However, a marital agreement is not fair to everyone. State law can cover any issue you would deal with in a marital agreement. Or maybe it`s not the right time – the handling of plans and financial issues is perhaps better reserved for a post-uptial agreement reached after their marriage. In both cases, it is advisable to speak to an experienced lawyer before deciding to create a marriage arrangement. If you and your spouse already know that you want to separate or divorce and you don`t have a prenup or postnup on site, you shouldn`t create a postnup now. Instead, you need a separation agreement. The issue of the unacceptable is a question of law that is decided by the court. The statute provides that the spouse who claims that an agreement is unacceptable must prove it: the other possibility of invalidating a marriage agreement is when one of the parties has been kept in the dark with respect to the debts and assets of the other person. This makes the agreement so unfair that it would be unacceptable. Finally, a person cannot renounce the property rights he did not know existed. To invalidate a marriage agreement based on dersiszionity, a spouse must prove the following three things: If you want to discuss creating a marriage pact that protects you and your future spouse, it is important to contact an experienced lawyer from North Carolina to check your options. Divorce lawyers from Raleigh, NC at Vitale Family Law in North Carolina, are experienced in managing marital agreements and will be able to guide you through the process. Start invocation 919-841-5680 Just because a couple makes a marriage pact doesn`t mean they plan to divorce.
Theoretically, you could write your own marital contract – or you could use a form from a DIY service. As with any legal document, if you follow any of these approaches, you are taking significant risks that your agreement or some of its provisions will not apply under North Carolina law. Common disputes during the implementation of the agreement include: Often, spots` agreements are simply concluded for a “what if” scenario. If one or both parties are busy or travel frequently with individuals, it can be difficult to find time to challenge and distribute certain assets. Since some or all of the matrimonial agreement may be found invalid if it contains prohibited material, it is important to cooperate with a lawyer who can ensure that your marital agreement is both in accordance with the law and more likely to be validated by a court. Our family and family lawyers at the Twiford law firm are here to assist in premarital agreement cases in North Carolina, as well as the full range of family law cases. With offices in Elizabeth City and Moyock, we support clients in Northeast North Carolina, including the Outer Banks. Contact us today at 252-338-4151 or 252-435-2811 to agree on a first consultation. In this blog we explain when you can sign a prenup and discuss the difference between prenups and postnups. We will also describe some scenarios in which the establishment of a marriage pact may be the right choice.
For some people, a marital agreement may seem unromantic, even offensive. However, a well-developed marriage agreement can have a number of benefits, including for both parties.