Imam, Imam, Come Out to Play, Stand Up as Antichrist Today!
December 5, 2005
Al-Mahdi – The Coming Islamic Imam Messiah
The major difference between the two sects of Sunni and Shiite, concerning the coming of their Messiah, the Al-Mahdi, is that the Sunnis believe he is yet to be born, while the Shiites believe he has been hiding in a cave for 1,100 plus years, but will soon come out to rule all Islam as the 12th Imam.
To the extreme sect of Shiite, the 12th Imam is Muhammad al Mahdi, who was born in 868 AD, and has been been waiting to come out of a cave for some 1137 years, from which he will suddenly appear and lead Islam to worldwide victory over all its enemies.
The list which follows contains the names of the 12 Imams.
Shia (Shiite) “Imams”
In the Shia context, Imam also has a meaning more central to belief.
The Shia believe that an Imam is someone that is able to lead mankind in all aspects of life. In addition they believe that an Imam is a perfect example in everything. According to Shia, an Imam is a leader that must be followed since he is appointed by Allah (GOD).
The Shia interpretation is that the Quran clearly says
that only God can appoint an Imam and no one else has the power to designate one.
The incident of Ghadeer-e-Khum is referenced as when Muhammad declared Ali as the leader of the community after him.
According to the Twelve-Imam Shiite, Imam is a divine status like Prophecy.
A Prophet can also be an Imam but not all Prophets are Imams. Since Prophet Muhammad is the last Prophet, there could be no Prophets after him and so the 12 Imams are not Prophets but only Imams.
These 12 Imams are as great in a sense as all the previous prophets except Prophet Muhammed who is the greatest of all.
Following is a listing of the rightful successors of Muhammad, as recognized by (“Twelver”) Shias. Each Imam was the son of the previous Imam, except for Husayn who was the brother of Hasan. See Shia Imams for details.
(1) Ali ibn Abu Talib (600–661)
(2) Hasan ibn Ali (625–669)
(3) Husayn ibn Ali (626–680)
(4) Ali ibn Husayn (658–713), also known as Zainul Abideen
(5) Muhammad al Baqir (676–743)
(6) Jafar as Sadiq (703–765)
(7) Musa al Kazim (745–799)
(8) Ali ar Rida (765–818)
(9) Muhammad at Taqi (810–835)
(10) Ali al Hadi (827–868)
(11) Hasan al Askari (846–874)
(12) Muhammad al Mahdi (868–?))
The new Iranian President is a “died in the wool” religious Islamic fanatic from the top of his head to the tip of his toes. The Apostle Paul was a “Hebrew of the Hebrews,” and President Ahmadinejad is truly a “Shiite of the Shiites.” He is locked in combat with the old conservative heads that have run Iran since the revolution that overthrew the Shah of Iran. He is trying to slip new leaders and departments into his
new government. He is trying to get younger key members of the extremists from his Revolutionary Guard into top positions of power, putting out the old leaders who have held power for so long over all governmental decisions.
It appears he has another revolution in mind, one in which he has absolute power to form a very radical Islamic Republic to replace the current conservative one. I truly believe the religious extremism in the fanatical Shiite beliefs among their literal interpreters is going to unveil the antichrist among them. Both the Sunni and Shiite sects of the Muslim faith believe in a coming Al-Mahdi, which we would relate to by our looking forward to the return of our Messiah, Jesus Christ. The major difference between the two sects of Sunni and Shiite, concerning the coming of their Messiah, the Al-Mahdi, it that the Sunni believe he is yet to be born, while the Shiites believe he has been hiding in a cave for some 1,100 years, but will soon come out to rule all Islam as the 12th Imam.
Many of the local Imams across Iran and Iraq are preaching his coming is very soon, and a fever for his arrival is growing.
The President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is a Shiite religious literalist, who believes in the imminent return of the 12th Imam. His segment of the Shiite faith believes the 12th Imam went into hid
ing in the 9th century. The Sunni sect of Islam believes the Al-Mahdi, who is to arise and lead Islam to rule the world and establish a one-world Islamic religion, will be an ordinary man, born to an ordinary woman, and will live an ordinary life with the people of his time.
But the Shiites under
the same persuasion of their current President, believe that soon the 12th Imam, who disappeared mysteriously in the 9th century, will suddenly appear to lead the Shiites to victory over all their enemies, starting with the hypocrite mullahs and ending with the Jews. In the Shiite theology, believing in the Imams is the cornerstone of their faith. They believe the 12th Imam has been living in a cave for more than ten centuries, and that he will suddenly surface from his hiding place as their Mahdi, their Messiah, and will meet Jesus, the Son of Mary.
They believe Jesus, the Prophet of Allah, will be second in command in that he will pray behind Al-Mahdi. They believe Allah will give Al-Mahdi the ability to rule the Muslim nations with righteousness in the span of a night.
In the Shiite theology of the religious followers of the current President of Iran, the 12th Imam is still the sole source of legitimate power on the earth. I suspect a man will suddenly arise in Islam claiming to be the 12th Imam. He will declare himself to have returned with the power of Allah but, in reality, he will be the antichrist. Islamic writers indicate the signs
in the next paragraph will precede the 12th Imam.
There are many signs that will precede him, a very important sign is that he will come at a time when there is great confutation, intense disputing, and violent deaths – when people are experiencing great fear. Calamities will fall upon people, so much that a man shall not find a shelter to shelter him self from oppression. There will be battles and conflicts before his appearance. The people will be troubled to such an extent that they will long for death. It is then that Imam will arise. The messenger of Allah said he will be sent at a time of intense disputes and differences among people amidst widespread earthquakes.
It may well be that Paul’s man of sin, the antichrist, is the coming Islamic Al Mahdi.
II Thessalonians 2:4 – Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. (See Archive Prophecy Update Number 252 on