The prophecy (inspired message) from God through Ezekiel unto “Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal” (Ezekiel 38:1-2) addresses the inevitability of his “last days” (38:16 HCSB) attack against “my people Israel” (38:16).  The coming attack is not speculation, it is the prophetic word of/from God and will occur just as God has declared. 

Without any doubt, we are, at the present time, seeing an escalation of the words of wars and conflicts.  The words of our Lord in Matthew 24:6 “You are going to hear of wars and rumors of wars…” are continuing to be fulfilled in our lifetime and before our eyes.  This same truth is unfolding in the nation of Israel.  There continues to be copious speculation about the timing of an Israeli attack against Iran and the possibility of an imminent attack against Israel by Iran – or Iranian proxies. 

The following article from Israel Today presents a vivid picture of the rumored attack on Israel initiated by Iran:

The next article also addresses the coming attack orchestrated by Iran:

In addition to the impact of the attack by the “… mighty horde, … huge army” (Ezekiel 38:15) under the command direction of Gog, there will also be “a great earthquake in the land of Israel” (38:19).  The impact of the February earthquakes in Turkey and Syria revealed that massive destruction can result from a 7.8 magnitude and a 7.5 magnitude earthquake.  The extent of the damage from the earthquakes, with different epicenters, was truly catastrophic.  As was shared on the blog dated February 27, 2023, along one fault line the land moved “23 feet in opposite directions”

God, through Ezekiel, reveals some of the impact of this “great earthquake” (19) as:  “…The mountains will be thrown down, the cliffs will collapse and every wall will fall to the ground.” (38:20).  Without any doubt these things will occur in the land of Israel and may also felt throughout a greater region – surrounding area. 

The coming attack, whenever it occurs, will be, both, cataclysmic and catastrophic in the land of Israel.  Yet, there is hope – but only in God.  Ultimately, the Lord God will display His “greatness and holiness” (38:23) so that the nations will know – take notice, will learn – the existence, power, and presence of the Lord. 

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