Obama’s Love Affair with Islamic Nations!

Barack Obama is, like many of us, a product of his lifetime Environment,

A sincere young intellectual influenced by Islam and black Liberation,

An Intellectual mold of Islamic youth and Black Liberation Teaching,

Obama’s Love Affair With Nations Holding The Belief Of His Youth,

Is setting the stage for the final war of the Age of the Gentiles!

His Adult beliefs were Shaped by Black Liberation Preachers!

Reverend Wright, the man he sat under for several Years,

Is the Classical Example of a Black Liberation Preacher!

Black Liberation Preaching Seeks To Free Oppressed

Blacks From Rich White Man’s CAPITALISTIC Greed!

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Obama is now attempting to free what he Sees

As both the poor white and black Oppressed!

By “shifting the CAPITALISTIC wealth” From

The Rich To The Poor By Social Programs

In a government controlled Socialism!

It’s the dream of most Intellectuals!

The Idealist Dream In Corruption!

A Noble Idea that doesn’t Work!

April 20, 2009


So how does one define “black liberation” preaching? Barack Obama behaves as a man who had a dose of Islamic faith is his youth and a long spell of black liberation preaching as an adult. So far, as l ong as I have watched him, I have been able to clearly detect the affect it produced

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on his goals in government. H is life

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is dedicated to change our system of government into what he conceives to be a better society. He has convinced the younger society and intellectual community he can do it, and they are determined to let him have a chance to do so. I do not question hi s mo

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tives, but I am convinced what he purposes as the methodology, to change a depraved carnal society created by human greed, will only make it worse. I much prefer to await the Second Coming of Christ as the only one who can change it and, even after 1000 years under His reign, it will again rebel against His System of government. At the end of the thousand years we will finally live on a new earth with a government over carnal men made perfect by the Spirit of God. What a relief that will be!

James H. Harris, the Senior Pastor of Second Baptist Church and professor of Pastoral Theology at the School of Theology at Virginia Union University (both in Richmond, Virginia, in his book, “Preaching Liberation,” in the following quote, defines Black Liberation preaching as the prophetic instrument that restructures society.

“Liberation preaching encourages blacks and the poor to participate in the system, to get an education, to get involved in the political process and to do those things that will gradually help to change and transform society.”

That quote is a perfect description of President Barack Hussein Obama. I believe it describes his life and purpose. But I simply do not agree with the way he is going about it. It simply won’t work, and America and Israel are going to suffer as he goes about doing it. No one is going to be able to change and transform this society except Jesus.

Begin Excerpt from DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis

Obama’s charm offensive for radical rulers abandons Israel to Iranian threat

DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis

April 18, 2009, 6:51 PM (GMT+02:00)

The new US president’s dramatic global policy steps have easily dwarfed the knotty Israeli-Palestinian peace issue handed down from one US president to the next over decades. Barack Obama’s outstretched hand to Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez,

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Iran’s best friend in the Americas, on April 17, at the summit of American leaders in Port of Prince, made the talk surrounding Special Middle East Envoy George Mitchell’s mission to Jerusalem and Ramallah this week sound eerily like voices from the past.

After talking to Mitchell, Israel’s prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and defense minister Ehud Barak tried the usual bromides: They protested that Jerusalem’s ties with Washington and Jerusalem were as strong as ever

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and they would work together toward an agreed solution for the Palestinian problem.

But those words were lost in the black Iranian cloud hanging over the relations.

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Barack Obama has set his sights and heart on friendship with the rulers of the Islamic Republic of Iran and their radical allies.

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The name and policies of the occupant of the prime minister’s office in Jerusalem do not matter – any more than Tehran’s determination to complete its nuclear weapons program in defiance of the world, or even its first A-bomb test in a year or two, for which intelligence sources report Tehran is already getting set.

Obama’s Washington believes America can live with a nuclear-armed Iran – a decision probably taken first under the Bush presidency.

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But Israel cannot, and may have no option but to part ways with the Obama administration on this point. As a nuclear power, Iran will be able to bend Jerusalem to the will of its enemies, make it unconditionally give Syria the Golan plus extra pieces of territory, tamely accept a Hamas-dominated Palestinian West Bank louring over its heartland and let the Lebanese Hizballah terrorize Galilee in the north at will. All three would make hay under Iran’s nuclear shield, while Tehran lords it over the region in the role of regional power conferred by Obama’s grace and favor.

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In no time, Israel would be stripped of most of its defenses.

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Israel is not the only nervous country in the region. But Hosni Mubarak of Egypt is the only Middle East leader brave enough to stick his neck out, albeit with Saudi backing, and stand up to the Iranian peril, direct and through Hizballah.

He has also outspokenly criticized Washington’s courtship of the revolutionary Islamic republic.

Cairo’s Al Ahram Saturday, April 18, accused Iran, Syria, Qatar, Hizballah, Hamas, al Jazeera TV of a conspiracy to overthrow Egyptian government.

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But the US president is not daunted by the radicalism or enmity of his new friends or the loss of old ones. At the Summit of All Americas, Obama greeted Hugo Chavez 24 hours after the Venezuelan ruler said: “The United States Empire is on its way down and will be finished in the near future, inshallah!”

Using the Muslim blessing to underline the wish for America’s downfall was no bar to the smile and handshake; neither was Venezuela’s recent severance of its ties with Israel for no provocation or its willingness to host a delegation of Hizballah (internationally branded a terrorist organization) in Caracas.

What is relevant to Obama is Hugo Chavez’s role as co-architect of the joint Russian-Iranian campaign to displace American influence in the southern hemisphere. The US president has opted for winning America’s enemies over with smiles and embraces rather than punishing them like George W.

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Obama continues to woo Bashar Assad apace despite his blunt refusal to loosen his strategic ties with Tehran or stop supporting the Lebanese Shiite group [with arms] because Hizballah is dedicated to fighting Israel, – as he is quoted as saying in the pro-Hizballah Lebanese publication al Akhbar on April 17.

For the first time in years, the administration this week sent a high-ranking delegation to Syria’s independence day celebrations at Washington’s Mandarin Oriental Hotel, headed by Jeffrey Feltman, former ambassador and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs.

The thaw in relations has gone so far that some Washington wags are calling Assad’s capital “Syria on the Potomac.”

The American storm besetting the Middle East leaves Israel’s most vital interests way behind.

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The condition Netanyahu put before Mitchell for progress in peacemaking – that Israel be recognized as a Jewish state, which was instantly rejected by Palestinian Authority leaders – aroused scant attention in Washington or anywhere else.

As Netanyahu will find when he meets Obama in Washington early next month, Israel is no longer a prime factor in US global policy, because America has fundamentally reshuffled its Middle East allegiances and alliances.

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Even Tzipi Livni at the helm in Jerusalem would not divert Obama from his détente with Ahmadinejad, Assad and Chavez.

To gain points with his new friends, Obama’s White House is not above nudging Israel to please them. This week, his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel told Jewish leaders whom he met in Washington that if Israel wants America’s help for thwarting Iran’s nuclear program, it must first start evacuating West Bank settlements.

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This was of course cynical claptrap.

Even if every single settlement were to be removed and Israel lined up with Obama’s quest for a Palestinian state alongside Israel, the US president would not drop Tehran or help Israel strike Iran’s nuclear facilities. He has already ceded Tehran’s uranium enrichment program (and therefore its drive for nuclear arms), and would forcefully oppose any Israeli military action. US defense secretary Robert Gates indicated as much this week when he went to almost absurd lengths to play down the Iranian nuclear threat and Israel’s ability to handle it.

So what options are left to Israel at this juncture?

1. To bow under the Obama tempest until it blows over in keeping with the old proverb which says that trees bowing in the wind remain standing. This would entail going along with US acceptance of Iran as a nuclear power. The question is will Israel’s trees still be standing when the storm has passed and, if so, in what strategic environment?

2. To follow the example set by Likud’s first prime minister Menahem Begin in 1981. He stood up to Ronald Reagan’s fierce objections and sent the Israeli Air force to smash the Iraqi nuclear reactor before it was operational. Saddam Hussein never rebuilt the facility. By following in Begin’s footsteps before it is too late, Netanyahu would change the rules of the game regionally and globally.

(The London Times reported from Jerusalem Saturday that the Israeli military is preparing itself to launch a massive aerial assault on Iran’s nuclear facilities within days of being given the go-ahead by its new government. Two civil defense drills have been scheduled to prepare the population for missiles that could fall on any part of the country without warning.)

3. Israel could go for a more modest target, one of Iran’s faithful surrogates – Syria or Hizballah – to warn Washington that a larger operation is in store for their boss. If the Gaza offensive against Hamas last January was meant to send this message, it failed. Hamas is still the dominant Palestinian power and Barack Obama was not swayed from forging ahead with his policies of rapprochement with Iran and other radical world leaders.

Begin Excerpt from Haaretz

MI Chief: Obama Mideast policy threatens Israel

By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent

April 20, 2009

Military Intelligence Chief Amos Yadlin said Monday that the Middle East policy of U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration could endanger Israel.

“The Obama administration is determined to take initiative and move forward central processes in the Middle East,” Yadlin told ministers at a special cabinet meeting.

“Obama wants to advance the peace process in the direction of realistic discussions with extremist elements,” Yadlin said, adding that the struggle between extremist and moderate elements in the region was worsening.

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Begin Excerpt from Y Net News

Beware our American friend

Saying ‘no’ to Obama won’t necessarily undermine our friendship with US

Elyakim Haetzni

Barak Obama has a lovely personality, and moreover, the holiday of freedom brings together the blacks and the Jews, who were among the greatest fighters for African-American equality. Still, we were hurt by Condoleezza Rice, who identified us with the white people who persecuted her during childhood, while viewing the Palestinians as the persecuted party.

Meanwhile, Obama’s rivals referred to him as “Hussein,” his middle name, in order to slam him. Yet in his recent visit to the Turkish parliament, his hosts happened to emphasize his “Hussein-ness,” and such things are coordinated with the guest. Obama, who has urged us to put ourselves in the shoes of the Palestinians, not only backs them; he also identifies with them.

We shall fee the difference soon. Barack Hussein Obama’s policy cornerstone is the establishment of “Palestine,” on the assumption this will extract the Americans from the mess in Iraq and Afghanistan, destroy the Taliban in Pakistan, and appease Iran.

Often when referring to cancer, people prefer to talk about “this disease, you know.” Around here we talk about “the price, you know,” in order not to go into detail about what shall be left here after Palestine is established. They speak cautiously, as one would address a patient before amputation.

Yet in the face of the razor-sharp ultimatum we can expect from Obama, enough with the hints: Imagine a border at Jerusalem’s Jaffa gate, with armed Palestinians standing on the Old City’s wall. Imagine a Dead Sea that is half in Jordan, and 50% of the remaining half belonging to Palestine.

Imagine a Negev divided into two near Kiryat Gat by a Palestinian bridge, and a Gazan demographic flood pouring into Jerusalem and the doorstep of our cities. Imagine Ben-Gurion covered by shoulder-held missiles deployed in the ruins of the Beit Aryeh settlement, thereby prompting us to move our international airport to the Negev.

Imagine Israel without the Jordan Rift Valley and without the Golan Heights.

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We shall have 300,000 new expelled citizens, with fears of a minor civil war, in addition to a “Return from Palestine” tax in order to finance homes and jobs for the Jewish refugees. Some of them will move into the apartments of Israelis who will leave the country once the terror and missile fire resume.

We shall have bars and their girls making a living off NATO troops, who shall be deployed here in a dual capacity: Serving as a security prosthesis for our amputated land, and defending the Arabs from us. Their deployment would symbolize the new status of Israel and Palestine as areas under the auspices and monitoring of the International Quartet, in line with the original goal of the Road Map – both of them shall be sovereign just like Kosovo is.

And so, the independence of our “third Temple” would turn out to be shorter than the independence of the Hasmoneans, who ruled between the bouts of Greek and Roman control, and many would choose to live in modern-day Rome – that is, America – instead of being occupied by it here.

An Israeli author, who lamented the rightist camp’s elections victory, comforted himself with the hope that Obama would force us to compromise. This author is not scared by the frightening outcome, only a small part of which was described above.

However, the vast majority of people in this nation are not deterred by the warning issued by the peace camp – that is: if we refuse to accommodate Obama, we shall lose his friendship. Because what kind of a friend is the one who shoves a shovel into your hand so you can dig your own grave?On the contrary: Golda, Rabin, and Begin were able to say “No!” to America, and the friendship was preserved.

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