IATP joined family farmers and hunger advocates in proposing immediate action that Congress should take in response to the economic consequences of COVID-19. There is much more to do, including the support of lobbyists seeking massive unconditional bailout of Wall Street and smaller aid for the rest of the United States. In the longer term, IATP will continue to research and propose strategies to address persistent trade, agricultural and environmental problems, such as the effects of an uncontrolled supply of agricultural raw materials that Minister Freeman fought in Congress more than half a century ago. The sub-agreement has not yet been signed and some details have yet to be negotiated, but it could help some U.S. companies. How could China no longer reach the agreement in broad daylight? In fact, the agreement contains a force majeure clause inserted when the Chinese authorities, but not the Americans, knew that there was a deadly pandemic. How did the clause authorizing non-compliance in unforeseen circumstances allow the agreement to enter into the agreement? The following report, based on Citizens Power Initiatives for China`s detailed research report “China and the Pandemic,” tells the story: some business experts say that profits could be limited for U.S. companies and point out that China has delayed the opening of its markets for so long that Chinese companies already dominate the financial sector. The stress on the trade deal comes from the coronavirus when Trump began launching his attacks on China over the weekend, amid news, that U.S. intelligence agencies are considering the possibility that the new coronavirus may have accidentally escaped from a lab in Wuhan, where the first cases were discovered. Trump had said earlier this month that he would have “good relations” with China. We now know why Beijing included a force majeure clause in the agreement. While Trump has examined China`s role in the spread of the virus, he and his top economic advisers have made optimistic forecasts for the U.S.
economy and said the U.S. could quickly get back to basics as soon as the national pandemic ban is lifted. IATP outlined two other negotiating frameworks, one on climate change and trade policy and the other on cross-border financial regulation and U.S. demands to own part of China`s financial services sector. On January 15, President Trump and Chinese Vice Premier Liu He signed the U.S.-China Phase 1 Trade Agreement at the White House, attended by more than 200 guests from across the country. (Reuters) – Chinese officials hope the United States would accept flexibility in some promises in phase 1 trade agreements, as China deals with the coronavirus outbreak, a Bloomberg reporter said here in a tweet on Monday. But the United States and China have already made trade ceasefires in December in Buenos Aires and in June in Osaka, Japan, just to see them collapse quickly. This has made some critics hesitant. Suddenly, the trade deal, which seemed almost certain, seemed to be back on a shaky ground, as if the heads of state and government Xi Jinping and Donald Trump had dissenting views.
People were concerned that last-minute negotiations, like the last time, would collapse. Trump said Friday that some measures related to intellectual property and technology transfer would be included in the “Phase 1” agreement, with additional safeguards at later stages. Officials gave few details, although those briefed on the negotiations said the measures involved increased protection of copyright and patents. Danielle DiMartino Booth, author and ceo of research and analysis firm Quill Intelligence, said Beijing officials were aware of the deadly disease that spread to Wuhan last November and plunged it into a global pandemic.