I have been broadcasting by short wave to the Middle East for a long time, and now you may listen to these 30- minute messages on the web pages of:


Once you raise the site:

1.   Look under “Find a Program”

2.   Select Region by Arrow – Middle East

3.   Select Broadcaster by Arrow – Dr. Tom McElmurry

4.   Select Language by Arrow – English

5.   Click on “Search”

6.   Click on “Listen” Under Desired Remnant of Messiah Message

7.   Turn Up Sound to Desired Level


We have a weekly short wave broadcast on Saturday by Middle East Bible Voice on a frequency of 9470 kHz at 1930 UTC.  It can be heard in Israel at 9:30 P.M. local time and in Iraq at 11:30 P.M. local time.  It is heard in Israel, Lebanon, Cyprus, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, Oman, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Armenia, Turkmenistan, and Qatar.


We also have a weekly short wave broadcast on Sunday to Europe on a frequency of 5945 kHz at 0815 UTC, which is 9:15 A.M. local time in London.


We issue about five Prophecy Updates each week.


Our e-mail address is:


Our phone number is:  1-479-229-3964


We did not put an automatic phone answering device on our phone because it makes you pay for the call, even if you don’t actually talk to us.  A fax automatically kicks in after four full rings.  So, if no one answers after the third full ring, then hang up and try again later.