Words of Advice from a Southern Swamp Alligator

Good Morning, Left Wing,

Wake Up, Rip Van America,

Without any Islamic Profiling,

In The Words Of Albert Alligator,

To sweet little ole Pogo the Possum,

‘We has met the Enemy, and They is Us’

November 25, 2009


I know the degree of evils in racial profiling, and I do understand the evils of having zero political correctness, but to have absolutely no Islamic profiling is true absolute madness, which is also true of practicing maximum political correction in writing or speaking about the Islamic faith, so as to absolutely insure Islam won’t be offended.

Make no mistake about it, the God of Islamic Jihad is Allah, and the interpretations of the Koran, and those oral teachings claimed to be heard by those who knew the Prophet Muhammad, are practiced by the

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The spiritual sickness of Islamic Jihad has spread worldwide, and it will continue to expand until Messiah arrives to stop it. The enemy is among us. All nationalities have been infected with it, such that “We has met the enemy, and they is Us?!” One blessing of ethnic profiling is that those infected usually take a new Islamic name.

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To completely immerse ourselves as the protecting champions and defenders of the virtue of racial profiling, politically correct speaking, and full U.S. civilian rights in a civilian court on American soil, is fully the doing of the far left liberal democratic majority and their democratic President, Barack Obama.

Those who follow the President and his Democrat Congress are indeed their own worst enemy. “We” has met the enemy, and “They” is “Us!”


Hezbollah cell smashed as FBI hits arms trade

Undercover Agents; May suggest Syria, Iran’s link to illicit network


November 25, 2009

The FBI has dismantled an alleged Hezbollah cell accused of arms dealing, depositing counterfeit money in a Canadian bank and selling a Canadian passport to support the Lebanese terrorist group.

Ten people from New York, New Jersey, Lebanon and Venezuela have been indicted and face up to 30 years in prison following an investigation that began in 2006, the U.S. Department of Justice announced yesterday.

The indictments link Hezbollah to a wide array of crimes, ranging from counterfeiting U.S. currency and money laundering to fencing stolen cars, cellular phones, laptops and Sony Play Station 2 systems.

The case also implicates Iran and Syria in Hezbollah’s illicit arms network. The suspects allegedly tried to ship guns to Latakia, a Syrian port they said was controlled by Hezbollah.

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And Hezbollah officials in Iran were allegedly involved in the weapons purchase.

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During the investigation, one of the suspected ringleaders told an undercover agent that “Hezbollah receives a great deal of money from Iran” and “maintains small cells throughout the world.” He cited the bombing of a Jewish centre in Argentina as an example.

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“The allegations contained in this complaint demonstrate how terrorist organizations rely on a variety of underlying activities to fund and arm themselves,” said David Kriss, the Assistant U.S. Attorney.

The group allegedly attempted to ship 1,200 Colt M-4 machine guns through Syria to Hezbollah. To raise money, it sold passports for $10,000, including a genuine Canadian passport into which a false page had been inserted.

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A suspected ringleader of the group, Dib Hani Harb, is the son-in-law of Hassan Hodroj, a member of the Hezbollah Political Council. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah attended Mr.

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Harb’s wedding.

Mr. Harb allegedly showed counterfeit U.S. currency to a witness, and said it had been manufactured in Iran. He said he had deposited $10,000 worth of the phony bills into a Canadian bank account.

Hezbollah is a militant Islamist group that is backed, trained and financed by Iran.

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It is a banned terrorist group under Canadian law.

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The Canadian government’s official profile of Hezbollah accuses it of car bombings, hijackings and kidnappings in Europe, South America and Israel.

In a speech last month, RCMP Commissioner William Elliott warned that Hezbollah violence could spread to Canada.

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“While Hezbollah has not articulated any specific grievance with Canada, from its perspective any state that supports Israel or Israeli interests is the enemy, which casts a wide net,” he said.

Charged are: Mr. Harb, Mr. Hodroj, Hasan Antar Karaki, Moussa Ali Hamdan, Hassan El-Najjar, Moustafa Habib Kassem, Latif Kamel Hazime, Alaa Allia Ahmed Mohamed, Maodo Kane and Michael Katz.

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