International Light of Barack Hussein Obama!

Golden Sunlight Era between U.S. & Arabs Rises

The International Light of Barack Hussein Obama,

Is the Middle East Sun now Dawning for the Arabs,

But it is the Middle East Sun Setting

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As the American Eagle flies back to its western Nest!

April 5, 2009


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This is a question I have been asked over and over again for a long time. I was asked again on e-mail recently, and this time, rather than answering the query privately, I decided to make it a prophecy update, so that that in future I could just attach this update to any new query and save myself repeating it again.

The one thing that I learned in the National Security Agency which has been, is, and always will be the motivating factor in any decision made by any country, including the United States, may be simply stated in two words: NATIONAL INTEREST. Many will cry out and say, not so, we did it for humanitarian reasons, we did it to secure justice, we did it out of compassion, we did it out of love, we did it because we love freedom, we did it because we are a great nation: and on and on shall come statements from every realm of society, from “bleeding” liberal hearts to the “hardened” hearts of the extreme right, all giving different reasons as to why this country did something. But the truth of the matter is that, in the end, we always did it for what amounted to NATIONAL INTEREST.

The United States has quick response attack naval and marine forces in position at all times to put down a banana republic type of minor conflict on short notice. But in order to conduct a successful operation again a Jihad the magnitude of the coming attack of many nations against Israel, we would require some time to get enough regular ground troops in place to have a real hope of victory.

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It took us a very long time to get enough men and equipment into the Middle East to insure success in our victory against Iraq. The Scriptures indicate that 10 Islamic nations will be led by the Antichrist, and that they will quickly take Jerusalem and drive Israel into the Negev. When Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran come pouring southward on both sides of the Samarian mountains, and the Palestinians break out in all directions internally from within the enclosed buffer zone, chaos will reign supreme from Dan to Beersheva. There will be so much inner mingling of the attack forces of Israel and those of the enemy with the fleeing civilian population that air strikes would kill as many on one side as the other. Since the U.S. is fully aware of the Israel War Contingency Plan to evacuate as much of

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the population as possible to the Negev if overrun from the north, it will set in shock and indecision until it is too late to do anything except help to evacuate some of the coastal population from Tel Aviv to Haifa into the Negev, and to air lift supplies into the Negev. The aircraft of the Islamic nations will be under orders not to fire on western power’s aircraft unless fired upon, because the one thing they will not want is for the U.S. to get actively engaged with them in an all out war. Once Israel has evacuated as much of its population into the Negev as possible, and the U.S. sees that the Arabs are not going past Beersheva, we will accept the status quo as best for all. Why? Because it will satisfy our NATIONAL INTEREST! How? Israel will be safe and we will still be able to receive Arab Oil shipments.

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Revelation 12:5,6 – And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all NATIONS with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God,

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and to his throne. [6] And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that THEY should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

NATIONS in verse 5 is the precedent to THEY in verse 6. This is the beginning of the final 1260 days that lead up to the final battle of Armageddon, and at this time only 10 Arab nations are involved, so nations such as the U.S., Great Britain, Australia, and Canada will air lift all sorts of supplies into the Negev for Israel, and the Arab nations won’t do a thing to stop it because they will not want to be involved in a world war at this time.

Revelation 12:14 – And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.

Seventy percent of the total Jewish population of Israel exists in the narrow coastal strip from Tel Aviv to Haifa. The western powers (symbolized as uncircumcised Philistines) will air lift many from this area into the Negev, flying first toward the west over the Mediterranean, then southeast over the Sinai into the Negev. After 1260 days Israel will storm north, northeast, and east out of the Negev, driving deep into Syria, and across all of Jordan to the Euphrates River, and will thus claim the Abrahamic Land Grant given to Abraham. (See Prophecy Update Number 67)

Isaiah 11:14 – But they shall fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines toward the west; they shall spoil them of the east together: they shall lay their hand upon Edom and Moab; and the children of Ammon shall obey them. (See Prophecy Update Number 71)

Micah 5:6 – And they shall waste the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod in the entrances thereof: thus shall he deliver us from the Assyrian, when he cometh into our land, and when he treadeth within our borders.

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(See Prophecy Update Number 67)

Down through the last 200 years we have built up a picture of an antichrist who rises slowly to power over a moderate period of time, then signs a peace treaty that lasts for 3 and ½ years, only to break it at that time to start the final 1260 days of the tribulation period. I agree that he attacks Israel to begin the final 1260 days of the tribulation period, but am persuaded what is pictured before the attack is largely manufactured on misinterpretation of Daniel 9:27, an error of early 1800. The rise of antichrist will be quick, as will be the events that follow his appearance. So I am saying that whenever he comes on the scene it will not be a long, drawn out affair from his appearance until his demise. In Prophecy Updates Numbers 55, 56, 57, and 58 I outlined the view that was held by most theologians before 1830, which is the belief I hold today.

In Chapter 38 of Ezekiel, in verses 2 through 6, it identifies the groupings of those peoples who will initially attack Israel from the north. But in verse 13 it identifies groupings of peoples that will not attack Israel at this time.

Ezekiel 38:13 – Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?

The closest thing to which I can relate their two questions in today’s modern vernacular is what we would identify as being a “diplomatic protest.”

You may check all reference sources available today as to the location of the descendants of Sheba and Dedan in 600 B.C., when this prophecy was written, and you will find they are almost unanimous that it represents modern day Saudi Arabia. I believe Saudi Arabia will be as surprised as the United States when Israel is attacked. I also believe Egypt, who is attacked by the antichrist after he drives Israel into the Negev, will also be shocked by his attack on Israel, and then on themselves.

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Daniel 11:42 – He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape.

The descendants of Tarshish were sea faring men. According to most historians they first established colonies along the coasts of the Mediterranean, then along the coasts of western and northern France, and finally along the coasts of Denmark and Sweden. As such they could represent what we call Europe, and all the western nations, which were established out of European nations, could be “the young lions thereof.”

So I expect the only part that the United States will play in this war will be to violently diplomatically protest, protest, protest, and then protest some more. I believe we will air lift many into the Negev to satisfy our NATIONAL INTEREST vested in our large Jewish population, and will continue to air lift all sorts of supplies into them for a long time. I believe we will not attack in order to prevent a massive outcry of American motherhood in a fantastic body bag count, which is not in the NATIONAL INTEREST, and the loss of Arab oil would most assuredly not be in our NATIONAL INTEREST.

One day, when I kept banishing around this term we identified as NATIONAL INTEREST in the agency, I was asked, would you define NATIONAL INTEREST. Now, this is not the agency definition, it is mine!


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Begin Excerpt from Gulf News

Is this a new dawn for Arab unity?

03/30/2009 10:38 AM |

By Abdullah Alshayji

Special to Gulf News

Is the Arab geopolitical landscape – which was turned upside down by former US president George W. Bush’s adventures and occupation, and the grandiose project of the neo-conservative clique to re-shape the broader region in order to advance US interests – facing realignment? On the surface, it looks like it, but further probing is needed.

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That realignment was pushed for in a region that lacks a balance of power, which the Bush administration unwittingly destroyed by toppling Saddam Hussain’s Baathist regime in Iraq and the Taliban government in Afghanistan.

This emboldened Iran, the region’s belligerent and dominant power, to advance its agenda through soft and hard power. It is now standing up to the bullying Americans, which makes Iran the darling of the Arab and Muslim masses.

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Turkey is also emerging as a strong power. It is gaining support in a region the Ottomans used to occupy by just standing up to the Americans and the Israelis, as Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan did at Davos.

He lambasted and lectured Israeli President Shimon Peres in front of a shocked and appreciative Arab audience, before walking out in disgust over Israel’s excessive use of force against unarmed civilians in Gaza.

With this, Turkey, the former master of the region, won the hearts and minds of the Arabs.

Then there is Israel, the pariah state in our midst and the cause of much instability and chaos in the region. It has a long reach, shaping and influencing all other conflicts in the region.

There is no doubt that after more than 60 years, the Arab-Israeli conflict – the responsibility for which must mainly lie with Israel and its backers and their belligerence – is pushing the region into a state of flux. Such an environment feeds the hardliners’ legitimacy and allows state and non-state actors, such as Iran, Al Qaida, Hamas and Hezbollah, to become the voice and conscience of the defeated and helpless Arab masses. This further erodes the credentials of the moderate Arab leaders who ally themselves with the West.

It undermines their credibility in the eyes of their peoples and marginalises them in the tug of war that has been exacerbated by the US occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.

To add insult to injury, the US trampled Arab dignity in Guantanamo and Abu Gharib prisons, dividing the Arabs into the ‘axis of moderates’ and ‘axis of hardliners’ and giving Israel a free hand to massacre Lebanese and Palestinians on live TV.

Add to this the targeting of certain Arab countries, in what can be described as one eyed-justice. The International Criminal Court decided to issue an arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir, while letting the Israeli civilian and military leadership go free.

The catalogue of Arab miseries and grievances continues to chip away at Arab moderates, and allows forces such as Al Qaida and Iran – and their proxies from Afghanistan to Iraq and from Lebanon to Gaza – to project influence.

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Their steadfastness in the showdown with the moderate, marginalized pro-Western Arabs in the region is a cause for celebration among the Arab masses. All this as the Americans keep repeating unflinchingly: “Why do they hate us?”

It was, therefore, refreshing to see Arab leaders led by the Saudis and Egyptians, along with the Syrians, who have been allying themselves with the Iranians, agree to bury the hatchet (hopefully) and revive the old Arab triangle to face the host of challenges from the non-Arab regional players.

The first move towards this rapprochement was orchestrated through a Kuwaiti initiative during the Arab Economic Summit in January in Kuwait.

The idea is to end the ‘Arab Cold War’, project an Arab consensus to deal effectively with the host of the challenges and to present a united front in dealing with the Obama administration.

This comes as the US adopts a new approach vis-à-vis allies and foes in the region, especially Iran and Syria. The looming grand bargain and opening up to Iran is worrying Arab moderates.

We are worried when we see the US and West clamouring for Iran’s good intentions and help in Iraq, Afghanistan and other flashpoints.

This will only embolden Iran and harden its position and serve Tehran’s interests by allowing it to flex its muscles and bully its weaker and more accommodating Gulf Arab neighbours in the Gulf Cooperation Council states.

This manifested itself lately through Iran’s provocative rhetoric. And America seems to be opening up

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to Iran, rewarding it rather than containing it.

What jolted the Arabs to get their act together was the harsh assessment from Saudi King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz, who bluntly stated: “Our [Arab] political disputes led to our divisions and fragmentation, and helped the Israeli enemy and whoever wants to split the Arab ranks to advance their regional designs, which undermines our solidarity, dignity and our aspirations.”

He was referring to the non-Arab forces, namely Israel and Iran. That was followed by the opening up to Syria to take it away from Iran’s orbit, and a mini-Arab summit last week in Riyadh, which brought together the Egyptian and Syrian presidents along with the Kuwaiti Emir.

The goal was to cement this new Arab alignment, in preparation for the Arab summit at the end of the month in Doha.

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Disunity and fragmentation have bedeviled the Arab political structure

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and allowed non-Arab countries, such as Israel, Iran and even Turkey, to advance their interests, designs and agendas through soft and hard power at the expense of Arab national interests. What is more alarming is that it allowed Arab non-state actors to dictate terms.

Are we at the dawn of a new, lasting Arab alignment? Or is this just wishful thinking?

Dr Abdullah Al Shayji is professor of International Relations and the head of the American Studies Unit at Kuwait University.

Begin Excerpt from UK Guardian

A golden era for US-Turkey relations?

Turkey’s relationship with Iran, Syria and Hamas is crucial to the Obama camp’s efforts to secure peace in the Middle East.

Bulent Aras

Saturday 4 April 2009 14.00 BST

After back-to-back visits to Turkey by US Middle East envoy George Mitchell and secretary of state Hillary Clinton, Ahmet Davutoglu, a top adviser to Turkey’s prime minister, predicted that Turkish-American relations were about to enter a golden era. This prediction was based on converging developments in Turkey and America’s approach to the Middle East in particular and foreign policy in general. President Obama’s visit to Turkey on the 6 April signals that this new golden era has indeed begun.

Several key developments in Turkish foreign policy occurred in the first few months of 2009. The accusatory tone adopted by Turkey towards Israel, condemning the latter’s assault on Gaza, was reaffirmed in the most recent World Economic Forum summit in Davos when its prime minister, Recep Tayipp Erdogan, stormed out of a panel discussion, lambasting the Israeli president, Shimon Peres, for his government’s actions. Meanwhile, Turkey constructed close ties with the Arab world and Iran – closer than at any previous moment in the history of the republic. Middle Eastern countries hosted more Turkish politicians in the last three months than in the last decade. Erdogan is now viewed favourably as a leader by the peoples of the Arab world. Turkey emerged in the Middle East as the sort of power with which international and regional actors were not familiar.

It can be inferred from Clinton’s remarks during her delegation’s stay in Turkey that the US regards Turkey as an effective negotiator in the region. Turkey’s relationship with Iran, Syria and Hamas is critical to the enactment of foreign policy through diplomacy approach of the Obama administration, as Turkey could act as a conduit through which America would communicate with these countries and actors. Despite outspoken critics in Washington, the Obama camp regards Turkey’s relationship of open dialogue with Iran, Syria and Hamas as positive.

Several issues are expected to mark the agenda during the Obama administration’s visit: the US military’s exit from Iraq; the establishment of security in Afghanistan; normalisation of relations with Iran and Iran’s nuclear enrichment capacity; the Caucasus and Turkish-Armenian relations; east-west energy routes and energy security; Turkey’s bid for EU membership; and the settlement of the Cyprus problem. Regardless of whether military bases in Turkey are employed, America needs Turkey’s full logistical support during the eventual US withdrawal from Iraq.

There are more similarities between Turkish and American foreign policy visions today than ever before. Previously, during the Clinton presidency, American policy emphasised human rights and democracy while Turkish foreign policy was preoccupied with security.

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As the US mended its global image, Turkey was taken hostage to troubled relations with its neighbours, Iran and Syria. Later, under the Bush administration, American foreign policy priorities became tied to security, while Turkey’s agenda was determined by its plea for full membership in the EU and the consequent political reform and democratisation process. America’s global image was toppled during this period while Turkey improved its relationship with its neighbours and became an influential actor in their affairs.

Today, America’s foreign policy vision converges with Turkey’s on democracy, human rights, peace, and international legitimacy. The Obama administration needs regional allies to implement its foreign policy through multilateral diplomacy. A review of the Obama delegation’s agenda for his visit to Turkey reveals that the president will present some proposals to address Turkey’s foreign policy problems, such as Iraqi Kurdistan and Turkish-Armenian relations.

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US support for Turkey’s democratisation and EU membership will anchor Turkey on this path. This perception will contribute to the democratisation of the polity in Turkey. Turkey’s civilian elite is currently spending a great deal of energy to put an end to the cold war-style illegal apparatus deep rooted within the state (known popularly as Ergenekon).

The Obama administration’s efforts at engagement will not be in vain. The current Turkish administration promotes a domestic and foreign policy orientation that accommodates co-operation, demonstrated by Turkey’s recent peace brokering in the region. It is only a matter of time before we witness the positive effects that a possible Turkish-American relationship will have on the Middle East and the rest of the Muslim world.

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