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Audio Cassettes
The 5 signs of Christ's coming  related to the book of Revelation Through the Millennium.20 messages - $29.95
The next 12 events from now to the end of the Tribulation. 20 messages on 10 audio cassettes - $19.95
Back to the Basics - An exposition of God's salvation plan - 20 messages on 10 audio cassettes - $19.95
Set Free in Christ - The amazing freedom the believer has in Christ - 20 messages on 10 audio cassettes - $19.95
The Kingdom of God - A full exposition of the kingdom of God according to scripture - 48 messages - $29.95
The Mark of the Beast - The what, where, and when of the beasts mark - 24 messages on 12 cassettes - $21.95
The Revelation Seal, Trumpets, and Vials - An exposition of the 7 seals and trumpets - 30 messages - $25.95
The Covenant -An exposition of God's conditional & unconditional covenant with man from Genesis to Revelation -16 messages on 6 audio cassettes -$15.95
The Antichrist and the 2 Revelation Witness - The what, where, when, who, and why of these 3 personages 12 messages on 6 audio cassettes - $15.95
The Lord's Supper -The what, where, when, why, and how scriptures direct the observance -10 messages-  $12.95
The Endurance Series - The rewards assured by enduring as a Christian - 16 messages on 8 audio cassettes - $17.95
Tribulation Birth Pangs from the Bottomless Pit - This book covers the 5 birth pangs that were to make us aware his coming was near - $8.00
The Tribulation Triad - This book covers what is currently going on in the Mid-East, and what will happen there in the future. - $8.00
The Five Birth Pangs of the Beginning of Sorrows - 5 Hours long - $19.95
Tribulation Period Effects of the New Madrid and Israel Faults - 1HR 50 MIN - $10.00
The Rapture - 1HR 45 MIN - $18.00
The Chaos of the Book of Revelation - 2 Hours -$16.00
The Genesis Creation - 3+ Hours - $19.95
The Book of Life & the Mark of the Beast - 1 HR 45 MIN - $18.00
Israel in Tribulation-LIVE FOOTAGE - 8 Hours - $19.95
From Now Through Armageddon to the Millennium 7 Hours -Set of two tapes - $29.95
A Geological Exposition of the 2ND Coming 15+ Hours - Set of three tapes - $79.95
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