iranian retaliati

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The Iranian parliamentary motion is therefore an eye-opener because it means that Tehran is not waiting idly to be attacked but is already on the move to pre-empt international pressure on its nuclear activities by setting in motion covert and subversion operations against its foremost adversaries.

The new law authorizes clandestine Iranian agents to funnel funds directly to “progressive” armed groups willing to directly confront the US and Britain.

The bill also taps funds to “confront plots and unjust restrictions” by the Washington and London against Tehran and to disclose “human rights abuses by the two countries.”

DEBKAfile’s sources quote Iranian sources as claiming they have evidence that the American CIA and British MI6 are secretly backing the subversive operations carried out against the regime in Tehran by Iranian opposition and ethnic movements, including the Baluchistani Gundallah, the Arabic Khuzestan Liberation movement and the Iranian Kurdish PAJK separatists.

The new legislation and allocations are therefore a signal from Tehran to Washington and London that as long as they conduct covert subversive operations against the Islamic Republic, Iran will retaliate in kind in their arenas.

Our intelligence sources report that the Revolutionary Guards terrorist arm, the al Qods Brigades, is well prepared for this covert campaign having in the past year established Arab, Baluchi, Kurdish, Turkmen and Azeri fighting units for infiltrating those arenas and joining forces with indigenous anti-West militias.

Begin Excerpt 2 from DEBKAfile Special Analysis

Israel Air Force chief indicates no total security against multi-directional missiles

DEBKAfile Special Analysis

November 28, 2009, 2:22 PM (GMT+02:00)

Israeli Air Force chief Maj. Gen. Ido Nehushtan told a Tel Aviv University audience Friday, Nov. 27: “The time for hard decisions is fast approaching,” adding “The range of security threats to Israel is very complex and we must prepare for all exigencies.” He was addressing a ceremony marking 30 years of the IDF’s Talpiot program which offers hi-tech, math and physics training and degrees for high IQ conscripts to join special projects.

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Nehushtan was clearly referring to the No. 1 security challenge facing Israel, which is Iran’s nuclear weapons program and its constant threats against the Jewish state. DEBKAfile’s military experts translate the “hard decisions,” he referred to as the tough choice of priorities facing government and military decision-makers in a potential war. They would have to choose between striking Iran’s ballistic missile bases or the missiles pointing at Israel from Syria, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, as well dealing with hostile ships facing Israel from a fifth direction, the Mediterranean.

All five potential fronts were addressed by the joint US-Israel Juniper Cobra 10 missile interception exercise that took place for two weeks at the beginning of November. US and Israeli forces successfully practiced close sync between their interceptors, radar and electronic jamming systems.

It also exposed a major vulnerability: In the event of a coordinated missile offensive from several directions, Israel would be unable to extend total security both to its missile bases, airfields and strategic sites and also to its civilian population. The Israeli Air force is not capable of knocking out all out once all five potential sources of missile attacks.

This means that if the Israel air force first targeted Iran, Syria and Hizballah would be free to provide Iran with active support by sending their missiles and rockets flying into Israel from its northern borders before their bases can be seriously impaired in an Israeli counter-attack. This gap in Israel’s defenses leaves large parts of Israel open to attack – and not just the northern region which was blasted by Hizballah in 2006. Iran has provided its Lebanese proxy with upgraded rockets for reaching further south to Israel’s central urban heartland of Greater Tel Aviv.

Defense minister Ehud Barak had this expanded peril in the mind when he said Wednesday, Nov.

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Hizballah’s next attack would expose all of Lebanon, not just the south, to Israel counter-strikes. He said this time unlike in 2006, the Lebanese government would be held responsible, given that the Iran-backed Shiite group had scattered its missile bases across the country.

Barak was flashing signals to the Lebanese and Syrian governments – as well as the Palestinian Hamas in Gaza – that they risked their countries being totally devastated if they opted to retaliate on Iran’s behalf for an Israeli strike on the Islamic republic nuclear installations.

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He also left the door open to possible pre-emptive Israeli strikes to demolish the missiles Syria, Hizballah and the Hamas have been steadily stockpiling.

The next day, Thursday, Nov.

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26, deputy defense minister Mattan Vilnai promised to present the government with a complete missile defense program for the population within two weeks. He said there was no way the state could provide enough shelters for everyone, so his plan would provide for the rapid fortification of residential buildings and the enforcement of walls in apartments and stair wells. The ministry had learned from the Juniper Cobra that in the short time available before a possible military confrontation, this was the fastest and safest way to make sure that most people stayed put in an emergency and did not go wandering across the country and getting in the way of military operations.

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All three statements by the Air Force commander, the defense minister and his deputy followed came in quick succession in the space of a week, during which civil defense measures and siren alerts were tested in different parts of Israel.

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