Now that the PA sees Obama’s SHIFT to ISLAM,
They’ll WAIT until OBAMA squeezes out MAXIMUM
Number of Concessions by forcing Israel to the Wall!
Then they will push for much more when they do Dialog
With Israel for the final makeup of their Obama land Grant
July 14, 2009
Begin Excerpts from Jerusalem Center for Public Affirs/ Daily Alert
July 13, 2009
Excerpt 1 from Hudson Institute New York
Hamas Tightens Its Grip in Gaza
Khaled Abu Toameh
Hamas is gradually turning Gaza into a Taliban-style Islamic entity that poses a threat not only to Israel, but also to the Americans, Europeans and moderate Arabs
and Muslims. Young women in Gaza are being harassed and arrested by Hamas’ “morality police” for laughing in public or leaving their homes without hijabs. Palestinian women are banned from swimming unless they are covered from top to bottom, and are being banned from entering coffee shops, restaurants and other public places unless they are escorted by male relatives. Young men are banned from swimming in the sea topless.
A Palestinian journalist in Gaza remarked: “The Americans and Europeans are fighting against Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan while Hamas is building a new fundamentalist entity here.”
PA leader Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salaam Fayyad insist on boycotting peace talks with Israel in protest against the ongoing construction in the settlements. But the two did not stay away from the talks when former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and former Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni were also building in the settlements. Abbas and Fayyad are waiting for the U.S. administration to deliver, hoping that Obama will force Israel to withdraw to the 1967 borders, including the eastern part of Jerusalem, and expel all the Jewish settlers from the West Bank.
Palestinian officials in Ramallah explain, why return to the negotiating table with Israel when the U.S. has actually endorsed the Palestinian position and is negotiating with the Netanyahu government on behalf of the Palestinian Authority
? (Hudson Institute New York)
Excerpt 2 from AP/Washington Post
Israel’s Netanyahu Invites Abbas to Talk Peace
Aron Heller
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday invited the Palestinians
to sit down immediately to talk peace. Netanyahu recently endorsed the goal of establishing an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel as part of a final peace agreement. “There is no reason Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and I should not meet, anywhere in this country, to advance the political process,” Netanyahu told the weekly meeting of his Cabinet.
Netanyahu said he already has made a series of gestures, such as the removal of several military checkpoints in the West Bank, meant to improve the Palestinian economy.
“In recent weeks, we have made many efforts to ease their lives, especially regarding freedom of movement for Palestinians,” he said. “But I would like to make it clear that all of these efforts are unilateral on Israel’s part. All these efforts can only go so far, and the results will multiply many times if only there is cooperation from the other side….Let us make peace, diplomatic peace and economic peace.
Let us cooperate on these projects,” he said. Netanyahu’s predecessor, Ehud Olmert, spent more than a year negotiating with Abbas, but the peace talks yielded no major breakthroughs.
(AP/Washington Post)
Excerpt 3 from Jerusalem Post
Abbas Says He Won’t Meet Netanyahu
Khaled Abu Toameh and Haviv Rettig Gur
PA leader Mahmoud Abbas reiterated on Sunday his refusal to resume peace talks with Israel unless Netanyahu’s government agreed to freeze all construction in the West Bank.
(Jerusalem Post)
Excerpt 4 from Washington Post
Palestinians Reject Any Israel-U.S. Settlement Deal
Ali Sawafta
Palestinians reject any deal between Israel and the U.S. that would allow even limited Jewish settlement construction in the West Bank, Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said Sunday.
(Reuters/Washington Post)
Excerpt 5 from Haaretz
Netanyahu: Palestinian Recognition of Jewish State Is “Key to Peace”
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated Sunday that recognition by the Palestinians of Israel as a Jewish state was key to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. “I look forward to the day when the moderate leaders of the Palestinians will stand in front of their people and clearly state: ‘We’ve had enough of this conflict, we recognize the right of the Jewish People to a state of its own’ – and we will live alongside them in real peace the moment these words are spoken.” (Ha’aretz)
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