Monroe Doctrine Not Having It’s Day!

Monroe Doctrine not having it’ s Day

South of the Border down Iranian Way!

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In Our Hemisphere we’re Losing Our Say,

As Latin Dictators with Ahmadinejad do Play!

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May 4, 2008

The Monroe Doctrine is a U.S. doctrine which, on December 2, 1823, proclaimed that European powers were no longer to colonize or interfere with the affairs of the newly independent nations of the Americas.

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The United States planned to stay neutral in wars between European powers and their colonies. However, if later on, these types of wars were to occur in the Americas, the United States would view such action as hostile. President James Monroe first stated the doctrine during his seventh annual State of the Union Address to Congress, a defining moment in the foreign policy of the United States.

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Most recently, during the Cold War, the doctrine was invoked as a reason to intervene militarily in Latin America to stop the spread of Soviet Communism.

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But before the Cold War, as Hitler rose to power in Europe, the Nazi’s tried to extend their influence into Latin America for naval operations, and after World War II many of their leaders fled to Latin America for sanctuary.

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Once again, another monster is arising in Iran, and Iranian influence is now spreading into Latin America like a cancer that means to do us no good in our western hemisphere. Please take time to read the following excerpt from the New York Post. It may surprise you as to the extent

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the Iranian cancer has already spread.

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Excerpt from Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs Daily Alert

Begin New York Post Excerpt

Iran’s Winning Latin Power Play

Amir Taheri

(New York Post)

“A man of God and an enemy of the Great Satan” is how Iran’s official media described Fernando Lugo, the Paraguayan ex-priest who just won his country’s presidency.

Iran’s President Ahmadinejad hopes that Paraguay will now become another link in the chain of anti-U.S. regimes he’s supporting with the help of his “brother,” Venezuelan President Chavez.

Since the late 1980s, the Iranian-run Hizbullah has built a base in Paraguay by recruiting in the Shiite community, about 15% of the population, which played a key role in Lugo’s victory.

Bolivia also elected a leftist firebrand, President Evo Morales.

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Ecuador’s new president, Rafael Correa, has suspended talks for a free-trade pact with the U.S. and threatened not to renew the lease for the U.S. air base at Manta.

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In Nicaragua, the Sandinistas have regained power under President Daniel Ortega – who highlighted his alliance with Ahmadinejad by making Iran the first non-Latin country he visited after taking office.

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All this confirms Ahmadinejad’s belief that the global tide is turning against the U.S.

Iran has sold $4.5 billion worth of armaments to Venezuela and is training hundreds of Venezuelan military personnel.

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Iran has invested $1 billion in developing a Spanish-language TV network to compete with the major U.S. satellite channels.

The Monroe Doctrine, designed to deny European powers a dominant role in the Americas, apparently doesn’t apply to Iran – which is determined to carve its own Latin American zone of influence.

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