Water, Electricity, Food & Shelter Needed for Israel Negev Stay!

Negev Needs Water, Electricity, Food & Shelter

To Supply Israel’s 2 Million Remnant for 1260 Days

During their Tribulation Stay in the Negev Wilderness!

Israel chose it to be a War Contingency Evacuation Area!

This Would Be a Major Reason For a HUGE Domestic Reactor!

August 2, 2009


Zechariah 13:8 – And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein.

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Revelation 12:6 – And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

Israel has been preparing the Negev for a large influx of its population for a very long time. I believe at some point in time before 2015 they will be extremely glad

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they did.


March, 2001

Revelation 12:6 – And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

Zechariah 13:8,9 – And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. [9] And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God.

If f 1.9 to 2 million Jews are to survive in the Negev, they must have enough water and food to sustain them for 3 and ½ prophetic years. Has God already been instrumental in assuring they will have it? More on this in Prophecy Update Number 9.” The answer is certainly a resounding YES, and in this update we will deal with the question of sufficient water. I first became aware of what God has done under the Negev

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wilderness in the late seventies. I already knew there were many shallow pockets of water that supplied the springs of the Negev, and that these pockets were reinforced by short bursts of desert thunderstorms from time to time. And I also knew this hydrological cycle could not possibly sustain a population of as many as 2 million future occupants. But God has already taken care of this problem in the distant past. In ancient times, when rainfall was abundant in the Negev and Sinai, God built up a vast reservoir of water deep beneath the hard rock layers of the Negev. There are billions of cubic feet of water stored under the Negev. However, a serious problem existed when it was first discovered.

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The water was 1300 to 2000 feet under the Negev, and this consisted of very hard rock layers. The technology of man, in the seventies, had not yet reached the level of capability to consistently drill a large number of wells to this depth. However, God informed Daniel, in Chapter 12, Verse 4, that something would happen in the end times which would increase man’s technological capabilities: “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Now we have the technological knowledge to recover this vast underground supply of water. At first, it was feared the water might have a high salt content, such that it would not be usable.

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But we were surprised to discover its salt content was only one-tenth of that

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of the open oceans and seas of the world. It can very easily be converted to drinkable water.

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It was also a pleasant surprise to Israel to discover it could be directly applied to botanical growth without any harmful resultant. In fact, in many cases, it produces a higher quality of fruits and vegetables if left untreated from its recovery state.

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God has placed enough water under the Negev to more than support the remnant of Israel for more than 3 and ½ prophetic years. But what about food for almost 2 million Jews? More on this in Prophecy Update Number 9.


March, 2001

In our last update we revealed the fantastic amount of water God has stored deep under the Negev. It is in the Negev wilderness that between 1.9 and 2 million Jews will live during the last 3 and ½ years of the Tribulation Period. But what about food, could the Negev use this great surplus of water to produce enough food for this new population

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? The truth is this: Israel is well on the way to doing this today!

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Once Israel was able to tap into the billions of cubic feet of fossil waters under the Negev, she immediately began to put it to use in production of a variety of botanical products.

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It has caused the spread of hothouses, orchards, and fishponds from one end of the Negev to the other. The Negev now grows tomatoes, olives, and melons along with other types of vegetation. Pipelines from the fossil water sources, laid to fish farms, have generated some 15 fish farms in the Negev.

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Some farms have ponds up to 75 feet in length, which can contain up to 20,000 fish.

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The fish industry continues to grow and expand, as do all the Negev’s agricultural endeavors. Successful production of a crop of seedless, purple red grapes, will eventually lead to grape vines covering the barren Negev from Ramat Hanegev to Mitzpe Ramon. This botanical development can only accelerate, and within three years there will be enough foodstuffs produced to sustain an initial influx of up to 1.9 million Jews for a few months. The utilization of a part of this population explosion will dramatically increase food production by the end of their first year, and it will be sufficient to feed all the Negev residents for the rest of their stay. However, there will be a period of insufficient food, but this same God, who provided the water and technology for developing the Negev, will also cover this need by the “they” in verse 6 of Revelation, chapter 12: “And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that THEY should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.” I was taught as a young man that the “they” were angels. I certainly do not preclude this possibility, because God has used angels in the past for such situations. However, I believe I can prove from scripture what seems more reasonable, and will cover this in our next prophecy update.

Begin Excerpt from Arab News

N-plant in Negev planned by Israel

Mohammed Mar’i

Arab News

RAMALLAH: Israel recently asked the United States to assist in the establishment of a nuclear power plant in the southern Negev desert, without signing the Non-Proliferation Treaty The report said that the Benjamin Netanyahu-led government has recently sent the requirement to the US government for getting its approval, but has received no response so far.

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Israel wants to build the nuclear power plant in southern Negev desert, where its ambiguous Dimona reactor is located, in order to deal with the predicted growing domestic demand for electricity in the coming decade, according to the report.

Israel is interested in adopting the “Indian model,” which could allow it to build an internationally monitored civilian reactor while avoiding monitoring of other nuclear capabilities, the report said.

Israel has never formally admitted it has nuclear weapons, although there is a widespread international belief that the country does have such a military capability.

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Plans for building a nuclear reactor in Israel have been in place since the 1960s. The government has already reserved a plot of land for the venture in the southern area. The plans were shelved in the wake of nuclear mishaps at various sites around the globe, but officials have not given up on the idea.

The Israeli Atomic technician Mordechai Vanunu reveals secrets of Israel’s nuclear arsenal to the Sunday Times on October 5, 1986.

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According to Vanunu, who spent 18 years in Israeli prison after being convicted of treason, the Dimona plant is “equipped with French plutonium extracting technology, which transformed Dimona from a civilian research establishment to a bomb production facility. Plutonium production rates amount to 40 kg a year, enough to build 10 bombs.”

According to the calculations of nuclear scientists consulted by The Sunday Times at that time, “at least 100 and as many as 200 nuclear weapons of varying destructive power have been assembled — 10 times the previously estimated strength of Israel’s nuclear arsenal.” The Israeli experts in the energy field estimate that the cost of building a nuclear power plant could reach $2 billion — only slightly more than the cost of building technologically advanced coal power plants that are meant to emit far less pollution than older models.

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