Islam Loves World’s Liberal Leaders!

Syria and Iran LOVE Diplomatic Dialog!

Diplomatic Dialog AT ITS ULTIMATE Best

Can Only Create False Middle East Peace

Why CAN’T Obama with all his Czars Grasp

Procrastination of WEST Is Tehran’s Triumph

It can Never Deliver True Peace that will Last!

November 13, 2009

Today’s act of cowardly appeasement by the Obama administration to the world’s Islamic nations and the ACLU is another example of Obama’s efforts to get Islam to respect him, and perhaps listen to his diplomatic dialog speeches

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and plans. He now plans to have the Islamic terrorists who perpetrated the 9/11 slaughter of innocents tried in American Civilian Courts. It is possible much of the evidence against them will be thrown out because they were not read their rights. It will complicate the prosecutor’s case and cost millions more taxpayer bucks in civilian courts. It is an act of appeasement to Islam in hopes he can gain enough respect from them to hear and respond to his diplomatic dialog. Bullies don’t respond to acts of appeasement or diplomatic dialog, they see them as the acts of a coward. I don’t doubt they will be found guilty in a civilian court, but it will be a side show of appeasement to Islam to demonstrate the great American judicial system of fairness, which will only mean to them the Obama administration is a ship of fools riding on waves of cowardice.

Until a playground bully is confronted with force greater than his, he won’t change for pleading, love, compassion, or any form of diplomatic dialog. I know this to be the b asic ch

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aracter of a bully by lifetime observation of the species. I was forced to confront two in grade school and junior high. It was the only thing that made them change their attitude toward me. I tried everything under the sun to attempt to get them to stop bullying me and pushing me down and around for a long time, but they only changed when the coward in me finally got tired enough of living in fear that he was unable to do anything except fight.

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After the coward in me finally did fight, the bullies avoided me rather than me having to avoid them.

Islamic Radicals and Terrorists are a million times worse than the proverbial school bully, and they don’t just push and shove, they kill, torture,

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and butcher in hate all their so-called enemies. Obama’ s diplomatic dialog routine i

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s something they love. A playground bully loves to hear you beg to stop his onslaughts. He loves to have a coward give him things to make him stop. He loves to have you bow down yourself before him in humility. A bully will sometimes take your appeasement gifts in order to get more if you will promise to give him more, but all the while he is deceitfully planning to deal you even greater punishment if the gifts and promises stop.

Iran, Syria, Turkey, Hizbullah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad are all bullies in different degrees of the bully character. Iran, Hizbullah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad are the worst of them. Al-Qaeda and many other terrorist groups headquartered in many Islamic countries across the Middle East are the worst of the worst.

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Syria probably has more vicious terrorist groups headquartered in it than other Islamic nations.

Obama’s answer to solve all the challenges he has faced thus far has been: (1) To make another speech, (2) To delay making a decision, (3) To call for an open-house forum to discuss the problem in detail, (4) To make another overseas trip, (5) To reason with the Islamic bullies, (6) To shift media attention away from the challenge to something else, and (7) To make the challenge as transparent as seeing through a solid steel wall.



Begin Excerpt 1 from Arutz Sheva

Expert: Syria Wants Talks, not Peace

Cheshvan 25, 5770, 12 November 09 08:31

by Maayana Miskin

( Middle East expert David Bukai spoke with Arutz-7 on Thursday following reports that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu had told Syrian leaders that Israel would consider withdrawing from the Golan. Israel has no need to fear losing the Golan in negotiations, he said, as Syria is interested only in talking with Israel, and not with signing an actual peace deal.

Syrian President Bashar Assad would lose by signing a deal with Israel even if Israel were to offer him the entire Golan region, Dr.

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Bukai said. If Assad made peace with Israel, tensions would rise between his Alawite sect and Syria’s majority Arab Muslim population, financial support from Iran would dwindle, and Assad could lose the benefits of his current military dictatorship, he explained.

Assad continues to seek negotiations with Israel in order to improve his country’s image – a policy begun by his father, Hafez Assad, Bukai said. Hafez realized that by publicly demonstrating an interest in Middle East peace he could gain an instant boost in ties with the West, and his son Bashar has followed in his footsteps, he stated.

Golan Residents: We Hope Netanyahu is Different

Residents of the Golan reacted with some nervousness to reports regarding Netanyahu’s alleged offer to Assad. A member of the Golan Heights Residents’ Council, Uri Heitner, spoke to Arutz-7 and expressed hope that Netanyahu would prove more reliable than former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert when it comes to the Golan.

Olmert expressed willingness to withdraw from the Golan in order to achieve a peace deal with Syria, Heitner explained, adding, “We hope Netanyahu isn’t headed in the same direction.” Withdrawing from the Golan would endanger the entire state of Israel, he said.

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While Golan residents believe that giving the region in which they live to Syria would be a disaster, they do not fear negotiations for an Israel-Syria peace deal, Heitner stated. “All Israeli governments have been prepared to negotiate without preconditions, and nobody wants peace more than those of us who live here in the Golan,” he said. “The big question is what they plan to talk about.”

Begin Excerpt 2 from DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

Obama asks Netanyahu for more time for dialogue with Iran

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

November 10, 2009, 8:13 AM (GMT+02:00)

President Barack Obama and prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu talked for more than an hour and a half in the White House Tuesday, Nov. 9, all but fifteen minutes without advisers. There were no cameras and the usual post-meeting press briefings, joint communiques and interviews were cancelled.

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A curt White House statement said: “The president reaffirmed our strong commitment to Israel’s security, and discussed security cooperation on a range of issues. The president and prime minister also discussed Iran and how to move forward on Middle East peace.”

Netanyahu then headed out to Paris to see President Nicolas Sarkozy later Tuesday.

DEBKAfile reported Monday: US official sources admitted Monday, Nov.

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9, that Tehran had finally blocked every compromise offered by the Obama administration through backdoor channels. This and the US president Barack Obama’s Middle East peace initiative have both run into the sand. Secretary of state Hillary Clinton and Middle East envoy George Mitchell informed him last week after their failed bid to persuade the Palestinians to sit down and talk peace with Israel.

Clinton found Mahmoud Abbas in Abu Dhabi with one foot out of the Palestinian Authority leadership and exploiting Obama’s misplaced reliance on a total Israeli settlement construction freeze on the West Bank and in Jerusalem to strike a rejectionist position for the sake of restoring his tattered credibility on the Palestinian street. On that score, there is nothing much for Obama to discuss with visiting Binyamin Netanyahu Tuesday, Nov. 10, although both found themselves under pressure to meet during Netanyahu’s brief visit to Washington to address the General Assembly of the North American Jewish Federations.

A new Palestinian leader might find a way out of the impasse, but none is in the sights of the US president, the Israeli prime minister or the Palestinians. Even if a reasonable figure was found, it would take a newcomer to the PA leadership a couple of years to find his feet and establish himself. During that period, assuming the lid stayed clamped down on Palestinian terrorist action from the West Bank – which is far from a certainty – the peace track would be frozen solid.

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Our Washington sources do not expect Mitchell to return to the Middle East any time soon.

The situation with Iran is much more fraught because time is running out as Iran speeds toward its nuclear and missile goals. In the summer, Netanyahu gave Obama a guarantee to hold off on a military initiative against Iran until the end of the year to give his diplomatic engagement effort a chance.

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This deadline is now only seven weeks away. DEBKAfile’s Washington sources are assuming that the US president will use the Israeli prime minister’s brief Washing ton visit

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to ask him to extend this deadline a while longer to permit him a last throw at cajoling Iran to accept a deal over its uranium enrichment.

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Our sources do not expect Netanyahu to refuse the president, both for the sake of his good standing with the Obama administration and because he too is in no hurry to cross the Rubicon for an act of war against Iran.

Procrastination in the West is Tehran’s greatest boon.

This past year, the Iranians have managed to keep the diplomatic ball they are playing with the world powers up in the air and hold sanctions at bay while using the space to press forward with their military nuclear and missile programs.

Addressing the General Assembly of the North American Jewish Federations, Netanyahu again challenged the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to join Israel for peace talks.

Obama, who called off his speech to the event to attend Fort Hood memorial ceremonies, invited a group of 60 Jewish leaders to a White House reception Tuesday and thanked them for the “countless hours of tzedakah (charity) they put in every day of the week.”

Defense minister Ehud Barak said after meeting defense secretary Robert Gates Monday, “the strategic understanding with the United States and the cooperation on intelligence matters are cornerstones of Israel’s security.”

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