Articles Of Agreement Shipping

Boat items developed as part of the law merchant (Lex mercatoria). Early commercial vessels were often cooperative efforts in which the crew or some members contributed to the initial costs of the vessel, cargo and operation; and the payment was made at the end of the share trip. As a result, all crew members were considered participants in the company, even if they contributed only to work. [10] This has been widely recognized under the legal concept of a “community of common hands” (total hand in German, comunidad in mano in Spanish). In the 17th and 18th centuries, privateers and pirates developed into an authority independent of the laws of each nation. Although there was no consistency among these articles, there were common topics known as “The Pirate Code” or “Jamaica Discipline.” [12] The agreement must cover the requirement for advances and allowances and other provisions that are not contrary to the law. The master provided a copy of the agreement to the crew members. Any modification of a crew agreement is only valid if it is carried out with the agreement of all parties involved and must be validated by the ship`s captain in India or by an Indian consular officer outside India. According to MS Act 1958, the master of every Indian vessel, with the exception of a merchant vessel of less than 200 GT, entered into an agreement with each sailor in which he entered and carried at sea as one of his crews. According to a Congressional Act of 1790, the agreement was a document required by each ship sailing for a foreign port, and for any vessel of 50 tons or more related to an inland port, with the exception of a ship in a neighbouring state.

Fishermen who worked in the fishing industry also had to sign boat articles and were entitled to the same privileges and rules as seafarers. The document included the signatures of the master and each crew member (or his signature) and was considered a separate contract for each person undersigned. It provided legal evidence not only of the nature and duration of the trip, but also of the obligations to be fulfilled and the wages due. A copy of the items authenticated by the collector was to be taken on board by the master and should, if necessary, be presented to any consul or commercial agent with whom a complaint has been filed. Since a new contract was required for each trip (and they were not recalled by customs), these documents are often present in maritime collections. They are one of the most valuable and extensive sources of research and provide important information on a wide range of maritime issues. The ship`s section (shipping, official of the ships of the agreement) is the set of documents constituting the contract between the sailors and the captain of a ship. [1] [2] They indicate the name of the vessel, the conditions of employment (including the size and assessments of the proposed complement), compensation for seafarers (actions or payments), the mode of transport and duration[3] and the rules applicable on board and port, including criminal offences and penalties.

[4] [5] [6] [7] Traditionally, each sailor is required to sign the articles and articles contain for each sailor, his assessment, the place and place of the signing and the date of signing the ship. [8] [9] In addition to cash payments, seafarers on board ships traditionally received accommodation (docked station), food (food and care), medical care (on-board physician)[13] and sometimes also laundry services or an alcohol premium.

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