Throwing Taxpayer’s Dollars down a Deep Rat Hole!

Throwing Taxpayer’s Dollars DOWN A DEEP RAT HOLE

To SOLVE a NON-PROBLEM Created by Environment Greed,

In Order to line the deep Pockets of those getting Energy Pork,

From the dishonest environmental contractors assigned to Projects,

Is the driving force behind this Great Congressional Environment Hoax!

July 13, 2009

I have believed for almost 35 years that Global Warming, and the Ozone Hole over the South Pole being created by man produced CFC’s, is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American public. The primary purpose for this hoax has been to create a continuous living pork barrel for the growth of an environmental safe group of green industrial organizations, which are planning to line their pockets with U.S. taxpayer’s dollars allocated by Obama’s Czars. The cost will be astronomical. And the horror of it all is that it is supposed to clean up a problem that does not exist.

I have written many articles on this subject, one of which appeared in the minority congressional record.

The Great Hoax – Man Is Destroying The Ozone Layer!

March 2, 2007

I have received several inquiries as to what I think about former Vice-President Gore’s political swing into Global Warming and the growing Ozone Hole over the South Pole. I hope Archive Prophecy Update Number 166A, and the recent NASA article following it, will answer your queries.

Prophecy Update Number 166A

April 5, 2004

The Great Hoax – Man Is Destroying The Ozone Layer!

Revelation 16:2 – And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

Since 1975 I have been convinced that manmade chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s) were not responsible for the destruction of the Ozone layer that shields man from ultraviolet radiation.

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My cries in books and videos fell on deaf hears for the most part, but now a leading French scientist has, with equal vigor, stated the same thing, and identified volcanoes as the culprit, just as I did in the seventies.

You will find it clearly outlined in a book, “Birth Pangs from the Bottomless Pit,” which I wrote in the late seventies, and in the video, “Fearful Sights and Great Signs,” which I made in a studio in Little Rock in the eighties. Dardanelle MBC sells the book and

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the video together for twenty-five dollars, which you may type in on the Order Form from our Menu. The basic material concerning the phenomena of ozone destruction and the events associated with other skin eruptions, before and during the tribulation period, are outlined in two Birth Pangs, 14 and 14A, which I put in my book in the seventies, and on our Web Site pages when we put up in January 2001.

What follows is an extract from Birth Pang 14A in our Birth Pangs Archives, which you may find on our Menu. BEGIN EXTRACT: “God has created a thick layer of ozone in the earth’s vast stratosphere.

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If this layer was not there, man would be scorched with ultraviolet radiation, and annihilated from the earth within a few years. Many scientists still cling to the idea that chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s) are breaking down the stratospheric ozone layer. However, the real culprits are the increasing frequencies of volcanic eruptions. Ozone is a form of oxygen that protects man from the sin’s deadly ultraviolet radiation. If this radiation could slip through the ozone layer it would lead to rapid worldwide outbreaks of fast growing skin cancer. A U.S. Geological Survey scientist, Dr. David A. Johnston, missing and presumed dead since the first eruption of Mount Saint Helens, was quoted by Warren E. Leary, and Associated Press science writer as follows:

“Analysis of trapped gas pockets in volcanic and other material indicates molten magmas may contain 20 to 40 times more chlorine than earlier estimates upon which volcanic atmospheric impact had been estimated. This means that the amount of chlorine emitted into the atmosphere could equal more than 100% of the 1975 world production in fluorocarbon chemicals. Johnson said in his report that volcanic explosions powerful enough to penetrate the stratosphere have been occurring about once a year in recent times. These eruptions shoot hydrogen chloride high enough to reach the ozone layer.”

As a scientist, certified to teach chemistry and physics, I was so certain the ozone layer was being depleted by gases blown vertically into it by volcanoes, that I began to teach and write about it in books published in the late seventies and early eighties. I was so firmly convinced of it that I predicted the ozone hole would continue to grow, even after worldwide elimination of chlorofluorocarbon production by man had occurred. In the early eighties they predicted the ozone hole would decline in size by 1985. When it did not, they said it was due to residual effects. But we were assured it would decrease by 1990. When it did not, they said the residual effects were greater than they had thought, but we would see a small decline by 1995. When it did not decline they kept on riding the same old dead horse, and predicted a thinning by 2000.

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It is still continuing to grow, and now they say it may not decline until 2020. The ozone hole growth since 1979 is as follows: from very small in 1977 to 500,000 cubic kilometers in 1980, to 10,500,000 in 1986, to 22,000,000 in 1992, to 23,500,000 in 1994, to 27,0000,000 in 1999, and to 28,300,000 cubic kilometers in 2000. And still there is no ozone hole over the North Pole, yet 74% of all ozone destroying particles are released in the Northern Hemisphere!

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But isn’t it strange that most of the world’s volcanoes are located in the Southern Hemisphere, with many of them south of 60 degrees latitude, while only a handful of volcanoes exist north of 60 degrees latitude in the Northern Hemisphere.

Please allow me to elaborate why man-made CFC gases are not the culprits responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer over the South Pole:

74% of all man-made CFC’s are released in the Northern hemisphere.

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The Long-term vertical circulation patterns of the earth in the Northern Hemisphere demand that the first ozone hole should have appeared over the North Pole – it did not!

The CFC gases are heavier than the atmosphere into which they are supposed to be rising, hence they cannot rise to the level of the ozone layer of their own volition.

CFC’s are washed out of the atmosphere by the precipitation cycle of the troposphere before they could reach the ozone layer.

CFC gases, without the direct help of volcanic activity, don’t penetrate the restricting worldwide temperature inversion, which begins well below the ozone layer at the tropopause.

Now, please allow me to exposite why I am confident that volcanic eruptions are responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer over the South Pole:

The rate increase in major eruptions since 1950 is four times greater than at any time in recorded history.

Most vertical eruptions are occurring in the Southern Hemisphere, thereby causing the ozone hole to appear first over the South Pole, rather than the North Pole.

Volcanic eruptions forcefully blow different kinds of ozone depleting gases through the tropopause inversion into the ozone layer, bypassing much of the earth’s circulation and hydrological patterns.

There is an active volcano pouring its depleting gases upward into the center of the ozone hole from time to time – Mount Erebus, which is near the South Pole.

The growth of the ozone hole has been steadily toward the north over the southern tip of South America, where a thick concentration of active volcanoes exists today.

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During the latter part of the Tribulation, thousands of volcanic eruptions, like those in Figure 10, will occur along the dashed lines of Figure 3 (See both these Figures in our Birth Pang Archives). These eruptions will send staggering amounts of hydrogen chloride, nitric oxides, and other ozone depleting gases into the ozone layer. The resultant breaking down of the ozone layer will allow ultraviolet radiation to pour through onto the inhabitants of the earth. These occupants of the final days of Satan’s kingdoms on this planet will be scorched with the great heat of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. Yet they still will not repent toward the God of these plagues that physically destroy them. They will understand the processes that are causing it, but they will not acknowledge that God is doing it.

Most Christian writers of today spend a lot of effort in trying to work the entire modern day arsenal of man into the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. Most make the last day skin plagues attributable to atomic radiation.

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May I assure you that the ultraviolet and cosmic radiation, which would pour down on the earth’s surface if the ozone layer weakened and the magnetic poles reversed, would be thousands of times deadlier than atomic radiation.” END EXTRACT.

If you are atheistic or agnostic in your beliefs concerning the prophetic predictions in the Bible, then at least consider the scientific argument I have presented since the late seventies, which you read above in the extract from our web site article, which we put up in 2001.

You may find the article concerning the views of the French scientist on ozone depletion by clicking on the following:

Volcanic activity from the lone volcano located near the South Pole, and those on the southern top of South America, has declined slightly during the period from 2000 to 2003, and the consequence has been that the ozone hole showed only a slight increase in its 2003 maximum size when compared with its 2000 maximum. The new record size of 28,400,000 cubic kilometers occurred on September 20, 2003. When the volcanic activity begins to increase in frequency and intensity in the future, rest assured the ozone hole will enlarge. The ozone hole has large seasonal variations in its size each year, and there is a tendency, for those who say manmade CFC’s originally created it, to quote the smallest seasonal size. The normal seasonal maximum appears from mid-September to early October.

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If there was a natural way to transport these manmade CFC’s above the tropopause level into the ozone layer, then they would definitely deplete it, but, as I have shown in my argument since the late seventies, there is no way that it has, can, or will happen.

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There is only one way that sufficient CFC’s can be inducted into the ozone layer to deplete it – volcanic eruptions, which have sufficient vertical thrust to literally blast the CFC’s, and other ozone depleting gases, through the tropopause temperature inversions into the stratospheric ozone layer. The depletion of ozone, which has created the expanding hole in it over the South Pole, was not generated by manmade CFC’s.

End Archive Prophecy Update Number 166A

Latest Size of Ozone Hole Update

March 2, 2007

I have been telling people since the late seventies that the ozone hole was going to keep on growing, because the CFC’s released by man were not penetrating the tropopause temperature inversion. So, here we are in 2007, and a new record was just set for growth late last year, as attested by the article which follows. The American public is being hoodwinked by two great hoaxes politicians try to tie together – Depletion of the Ozone Layer and Global Warming. To be quite honest, I don’t think it is possible to defuse these hoaxes, because so many powerful politicians and organizations are behind them. There are billions of dollars which will be used to eliminate two problems man cannot control, and I doubt if the companies or politicians want to give up their pork barrels.


Begin Excerpt from NewsWithViews


By Marc Morano

July 11, 2009

Washington, DC – At a House global warming hearing on Capitol Hill on April 24, 2009, former Vice President Al Gore once again compared skeptics of man-made climate fears to “people who still believe that the moon landing was staged on a movie lot in Arizona.” Gore appears ignorant that his several years old analogy has been refuted by two of NASA’s moonwalkers themselves — Moonwalker and Award-Winning NASA Astronaut/Geologist Jack Schmitt – who recently declared he was a global warming skeptic and now, Award-Winning NASA Astronaut and Moonwalker Dr. Buzz Aldrin.

Gore was not asked during his April 24, 2009 Congressional hearing how he can link climate skeptics to people who believed the moon landing was “staged” when two prominent moonwalkers themselves are man-made global warming skeptics.

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NASA’s Dr. Aldrin — who earned a Doctorate of Science in Astronautics at MIT — declared he was skeptical

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of man-made climate fears in a July 3, 2009 UK Telegraph interview.

“I think the climate has been changing for billions of years,” Aldrin, the second person to walk on

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the Moon, said. On July 20, 1969, Aldrin and astronaut Neil Armstrong made their historic Apollo 11 moonwalk, becoming the first two humans to set foot on the Moon. According to his bio, “Aldrin has received three U.S. patents for his schematics of a modular space station, Starbooster reusable rockets, and multi-crew modules for space flight.” Aldrin was also decorated with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest American peacetime award and he has received numerous distinguished awards and medals from 23 other countries.

“If it’s warming now, it may cool off later. I’m not in favor of just taking short-term isolated situations and depleting our resources to keep our climate just the way it is today,” Aldrin explained.

“I’m not necessarily of the school that we are causing it all, I think the world is causing it,” Aldrin added.

Aldrin joins fellow moonwalker Schmitt, who flew on the Apollo 17 missi

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on, in declaring their skepticism of man-made global warming fears.

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“The ‘global warming scare’ is being used as a political tool to increase government control over American lives, incomes and decision making.

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It has no place in the Society’s activities,” Schmitt, who flew on the Apollo 17 mission, said in 2008. (See: Astronaut Jack Schmitt Joins Skeptics & For Gore, a very inconvenient moonwalker.)

Schmitt is featured in the 2009 report: U. S. Senate Minority Report: More Than 700 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claim.
Below is Schmitt’s full entry in the Senate’s 700 Plus Scientist Report:

Award-Winning NASA Astronaut/Geologist and Moonwalker Jack Schmitt, formerly of the Norwegian Geological Survey and the U.S. Geological Survey, who flew on the Apollo 17 mission, has received numerous awards in his career including the Space Center Superior Achievement Award and the NASA Distinguished Service Medal. Schmitt, a member of the Geological Society of America, American Geophysical Union, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, rejected man-made climate change concerns in 2008. “The ‘global warming scare’ is being used as a political tool to increase government control over American lives, incomes and decision making.

It has no place in the Society’s activities,” Schmitt wrote on November 17, 2008. “As a geologist, I love Earth observations. But it is ridiculous to tie this objective to a “consensus” that humans are causing global warming when human experience, geologic data and history, and current cooling can argue otherwise.

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‘Consensus,’ as many have said, merely represents the absence of definitive science,” Schmitt explained.

Related Links:

1- U. S. Senate Minority Report: More Than 700 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims – March 2009

2- Report: Democrats Refuse to Allow Skeptic to Testify Alongside Gore At Congressional Hearing

3- Oops! Inconvenient Astronaut: NASA Moonwalker Schmitt Defies Gore’s Claim — Declares Himself a Skeptic! – April 25, 2009

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