Could be the Last Real Attempt to Deliver Peace to the Holy Land!

Could be Last Real Attempt to Deliver Peace to the Holy Land!

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July 31, 2007

The first article, titled “Mood for Peace in Holy Land,” is about a mood that does not exist among the bastards of the radical branch of Islam.

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General George S. Patton, in the second article, describes the mood of bastards with Martyr’s complexes, which ultimately causes them to lose wars. I think we should do everyth ing

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possible to accommodate the desire of Muslims to be martyrs for the cause of Allah.

Begin Article 1

Mood for Peace in Holy Land

The Australian

Martin Chulov

July 30, 2007

TONY Blair will lead an ensemble cast of envoys back to the Middle East this week as the West attempts to build on its best – and maybe last – attempt to deliver peace to the region.

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Arriving around the same time will be US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defence Secretary Robert Gates. Both are expected to arrive with a package of sweeteners for the new Palestinian Authority Prime Minister, Salaam Fayyad, who they have entrusted to forge a lasting peace with Israel.

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As talks step up over moves for a two-state solution, openings have also emerged on normalising relations with regional pariah Syria.

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Adding impetus to hopes of at least one groundbreaking deal, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is also sending an emissary, former BBC reporter and senior adviser Michael Phillips.

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The Turks and the Norwegians — two of the handful of nations to have maintained contacts with Hamas — also say they are ready to send delegates. The Arab League, under whose name the Egyptian and Jordanian foreign ministers dined in Jerusalem with Israeli leaders last week, are similarly backing the talks.

For the first time since the failed talks in 2000 between the then Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak and the late Palestine Liberation Organisation chairman Yasser Arafat, the Holy Land is poised for something profound. Yet no one is sure what it will be.

The thorn in the side of the Palestinian front is the fact that neither the newly appointed Mr Fayyad nor the other man in whom the West places great trust, President Mahmoud Abbas, can deliver a Palestinian state, with about 40 per cent of all Palestinians — those living in Gaza — not represented by their Government.

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Gaza remains isolated from the rapidly building ties between Israel and the Palestinian leadership in the West Bank after an armed Hamas coup overthrew the Fatah-led forces of Mr Abbas, many of whom Hamas leaders claimed were in turn trying to overthrow them.

Hamas’s leadership, sacked in the aftermath, is now running Gaza, home to 1.4 million people, as a giant town council, focusing on service delivery, law and order and other basic tenants of administration.

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It is effectively a state within a state — and the US and Israel have demanded it stay that way for now.

But criticism and concern is mounting in diplomatic circles about what to do with Gaza — a potential deal-breaker in any final solution. Key Western diplomats contacted over the past fortnight say that by empowering a weakened and militarily defeated Mr Abbas in the West Bank only, they are denying him the chance to deliver the far more profound prize of a signed and sealed Palestinian state representing its entire people. The position has been described as a policy at war with itself.

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Israeli leaders have adopted the position that Gaza can wait. Much more pressing for them is relations with the Arab world.

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Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit said at the weekend that the Arab League, the body that represents the interests of the Arab World, awaited an Israeli reply to a proposal put by him and Jordanian Foreign

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Minister Abdul Ilah al-Khatib last week.

The deal offered Israel full recognition in the Arab world in return for Israel pulling back to the pre-1967 borders with Jordan and Syria and facilitating a solution for Palestinian refugees and their families living in camps around the region.

“There is a feeling in Israel for the need to push the peace process forward,” said the two foreign ministers, who met the full spectrum of Israel’s leadership, arriving in Israel for the first time under the Arab League banner.

“There exists an opportunity that must be utilised,” said Mr Aboul Gheit, outlining to an Egyptian newspaper his meetings with the Israelis, including right-wing opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu. “We presented to him the Arab position.

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Netanyahu focused on the importance of economic co-operation between Israel and the Palestinians to benefit the Palestinians. We also spoke about the need to revive the peace process.

“In general, I can say that Netanyahu does not express opposition to the Arab initiative although he wanted

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to check some points, especially in relation to the Palestinian refugees. He wanted to know the principles of the initiative. In a general manner he did not rule out the initiative.”

Both Egypt and Jordan have long been at peace with Israel and the Jewish State has asked for members of other Arab states, which do not recognise it, to join any further delegations.

Israel has not given a time frame for its response to the Arab League proposal, which was first tabled in late-May. But Israeli Government officials say they are focusing first on the Palestinian front, which for now offers the best chance for progress.

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Begin Article 2

General Patton and President Ahmadinejad Contrasting Views

July 30, 2007

Begin Independent Media Review Analysis (IRNA)

July 30, 2007

[Patton contrast]Iranian President Ahmadinejad: Defeat meaningless for those believing in martyrdom]

[“Now I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.” General George S. Patton – May 31, 1944]

President: Defeat meaningless for those believing in martyrdom
Tehran, July 30, IRNA

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Monday that defeat is meaningless for those believing in martyrdom.

Speaking to officials in charge of holding ceremony commemorating martyrdom of 36,000 army commanders during eight years of sacred defence, he said martyr seeking spirit would is the strongest shelter against enemies’ guns and machine guns and no one can confront a nation with such a high morale.

“The martyrdom seeking culture will protect us against all social problems,” he said.

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